You just got the Linux driver software for the Analog Devices data acquisition board RTI860. The driver was developed at FhG/IITB and is nothing official from Analog Devices. The driver is in use on a Pentium-75 Linux-box with a kernel 1.3.?? We don't guarantee anything about its operation, but if you need any help, feel free to mail me at CONTENTS: o source code for the driver, which is added to the kernel as an installable module (insmod, etc.) o source code for rti860set, a command line driven programm to set parameters of the driver and the board o mkdev, a script to generate the device special files to access the driver A manual page for the driver is currently missing. However, if you are familiar with the operation of the RTI860, you should be able to use the driver: Configure it with rti860set and then copy from the device-special file. I promise to write a manual page as soon as I get to know of at least one person really keen on using this stuff ;-) INSTALLATION 1) The driver currently uses device major number 58. Please check the file /usr/include/linux/major.h to make sure this does not interfere with any other device. If you suspect you have to change it, you have to edit the file rti860.c at about line 28, where it says #define RTI860_MAJOR 58 If you choose a number larger than MAX_CHRDEV in /usr/include/linux/major.h, make sure to change major.h as well and recompile your kernel. 2) Run make. It creates rti860.o (the driver module) and rti860set. (Please ignore the two warnings.) 3) As root, install the driver into the kernel with make install 4) As root, create the device special files by running mkdev 5) Run rti860set to set up the driver and board. Use rti860set -h to see a usage-message. 6) You now can digitize data by just reading the device special file associated with your board. If it is at part 0x300, the least you can do is something like cat /dev/rti860_300 > For a start, much more interesting will be like hexdump -v -e '8/2 "%6u "' -e '"\n"' /dev/rti860_300