NAME XML::Easy - XML processing with a clean interface DESCRIPTION This distribution includes modules relating to the processing, parsing, and serialisation of XML data. It is oriented towards the use of XML to represent data for interchange purposes, rather than the use of XML as markup of principally textual data. It does not perform any schema processing, and does not interpret DTDs or any other kind of schema. It adheres strictly to the XML specification, in all its awkward details, except for the aforementioned DTDs. The XML::Easy module supplies functions that parse and serialise XML data according to the XML 1.0 specification. The functions are implemented in C for performance, with a pure Perl backup version (which has good performance compared to other pure Perl parsers) for systems that can't handle XS modules. The XML::Easy::Syntax module supplies Perl regular expressions encompassing the grammar of XML 1.0, except for document type declarations and DTDs. They can be used to construct an XML parser, but it is generally recommended to use a pre-existing parser (as supplied in XML::Easy) when doing ordinary XML processing. This module is most useful when doing irregular things with XML. The XML::Easy::Element class represents XML data trees in abstract form, without any irrelevant detail resulting from the textual syntax. This is a suitable form for application code to manipulate an XML representation of application data. INSTALLATION perl Build.PL ./Build ./Build test ./Build install AUTHOR Andrew Main (Zefram) COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2008 PhotoBox Ltd LICENSE This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.