# NAME Pcore::PDF - non-blocking HTML to PDF converter # SYNOPSIS use Pcore::PDF; my $pdf = Pcore::PDF->new({ bin => 'path-to-princexml-executable', max_threads => 4, }); # blocking mode, blocks only current coroutine my $res = $pdf->generate_pdf($html); # non-blocking mode $pdf->generate_pdf($html, sub ($res) { if (!$res) { say $res; } else { # $res->{data} contains ScalarRef to generated PDF content } return; }); # DESCRIPTION Generate PDF from HTML templates, using princexml. # ATTRIBUTES - bin Path to `princexml` executable. Mandatory attribute. - max\_threads Maximum number of princexml processes. Default value is `4`. # METHODS - generate\_pdf( $self, $html, $cb = undef ) Generates PDF from `$html` template. `$result` is a standard Pcore API result object, see [Pcore::Lib::Result](https://metacpan.org/pod/Pcore::Lib::Result) documentation for details. # SEE ALSO - [Pcore](https://metacpan.org/pod/Pcore) - [Pcore::Lib::Result](https://metacpan.org/pod/Pcore::Lib::Result) - [https://www.princexml.com/](https://www.princexml.com/) # AUTHOR zdm # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2016 by zdm.