Real-Time Linux RPM's

I've made a set of RPMS for the real-time extensions to linux that have been developed by Michael Barabanov and Victor Yodaiken at New Mexico Tech. For more information about their project please consult their information page.

If you currently have a RedHat 4.2 installation with the default 2.0.30 kernel you will want to get these files:

This package will add the needed components to get rtlinux up and running on your RH 4.2 system. YOU will need to edit your lilo.conf and add an entry to boot the new kernel.
This file has the headers you will need to compile the examples. You should force a deinstallation of your current headers and the install this RPM.
You will need this file to patch the sound example.
This is the source RPM. It is just a modified kernel RPM from Redhat with the extra patch.


Your system may croak and die. Don't play around unless your sure of what you are doing.

Please send me suggestions on how to improve the RPMS. I'm pretty new at this. I'll have the rest of the RPMS up soon. I'm not sure what use they are, however.

I'll add some more info later. Please email me with any problems you have with these RPMS (not the rtlinux stuff) at
