# Zonemaster Engine [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/dotse/zonemaster-engine.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/dotse/zonemaster-engine) [![CPAN version](https://badge.fury.io/pl/Zonemaster-Engine.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/pl/Zonemaster-Engine) ## Purpose This repository holds one of the components of the Zonemaster product. For an overview of the Zonemaster software, please see the [Zonemaster main repository](https://github.com/dotse/zonemaster). This Git repository contains the *Zonemaster Engine testing framework*, and contains all code needed to perform the full suite of Zonemaster tests. ## Prerequisites For supported processor architectures, operating systems and Perl versions see [Zonemaster/README.md](https://github.com/dotse/zonemaster/blob/master/README.md). ## Installation Installation instructions for the Engine is provided in the [installation](docs/Installation.md) document. ## Configuration This repository does not need any specific configuration. ## Documentation There is full POD coverage of the Perl code. The documentation can be read on the [CPAN site](https://metacpan.org/pod/Zonemaster::Engine). For a curious user, there are documentations regarding translating the output to a new language, implementing a new test and the log entries under the directory [docs](docs/). ## Participation, Contact and Bug reporting For [participation], [contact] and [bug reporting], please see [Zonemaster/README.md](https://github.com/dotse/zonemaster/blob/master/README.md). ## License The software is released under the 2-clause BSD license. See separate LICENSE file. [participation]: https://github.com/dotse/zonemaster/blob/master/README.md#participation [contact]: https://github.com/dotse/zonemaster/blob/master/README.md#contact [bug reporting]: https://github.com/dotse/zonemaster/blob/master/README.md#bug-reporting