NAME WWW::Lipsum - get autogenerated text from DESCRIPTION "WWW::Lipsum" is a module that will retrive "lorem ipsum" placeholder text from What is "lorem ipsum"? "Lorem Ipsum, or Lipsum for short, is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only four centuries, but now the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lipsum." -- is a useful resource on the Web that will generate passages of lorem ipsum text for you in sizes of your choice. This module allows you to retrieve them in an OO fashion to utilise for whatever purpose you wish. SYNOPSIS use WWW::Lipsum; my $lipsum = WWW::Lipsum->new; print $lipsum->generate; my @paragraphs = $lipsum->generate( amount => 5, what => 'paras', start => 'no', html => 1 ); METHODS There is just one method, "generate", which returns lorem ipsum text. It has several options to correspond with those offered by print $lipsum->generate; # default usage, no options This will give you one paragraph of lorem ipsum, beginning with the phrase "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet", as is traditional. The size of a "paragraph" is randomly determined by the text generator, but is generally between 70 and 120 words. my @paragraphs = $lipsum->generate( amount => 5, what => 'paras', start => 'no', html => 0 ); This will give you five paragraphs of lorem ipsum, the first of which will be without the starting phrase. Setting 'html' to 1 will cause each paragraph to be wrapped in HTML's

tags. print $lipsum->generate( amount => 100, what => 'words' ); This will give you a hundred words of lorem ipsum with the starting phrase. The 'html' setting has no effect if you ask for words. When used to fill a variable, this will give you a list with one item. print $lipsum->generate( amount => 1024, what => 'bytes' ); This will give you 1024 bytes of lorem ipsum with the starting phrase. Again, the 'html' setting will have no effect. Again, this will give you a one-item list. my @lists = $lipsum->generate( amount => 10, what => 'lists', html => 1 ); The text generator's 'lists' setting produces HTML lists of random size. Using this setting with this module will give you small chunks of text, generally of the order of a couple of sentences. Using the 'html' setting will cause these chunks to be wrapped in
  • tags for you to use as you see fit. If 'html' is off, you will get blocks of single lines of text. OLD METHOD NAMES The "generate" method used to be called "lipsum"; this is retained as an alias to "generate" if you really want it. MAINTAINER Zoffix Znet AUTHOR Earle Martin wrote this scraper, but see THANKS for details of who really did the work. LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT This program is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License (CC BY-SA 3.0). To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA. LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Artistic ### This is to fix a seemingly buggy behaviour of Test::Kwalitee; the actual license is in the section above THANKS All kudos must go to James Wilson for creating and thus providing inspiration for this module - and also for kindly actually modifying the way his site works to make it easier for me to parse.