# Net::Qiita Net::Qiita is a simple Perl wrapper for the Qiita API v1. Qiita API documentaion here. http://qiita.com/docs ## SYNOPSIS Net::Qiita interface is very similer to the publc Ruby wrapper (https://github.com/yaotti/qiita-rb). ```perl use Net::Qiita; my $user_items = Net::Qiita->user_items('y_uuki_'); my $tag_items = Net::Qiita->tag_items('perl'); my $item_uuid = '1234567890abcdefg'; my $markdown_content = Net::Qiita->item(item_uuid); my $client = Net::Qiita->new( url_name => 'y_uuki_', password => 'mysecret', ); # or $client = Net::Qiita->new( token => 'myauthtoken', ); $user_items = $client->user_items; ``` ## LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. y_uuki