National Instruments DAQ-STC E-series driver for Linux

You need isapnptools to use this driver. A sample isapnp.conf file is included. Once isapnp has been installed and has configured your E-series board, run the daq_load perl script to load the driver module. The script also creates an entry in /dev for this driver. Run daq_test to measure channel 1 (not 0, which I use for cold-junction temperature compensation) in differential mode. Note that daq_test assumes there is a 1.5V cell attached to channel 1.

To build the driver, run make after editing Makefile to define INTERRUPT_MODE if you want to use interrupts. Note that interrupt mode is actually slower on my test i486-40 than polled mode. Don't mind the compile time warnings about unused variables -- it's still under construction. Please send me any changes you make to this driver. (I guess that makes me the code maintainer.)

The work I've done on this driver is for some test equipment I am developing. This driver was released with the permission of my employer,

Tracor Applied Sciences, Inc.
Energy and Environmental Services Division
Rockville, MD, USA

Please do not email me with questions regarding port assignments, setup, bitfields, etc. I will make a poor substitute for the documentation bought from National Instruments, or the Linux Kernel Hackers' Guide. I don't really know what the set up instructions do. I only know enough to make it work for measurements. Later, I will probably add some timer and digital I/O.

Reinhold J. Gerharz
Last modified: Tue Mar 11 20:54:37 EST