Tinderbox client Version 1.1p (perl version 0.01) By Zach Lipton This client is designed for the testing of perl. To use, choose between a perl5 tinderbox and a perl6 tinderbox. For perl5: cp sample_config/Tinderconfig.rsync.pm Tinderconfig.pm For perl6: cp sample_config/Tinderconfig.cvs.pm Tinderconfig.pm Then edit the Tinderconfig.pm file to reflect your setup. Just run tinderbox.pl like this to keep it running all the time: nohup ./tinderbox.pl Simply look up the process id using ps and use kill if you wish to stop the Tinderbox. It will automatically pick up any config file changes so there is no need to restart if you change your configuration. Note that these scripts are covered under the MPL/GPL/LGPL tri-license as indicated in each file. Happy hacking! Zach