**Shadow Daemon** is a collection of tools to **detect**, **protocol** and **prevent** **attacks** on *web applications*. Technically speaking, Shadow Daemon is a **web application firewall** that intercepts requests and filters out malicious parameters. It is a modular system that separates web application, analysis and interface to increase security, flexibility and expandability. This component can be used to connect Perl applications with the [background server](https://github.com/zecure/shadowd). # Documentation For the full documentation please refer to [shadowd.zecure.org](https://shadowd.zecure.org/). # Installation You can install the modules with CPAN: cpan -i Shadowd::Connector It is also possible to clone this repository and install the modules manually: perl Makefile.PL make make install You also have to create a configuration file. You can copy *misc/examples/connectors.ini* to */etc/shadowd/connectors.ini*. The example configuration is annotated and should be self-explanatory. ## CGI To protect CGI applications you simply have to load the module: use Shadowd::Connector::CGI; This can be automated by executing Perl scripts with: perl -mShadowd::Connector::CGI ## Mojolicious Mojolicious applications require a small modification. It is necessary to create a hook to intercept requests: use Shadowd::Connector::Mojolicious; sub startup { my $app = shift; $app->hook(before_dispatch => sub { my $self = shift; return Shadowd::Connector::Mojolicious->new($self)->start(); }); # ... } ## Mojolicious::Lite Mojolicious::Lite applications require a small change as well: use Shadowd::Connector::Mojolicious; under sub { my $self = shift; return Shadowd::Connector::Mojolicious->new($self)->start(); }; The connector is only executed if the request matches a route.