...making Linux just a little more fun!
Scott Bicknell (sbicknel at cox.net)
Tue Jul 4 09:33:45 PDT 2006
RE: http://linuxgazette.net/128/lg_tips.html#2-cent-tips.1
> from the Control Center select Appearance & Themes. Choose > Background from the sub-menu. Yeah, Background. Who knew?
It's even easier than that. Just right-click the desktop background and click "Configure Desktop...." It takes you directly to the Background configuration screen without having to navigate the K menu and the Control Center interface. From there, just follow the same procedure outlined in your tip.
Edgar Howell (Edgar_Howell at web.de)
Sun Jul 2 06:30:45 PDT 2006
Just found the time (unusual mid-week) to glance at Novell's latest newslatter, Novell Linux News, of 28 June and there is a potentially interesting article on use of VMware. It involves compilation and references OES Linux, which I am not familiar with. Nonetheless it might be worth pointing out to readers as an alternate approach or at least another source of information for SuSE users.
Running a VMware Virtual Machine as a Service in OES Linux
Hmmm, having just read the reader comments at the end, dunno. But nothing wrong with letting other people make up their own minds.
[Rick] - The intended reference is obviously to Novell OpenEnterprise Server. A minority of us old-timers have some lingering fondness for Novell NetWare, and might have lost at least a little sleep wondering what happened to it: Well, OES is where it went.
NetWare historically started from DOS on a tiny FAT partition, with the booting NetWare core then seizing control from DOS and then mounting the NetWare-native filesystems, and starting various network services. As reimplemented in OES, the base OS is a full-blown SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) installation instead of DOS -- and the NetWare core, ZenWorks, and other stuff are implemented as (I gather) regular SysVInit services.
The referenced Novell application note explains how to launch VMware within the Novell environment that's in turn running on SLES. That's not actually useful for SUSE users as such, though it is indeed a "cool solution" (in the wording of that app note) for NetWare / OES admins.
vsesto (vsesto at adelphia.net)
Sat May 20 16:37:43 PDT 2006
Hello Thomas
I have an interesting issue that I wanted to ask you about regarding FvwmCommand.
I have some apps that I "exec" in the InitFunction in the .fvwm2rc file.
One of these apps issues a FvwmCommand. Does it take time for the FvwmCommandS FIFO server to start up before being reasonably able to begin issuing commands?
I ask this because I noticed that the FvwmCommand fails ... but then if the app issues it some time later it succeeds. Kinda strange ... should my app actually wait some time to give Fvwm time to finish it's initialization?
[Thomas] - As an aside to your question, the use of InitFunction (if you're not using FVWM 2.4.X) isn't something you should use. Thanks to the Test command, you can now conditionally check to see at which state FVWM is in when it is either restarting, loading, etc. FVWM will always read the ''StartFunction'' across inits and reboots, hence:
DestroyFunc StartFunction AddToFunc StartFunction + I Test (Init) Exec exec my_applicationIf you just had:
+ I Exec exec my_applicationin your StartFunction, that would get run regardless of whether FVWM was restarting or initialising.
> One of these apps issues a FvwmCommand. Does it take time for the > FvwmCommandS FIFO server to start up before being reasonably able to > begin issuing commands?That depends (note that the use of "server" is slightly erroneous, given that it does nothing more than create the FIFO). It isn't so much the fact that it takes time, as it is a matter of when it gets ran. Consider for a moment the following derived function:
DestroyFunc StartFunction AddToFunc StartFunction + I Module FvwmEvent some_alias + I Test (Init) Exec exec feh --scale-bg some_image.jpg + I Test (Init) Exec exec xteddy -wm + I Module FvwmCommandS + I FvwmCommand 'Function myfunction'One might expect those commands to run synchronously (one after the other in the order that they're specified). By and large that's often the case, however there are times when that isn't always true. If you consider that some commands might have a certain latency about them, then it may well be that some of the commands are started out of sync to the order listed in the function. FVWM makes no attempt at synchronisation within commands started in the 'I'mmediate context.
So what are your options? In FVWM 2.5.X you can use the ''Schedule'' command which waits a certain number of milliseconds before starting a command. This is non-blocking to anything else, hence:
DestroyFunc StartFunction AddToFunc StartFunction + I Module FvwmEvent some_alias + I Test (Init) Exec exec feh --scale-bg some_image.jpg + I Test (Init) Exec exec xteddy -wm + I Module FvwmCommandS + I Schedule 900 FvwmCommand 'Function myfunction'Here, the schedule command will wait 900 milliseconds (almost a second) before running the specified command.
In FVWM 2.4.X however, you can't use the Schedule command as it wasn't introduced then. What you would need to do is use PipeRead if it was something you needed to send FVWM:
+ I PipeRead 'sleep 5 && echo "Function myfunction"'Or if you wanted to just spawn a separate process:
+ I Exec sh -c 'sleep 3 && exec my_application'> I ask this because I noticed that the FvwmCommand fails ... but then > if the app issues it some time later it succeeds. Kinda strange ... > should my app actually wait some time to give Fvwm time to finish it's > initialization?See above. Note that your use of FvwmCommand within a function which FVWM is already evaluating seems very superfluous. Consider what FvwmCommand does -- its job is to send commands from an external source (such as a shell script, or terminal). It works fine in those situations, but do you need it from within a function? No, of course not -- FVWM is already interpreting those commands for itself. Why go the long-way around in spawning a command externally, and then sending it back to FVWM?
What you probably are angling for (I'm guessing here since you haven't said what it is you're trying to do) is interpolating various conditions and then getting FVWM to react to certain things based on the outcome. Since such "processing" is typically done at the shell-level, this is where the ''PipeRead'' command comes in useful. Note only that but it's operation is synchronous. :)
Where PipeRead shines is being able to script various things at the shell, and then send back commands to FVWM to act upon. Take a derived example. Suppose you wanted to evaluate an environment variable -- or perhaps more importantly set its value. FVWM has the ability to export environment variables into its own environment space by way of the ''SetEnv'' command. Hence:
SetEnv myvariable 200... will export and declare a variable called 'myvariable' with a value of 200. In doing so, other FVWM modules when they are spawned will inherit those variables (because of the fact that all process created from FVWM inherit information from its process space -- just like the paent/child relationship to shells). This is really their main use -- despite the fact that some people think it a good idea to overuse them. (1)
Now let's assume that we wanted to create a new variable which holds the result of performing some mathematical function on our ''myvariable'' variable. FVWM has no builtin capabilities to operate numeric operations (yet). The only way you're going to be able to do that is at the shell level. PipeRead will help us achieve that, as in:
PipeRead 'echo SetEnv mynewvar $(($[myvariable] + 1))'It's important to realise what this line is doing (and how FVWM operates in this context). As soon as you open up a PipeRead command, you're at the shell level. That means shell-quoting techniques apply. The next thing to realise is that it's an evaluative mechanism. Typically the whole point of using PipeRead is to evaluate a condition and react to it. So FVWM typically expects a reply in return. FVWM will know you're asking it to do something by you echo'ing back your responses. These reponses are then read by FVWM, as though they were typed in an FVWM configuration file, or in FvwmConsole.
Variable interpolation happens first of all. $[myvariable] (which is FVWM's way of interpolating a variable) is expanded. The shell then performs an increment on the variable. When that's done the value is echo'ed back to FVWM along with the "SetEnv mynewvar" part, hence FVWM sees and executes:
SetEnv mynewvar 201...cool huh? Note that I have seen some people try to achieve the same thing by doing this:
SetEnv y PipeRead "echo $[2*$[x]]"I can see the logic behind this, but consider why this doesn't work (based on what you now know). FVWM will run the PipeRead command and have back some number (whatever the result of 2*$x interpolates to) -- of course, FVWM has no knowledge of what the number might do. It also (because of where the expansion occurs) has no idea to connect it to the SetEnv part before it. Hence in order to resolve that issue, it's important to remember that everything has to be in the PipeRead command. I've explored this issue in the following (2)
The other great thing about PipeRead (as I have said) is that it's synchronous. FVWM will wait for a PipeRead command to finish. So this is probably what you really want to use. This greatly ensures that commands are ran one after the other.
I hope that helps, and I apologise for the somewhat rambling nature of my replies -- I have no idea how many other people on this list care for the information (or the readership this will reach), but it can't hurt. :)
MNZ (mnzaki at gmail.com)
Fri Jun 9 05:57:04 PDT 2006
Hi, I'm a Linux enthusiast who would like to "get better". I just dunno what to do next (don't laugh!). I have a Debian, working quite well (after a long struggle) , and everything's alright. I just want to know what to do/learn/try next?
This is not a linux-unrelated question. In fact it's very Linux related!
[prays not to get flamed]
[Kapil] - Ah. "I enter the shop of the-101-flavours-try-any-number-for-free and I don't know what to do next!"
[MNZ] - That's exactly my situation....... : - /
[Kapil] - Take a step back and think about why you wanted to use the computer in the first place:
1. Write nice documents.
2. Calculate some things.
3. Play games.
4. Write/design games.
5. Create graphics.
6. Play audio/video.
7. Compose audio/video.
8. Impress your friends.
[MNZ] - Interesting question....... What do I use a computer for? [At this point, I got very conffuzled @_@]
[Kapil] - This is the garden of infinitely forking paths and each one leads somewhere. Pick one. After that you can pick applications specific to that activity---look at "tags" under Debian as a way of looking at the choices for applications or ask at TAG for more info.
[MNZ] - Thanks, I'll look at the tags
[Neil] - How about picking some of the items you struggled with and volunteering to improve the documentation.
[Kat] - Your question's sort of vague, and thus hard to answer, but I suspect someone will be along shortly with some responses that might shake out some clarity all around in that regard.
Your question is Linux related, and I think it'd be the start of an excellent article!
[MNZ] - My Stupid question can start an article? I amaze myself sometimes......
[Kat] - * grin * OH, all sorts of things can spark articles.
[Kat] - I'm meddling here, but it strikes me that your Debian-configuration struggle sounds like it was recent, and that your recollection of it might be fresh. There are lots of people for whom that would be old hat, but I know that I am interested in hearing that sort of story.
[MNZ] - Actually my "struggle" is just 5 months old, normal stuff for a biggner. Mainly opengl and ALSA. But don't take me lightly! I might be a biggner but I have learnt a lot in this time. I used wind0ze for a loooong time (7 years) but it was my only choice, and I never actually knew that there was another OS (just to avoid bedazzlement, I'm 14. I guess that explains a lot)
[Kat] - You're 14? I think I'm more prepared to believe that you're a typing & talking dog. You could have told me you were 44 and I'd have believed that.
[MNZ] - I do know a lot now, good C++ and good PHP , linux in general. From here I just dunno where to go next.
[Kat] - Write up what you remember about how you got to where you are now. This phase usually doesn't get captured, and I think it's the sort of thing that can really inspire other people.
[Kat] - Oh, and...there's not really a standard curriculum for what comes next. It seems to me that the real question is, what do you want to do next? Is it a matter of being utterly at a loss to know what the next options are, nevermind choosing one? (I've been there in various forms, knowing that I was ignorant and not knowing how to start fixing it.)
[Jason] - If you're interested in programming, you might want to take a look at Eric S. Raymond's "How To Become A Hacker" essay .
[MNZ] - I have read that before, and also parts of the jargon
[Jason] - One of ESR's suggestions is to learn different many different languages. This is a great idea because of the different programming approaches this exposes you to. Every programming language is biased towards some way of solving problems. But you won't be able to appreciate this fact unless you are familar with how another language does things.
For instance, recursion is a powerful concept. It's also somewhat of a second class citizen in languages like C++ and PHP. So if you're coding along in a language like that, and you run into a problem that's a natural fit for recursion, you might not realize it unless you know a language where recursion is used extensively, like Lisp or a functional programming language, such as Haskell or Ocaml.
By the way, for learning Lisp, "The Little Schemer" is a great introduction to Scheme[1]. It's actually less of an introduction to Scheme as it is a guide on how to think recursively. It uses an unusual teaching style (the Socratic method, actually) which I find to be effective because it forces you to think about hard concepts.
[1] "Lisp" is not actually not particular language, but rather a family of languages, to which Scheme (and many other languages, of course) belongs.
[MNZ] - Thanks for the suggestion! That's what I'll do now, Try to learn Scheme from that book. In fact I'll start right away.
[Lew] - Funny, but I was going to reply (and still am, :-) ) similarly, but with a difference. I'm a programmer by trade (an "IT Specialist", if you believe my job description), and I spend a lot of time at my computer. However, I don't spend a lot of time developing on my systems at home; that would be too much like work, I guess.
I find myself "learning many different applications", rather than many different languages. I concur with ESR's opinion on the benefits of learning many different languages (I know at least 8 or 9 programming languages, p'haps more, if I dig a bit), and I have found that such knowledge helps me do my job. Extending ESR's opinion a bit, I find that the more I know about the tools and applications that I use, the more alternatives I can find for methods and practices (the how and why) of building applications.
So, my suggestion would be to do something like
- install and configure a caching name server, and learn how DNS works
- install and configure a Wiki on your system and learn how web services work,
- install QEMU and MSWindows and learn how virtualization technology works
- put together a VPN using StrongSwan and learn how VPNs work
- build a tough firewall from scratch, and learn how firewalls workThese will give you the breadth of experience in order to pick and choose techniques and solutions when you do write your next programming project.
[Thomas] - I can't thank you enough for asking this question. Ok, so you have Debian installed (which flavour was it, by the way?). Stable's probably good to start off with -- that is guaranteed more or less not to go wrong (from a package management point of view). You haven't said how far along with things you are, so here's some ideas/experiences for you.
Get to know the command-line. I cannot stress that enough. I realise in the sugar-coated world of KDE and GNOME, there's now a GUI that can wipe your arse, but in the $REAL_WORLD, using KDE and GNOME for the rest of your linuxy life is just not going to be a likelihood you can rely on. If X11 breaks (it can do) then you'll be left at the command-line.
[MNZ] - I Forgot to say How Far I got, quite sorry, It could have saved you alot, but I did say that on another reply. Actually I've been more than 5 months with Debian (testing) now. I Already got used to the command-line, because X11 did break! It was a really pain getting Opengl up properly and ALSA too.
[Thomas] - No -- I wasn't really replying with your own skills in mind.
[Thomas] - What do I mean when I say "command-line"? I don't mean learn shell programming (which in your case, like most linux distros, will be bash). That can come in time. I mean learn some of the basics about the commands that affect your system, such as package management. So, here's a little overview of how to do that, along with some history and examples, just to bore you.
Back in the Debian 2.0 days (Slink and the like), there existed apt-get. It had always been there from Debian's inception, and it's one of the best package management resolution tools there is. Debian pretty much uses the "one tool only, and that tool will do its job well" philosophy so evident throughout UNIX history (read Eric Raymond's "The Art of Computer Programming" if you're interested). Example: you wan't to search for packages that relate to circuits:
$ apt-cache search circuits... would search the descriptions and names to match the word 'circuits'. If you just wanted to search the package names for that word, you can use:
$ apt-cache --names-only search circuitsIf you like the look of a package, you can install it, simply by issuing the command:
$ apt-cache install <name>... where "<name>" expands to some package name. Now, there's one thing you should always do before installing new packages, and that's:
$ sudo apt-get update(If you don't know what sudo is, it runs programs as the root user -- hence where I use sudo in my examples, you will have to ensure you're the root user.)
What that command does is pull down all the new packages and dependencies information from the branch of Debian you're using. How does it know that? Simple. It uses the URLs listed in /etc/apt/sources.list.
It's this information that apt-get then uses in determining not only which packages are available to you, but also their dependencies, etc. Apt-get does it all for you, and it's not something you need to worry about. So apt-get is reponsible for dependency resolution in the grand scheme of things. Once it has worked out all of that and downloaded the packages, the next tool in the chain is "dpkg". This tool's job is simply to install the packages, and manage them at the lower level. It doesn't understand or care about dependencies.
Removing packages is much the same, although the term "removing" comes in two flavours. The term "remove" removes all files of that packages except its configuration files, whereas the term "purge" removes all files including those configuration files, hence:
$ sudo apt-get remove <name>... removes all but the configuration files, whereas:
$ sudo apt-get --purge remove <name>... removes all files, plus the configuration files. It's an important distinction, and it's done that way so that a package can be removed during the upgrade of a package (say) without there being any loss to the custom configuration of those files.
As to which one you as the user wants to use -- if you know it's a non-critical package (and that you have some form of configuration files stored in your $HOME directory). using --purge won't hurt you, since dpkg can only remove those files that belonged to the package initially, and not ones created by the user which still -relate- to it (this is the one thing the RPM package manager does though, and that I agree with to an extent).
Following so far? Good. Because that's the very, very, basics of it. That will get you installing and removing packages that you perhaps don't want.
What's next? Hmm. Mess about in some of the GUIs. That's very important since you need to find one that you're going to be best productive in, I suppose. Install KDE. Install GNOME. Do whatever with them -- both have their advantages and disadvantages. If you want to know what others there are, then see:
... if you want to see which ones are packaged for Debian, a list of package names can be had by running the following command:
$ apt-cache showpkg x-window-manager(Note that I used to maintain this webpage you might find useful: http://www.hantslug.org.uk/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?LinuxHints/DebianTips )
[MNZ] - I have checked out the page. There's lots of stuff I didn't know that's because I usually use aptitude. But I'm trying to learn using apt-get now, It somehow seems...... stronger.
[Thomas] - Debian is pushing aptitiude. I resist it because it's broken. Especially in that it does things differently depending on whether you're in its interactive mode (ncurses) or command-line.
[MNZ] - Thanks for your help. By the way the page you sent me is VERY useful! great site!
[Thomas] - After that -- I am not sure. What interests do you have that you could apply to your learning?
[MNZ] - It's the "after that" part that I don't know. But Anyway, the url and the part that I snipped here were very helpful Thanks alot Thomas.
[Raj] - If you want to become a sysadmin (or a power user), here is my list of things to learn http://rajshekhar.net/content/view/26/26/ .
[MNZ] - Thanks! Now I Have a lot to do. I'm going to try to do everything listed on that page. I already know/did some of those, but there's a lot I never tried. Anyway I'm trying to learn Scheme now, completing these will be my next goal.
[Rick] - To be a sysadmin, it also helps to have a bad attitude -- though it's not absolutely essential to arrive with one. (It'll be issued to you.)
[Kat] - 1/2;) - why does it help to have a bad attitude? A bit of cynicism, that I can see being helpful. Outright bad attitudes toward lUsers, I've never understood that.
[Rick] - Because the BOfH's four main weapons are a bulk eraser, an etherkiller, an electrified doorknob..., and a fanatical devotion to Simon Travaglia. And surprise. Surprise and fear.... nice black uniforms. No, no, our five main weapons are...
...I'll come in again.
[Martin] - :) Made me grin...
Rick do you know his adventures are here: http://www.theregister.co.uk/odds/bofh/
[Rick] - I did, indeed. (The early ones are still the best.)
[Jimmy] - The guy who introduced me to Linux said this of users: "Always assume stupidity. You'll rarely be wrong." :)
[Rick] - Alternative, equally unkind formulation is in .signature block.
-- Cheers, The Technical Support Credo: Rick Moen Remember, there are no stupid questions, rick at linuxmafia.com only stupid people asking questions.
[MNZ] - One more thing, I like that part that says " in infinite wisdom MNZ spoke thus On 06/09/2006 06:27 PM:" XD
[Rick] - MNZ, you might actually want to work on your own attribution string, which I'm guessing must be the default of
> User-Agent: KMail/1.7.2Meaning no personal criticism, the attribution phrase "you wrote" is a bit less than informative when used on mailing lists. You also may or may not want to change your GECOS field to something approximating your name. If nothing else, "MNZ" is a bit challenging to pronounce. ;->
[Kat] - Oh, "emenzee" and "menzee" seem like possibilities...
[Jimmy] - I'd have gone with 'minz', but that's probably because I've recently been introduced to a popular Polish activity: making fun of the Czech language. :)
[Ben] - Articulate, polite, computer-savvy, and ambitious - all at 14 years old. MNZ, I'm impressed. :)
[MNZ] - Thanks!
[Ben] - As has already been suggested here, you should indeed write an article about your experiences with Linux; I suspect that it would make a very interesting exposition for many people who are, perhaps, too timid to dive into this big ocean. If you're interested in doing so, take a look at our New Author Guide (appended), and email me if you have any further questions. It would be a pleasure to see one from you.
[MNZ] - Mr. Neil Youngman has suggested documentation, I know. But I don't fell very comfortable writing something (Although I'm considering giving it a shot, I already have a little website on my localhost that I might try to enlarge later), I think I 'll just go with learning something new now.
[Ben] - Cool beans. :) If you change your mind, you know where we live (articles go to articles@linuxgazette.net, BTW.)
The New Author Guide (excerpted from http://linuxgazette.net/faq/author.html ) that Ben appended at the end of his e-mail has been clipped. - Kat
[MNZ] - I have read the whole article (New authors guide), very nice.
One last thing, it's a little off topic but I just had to share it :) I found this on my google personal homepage under jokes:
"There was once a young man who, in his youth, professed his desire to become a great writer.
When asked to define "great" he said, "I want to write stuff that the whole world will read, stuff that people will react to on a truly emotional level, stuff that will make them scream, cry, howl in pain and anger!"
He now works for Micr0s0ft, writing error messages."
[Ben] - [laugh] I hadn't heard that one before; it's cute. Thanks, MNZ!
clarjon1 (clarjon1 at gmail.com)
Mon Jun 12 09:01:26 PDT 2006
Hey, Ben
Do you remember those Frink and Woomert stories you had? I enjoyed them: Humour, and education! Wish my school did that sorta thing... Anyways, think you could write one once in a while? Thanks!
[Thomas] - http://linuxgazette.net/126/lg_mail.html#gaz.1
[Ben] - Well, thanks for the encouragement. Life's been pretty full lately, but I've actually managed to toss a few ideas into a file destined to eventually become a Perl One-Liner of the Month. I'm not sure of when I'll have a chance to write it (might even be this month, since the article stream has been pretty thin), but it's definitely on the boards.
[Clarjon1] - Hey, ben, as to that one idea, with the spaceship and all? what if their language could be translated by decoding it with some perl modules? u know, like with morse and i dunno, mebbe uuencode or something? a few different formats maybe? just an idea to throw past you...
[Ben] - It's a cute idea - thanks! - but then I'd have to define their language. Hmmm... maybe it's similar to Klingon, or Igpay-Atinlay... :)
[Clarjon1] - PS: I wrote my first perl program! it's very simple, based mostly on one of the things in the perl tutorial, and it searches through lines in a file for the criteria...
[Ben] - Ah, good old "perl -wne'print if /criterion/' file.txt". :)
[Clarjon1] - I use it to keep track of appointments and important stuff. Right now i have to use a text editor to add stuff, but I'm sure I can get an input worked in eventually... I used that example of how to call up a filename, and then search for keywords. Works for me thus far!
[Ben] - Which Perl tutorial is this? There are a lot of them out there.
[Clarjon1] - Umm, one of the man pages...
[Ben] -
ben at Fenrir:~$ cat /usr/share/perl/5.8.8/pod/*|grep -c $ 156874
Somewhere in the over 150k lines of'em. Oh well... :)
(BTW, do me a favor - insert a blank line between the text you're responding to and your response. This makes it much easier to read.)
[Ben] - As to a reading and writing the sort of scheduler you're talking about, there's a little complexity involved; if you want to write to a file, you need to learn about the 'open' call and filehandles. Be careful swimming in those waters; if you're not careful, you'll get hooked and end up as a Perl programmer. Sure, people will throw lots of money at you, you'll be able to do what you want in a tenth of the time that you used to spend, and you'll have lots of fun, but who wants to be bothered with all that stuff? :)
[Clarjon1] - You're right. Enjoying oneself does NOT have a place, or time, in this society. What was i thinking??
Anyways, I've attatched the script as it is right now...
[Ben] - Except that, of course, Mailman scrubs out attachments.
[Rick] - It actually doesn't. I'm guessing Jonathan accidentally omitted the attachment.
[Clarjon1] - Eep! Oh, shoot, i did, didn't I? And i brought my PC into the school to hog -- err, i mean make use of the high speed internet.... Might have been a good thing... Actually, the whole thing is a total of 34 lines long, and only about 8 lines are the actual program <blush>. I've heard so many complaints about people not documenting, I guess I went a little overboard... Ah, well.
Ok, i've pasted the actual bits of code, with a very minimalistic version of comments below. calprog.pl:
#!/usr/bin/perl open(INFILE, "calendar") or die "Can't open input.txt: $!";#outta curiosity, can INFILE be changed to another name, like CALFILE or something? $searchme = shift; #This just grabbed the search term from the command line. How do you get more than one term? must find out... while (<INFILE>) { print if /$searchme/; #searches thru the file for the searchterm } print "\n";#this just spits out a newline when all is done, so that the last result doesn't immediately precede the commandline.
[Ben] - [quoting Clarjon1] -
> #outta > curiosity, can INFILE be changed to another name, like CALFILE or > something?Certainly. You should
1) Construct the name using [A-Za-z_] characters, preferably not beginning with an underscore,
2) Make the filehandle name either Sentence-capped or ALL-capped,
3) preferably make it indicative of what you're opening (e.g., 'In' for an input file, 'Out' for output, 'Data' for reading a data file, etc.), and
4) Make it short so you don't wear your fingers out typing. :)Most people just tend to use 'F' or 'Fh' in most cases.
> $searchme = shift; > #This just grabbed the search term from the command line. How do you > get more than one term? must find out...# Actually removes the elements from @ARGV $a = shift; $b = shift; $c = shift;or
# Does not remove, just copies them ( $a, $b, $c ) = @ARGV[0, 1, 2]
[Clarjon1] - Not much, but it's a start.
[Ben] - Not a bad start at all!
[Thomas] - I use 'tdl' to do this for me: http://www.rpcurnow.force9.co.uk/tdl/
[Rick] - The main Mailman queue process actually doesn't even know what an attachment is, let alone strip them out. The semi-separate Pipermail Web archiver module does present them, if present, on the archive Web pages as separate selectable links, rather than as an inline mess, as was formerly the case.
Pipermail used to be one of the part of Mailman that notoriously sucked, and was included over superior competition such as MHonArc solely because somehow had (half-assedly) coded it in Python (before orphaning it). Fortunately, the Mailman guys eventually got around to making it Suck Less <tm>, bringing Mailman as a whole up to a wholesome mediocrity.
(There: I just eliminated myself from their Christmas card list, I think.)
[Ben] - Feel free to paste code bits into the body of your post - unless, of course, it's huge (at which point, it's best to toss it some place where it's downloadable and provide a link.)
[Rick] - What he said. FYI, this mailing list is configured to reject any message over 40 kB -- solely because that's the Mailman default. It can be adjusted as TAGgers wish, but of course any setting will displease somebody. ;->
[Clarjon1] - /me gets a bit back on topic...
As for the language of the aliens, how about a mixture of:
1) igpay atinlay 2) morse 3) that code one of the previous adventures came up with for the spam-proof emails? (I think it was the one with the government officials who extracted sysadmin or someone like that...)
David Martin (davidmartin1 at gmail.com)
Sun Jun 18 00:15:09 PDT 2006
Hi Gurus,
I need urgent help with grep/awk ok please, I've spent over 17hrs pulling my hair out over this question. I hope you can help a Linux newbie please.
My lecturer has asked me to do the following with this file, But I cannot get this on one line:
grep -o "[[:digit:]]*[.][[:digit:]]*[.][[:digit:]]*[.][[:digit:]]*" httpdaccess.log > ipaddresses.log
One thing I did not do was to remove duplicate entries from the output. I should have run this from the shell instead.
grep -o "[[:digit:]]*[.][[:digit:]]*[.][[:digit:]]*[.][[:digit:]]*" httpdaccess.log | sort -u > ipaddresses.log | rzip ipaddresses.log
Here is the question:
Using an httpd log (which will be provided on the subject forum)
write a single command line using a pipeline of commands mentioned in
The complete guide to Linux system administration: Chapter 5 to
determine the top ten busiest dates (most objects accessed).
I've reformatted this thread, but I've left in Rick's suggestion/request for the general enlightenment of future querents. - Kat
[Rick] - Hi, David! I'm the listadmin, and notice in the logs that you seem to have withdrawn your posting, which was held for listadmin approval because its 1 MB attachment greatly exceeded the 40 kB ceiling on message size.
However, I'm sure the TAG gang would indeed like to help you. Is there a way you could cut the attachment size to just the log portion relevant to your problem -- or to put the logfile on a Web or ftp site and send us the URL rather than a big honkin' file? ;->
If 40kB seems tiny to you, please be aware that many TAG members are on slow dial-up lines. A sudden unplanned 1 MB download is, alas, not OK.
I'm going to forward your post, without the attachment, to TAG, by the way.
[Thomas] - This is NOT a "we do your homework club". However, you're lucky. This question is of suifficient interest that it's one that sometimes crops up from time to time. So I am going to answer it. Do you have you lecturer's email address? I'd like to know how many marks I'd get. :P
Did your lecturer give you that command, or is that your attempt to match an IP address? If your lecturer gave you that command he's an idiot. Because you're using "*" that could potentially match anything -- the only requirement that has is that the periods (.) match, with something vague in between.
Of course, it does work, only because you've told grep to match the explicit form (via it's -o switch). We can improve upon this a bit though. I'm going to use egrep(1) here -- since you seem to be using grep(1), you're going to have to escape the character classes in the following:
egrep -o '[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+' ./access.logThis is much better. This is now matching numbers, since the "+" operator ensures that each number within the tuple delimited by a period (.) must have at least one number. This is true of an IP address. Note though that you can write that a different way:
egrep -o '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}' ./access.logThis is a little more explicit in that it matches anything between one or three numbers, followed by a period (.) -- in the example before it, we were reliant entirely on the fact there might be a number (occuring at least once) upto some length that then had a period (.) -- with the above example, that's contained to anything between 1 -- 3 digits inclusive.
Note that there many more complex regexps one can use to match IP addresses (which essentially look for validity in terms of IP class structures, etc.) although I shall leave those for you to persue at your own leisure.
[Jason] - Does the "IP class" structure really exist anymore? I had thought that when the number of hosts on the internet exploded, the solution was basically "Okay, we need all the address space we can get. Let's throw out IP classes and require explicit netmasks." How far off am I?
[Thomas] - You're not too far out. That is indeed the theory behind it, but for many organisations, their internal networks still use a class-based approach -- they more or less have to, otherwise how else is organised chaos supposed to work when you're a BOFH? :P
[Barry] - You're right on the nail actually. "Classful Notation" has not existed since 1993. It used three classes:
C - (now /24) 256 addresses (the first three octets fixed - 111.111.111.xxx) B - (now /16) ~65k addresses (the first two octets fixed - 111.111.xxx.xxx) A - (now /8) ~16.5m addresses (the first octet fixed - 111.xxx.xxx.xxx)Using classful addressing only fixed sized ranges could be assigned thus wasting address space.
This problem was solved with "Classless Interdomain Routing" (CIDR) (pronounced Cider for the drinkers!). With CIDR, the network is determined with the "slash notation" where the slash indicates the number of significant bits if the IP address was written in binary. e.g. - 256 addresses - 24 significant bits with eight bits per octave resulting in the first three octets fixed as with a class C subnet. - 128 possible addresses - 128 possible addressesSo we can assign two subnets of 128 instead of two class C's of 256 each.
/24's are still commonly used and (incorrectly) referred to as class C's for many internal LANs. This is not really an issue as these use private IP space from one of the three ranges: most common of course being
[Thomas] -
> One thing I did not do was to remove duplicate entries from the > output. I should have run this from the shell instead. > > grep -o "[[:digit:]]*[.][[:digit:]]*[.][[:digit:]]*[.][[:digit:]]*" > httpdaccess.log | sort -u > ipaddresses.log | rzip ipaddresses.logI'd have used "uniq" here, but it's up to you. Note that the command above as you have it doesn't work -- at least not as far as rzip is concerned. What you probably wanted was something like:
egrep -o '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}' ./access.log | \ sort -u > ./ipaddresses.log && rzip ipaddresses.logAssuming of course that rzip is capable of reading and writing to the same file. I don't know -- never used it, so it's something you'd have to check. Note of course what was wrong with your command initially. You were redirecting the output from sort(1) to a file and then somehow expecting that output to be available at the pipeline for rzip to interpret. That's not true -- the contents of the pipeline from sort had been dumped to a file, hence the need to get rzip to use the ipaddresses.log file. Again, because I don't know what rzip is like, you might be able to use:
egrep -o '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}' ./access.log | \ sort -u | rzip ipaddresses.log> Here is the question: Q5 Using an httpd log (which will be provided > on the subject forum) write a single command line using a pipeline > of commands mentioned in The complete guide to Linux system > administration: Chapter 5 to determine the top ten busiest dates (most > objects accessed).What a crap question. I have no idea why your lecturer thinks there needs to be a pipeline of commands --- one can implement this easily enough in awk or ruby without using anything else. Here's a start to what you want:
tail -n 500 ./access.log | \ egrep -o '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}' | \ sort -n | uniq -c | sort -nr -t ' ' -k 1I've used tail so I only see the last five hunderd or so lines (my access.log file is huge). I've used uniq to count and display the number of unique entries of IP address matched. The sort command (overly superfluous with its options here. but you ge the idea, I'm sure) sorts the first column for frequency and reverses it.
Using AWK, here's the same thing:
tail -n 500 ./access.log | awk '$1 ~ [0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+ {print $1}' \ | sort -n | uniq -c | sort -nr -t ' ' -k 1You then want to match the date. Hmm. That depends on the format of the log file your lecturer has given you. Of course, what has been matched above is an accummulation of IP address frequencies across all dates, and not anything specific. For the access.log file I am looking at, the date entry looks like this:
[15/Nov/2005:00:18:46 +0000]You can then extract the date and construct an array based on IP addresses that date entry matched in your file. Example:
tail -n 500 ./access.log | awk 'BEGIN {FS="["}; {print substr($2,0,11)};'That matches all the dates between the 500 lines returned from tail. I suppose crudely you could come up with something like this:
tail -n 500 ./access.log | \ awk 'BEGIN {FS="["} {a=split($2,array,":")};{for (i in array) $1 ~ /array[1]/; print $1, array[1]}'Then it's up to you to put the results into an array and count the occurances. I've given you more of a headstart than perhaps you deserve on this one. :P
[Ben] - As Thomas said, we don't normally help with homework questions - but it sounds like you actually have put some time into this one rather than just dumping it in our laps, which I suppose deserves some consideration. Again, like Thomas, I'm not going to give you a direct answer - it is, after all, supposed to be your homework, and you're supposed to ask your instructor if you just get stuck on an assignment - but I'll be happy to give you a hint.
> My lecturer has asked me to do the following with this file, But I > cannot get this on one line:I've read the specification (i.e., the question you were asked), and it doesn't say "on one line"; it says "a single command line". Since Linux (or, more precisely, the shell CLI) allows you to chain processes and use statement separators, you could (theoretically) write a 100kB-long program "on one line" - so it's not much of a problem.
> grep -o "[[:digit:]]*[.][[:digit:]]*[.][[:digit:]]*[.][[:digit:]]*" > httpdaccess.log > ipaddresses.logIs there a reason that you want to use character class names instead of explicit character classes? '[0-9]' works just as well as '[[:digit:]]' (barring some vague mutterings about the $LANG variable, which doesn't apply in shell-based scenarios anyway.) As well, the above expression isn't very useful; if you're trying to match an IP, then something like
egrep '\<([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\>'is probably much more useful. On the other hand, matching an IP has nothing to do with the solution to the stated problem, which, I suppose, is why I'm giving you a complete answer here. :)
> One thing I did not do was to remove duplicate entries from the > output. I should have run this from the shell instead.If you're trying to figure out the busiest dates, then removing duplicate entries is definitely NOT what you want to do - at least not initially.
What I'll do here is give you a general idea of how the task is done. I'm assuming that you understand the available tools well enough to implement a solution once you understand how to look at the problem (if you don't, then you're beyond any help that I'm willing to provide.)
The task essentially comes down to creating a frequency counter. This is a fairly standard programming methodology, used a lot in - ta-daa! - log analysis. What you need is a list of unique dates, and a number of hits for each of those dates - essentially a line count of anything that matches them.
I've taken a look at your log (being one of the listadmins has its privileges :), and it's nothing more than Apache's CLF (Common Log Format) - i.e. - - [18/Apr/2004:22:59:44 +1000] "GET /ASGAP/gif/forest2.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 1857 - - [18/Apr/2004:23:01:33 +1000] "GET /ASGAP/gif/bguide.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 288 - - [18/Apr/2004:23:03:42 +1000] "GET /ASGAP/gif/forest.gif HTTP/1.0" 304 - - - [18/Apr/2004:23:04:54 +1000] "GET /AFVL/tagasaste.htm HTTP/1.0" 200 3266 - - [18/Apr/2004:23:06:03 +1000] "GET /ASGAP/jpg/styphels.jpg HTTP/1.1" 200 5318in which fields are defined as
IP identd user [dy/mon/year:hh:mm:ss zone] "request" status sizeMatching the date is very easy: it consists of the six characters following a square bracket. You can isolate those - think of what tool you need to do that, since that's the main "processing" you need to do! - and get a unique list of them. Once you've got that unique list, you can loop over it and simply count anything that matches a square bracket followed by those characters, then sort the counted output. If you want to get really fancy, you can report only the first line of the count, which will give you the largest count - i.e., the busiest day.
There is at least one standard Unix program that allows you to do all that in one pass; however, using it is probably a bit complex for where you are at the moment. Implementing it as I described above should work fine for you, and only requires relatively basic tool knowledge.
(bvdp at xplornet.com)
Thu Jun 22 09:30:42 PDT 2006
Hi all. I'm having some "odd" connection problems and wondering how to track it down.
First off, I'm on a 2way satellite connection with xplornet (same as wildblue in the US). Not ideal, but beats my other "choices". Rural life is wonderful, but not perfect.
The satellite comes to me though a modem which is pretty much the same as cable modem. I just plug the ethernet cable in and it runs. From what I've found out, I can not get any info from the modem. Only the ISP can do that.
The modem does have some status lights. POWER, CONNECTED, IN and OUT. The last 2 indicate computer <> modem traffic. The CONNECTED light is solid when there is a connection the satellite.
Now, for the most part all this works just fine. But, at other times I seem to lose the connection ... When that happens the CONNECTED light is still on, but my computer doesn't appear to have a connection the the internet. The IN/OUT lights to blink, so that does tell me that the modem/computer link is up?
I blame the modem/satellite. The ISP tells me to reboot the computer (too much time debugging windows?). Quite often this does work. But, this morning it didn't. But, repowering the modem did the trick.
So, I could call the ISP ... and after a long hold they will tell me that it has to be down from them to debug, that it isn't the modem, must be me, etc.
What I'm after is some debugging ideas. What can I run on my computer to see if there is a problem here.
I figure that we're down to a few possibilities:
Maybe I should have a router in the chain? Not sure what that would prove.
[Thomas] - Let's assume for the moment the fact that you're using a satellite as a means of connecting to the Internet is a red-herring. And now let's assume that the issue lies with your modem and more likely your computer.
[BobV] - From my understanding, the fact that it is satellite should make no difference. Well, expect that sat is not as robust as wired solutions.
[Thomas] - I've had issues (still do) exactly as you describe, save for the fact that my main server does internal NATing, and everything else. Sometimes this too will stop forwarding requests to the outside world despite the fact the router is still connected.
In my case, I suspect it's ip_conntrack filling up its bit bucket. In your case I suspect the software on the modem is faulty. Get your ISP to get off their virtual arse and fix it. Keep a log of when it "freezed", and then taunt that with them when they next tell you it couldn't possibly be the modem.
[BobV] - I'm confused. You're saying it is my computer at fault or the modem or the ISP?
[Thomas] - The modem most likely. If you can't ping anything once your connection freezes then it must be the modem.
[BobV] - If ip_conntrack is filling up ... ummm, can I do anything with this by reducing txqueuelen?
Of course, since posting it has been 100% :)
[John] - Well, I have zero experience with satellite equipment, but I have had my share of connection issues with my ADSL setup over time, so I'll mention some of the things I do when confronted with such problems.
[quoting BobV]
> I figure that we're down to a few possibilities: > > 1. The modem is flaky. > > 2. The satellite connection is flaky (my friend has the same system and > is NOT having these problems).Could be attributable to differences in your respective environments. I would assume that a satellite link is somewhat line of sight. I could be wrong, but if you're surrounded by a lot of trees for example, where there is dense foliage between the dish and the satellite, that could affect signal strength.
[BobV] - Well ... the friend was running his system direct to a XP box, bu has since had a linux box installed which he is using a router. He's distributing his connection to some neighbours.
[John] - The thought later occured to me that, your friend willing, you might consider swapping modems with him for a few days to compare performance.
[BobV] - Can we call a sat link at 22500 miles "line of sight"? But, seriously, the trees, etc should not be the issue. According to the ISP my SNR (signal to noise ratio) is "as good as it gets". No magic trees jumping up in the way. Now, really bad weather can effect all this. But, the times I'm talking about are not bad weather.
[John] - Maybe not the best choice of words, and I rather doubt it myself - just another point to consider, along with my disclaimer that I have no experience with a satellite link :). Probably better said that a satellite link would be to some degree vulnerable to changes in atmospheric conditions.
> 3. I'm having a software problem. Buffer overflows or something. Which > means that a reboot would fix it (sometimes it does).
[John] - Depends on what kind of connection protocol - if that's the right terminology - your modem uses. Perhaps one of the easiest to deal with is just a plain old ethernet connection, where the port of your modem provides a routable IP address.
[John] - Many ISPs these days have moved to setups using some variant of ppp, such as PPPoE, which requires an additional daemon running on your connected host to support it. On a Linux host using PPPoE, the most popular software for that is from Roaring Penguin. Depending on your Linux distro, that can be tricky to set up. But since you didn't mention it, I'll assume that it's not an issue here.
[BobV] - Yes. I think that is the case here. The IP is dynamic, but I don't think it changes very often. Hmmm, could this be a DHCP issue?
[John] - Certainly not out of the realm of possibility.
> 4. I'm having a hardware problem with the on board ethernet. Don't know > if a soft reboot would effect this, but the power cycle today didn't.
[John] - Always a possibility, although usually of low probability. The way to test for that is with a different host and / or NIC.
[BobV] - Yes, that was one of the ISP's suggestions. I'll have to cobble another box together to see. If I have time ..
> Maybe I should have a router in the chain? Not sure what that would > prove.
[John] - Principal merits of a router would be in the realm of connection sharing (NAT, etc) for multiple hosts and firewall setup.
Just a WAG on my part, but I would guess that your modem is rather similar to ADSL, in that it uses a synchronous connection. I would further guess that the CONNECTED light indicates whether or not the modem is synchronized. In my experience, that's usually where my connection problems arise. Re-initializing the modem usually takes care of that issue by forcing connection renogociation with the port on the ISP side.
To summarize, my procedure is something like this:
1) From a terminal command prompt: "ifconfig" to see the status of the host network interfaces. You should see a response something like:
wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:E0:98:49:85:6D inet addr: Bcast: Mask: UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:6042 errors:10 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:10 TX packets:6281 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:5052344 (4.8 MiB) TX bytes:955796 (933.3 KiB)The wlan0 above is the name that the Linux host is giving to the interface. Yours could be different, such as 'eth0'. One can also ping the local interface to see if it's talking to the host. In this case "ping".
[BobV] - Question: WHen pinging the local host like this does the chain leave the local box?
[John] - No it doesn't. The whole point with that is to confirm that your NIC, as part of the link, is functional at that particular time. The general approach I used was to start the diagnostic process at the closest point of origin to the host, and worked outward. The link to the outside world obviously includes things other than your modem.
Although you say "I blame the modem/satellite", a comprehensive troubleshooting process should, IMO, include looking at other components involved as well. Although rarely, I have experienced situations when the link problem was due to the NIC, and a reload of the NIC driver resolved the issue.
[BobV] - I'm not sure what this proves other than the fact the IP address is valid and correct? Or does it have to go the modem first? Which would be an indication that the modem is "active".
[John] - No, just that the card is responding to the host.
[John] - 2) "netstat -nr" should show the gateway address, indicated with a 'UG' flag on the same line. Depending on whether your modem is running bridged or as a router (depends on the equipment and the ISPs choice of confiuration), this could be an interface on the modem (functioning as a router / dhcp server) or an interface that the ISP is providing. A successful ping (a response is echoed to your terminal screen, with a time in seconds indicating the latency of the response) to that IP would indicate that the problem is outside of your host / modem environment.
[BobV] - Funny that you mention ping (again). Last time I had the problem I tried to ping my isp:
bob$ ping xplornet.com PING xplornet.com ( 56(84) bytes of data. --- xplornet.com ping statistics --- 7 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 6000msAt the time I thought this "showed something". Hmmm, later I find that the ISP is blocking.
[John] - It may not be conclusive however, because in some cases, the ISP will block pings (as mine does). In that case, you can pick some known internet address. Use a number rather than a name though (such as rather than www.yahoo.com), to eliminate DNS issues from this step. If you succeed with the ping to the IP address, but not to the name address, then the problem is not a connection issue, but is in name resolving - most likely a problem in the ISPs domain.
[BobV] - Yup. Interesting that I can ping the IP gateway from netstat -nr
[John] - 3) Re-init the modem. Even with a steady-on sync lite, the connection status could be flaky, such as might be caoused by a short interruption in the power to the modem.
Step 3) is important, particularly if your power line has noise spikes, brown-outs, or occasional interruptions (fractions of a second of AC cut-outs can leave your modem in an undetermined state, without it being apparent from looking at the status lights. I'm just giving broad suggsetions here of potential problem issues. Obviously I have no direct knowledge of the particulars of your AC power conditions.
[John] - 4) Depending on your distro (Slakware being an exception, as it uses a BSD style init rather than SysV - could be different now though), you can try re-initializing the networking subsystem on your host:
/etc/init.d/networking restart
[BobV] - Mandrake. Yup, tried that without success.
[John] - That often does it for me, especially after resuming from a suspend, if my link dies.
[John] - works on most Debian derived distros, as well as SuSE, IIRC.
This procedure is not exhaustive, but should help get you started.
[BobV] - Question: would pulling the ethernet cable in/out prove or do anything?
[John] - Not for any reason that I can cite, except for the possibility of a flaky cable - not to be dismissed out of hand. Swapping the cable would be the tack to take there. Dis/re-connecting just stirs it up a bit, but would be quite hit or miss.
John H anonymous@null.com
Tue Jul 11 11:04:46 PDT 2006
TAG brilliantly covered this problem in LG57: A pipe implicitly forks a subprocess. In olden days, the right side of the pipe was forked. This caused stuff piped into read statements to not work properly. So, modern ksh forks the left side of the pipe.
Here's a stripped down version of what I am trying to do:
#!/bin/ksh y=0 for w in 1 do for z in 1 2 3 do for x in 1 2 3 4 5 do y=$(( ${y} + 1 )) echo ${y} done done done | grep "somedata" >> /Some/output/file for x in 1 2 3 do echo ${y} done
At first glance, one would expect the above to work like this: The for w (and nested for loops) increment ${y} 15 times, then the for x loop at the bottom prints out the value of ${y} (in this case, 15) three times.
However, this is not the way it works. Applying TAG's answer from LG57, everything left of the pipe (in this case the entire for w loop) is forked as a separate process. All the incrementing of ${y} is done in this subprocess, and it all "goes away" when that process completes. ${y} is still 0 in the parent process (script).
My question is: Is there a way to explicitly tell ksh which side of the pipe should get forked? In the above example, I want the right side of the pipe forked, but ksh defaults to forking the left side. I've Googled "+ksh +pipe +subprocess" (I like the old AltaVista Syntax), with no luck. The book UNIX in a Nutshell has been no help. I tried putting the right side in parens:
done | (grep "somedata" >> /Some/output/file)
But that does not appear to work, either. ${y} still comes out as 0. In a worst-case scenario, I could simply dump the output to a temp file, and have a separate line of code pick up the temp file and work with it, avoiding the pipe altogether. But, that would be messy, and I don't want to clean up the temp file afterwards. If there is a more elegant solution, I cannot find it.
If you have any ideas, please advise. Thank you for your time.
[Thomas] -
> My question is: Is there a way to explicitly tell ksh which side of > the pipe should get forked? In the above example, I want the rightNo, there isn't.
> side of the pipe forked, but ksh defaults to forking the left side. > I've Googled "+ksh +pipe +subprocess" (I like the old AltaVista > Syntax), with no luck. The book UNIX in a Nutshell has been no help. I > tried putting the right side in parens: > > done | (grep "somedata" >> /Some/output/file)The best thing you can do is either do all of your work within a subprocess, or, perhaps more conveniently, avoid it altogether. Here's a contrived example:
foobar=0 while read line; do foobar="$((foobar + 1))" done < /etc/passwd echo $foobarIt doesn't manipulate anything you've asked, but it does demonstrate the principle you can use within your own example.
[Ben] - Doing your work within the subprocess, as Thomas mentions, is the right answer. You could, say, echo your output to STDERR (since your STDOUT is being redirected):
... do y=$(( ${y} + 1 )) echo ${y} done done for x in 1 2 3 do echo ${y} >&2 done done | grep '[0-9]' >> output_fileAnother, perhaps more "honest" version, would be to save your output in a variable for later use:
... do y=$(( ${y} + 1 )) echo ${y} out=`echo "$out $y"` done done done | grep '[0-9]' >> output_file echo $out
[Francis] - I don't think this last variant will work -- it's the same problem the original poster raised.
Essentially, it is
$ y=$(($y + 1)) $ echo $y $ y=$(($y + 1)) | cat $ echo $yor even
$ t=7 $ echo $t $ t=6 | cat $ echo $tand spot the (lack of) difference with the outputs.
[Ben] - Note, by the way, that this is not KSH-specific; Bash does the same thing.
[Francis] - zsh 4.2.5 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) is the only bourne-alike I have here that gives me the hoped-for output with the above examples. Using that may or may not be an acceptable workaround.
...but now that I test the original script with that zsh, I see that it doesn't print 15.
Sorry for the noise...
[Ben] - As best as I can reconstruct it, I must have been looking at an edited but unsaved version of the script while executing it in another xterm (meaning that the previous version, one that does print, was getting executed.) What makes it really silly is that I have the F5 key in Vim set up to save, chmod, and execute the file I'm looking at, so there's no reason to have been doing that.
I always either test the scripts that I discuss or mention that they're untested, and I thought I was doing that this time as well. Oh well, better next time.
[JohnH] - Thank you, all, for your assistance.
[Ben] - Glad it was helpful, John.
[JohnH] - Thomas - My original thought was as yours: Avoid the pipe (and the need for interprocess communication) completely. That is where I was talking "worst-case" scenario in my original post. Write to a temp file, then make grep a seperate step. However, the data being piped was very long and complex, and would have generated a big file.
[JohnH] - Ben - Your idea of feeding stuff through standard error is brilliant beyond evil! According to Linus, you are not truely a hacker until someone else calls you one. With that kind of "Evil Genius" thinking, I'll say it: You're a hacker. We'll get to your "more honest approach" in a moment.
[Ben] -[grin] Thanks. Using STDERR for messages is something that should be done more often than it is, anyway; the standard Un*x idea of making every program a filter doesn't work without it (if you're doing something like 'foo|bar|xyz', and your error messages from 'foo' go to STDOUT, it's going to mess up your whole concept something fierce.) It also provides a nice bit of granularity: the ability to do 'foo > foo_out.txt 2>foo_err.txt' (i.e., capture the output stream in one file and the errors in another) can be very useful on occasion.
[Thomas] - This is where I use 'exec' (portable, too):
foobar=0 exec 4<&0 # Best to duplicate STDIN, else it's permenant. exec 0< /etc/group while read a; do .... done exec 0<&4 # Restore STDIN. exec 4<&- # Close FD 4.
[Ben] - Sorry, I'm missing the utility of duplicating STDIN here. I understand why you'd want to do it if you've got, say, some specialized processing you want applied to STDIN before using it, or if you want to launch a child process and have access to its input - but what are you trying to do with '&4'?
[JohnH] - Francis - I made the same assesment as you on Ben's "more honest approach." But one thing struck me, and got me going in a different direction: Why was he using an echo in backticks to do what a simple out=${y} would accomplish?
[Ben] - The shell doesn't have a concatenation operator, so I was building a list ('out=$y' would simply replace whatever was already in '$out'.) I was also trying to replicate the output that you would have had if things worked as you thought they should (there, parse that three times fast) - meaning that each number got printed on a line by itself. So, I used 'echo' and the backticks to stick a newline between each element. Saying 'out="$out\n$y"' and 'echo -e $out' at the end would have been worked just as well.
[JohnH] - That unusual use of the syntax lead me to my final solution, which is as follows:
(echo "#!/bin/ksh" echo "y=${y}") > /a/temp/file done | grep "somedata" >> /Some/output/file . /a/temp/file rm /a/temp/file for x in 1 2 3It's an ugly hack, but effective. In my production code, ${y} is a series of variables keeping statistics on what is happening in the loop. This is a small, finite number of variables which can be written out to a small file and read back in on the other side of the done. True, I still have temp file maintenence to deal with, but not the large, complex file I would have to deal with if I were to write my output out, and then grep.
Thanks again, to all of you for your assistance.
(Tommyjanie at aol.com) Tommyjanie at aol.com
Fri Jul 14 17:56:47 PDT 2006
This originally had no subject line, but I've taken the liberty of entitling it "Excel and Serial Port" as an example of the sort of subject it should have had. - Kat
I am looking for a way to import and export data from excel cells (8) using the serial port . Also I would like use linux, four imputs and four exports for control imputs will be 0 - to 12 volts or 0 -5 volts. . My basic problem is ---how do i get data in and out of excel or a simlar spread sheet
[Brian] - I presume you don't mean that you want serial port access to excel, but that you want to send spreadsheet cell values out the serial port, and read values therefrom back into a spreadsheet. Yes?
google for linux excel cvs yielded some interesting results, as did this command on my kubuntu workstation:
bilbrey@vimes:~$ apt-cache search excel | grep excel w3m - WWW browsable pager with excellent tables/frames support libdbd-excel-perl - provides an SQL interface (via DBI) for accessing Excel files libspreadsheet-parseexcel-perl - access information from Excel Spreadsheets libspreadsheet-parseexcel-simple-perl - A simple interface to Excel data libspreadsheet-writeexcel-perl - create Excel spreadsheets plopfolio.app - Clone of Serence's excellent KlipFolio for GNUstep w3mmee - WWW browsable pager with excellent tables/frames, MB extensionIt looks like libspreadsheet-* may be useful for you, at least on a Debian-based system. You don't mention which distribution of Linux you're favoring.
Good luck. Note: You may also just want to export your excel spreadsheets to csv, and work with them in that format, then pull csv back into excel if that's what is needed for reporting or whatnot.
[Ben] - Tommy, you need to decompress your questions a bit. You can't "import and export data from excel cells using the serial port" - as far as I know, Excel has nothing to do with serial ports (or any other kind.) Perhaps what you're saying is that you'd like to connect your computer to some peer or a network via a serial connection, and you would also like to be able to exchange data, which is stored in an Excel spreadsheet, between your computer and another node.
I'm going to proceed on that assumption, just in case I got it right, since some of the answers may be useful to our readers. However, in the future, I would appreciate it if you'd save us all from having to guess, and perhaps end up answering the wrong question.
As to communicating over a serial port, the traditional and common way to do that is a modem. I won't belabor the obvious for that case, since you can get information on configuring one in many places. On the other hand, if you're trying for a direct serial-to-serial connection, I'd suggest taking a look at the end of the PPP-HOWTO (section 29, "Using PPP across a null modem (direct serial) connection"); I found it very helpful several years ago when I was doing exactly that. Do make sure that you use a null-modem cable instead of a standard serial cable; it will not work with the latter.
Once you have the hardware portion of this configured an working, the next question is, how will you transport the data between the machines? Since you didn't state any requirements here, it's impossible to answer the question in technical terms - except perhaps to present a range of options. You can copy the file back and forth between the two machines; you can send just the differential data and apply it on the appropriate machine; you could set up a server-client pair and have the data modified on the fly.
The first option requires the least knowledge to set up but is the most "manual" of the three. The second one requires just a little less interaction, but still requires a human to bang on the keyboard. The last one can be completely automatic - the data comes in, the client pings the server, the server modifies the data and notifies the client that it's been done, and all the human has to do is check the log file for failures once in a while. It does, however, require a fair bit of programming expertise.
Zohaib Najeeb (37zohaib at niit.edu.pk)
Tue Jun 20 01:17:04 PDT 2006
This was originally entitled "Need help". - Kat
I want to know if there is a way I can run my applications at Linux
startup. I have Fedora Core 2 and I have written an application in Java. I
want the Java application to run at startup. Could you please tell me an
easy way.
Zohaib Najeeb
[Thomas] - Is this Java application using Swing or AWT such that it's going to need a GUI?
For the case of making X11 boot automatically without a username or password, you should probably use runlevel 4 for this (assuming you're not using Slackware which uses a BSD-style runlevel). Historically runlevel 4 has been reserved for people's own nefarious uses -- although on Debian it doesn't matter in that runlevels 2 - 5 inclusive are all the same.
So... how do you go about that? /etc/inittab is read by init each and everytime it boots -- indeed, it is this file which determines what the default init level will be, as in:
id:2:initdefault:... Changing that number to 4 should suffice. Then you'll want to add a line which looks something like this:
T4:respawn:/bin/su - some_user -c startxHence for whichever user you want to have logged in automatically you would replace 'some_user' above with that username. This line changes to that user, and runs startx. Probably setting that user's password to nothing would help here.
As to how you tell startx what to load is easy. So many people have been brainwashed with the crap that is GNOME and KDE that they've forgotten how all of this works. Startx(1) will read ~/.xinitrc by default, or ~/.xsession if ~/.xinitrc does not exist. You most likely want ~/.xinitrc in this case, hence:
#!/bin/sh java /path/to/my_java_application exec fvwmMight look like something you want. That will start your java application up and load the window manager up with it -- you should change that to suit your own needs, ensuring that once you've saved the file that you run:
chmod 700 ~/.xinitrc... Since it should be treated like any other shell script. If, on the other hand, you're already using GDM (ugh!) then that has an option to make automatic logins from the file /etc/gdm/gdm.config:
AutomaticLoginEnable=true AutomaticLogin=your-userThat's simple, eh? If all you wanted was to have this Java application start without any automatic logging in of a user, then just add your necessary details to ~/.xsession, and read in part the following:
http://edulinux.homeunix.org/fvwm/fvwmchanfaq.html#cf14If this java application doesn't use Swing or AWT, and/or you just want to run it at the console, then you will need to add something like the following to /etc/init.d/rc.local, or /etc/init.d/rc.boot, or some other start up file your distribution defines:
su - my_user -c java /path/to/java_application &
[ In reference to Migrating a Mail Server to Postfix/Cyrus/OpenLDAP in LG#124 ]
Michael Poeltl (michael.poeltl at opentech.at)
Sat Aug 19 13:46:08 PDT 2006
hi René,
thanks for your site! It helped a lot - one question is left ...
in your 'openssl.cnf'-sample shows up the line
crl = $dir/ca-crl.pem
and later
nsCaRevocationUrl = https://cert.yourdomain.net/ca-crl.pem
from where did you get/generate ca-crl.pem?
thanks a lot for your answer
[Rene] - That's good to hear.
I got it from the same source as the Certificate Authority setup. If you ever need to revoke certificates, then you can do that very analog to the certificate creation. You just have to be sure that you distribute the revocation among all potential devices or applications that verify the certificate of an encryption key. The document at sial.org has a paragraph titled "Certificate Revocation". If you use their Makefile and use the command "make revoke" you can create a revocation "certificate" and your ca-crl.pem file is created. The exact OpenSSL commands to do this can be found in the Makefile:
Basically it deals with openssl and the "-gencrl" option (as describe in the "ca" man page of OpenSSL). Fortunately I never had to revoke a certificate (yet), so that's why I left this piece out of the article.
[ In reference to Making XMMS Effect plugins in LG#129 ]
Harring Figueiredo (harringf at gmail.com)
Fri Aug 11 20:38:55 PDT 2006
On the init function:
void init(void) { if (buffer_left != NULL) { buffer_left = g_malloc0(sizeof(gfloat) * BUFFER_LENGTH); } if (buffer_right != NULL) { buffer_right = g_malloc0(sizeof(gfloat) * BUFFER_LENGTH); } }
Shouldn't the tests be if(buffer_... = NULL)
? Probably a typo.
[Kumar] - You are absolutely right! However, in the exampleecho.c, I have it right. Sorry for the mistake!
[Ben] - Even though it won't make much of a difference - LG is mirrored all over the world, and the mirror sites' content won't be updated - I've fixed this at the root LG site. Thanks for letting us know, Harring!
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Please submit your News Bytes items in plain text; other formats may be rejected without reading. [You have been warned!] A one- or two-paragraph summary plus a URL has a much higher chance of being published than an entire press release. Submit items to bytes@linuxgazette.net.
It all started with the announcement that Microsoft Corp. and XenSource would cooperate on interoperability between Xen-enabled Linux and Microsoft's planned hypervisor technology for its Windows Server virtualization. With the next version of Windows Server, code-named "Longhorn," Microsoft will provide powerful virtualization across hardware and operating system environments for cost-saving consolidation of Windows, Linux, and Xen-enabled Linux distributions.
The joint efforts between the two companies will deliver interoperability, secure virtualization, and, most noteworthy, Microsoft technical support for interoperability issues with Xen-enabled Linux guest operating systems through standard Microsoft technical support processes.
Following Microsoft's surprise embrace of XenSource technology for hosting virtual Linux hosts, VMware's 'Executive Blog' critiqued the Microsoft line-up with open source virtualization developer XenSource in mid-July. Written by Brian Byun, VMware Vice-President of Products and Alliances, the 7/18 blog entry accuses XenSource of betraying its open source roots and called the arrangement a 'one-way street' that would ultimately only favor Microsoft.
Byun complains that the Xen "...arrangement will allow Linux to run
on future Microsoft hypervisors through translated calls to the
hypervisor when Windows is controlling the hardware, but not the other
way around..."
[See http://www.vmware.com/vmtn/blog/console/2006/07/.]
Those and other comments have damaged the working efforts between XenSource and VMware on producing open-source standards for virtualization hypervisors. VMware has already circulated an initial proposal for Linux kernel support of various hypervisors.
Byun wrote, "XenSource, in diverging from its open-source and Linux virtualization roots, is enabling the commercial interests of Windows and building to proprietary Windows API layers. It stands to reason that, in order to protect Windows from GPL contamination, XenSource will need to undertake a lot of non-GPL development to translate and buffer the Linux kernel from Windows hypervisor interfaces; and nothing that Microsoft licenses to, or develops with, XenSource is GPL and can be used directly by the Xen or Linux communities and commercial distributions". These comments have angered XenSource representatives.
The blogshere has rattled and ranted about this situation, but Ilya Baimetov's comments at http://virtuozzo.livejournal.com/6606.html are very astute. First, he notes that the technology in Xen was developed at Cambridge University with support by Microsoft; not surprisingly, Microsoft's virtualization technology has many similarities with Xen. Then, he asks some rather important questions about what, if anything, XenSource gets, other than exposure:
"With this partnership, Xen loses its advantage as the only platform for running paravirtualized Linux. Now, why would channel partners invest in training their staff to sell and support Xen, if they can just wait until Microsoft releases its hypervisor, which they will need to adopt anyway? Is Xen[Source] just desperate? Is it trying to get acquired by MS? No? Then, please, explain to me how Xen[Source] is going to make money if its core technology is free and its management tools are way behind VMware?"
All this controversy heightens the need to have rival virtualization approaches use some common standards before being included in Linux distros. SuSE 10 is out now with customizations to support Xen, and IBM, as a SuSE partner, will be supporting that Xen implementation. Meanwhile, VMware announced the general availability of VMware Server after a five-month beta program with more than 700,000 downloads. VMware Server is now free and replaces its former low-end GSX Server product.
At LinuxWorld, working relationships did not seem strained, and
vendors and partners of both VMWare and XenSource made a point of being
cordial. When questioned at a virtualization panel with representatives
of VMware and Microsoft present, XenSource representatives expressed a
continued interest in working with both companies and developing
standards for hypervisors. However, in separate presentations by members of
VMWare, they emphasized running Linux as a fully equal OS vs. the Xen
and Microsoft approach where Linux was not equal to the Windows host.
[So they are still sparring, only more politely.]
The halls of the SF Moscone Center were without a significant Red Hat presence. No booth, no sponsorship, no Red Hat partner pavillion [and no Red Hat-wrappered chocalate bars for tired conference attendees!] At the same time, the Internet rumor mill contained a flush of reports about Oracle pursuing a Linux distro, perhaps even Red Hat itself.
Red Hat did hold an exclusive fete at a nearby hotel for special customers, press, and partners, but this Linux Gazette reporter was not invited. Red Hat personnel also presented at technical sessions and panels, but this seemed like a retreat for a company so central to the world of Linux.
Red Hat executives considered their no-show a no-issue, but conference attendees were surprised and unhappy. There were no scarlet baseball caps this year at the Expo, no Red Hat training discounts, no booth presentations.
Some speculation -- unsubstantiated so far -- suggested that Red Hat was preparing itself for purchase, and so allowed Oracle a more prominent role. But even Oracle's presence at the show was a bit more subdued. The annual Oracle installathon was not mentioned in the show guide or in the morning keynote introductions. However, the installathon did occur in a corner of conference center, with only a single sign in front of its door. Oracle could offer attendees only older SUSE 9 and Red Hat 4 packages at the installathon, unlike the up-to-date offerings at previous LinuxWorlds.
Ellison has stated in a recent interview with Forbes magazine that Oracle is considering use of Fedora Core OSS: "...any company can take Red Hat Linux and use it at no cost, so long as they are willing to support themselves... Well, that includes us. We could take Red Hat Linux, as long as we're willing to support it. In fact, we can redistribute it to others and provide support."
Such a purchase would allow Oracle to offer a complete "stack" of OS, DB, Oracle apps, and helper middleware. At LinuxWorld two years ago, Ellison said Oracle would like offer such a stack to its customers. Subsequently, Oracle purchased OSS database vendors Sleepy Cat Systems and InnoBase.
See the links below for more info on the Oracle-Red Hat buyout speculation. Thumbnail summary: Oracle can pay billions to roll their own Linux and market it -- or Oracle can pay even more billions to acquire Red Hat [$4-6 billion by one estimate]. Perhaps Ellison is trying to beat down Red Hat's share price and market cap for such a purchase or other 'strategic' ends. Red Herring magazine cautions that Oracle will be quiet until it reports quarter earnings in October or at its next analyst meeting on October 26.
Also see:
IDG World Expo has announced that its 2006 summer event in SF will feature two new one-day conference options for attendees: Novell's Best of BrainShare and the PalmSource Developer Day. These one-day conferences will offer attendees the latest in open enterprise computing and mobile Linux applications, respectively, and are free to attendees who purchase a conference package. Single-day tickets can also be purchased separately for $95 for each conference.
The Novell Best of BrainShare conference consists of three top-tier technical sessions on various aspects of software for the open enterprise, and will be offered on both Tuesday, August 15th, and Wednesday, August 16th. The topics for the program were extremely well received at Novell's BrainShare Salt Lake City 2006, and have been updated to reflect the latest technologies.
The PalmSource Developer Day will take place on Wednesday, August 16th, and is targeted towards Linux application developers who are interested in taking their applications mobile. Attendees will get an overview of the components of the new leading platform for mobile devices -- the ACCESS Linux Platform (ALP) and deeper insight into ALP extensions. They also will receive early access and hands-on experience building applications for this new platform. Topics for this one-day event will be presented by Tom Chavez, Sr., Product Manager for PalmSource, and Keithen Hayenga, Licensee Services Engineer for PalmSource.
The following details the topics that will be presented at Novell's Best of BrainShare:
"High Availability Storage Foundation," presented by Richard Jones, Novell, Inc. Novell's High Availability Storage Foundation components and strategy are laid out in this session. The HA Storage Foundation includes file systems, volume management, and cluster resource management integrated into a robust solution.
"Xen Technical Insight - SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 10," presented by Dr. K.Y. Srinivasan, Distinguished Engineer, Novell, Inc. Virtualization is a key enabling technology for addressing the computing needs in enterprise data centers, and this session previews Xen virtualization technology, an open source project. Topics covered will include the Xen 3.0 architecture, the Xen technical roadmap, and integration of Xen technology into Novell products. This is an advanced technical session, suitable for an experienced audience.
"Systems Management Roadmap," presented by Bryan Cardoza of Novell, Inc. Using enterprise Linux and related products as a case study, this session will review the factors that affect creation of a consistent and cohesive set of system management tools. The session will also explore Novell's plans and opportunities for building a federated Web-based management tool set.
For more information on these sessions, or to register, visit http://www.linuxworldexpo.com/sf.
According to Evans Data Corp's latest Web Services Development Survey, Web Services with Web 2.0 interfaces are surging. Evans Data finds this in the rising use of AJAX, a key component option of the Web 2.0 architecture. Close to half of developers surveyed say they are already working with AJAX, or plan to do so in the coming year. REST (Representational State Transfer) use is rising as well. The Evans Data survey found a 37% increase in respondents implementing or considering REST, with one out of four surveyed saying that they are considering REST-Based Web services as a simpler alternative to SOAP-based services.
"Consistent with the increasing adoption of Web services, we are also seeing the same for AJAX", stated John Andrews, President of Evans Data. "This framework, now more than ever, is allowing developers the means to make Web-based applications function more like desktop ones."
Other findings from the Spring 2006 survey of almost 400 managers and developers:
-- Reuse is rising. Three out of ten survey respondents are saying
the ability to reuse a service is the greatest cost advantage to Web
Services. The number of respondents sharing Web services with two or
more business units is up 20% since the last survey.
-- Despite industry speculation to the contrary, the adoption of the
Java platform is poised for a significant increase. Three out of four
companies expect to be working with the Java platform by next year, a
12% jump.
Evans Data Corporation (www.evansdata.com)
According to recent analysis conducted by market research firm Government Insights (an IDC company), open-source software will gain momentum faster within the government sector than it will in other markets. Government Insights predicts government information technology will most likely see the most substantial growth in the use of open-source software over the next five years, with rapid growth in the five- to ten-year time frame. This study also predicts a 'value shift' for software within the government community, citing the initial shift driven by state and local governments sharing their custom-developed solutions.
"Government software needs are unique because governments perform a unique function - service to the citizen," says Shawn P. McCarthy, head of vendor programs at Government Insights. "Unlike the private sector, when governments help coordinate the open-source development process, they greatly benefit from the code that is created, even if the code is freely available to others. State governments in particular will benefit from the approach of keeping software value within a community; an application created for one state can easily be used by other states."
In this report, Government Insights estimates a 30% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of open-source software as part of total IT spending, as well as forecasts the growth of open-source software within the government IT market through 2009. The forecasts are divided into three categories, including Application Development and Deployment, Applications, and System Infrastructure Software.
"This is the same kind of aggressive growth that we saw in the early days of Linux", adds McCarthy. "There is reason to believe that this growth will continue past 2010, making both traditional and government coordinated open-source projects a force to be reckoned with in the next decade. Government agencies are now developing their own open code repositories."
The study, entitled "The Long Term Impact of Open Source Solutions on Government IT Spending" (Doc # GI201795), is available at http://www.idc.com.
In May, Gartner Group reported that Linux experienced an 84% market share leap in the Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) market.
According to a February 2006 report from IDC's Worldwide Quarterly Server Tracker, Linux servers generated $1.6 billion in 2005 quarterly revenue, the fourteenth consecutive quarter of double-digit growth, with year-over-year revenue growth of 20.8%. For the full year, Linux server revenues were $5.7 billion, placing it in third place for the first time from an operating system perspective, as customers continued to expand the role of Linux servers into an increasingly wider array of commercial and technical workloads.
It's a little bit like Xmas in July, but AMD and Intel embarked on a second round of price cuts -- of up to 60% -- to make room for new dual-core X86 chips and to push out older inventories. The high ground is also being staked out, with both AMD and Intel talking up and coming 4-core systems.
At the end of July, AMD showed off a prototype high-end gamer system that it called a '4by4'. VP Pat Moorhead suggested it will price out in the $1000 range, depending on final configuration. According to reghardware.co.uk: "It's essentially a two-CPU motherboard, rigged for ATI's CrossFire and Nvidia's SLI dual-GPU technology twice over to support four GPUs. Each CPU slot will hold a dual-core Athlon 64 FX processor, so that's four cores. Each chip gets 2GB of dedicated memory, for a total of 4GB."
Both chip makers had originally planned to release quad-core chips in the first half of 2007, but Intel now hopes to begin offering some quad-cores at the end of this year.
AMD's strategy continues to include partnering with other chip makers to reduce the total system cost, and to allow board builders to choose the parts they want. They modified that approach in July by offering to buy graphics chip maker ATI, with the aim of moving graphics processors into the the main CPU.
AMD will also be launching a new version of its Opteron server chip in mid-August. Called "Rev F", the new Opteron has support for faster DDR2 memory and AMD's in-chip virtualization technology ["Pacifica"]. It will also sport an updated on-board memory controller and requires the new 940-pin AM2 socket.
The on-going problem for AMD is that the new Intel 'Core 2 Duo' [C2D] architecture can match and even surpass AMD's offerings on performance and power consumption, at least for the Athlon chip family. Intel's Conroe family implements an architecture that steals a few pages from AMD's and does it a turn better. Results from PC Labs investigation into C2D chips show Intel chips with a 10-30% advantage, depending on the benchmark used. These tests are primarily while running the Windows OS, but even scientific benchmarks modestly favor the Intel C2D processors in most cases except RAM access, where AMD's on-board memory controller shines.
For all benchmarks see PC Magazine Special Report: Intel Core 2 Duo Conroe.
How does the C2D gain an edge on AMD? In both small and large ways. First, Intel has pooled its L2 cache with the expectation that both CPU cores will want some of the same objects. AMD has dedicated L2 cache for each of its cores but intends to add an extra L3 cache that Athlon and Opteron cores can share. Second, Intel has widened the execution unit to 128 bits, allowing extra-wide 128-bit instructions to exec in a single clock cycle; where the Pentium D family required 2 clocks. Third, Intel has a 14-stage pipeline compared to AMD's 12 stages, but this is still shorter and easier to manage than the 31-stage Pentium D. Fourth and most important, regular instructions can be processed 4 at a time vs. 3 at a time for Pentium and AMD Athlon.
It looks like the Empire is stiking back... but AMD says it has been preparing for this moment, and has announcements of its own in the next few months. One area it may pursue is improving the benchmarking of power consumption for long-running processes, where AMD believes its chips are still superior. AMD has been building up its chip fab capacity and production yields to supply lots of low-cost chips for the coming battle. It's Ragnarok, the battle of the Gods!
CollabNet and O'Reilly Media announced in July a partnership to market and sell a joint software development solution for distributed developer networks and communities. CollabNet and O'Reilly have already partnered to support some of the largest open source development communities such as java.net, owned by Sun Microsystems, and global development projects for BEA. The formalized partnership will allow both community and enterprise customers to create and expand global development communities that drive product innovation through efficient collaboration.
The partnership's offering features the first distributed software development solution in the market that combines an open source platform, a collaborative project workspace, and a customizable collection of information and learning resources in a low-cost and easy-to-implement on-demand solution. CollabNet will provide its collaborative development platform and professional community management services, and O'Reilly will provide its content management system and editorial management of blogs, forums, wikis, technical articles, and certification. The offering blends these services and products together seamlessly, to enable easy implementation and rapid scalability.
"I've long advocated the competitive advantage of what I call the architecture of participation", said Tim O'Reilly, founder and CEO at O'Reilly Media, Inc. "Now, through this partnership, we're helping companies tap the tremendous value it unleashes by maximizing user contribution and collaboration. We've created an alchemical mix of technology, processes, and information that is a culmination of the vision Brian Behlendorf and I shared when we co-founded CollabNet seven years ago."
CollabNet and O'Reilly customers will be able to drive continual product innovation and customer self-service by establishing communities of developers, customers, and partners that can share information and enhance products. In addition, the solution will offer the proven benefits of the on-demand model, including low cost, faster time-to-market, and easy implementation and scalability, without having to compromise enterprise needs for high security, reliability, and data privacy. CollabNet and O'Reilly will also jointly market and resell the new offering, which is available immediately.
CollabNet is a widely used on-demand collaborative development environment, with more than 800,000 developers and IT projects managers collaborating on-line. Using CollabNet Enterprise Edition, project members can work as one team throughout the lifecycle of a project, regardless of their location. Founded upon open-source principles, CollabNet is also the primary sponsor of the Subversion(™) open source version control system.
At just an inch thin and 4.7 pounds, the new Linux ThinkPad T60p balances between productivity and portability, giving electronic design engineers the processor speeds and memory requirements necessary for industrial-strength applications such as Computer-Aided Design (CAD). Developers now have a secure alternative to traditionally desk-locked advanced design engineering.
With its new offering, Lenovo for the first time brings Help Center assistance to Linux customers who purchase select models of the ThinkPad T60p. The Help Center will offer support for select Lenovo ThinkVantage Technologies, drivers, basic Linux configuration, and hardware issues. Novell will continue to support core operating system questions and issues.
"The ThinkPad T60p is a milestone for our collaboration and shared commitment with Novell to develop innovative and powerful workstation solutions," said Marc Godin, vice-president of marketing for Lenovo's Worldwide Notebook Business Unit. "Engineers running intensive based applications can now leverage these enhanced features while working remotely in the Linux environment."
Apple is becoming more interested in the power of open source development to create value for its products and its developer community. Following August's Apple Developer Conference, open source developers on the Mac platform had four news items:
New buildable kernel sources are available for Intel-based Macs, alongside the usual PowerPC (and other Intel) sources, starting with Mac OS X 10.4.7. This is at: http://www.opensource.apple.com/darwinsource/tarballs/apsl/xnu-792.10.96.tar.gz
Mac OS Forge, a new community site hosted by Apple, has been created to support WebKit and other open-source projects focused on Mac OS X, especially those looking to transition from OpenDarwin.org. Please visit http://www.macosforge.org/ for more info.
In order to encourage community participation, source code to the new iCal Server in the Leopard OS Server is now available on Mac OS Forge under the Apache License. Speculation at Slashdot and other forums is that Apple has opened the code for iCal Server to help establish it as a FOSS alternative to Exchange Server. Windows users [and, in some shops, Linux users] in Active Directory shops can set up Xservers and iCal for calendaring and use existing AD user authentication without buying new Microsoft CALs [Client Access Licenses] to use Exchange. See: http://collaboration.macosforge.org/
To further enable and encourage adoption on other, non-Mac platforms, the Apple Public Source License [APSL] sources for Apple's Bonjour networking and service discovery SW and Launchd process management are being re-released under the Apache License and hosted on Mac OS Forge. Launchd has already had a successful FreeBSD port.
The launchd daemon is intended to replace init, rc, the init.d and rc.d scripts, SystemStarter (Mac OS X specific), inetd and xinetd, atd, crond, and watchdog, all in one centralized daemon. Visit these sites for more info:
Open Source Conference -- postings
The O'Reily Network folks have compiled an extensive list of articles and blogs on the recent Open Source Conference [OSCON] in Portland. Follow the link: http://www.oreillynet.com/conferences/blog/oscon/
There are stories on Google's rewrite of Subversion for open source projects at its Google Code site, the 10th annual Perl Conference, Django Web Development, Computerworld: Open Source on Windows, and lots more.
They are also posting some of the presentations at: http://conferences.oreillynet.com/pub/w/46/presentations.html
Free Commercial Events
BEA's "Dev2Dev" site now features several presentations made at JavaOne 2006 by BEA developers.
Included are such topics as running the JRocket JVM in a virtualized environment, JSR 235 Service Data Objects (SDOs), using Subversion with the Subclipse plugin, and the benefits and issues of migrating to Java 1.5.
The latest stable version of the Linux kernel is: http://www.kernel.org/pub//linux/kernel/v2.6/patch-
Linspire, Inc. announced its Freespire 1.0, free Debian-based desktop Linux operating system. Freespire optionally combines open source software with legally-licensed proprietary drivers, codecs, and applications in its core distribution. Freespire licenses available 3rd-party software where there are no viable open source alternatives.
Linspire announced the Freespire community project at the Desktop Linux Summit last April, with a projected release date of September 1st. Released ahead of schedule, Freespire 1.0 offers users the ability to choose what software they want installed on their computers, with no limitations. Freespire has included several 3rd-party proprietary drivers and codecs, and is able to provide better out-of-the-box hardware, file type and multimedia support, such as MP3, Windows Media, RealMedia, QuickTime, Java, Flash, ATI, nVidia, fonts, WiFi, and modems. [This includes pre-built NdisWrapper for most wireless chips.] Freespire also provides optional one-click access to legally licensed DVD playback software, games, Sun's StarOffice, Win4Lin, CodeWeaver's Crossover Office, etc.
"Users should be free to easily and legally choose what software they want to install and use on their computers", said Kevin Carmony, CEO of Linspire, Inc. "Freespire provides a free marketplace for any and all Linux software, including proprietary, open source, free, and commercial products."
Immediately available for free download through the Freespire.org Web site, Freespire is a community-driven, Debian-based Linux distribution designed to be powerful enough for sophisticated Linux users and developers, yet easy enough for someone new to Linux. Freespire was created specifically for use on desktop and notebook computers and designed to offer a new level of polish, attention to detail, and ease-of-use in a free Linux distribution. For software management, Freespire comes pre-installed with Linspire's CNR (Click and Run) application management system, as well as 'apt-get' or 'synaptic'.
"The pragmatic world view of the Freespire project - that everything should just work without endless tinkering - is truly refreshing," said Ian Murdock, founder of the popular Debian Linux system. "Freespire will open the door to many more potential Linux users who want to experience the many benefits of open source without having to become an expert in how it all works. CNR is truly a work of art."
Also available is the Freespire 1.0 OSS Edition, a special version of Freespire that does not include any proprietary software. This version can be used by those who wish to build upon Freespire, without any of the 3rd-party licensed components included in the core OS.
At LinuxWorld, Linspire CEO Kevin Carmony was a featured panelist on the OSDL Desktop Linux Workgroup panel. Linspire personnel also handed out thousands of live CDs for Freespire and occasional full commercial packages of Linspire to interested LinuxWorld attendees.
NetBSD 3.0.1 is now officially announced: "NetBSD 3.0.1 is the first security/critical update of the NetBSD 3.0 release branch. This represents a selected subset of fixes deemed critical in nature for stability or security reasons; no new features have been added. NetBSD 3.0.1 runs on 57 different system architectures featuring 17 machine architectures across 17 distinct CPU families, and is being ported to more. The NetBSD 3.0.1 release contains complete binary releases for 53 different machine types, with the platforms amigappc, bebox, pc532, and playstation2 released in source form only. Complete source and binaries for NetBSD 3.0.1 are available for download at many sites around the world."
SLAX Standard Edition v 5.1.7b is now available for download,
including 2 customized editions. The SLAX KillBill Edition is a pocket
operating system with the ability to run many Windows applications
natively in Linux. It contains KDE, WINE, dosbox, and qemu. SLAX Server
Edition a pocket operating system with many Internet services ready to
use. Includes DNS, DHCP, HTTP, FTP, MySQL, SMTP, POP3, IMAP, and SSH.
Fedora Core 6 Test 2 is set at the end of July or in early August. Xen required some more effort to get to working, so there was a temporary freeze of FC6 Test2.
After much discussion on fedora-legacy-list, the Fedora community has decided to end-of-life Fedora Core 1 and Fedora Core 2 releases when FC6 Test2 is released.
MEPIS has released SimplyMEPIS 6.0. This is the first public release of SimplyMEPIS to incorporate an Ubuntu foundation. Based on the Dapper LTS package pool, 6.0 is designed for stable long-term use and support. Also, MEPIS LLC has finally released its distribution source code under the GPL.
One core Debian server at debian.org had to be reinstalled after a compromise. On July 12th, the host gluck.debian.org was compromised using a local root vulnerability in the Linux kernel. The intruder had access to the server using a compromised developer account.
Due to the short window between exploiting the kernel and Debian admins noticing, the attacker hadn't had time/inclination to cause much damage. The only obviously compromised binary was /bin/ping.
The compromised account did not have access to any of the restricted Debian hosts. Hence, neither the regular nor security archive were compromised. An investigation of developer passwords revealed several weak passwords, and those accounts have been locked in response.
The kernel vulnerability used for this compromise is referenced as CVE-2006-2451. It only exists in the Linux kernel 2.6.13 up to versions before, and 2.6.16 before The bug allows a local user to gain root privileges via the PR_SET_DUMPABLE argument of the prctl function, and a program that causes a core dump file to be created in a directory for which the user does not have permissions.
The current stable release, Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 alias 'sarge', contains Linux 2.6.8 and is thus not affected by this problem. The compromised server ran Linux [Plan on an upgrade if you are running a vulnerable version...]
ActiveState Software Inc. announced the technical pre-release of Komodo 4.0, introducing advanced support for Web 2.0 technologies to its award-winning IDE for dynamic languages. The release is available for download at: http://www.activestate.com/komodo/.
Komodo 4.0 builds on a rock-solid support for dynamic languages such as Perl, Python, PHP, Ruby, and Tcl, by introducing first-class IDE support for JavaScript, enhanced project tracking and deployment capabilities, and support for editing files on secure servers. This release also adds custom language syntax definition, allowing for easy support of Web-centric templating languages such as Rails's RHTML.
"Increasingly, Web 2.0 development requires users to spend as much time in the design layer as they do in back-end business logic", says David Ascher, CTO at ActiveState. "With advanced support for Web scripting languages, and the addition of high-value tools for managing, testing, and debugging client/server interactions, Komodo 4.0 allows developers to manage the complete Web-dev process within a single, feature-rich workspace."
In addition, the 4.0 release adds vi bindings, enabling vi users to enjoy familiar, keyboard-driven commands while enjoying the advanced capabilities of an IDE.
Komodo 4.0 was showcased at O'Reilly's Open Source Convention (OSCON) in July. In addition, ActiveState is previewing a beta release of PPM4, the updated Perl Package Manager for downloading and installing pre-compiled versions of most CPAN modules; and new self-help user forums. Users can register to be notified of all ActiveState releases at: http://listserv.activestate.com/mailman/listinfo/announce.
nworks announced that its nworks Smart Plug-in (SPI) for VMware has achieved certified integration with HP OpenView Operations for both Windows and UNIX. nworks provides a solution for integrating VMware ESX Server performance, event, state, and configuration into HP OpenView Operations without installing any software on the ESX Servers. The integration of VMware VirtualCenter events into HP OpenView Operations software helps to monitor a strategic piece of the VMware virtual infrastructure.
The integrated solution of nworks SPI and HP OpenView Operations software helps to reduce the costs of IT operations and enable real-time service impact analysis of incidents and faster problem resolution for a VMware ESX Server virtual infrastructure. nworks's solution has real-time virtual machine discovery, by mapping virtual resources to physical resources and physical to virtual resources for a complete view of an enterprise's virtual infrastructure.
"As ESX Server is deployed throughout enterprises, it is critical to have a holistic picture of the virtualized machines and ESX Servers supporting the business services provided by IT", said Greg Stephens, founder and president of nworks. "Automating ESX Server Discovery and gathering performance information regarding virtual machines as well ESX Servers themselves enables organizations to make faster, more intelligent decisions regarding the virtualization of the data center."
For more information on nworks's integration with HP OpenView Operations, please visit: http://nworks.com/vmware
Developers can now create powerful service-oriented architectures (SOA) with unprecedented ease through MindTouch Dream, an open-source framework for building Web 2.0 services on the Novell-sponsored Mono platform. MindTouch is a leading provider of Intranet wiki solutions.
With MindTouch Dream, developers can use their existing skills and tools to create Web 2.0 services without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. Developers can now use MindTouch Dream to create new applications for Linux platforms.
"The Mono project is focused on helping developers bring their Microsoft .NET applications to a Linux platform and speeding the delivery and development of new applications," said Miguel de Icaza, maintainer of the Mono Project and vice president of developer platforms at Novell. "With the release of MindTouch Dream, Mono developers can more easily take advantage of service-oriented programming options for creating flexible Web 2.0 architectures."
MindTouch Dream manages all aspects of interactive Web services, such as providing storage locations, database connections, event notifications, automatic data conversion from XML to JSON, and short-circuit communication for co-hosted services. The platform enables developers to create enterprise-ready service architectures that meet the changing needs of IT organizations.
For developer support on MindTouch Dream, visit www.opengarden.org.
CPU Technology Inc.(R), a supplier of System-on-a-Chip (SoC) -based computing systems, announced a new class of semiconductor devices called Field Programmable Multi-core Chips (FPMCs). In collaboration with IBM, CPU Tech is integrating multiple PowerPC(®) cores into the Acalis(™) product family. Acalis devices facilitate the migration of microprocessor-based systems to multi-core computing, while preserving the investment in existing software. The collaboration also ensures onshore fabrication of the new devices using IBM's Trusted Foundry.
"Size, power, and throughput limitations associated with microprocessors are driving the adoption of multi-core computing," said Edward King, CPU Tech's CEO. "SoC technology can effectively solve these problems. However, transition to the multi-core era presents the additional challenge of software compatibility. Acalis, the world's first FPMC product line, can directly execute unmodified legacy application software and simultaneously execute IBM PowerPC multi-core software on a single chip device."
This new generation of programmable semiconductor devices combines the flexibility of FPGAs with the speed and capacity of ASICs. The Acalis family is applicable to a broad range of general-purpose and embedded computing systems. Customers can exploit the functionality, performance, and compatibility characteristics of a single FPMC across multiple product lines.
Altova, creator of XMLSpy(®) and other data management and Web services tools, now has version 2006 release 2 of UModel(®), the company's Unified Modeling Language(™) software development tool. The latest UModel adds support for three new UML-2 diagram types -- activity diagrams, state machine diagrams, and composite structure diagrams -- as well as a number of usability enhancements.
As the starting point for successful software development, Altova UModel 2006 allows developers to visually design application models and generate Java or C# code. Developers can also reverse-engineer existing programs into UML 2.1 diagrams, then amend and fine-tune the designs and complete the round trip by regenerating code. Not just for elite software architects, UModel makes visual software design accessible and practical for code-writing developers everywhere.
"With the addition of these new capabilities, UModel has evolved to become a well-rounded and highly competitive UML tool," said Tim Hale, Director of Marketing for Altova. "But the real advantages lie in UModel's usability and cost-effectiveness when compared to other products on the market. We offer an advanced, feature-rich, and interoperable UML tool that developers find easy and enjoyable to use, at a fraction of the cost of legacy UML applications."
UModel 2006 release 2 adds dozens of additional UML 2 element icons -- many available in multiple orientations at a single click, new diagram-specific toolbars, more context menus, extended properties, window direct-entry fields, expanded example files, tutorials, and help features, and the following three additional diagram types:
-- Activity diagrams - Chart the flow of actions and illustrate
trigger mechanisms and decision points as well as sequential, parallel,
and alternate flows based on internal or external conditions
-- State machine diagrams - Identify various states and transitional
conditions of an object as it proceeds through its life cycle
-- Composite structure diagrams - Document the design or runtime
architecture of a system or an architectural pattern, or represent a
class graphically as opposed to simply listing its properties as in a
class diagram
In addition, numerous usability refinements throughout UModel 2006 R2 enhance auto-creation of association connectors, reverse-engineering functionality, copy/paste operations, and lots more. Detailed information on all features of Altova UModel 2006 release 2 can be found at: http://www.altova.com/products_umodel.html
Spiceworks is the David amid software Goliaths and - to get noticed - it is offering a free, browser-based IT monitoring station. Free as in beer? Yes, if you don't mind being in the commercial. Why? Because its ad-ware supported.
Spiceworks promises to be a turnkey, install-and-run solution that lets small and medium size organizations easily:
It claims its software takes less than 5 minutes to get up and running; there are no agents and no scripts.
Spiceworks also makes searching for relevant IT information on the Internet easier by allowing users to automatically feed Google relevant information throughout the IT management process. [Of course, that may help hackers find out your company's vulnerabilities...'-) ]. In addition, it provides direct links to vendor support sites and to Microsoft Knowledge Base articles.
When in operation, the free software displays activity-related ads on 20-25% of the management console. The user agreement requires users to agree to allow ads, using Google AdSense, to appear on their management console screens.
"You don't need to pay thousands of dollars in licensing fees, drown in endless user manuals, or get lost in countless tools to manage your company's hardware and software," said Scott Abel, CEO of Spiceworks. "By creating a browser-based IT management desktop that's as simple to use as surfing the Web, buying a book, or managing your digital music, we're helping to simplify the daily tasks of everyday IT managers, so they can better do their jobs."
For more information on Spiceworks, or to download the free Spiceworks beta software, visit www.spiceworks.com.
The Cyborgs are coming... Cyberkinetics Neurotechnology Systems, Inc. announced preclinical results reported by a team of researchers from Stanford University's Schools of Engineering and Medicine in the July 13, 2006, issue of the journal Nature. Scientific findings from the first participant in the company's ongoing pilot clinical trials of the BrainGate Neural Interface System (BrainGate) were featured on the cover of the same issue. The Stanford team used Cyberkinetics's research products line of neural interface technology to demonstrate the ability to obtain accurate, high-speed neural recordings that can immediately be translated into a prediction of intended movement. This research underscores the feasibility for using neural signals as the basis for brain-computer interfaces (BCI) that could be developed to enable those with nervous system injuries or diseases to operate external devices that require fast, accurate selections, such as typing.
In the study, published in "Letters" to Nature, the authors describe a significant advance in discrete, high-speed, high-accuracy neural decoding in a preclinical model using Cyberkinetics's electrode and data acquisition technology. These findings include the ability to voluntarily generate signals in the dorsal pre-motor cortex, the area of the brain responsible for the planning, selection and execution of movement. While accuracy levels have been previously published, the current study reveals unprecedented speed in retrieving and interpreting the neural signals that can be applied to the operation of external devices that require fast, accurate selections, such as typing. The researchers also found that, by locating the Cyberkinetics neural sensor in this area, they were able to immediately translate neural activity into a prediction of the intended movement in order to place a computer cursor directly on an intended target.
According to John Donoghue, Chief Scientific Officer of Cyberkinetics, and a co-inventor of the BrainGate technology, "The results achieved from this study demonstrate the utility and versatility of Cyberkinetics's neural sensing technology to achieve very rapid, accurate decoding - about as fast as humans ordinarily make decisions to move when asked. The contributions of complementary research with our electrode and data acquisition technology should enhance our development of the BrainGate System in its ability to, one day, enable those with severe paralysis or other neurological conditions to lead more independent lives."
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Howard Dyckoff is a long term IT professional with primary experience at
Fortune 100 and 200 firms. Before his IT career, he worked for Aviation
Week and Space Technology magazine and before that used to edit SkyCom, a
newsletter for astronomers and rocketeers. He hails from the Republic of
Brooklyn [and Polytechnic Institute] and now, after several trips to
Himalayan mountain tops, resides in the SF Bay Area with a large book
collection and several pet rocks.
The 2006 EclipseCon had more of everything -- projects, developers, tech sessions, exhibitors and sponsors. This is substantially due to the increasing use of Eclipse both by corporate developers and at within the major tool vendors. IBM, BEA, Compuware, Sybase, just to name a few, are all dedicating their in-house resources to furthering many Eclipse projects, and reaping the benefits of interoperable tools and components.
Over 1300 people attended, and it was a sell-out. The main EclipseCon conference ran 3 days, preceded by a day of tutorials, 2 of which were free to conference attendees [ by BusinessObjects, and by BEA]. There were 7 simultaneous tracks, but some were 'short talks' [4 crammed into an hour] and some were 'long talks', so there was a lot of intersession movement. Here's a link to a table view of the sessions: http://www.eclipsecon.org/2006/Table.do?id=all&date=2006-3-21
Now that Eclipse 3.2 is out and the coordinated Callisto release of Eclipse projects has been successful, it would be nice to review the conference that preceded Callisto.
It's hard to believe that Eclipse got started less than 5 years ago but is now widely used and respected. The Eclipse Platform is written primarily in Java and has been deployed on a range of development workstations including Linux, HP-UX, AIX, Solaris, QNX, Mac OS X, and Windows systems.
Eclipse is first and foremost a tools framework. The editor/IDE code is itself an assemblage of tools and components built under various Eclipse projects. What Eclipse provides is an extensible development platform with application frameworks for building software in a consistent way. The Eclipse ecosystem is those projects, and it is also the developers and vendors who contribute to those projects. At EclipseCon, those folks get to meet each other.
One goal of this Eclipse summit was to coordinate on-going Eclipse projects to better compete with offerings from Redmond. This is shown in the complete lifecycle approach that many projects take [see 'ALF' and 'Corona' below]. But, because most of Eclipse is Java-based, developers get a 'write-once, run mostly any where' premium with Eclipse. With the upcoming Vista/Windows OS moving away from the aging Win32 API, there may be incentive for enterprises to consider Eclipse for that very reason.
EclipseCon is where a vast and vibrant community assembles. There are poster sessions for embryonic projects and whole tracks of sessions for widely adopted projects. It can be a bit daunting for an Eclipse newbie, although some of the tracks [and tutorials] are aimed at those starting out.
I have a few session summaries below, but found I needed to study the varied Eclipse projects to understand how everything fit together. So, here are summaries of some major Eclipse initiatives, many of which were announced or highlighted at EclipseCon:
ALF extends the popular Eclipse development platform by using an open-source framework to tightly integrate ALM suites or individual products, helping developers to manage application changes. The Eclipse Foundation announced support and new partnerships that strengthen the Eclipse Application Lifecycle Framework (ALF) Project, and has made new proof of concept code available for download.
In the current practice, varied integration tools use numerous point-to-point integrations that are fragile, partial, and inflexible. The solution [ paraphrasing from the ALF Web page, http://www.eclipse.org/alf/ ] is to make tools orchestratable to provide repeatable processes responsive to changes in an organization by building upon an interoperable and collaborative collection of services and components. The tool provider can expose as much (or as little) as he or she chooses, and the consumer of these technologies will have the ultimate control over how these technologies are orchestrated together. This is putting SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture) into the tool set.
Using a BPEL engine to orchestrate the 'ServiceFlows', compliant tools makes ALF aware that something significant has happened, and the ALF EventManager filters and routes those events. There is also a set of domain vocabularies that define the events, objects, and attributes.
The ALF Project, initiated by Serena Software in the spring of 2005, addresses the universal problem of integrating Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) technologies so that they provide full interoperability. Currently more than thirty vendors have pledged support for the ALF project, and recent additions to those committing resources include AccuRev, PlanView, and Viewtier.
The four primary objectives of the ALF project are to provide an SOA-based cross-tool communication infrastructure for ALM solutions; leverage Eclipse open-source components and industry standards; develop common and extensible domain-specific vocabularies for improved interoperability; and provide conformance rules for varying levels of participation through a layered Web services extensibility API. ALF is a liberating shift in how IT organizations can effectively manage change within their environment and free developers from a most common pain point -- broken development tool integration.
"ALF changes everything," said Kevin Parker, vice-president of market development at Serena, and Eclipse ALF Project Management Committee member. "As tools evolve, ALF will remain the constant integrator, enabling developers to select best-in-class technologies in support of enterprise initiatives."
"ALF is an important project for the future growth of the Eclipse ecosystem," said Mike Milinkovich, executive director of Eclipse Foundation. "ALF builds on the promise of the Eclipse platform for tools integration, and provides an open-source infrastructure for collaboration and interoperability between development tools across the entire lifecycle."
So, a lot of vendors in the Expo Hall displayed ALF logos at their booths and some, particularly Serena and Seque, provided integration demos.
Linked with ALF, Corona is about tool integration and an event model to propagate events across multiple Workbench instances. Corona will enable Eclipse constructs, such as a "project", to be shared in a distributed environment. Corona will provide an Eclipse-based server-side runtime environment that will provide Web service access to allow manageability to SOA components deployed within Corona.
Corona is conceptually a layer of middleware between the Eclipse framework and individual plugins. With Corona, multiple developer workbenches share events. However, the layer is generalized enough that non-Eclipse development environments can participate [e.g., Microsoft's VS, via a Web service].
Corona can be compared to the collaboration back-end of Microsoft VS Team Foundation server and the tool integration of MS VS Team System. There are also elements of IBM's JAZZ developer collaboration. Taken together, ALF and Corona lay the groundwork for Eclipse to succeed at Application Lifecycle Management [ALM] and to compete with all of Microsoft's offerings in this arena. Demonstrations of both ALF and Corona were provided during the two day track of demos at EclipseCon.
See: http://www.eclipse.org/corona/doc/Corona%20Eclipse%20Forum%20Europe.pdf
While the Eclipse platform is designed to serve as an open tools platform, its components can be used to build just about any client application. RCP provides a way of assembling GUI-based applications that can run without the need for the full Eclipse IDE. It offers standard client interface components that works as a front end to enterprise apps running on Linux or any other supported OS. That means any client, any server.
The minimal set of plug-ins needed to build a rich client application is known as the Rich Client Platform. The main thing that differentiates a rich client application from the platform workbench is that the application is responsible for defining which class should be run as the main application.
Applications other than IDEs can be built using a subset of the platform. These rich applications are still based on a dynamic plug-in model, and the UI is built using the same toolkits and extension points. So, the developer can chose how light or heavy to make the application.
The initial goal was to reuse Eclipse components to build and deploy applications on any platform and leverage the Eclipse development model. However, there are now four initiatives to extend the usefulness of RCP:
Here's a good place to start with RCP: http://eclipsewiki.editme.com/RichClientPlatform
Also consider:
[with login]
If that just whets your appetite, consider these podcasts
on the major Eclipse projects:
Most of the Technical Sessions are available here: http://www.eclipsecon.org/2006/Sub.do?id=all
I'll provide a few summaries below:
This presentation was formerly called 'Eclipse goes for Global Domination', and was hosted by John Andrews of analyst firm Evans Data Corp (EDC). He decided to be a bit less pre-emptive.
Eclipse users are substantially VARs and corporate developers, compared to general user population statistics. This means that, at smaller companies, there is less adoption of Eclipse, but it is very well represented in the middle and large company space.
North American growth of Eclipse use has been 88% in 2+ years, while Euro-ME-Africa adoption has grown 7-fold.
Results from EDC's IDE use survey shows Eclipse is 2nd to Visual Studio, at 24.3 vs. 55.3 percent, whereas Sun Java Studio and NetBeans, and IBM and Oracle's IDEs are all just around 11% each. However, Eclipse use is growing faster than Microsoft's VS suite. [Note that both of Sun's tools add up to about 22%.] EDC estimates that Eclipse could catch up with Visual Studio in about two more years.
While MS tools dominate both enterprises and SMB, Eclipse growth is stronger in the enterprise, while trends show MS VS use is dropping slowly in large corporations. Among the challenges Eclipse will face in winning over Microsoft-based developers is a perception that Visual Studio provides more functionality in the Windows environment than Eclipse, and that it seems to have better support offerings from Microsoft.
Driving Eclipse acceptance is its low cost and other factors, such as its existing broad industry adoption and the belief in developer circles that Eclipse is among the most technologically advanced tools sets. Yet, fewer than 30% are willing to pay for Eclipse support, and only 15% are ready to pay now. Andrews called this a 'complex story", since most respondents are unwilling to pay over $100 for a plugin, and only 15% willing to pay up to $250. That may trouble companies betting their futures as commercial developers of Eclipse plugins.
The graphic below is taken from the Evans IDE study, and shows the overall developer rankings based on compiler, make functions, editor, profiler, help, etc., and shows both Eclipse and NetBeans trailing the other IDEs.
Another trend EDC notes: more Eclipse users are using more OSS, and more often. This is consistent with the willingness to embrace a FOSS IDE in a corporate setting and it may mean that Eclipse is really the camel's nose in the tent.
[Evans Data had promised us at LG that they would make many of the supporting slides available by June, but they haven't. This partly updated 'IDE Scorecard' is publicly available, but it doesn't fully cover the EclipseCon presentation: http://evansdata.com/devchoice_ide_scorecard.shtml]
Java developer Madhu Siddalingaiah presented a
comparison of Microsoft's Visual Studio IDE to Eclipse and
its open-source development environment. [This presentation
is here: http://www.eclipsecon.org/2006/Sub.do?id=50]
As a developer currently working on an e-prescription project using the
PocketPC platform, Siddalingaiah has first-hand experience with both VS and
Siddalingaiah first conceded that the Visual Studio IDE is great for beginners. It gives a novice a headstart, can support multiple programming languages [VB, C++, C#], and can produce code targeted at different environments, but mostly Microsoft. (This may change as MS flirts with Xen virtualization to host Linux on Windows; see related NewsBytes story here.)
The VS IDE, he noted, also has features for more-advanced users. However, the development processes in Visual Studio still follows the old waterfall development model: code, compile, debug, and repeat, repeat, repeat.
Eclipse, in comparison, is open source, has a large developer support community, and its code runs in almost every computing environment. There is no Microsoft platform lock-in and no Microsoft platform 'tax'. [VS Studio and Team products cost hundreds of dollars per seat.] Also, new development tools and frameworks just snap in.
That said, Siddalingaiah went on to critique VS in more detail: its classes and methods are insufficiently documented for a developer, and the compiler lacked full code completion and code refactoring. He jokingly compared the C-compilers to "TurboC with a GUI". Unless 3rd party add-ins are considered, VS Studio lacks the constellation of plug-ins that expand Eclipse capabilities [UML modeling, for an example]. Eclipse is open and open source, while VS is not. But VS is more polished and requires less training.
Siddalingaiah did consider Visual Studio Express a good value [it's free!] for novice Windows developers, but cautioned again about the Microsoft lock-in.
This was a zippy demo that displayed Eclipse RCP's strengths and eased concerns about the difficulties of RCP development. Presenter Wayne Beaton started by citing the strengths of Eclipse and the richness of the UI, which has the plumbing provided with help services and update capabilities. Eclipse RCP makes use of the Eclipse component model, which adds features not in standard Java. These components can be versioned and are dynamically loadable. Beaton also noted that GUI- and non-GUI extension points can be used for application integration without component interference. Menus and views can be shared.
Paul Slauenwhite described how to use the performance, JUnit, and manual test tooling in the Eclipse Test and Performance Tools Platform (TPTP) for testing applications. TPTP provides a flexible and extensible framework for creating and managing tests, deployments, datapools, execution histories, and reports.
TPTP is composed of 4 basic projects:
- Platform
- Test
- Trace and Profiling
- Monitoring
TPTP includes reference implementations for manual testing, JUnit tests, URL and automated GUI testing [Recording/Playback] of applications. See: http://eclipsezilla.eclipsecon.org/php/attachment.php?bugid=102
Kenn Hussey of IBM Rational SW explained that UML2 is an Eclipse sub-project for an EMF implementation of the UML metamodel. It provides an XMI schema to allow interchange semantic models and provide test cases for validation and implementation. Mapping the XMI schema to Java was, as he said, 'non-trivial'.
Hussey explained that his project team had to weed out errors in the spec, which will help all UML2 implementers. These errors were reported to the UML 2.1 Revision Task Force. UML2 now supports one namespace for all elements, using UUIDs - Universally Unique IDs.
The UML sub-project team are providing better documentation, plus a number of convenience methods. The final version of plugin, supporting UML 2.1, was due in April, will be included in Eclipse 3.2, and will have a migration path for UML 2.2. See: http://eclipsezilla.eclipsecon.org/php/attachment.php?bugid=37
Lee Anne Kowalski (IBM), Maria Brownstein (Sybase) and Dave Resch (Sybase) described lessons learned at two different companies that build products on the Eclipse Platform, particularly the project lifecycle for authoring and delivering content for the help system. They include an overview of the help features available in Eclipse: dynamic help view, cheat sheets, Welcome experience items, tutorials, help system (Bookshelf), and information center function. They ended with examples of tying the help features together for a consistent information experience by users [see: http://www.eclipsecon.org/2006/Sub.do?id=305]
One proposal aired at EclipseCon 2006 was Rich AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) Platform, or RAP Project, an open-source project that aims to enable developers to build rich, AJAX-enabled Web applications by using the Eclipse development model, plug-ins, and a Java-only API.
The German company Innoopract, which initiated the project, offered code from its W4Toolkit to enable Java component user interface development with a mechanism for browser detection. A full set of APIs are due by year-end, and a RAP 1.0 release due mid-year 2007. IBM and other vendors have also offered AJAX-ified libraries and toolkits for RCP, but RAP is aimed at a fuller AJAX implementation.
Just in time for EclipseCon, the Eclipse Foundation, Zend Technologies, and IBM announced the PHP IDE Project, an Eclipse technology project originally proposed in October at the PHP User Conference. The project delivers a PHP IDE framework for the Eclipse platform, and encompass the dev components needed to develop PHP-based Web apps. It also leverages the existing Eclipse Web Tools Project.
The PHP IDE will extend the Eclipse Platform to support development of next generation Web applications in PHP, and make the robust Eclipse platform available to the large PHP developer community. The project will initially be a set of Eclipse plug-ins that add PHP capabilities to Eclipse and will provide extension points to further extend the functionality of the project. The project will be composed of a set of extensible features covering the development life cycle, including functionality that deals with developing, deploying, documenting, and debugging PHP-based applications.
For more information on the PHP IDE project, please visit www.eclipse.org/proposals/php-ide/.
This conference has really good value if Eclipse is your development environment. Conference prices ranged from about $1000 to $1500 with tutorials [and, as noted above, 2 tutorials were free to conference attendees].
In LG #126, I compared the offerings of the Software Development Conference [SD West] to EclipseCon, and noted some of the perks -- sit-down lunches with Eclipse contributors and good food, great evening receptions, and a fuller Expo Hall. There was also a great conference bag [only a tote at SD West], which had its own detachable PDA case. Finally, the majority of conference presentations were on a 256 MB USB jumpdrive given to all conference attendees. That was sweet. EclipseCon definitely provides more for the buck.
The folks at Eclipse ran a very open process, with a
significant number of comments highlighted in the online summary
of the post-conference survey. It seems that most
attendees were enthusiastic and expect to return.
See the results at http://www.eclipsecon.org/2006/SurveyResults/summary.html
EclipseCon 2007 will be held on March 5-8, 2007 in Santa Clara, California.
Talkback: Discuss this article with The Answer Gang
Howard Dyckoff is a long term IT professional with primary experience at
Fortune 100 and 200 firms. Before his IT career, he worked for Aviation
Week and Space Technology magazine and before that used to edit SkyCom, a
newsletter for astronomers and rocketeers. He hails from the Republic of
Brooklyn [and Polytechnic Institute] and now, after several trips to
Himalayan mountain tops, resides in the SF Bay Area with a large book
collection and several pet rocks.
By Ed Neville
This guide shall show how to setup djbdns for a SOHO environment.
Named/BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Daemon) is a popular DNS (Domain Name System) server, but perhaps it has had a few general problems.
With a default installation of 'named', you leave yourself open to proxy for anyone on the Internet to make DNS queries through your open system, which is a caching nameserver on all interfaces.[1] I have found of late that DJB's DNS suite of tools to be of great efficiency and use.
Despite its merits, there is one major drawback: you cannot run a DNS server and a DNS cache in the same instance on the same interface. Some might see this to be both confusing and irritating; I see this as security. I run a typical SOHO setup: I have a handful of domain names and a handful of computers on the LAN. This is how I run things here, and that is the basis for this article.
To illustrate the network layout:
In this example, you need to decide whether to put the DNS server in your LAN or if you have it at the firewall. DNS lookups (should) create little load on your network, so it's not necessary to set up a dedicated box. If you do choose to set up a dedicated box, then it will probably sit idle for most of the time, in which case you might want to make it double up as a backup server; therefore, you should not be short of disk space, here.
In my example, the Internet cloud is attached to a IP address, and the LAN clients are on a network (otherwise known as a RFC 1918 private network).
The plan here is to set up 'tinydns' to serve our UDP DNS lookups, 'dnscache' to serve the LAN with a DNS cache's lookups, and a private 'tinydns' server to respond with NXDOMAIN [2] on lookups from which potentially bad Internet traffic might result.
One of the instant hurdles for anyone who has not done source installations is that the entire suite of programs DJB provides is in source code. The code is very well written, and compiles just fine on most systems, but his licence does not permit his software to be redistributed if altered. Because of this, most distributions cannot provide binary packages.
There are three main parts to getting up and running with DJB's DNS packages:
http://cr.yp.to/daemontools/daemontools-0.76.tar.gz provides a suite of programs for managing system services. The bulk of the suite is supervisory programs, which consist of a super service and monitoring utilities. This is what will keep the DNS services running: even in the event of a program crash, the super service will restart things for us.
'ucspi' provides TCP server and client programs that allow callers to talk TCP through stdin/stdout-like read/writes. This cuts out a large security risk that the callers would otherwise have to code against (such as some basic buffer overflows).
http://cr.yp.to/djbdns/djbdns-1.05.tar.gz is the suite of DNS programs and libraries that provide the DNS information to queries.
We'll put daemontools in the /package directory, the super service directory will be /service, ucspi tools will go into /usr/local, and the DNS programs will have their configuration in /etc.
[ The locations of the two directories suggested above, '/service' and '/package', are not compliant with either FSSTND or FHS standards, as far as I'm aware; placing these subdirectories somewhere other than the root directory (e.g., "/opt" is reserved for this purpose under the FHS) may be advisable. -- Ben ]
Following the basic setup directions from DJB's pages:
mkdir -p /package chmod 1755 /package cd /package wget http://cr.yp.to/daemontools/daemontools-0.76.tar.gz tar zxpf daemontools-0.76.tar.gz cd admin/daemontools-0.76
The compilation and installation is taken care of via a single
command, package/install
We should now have supervise running from /etc/inittab, if not, run 'svscan &' manually.
As with daemon-tools, we shall follow the DJB notes for installation.
cd ~ wget http://cr.yp.to/ucspi-tcp/ucspi-tcp-0.88.tar.gz tar zxpf ucspi-tcp-0.88.tar.gz cd ucspi-tcp-0.88
Compile the ucspi-tcp programs by typing 'make'; As root, install the ucspi-tcp programs under '/usr/local' with 'make setup check'.
cd ~ wget http://cr.yp.to/djbdns/djbdns-1.05.tar.gz tar zxpf djbdns-1.05.tar.gz cd djbdns-1.05 echo gcc -O2 -include /usr/include/errno.h > conf-cc make
There is a slight bug with compiling, after some recent changes
with glibc
; hence, the fifth line in the above code block
replaces the original compilation options. Once this is complete, we can
get on with configuring the system.
We need to create a new user account for 'dnscache', so it can run as that user, since running services as root invites a host of security problems. The same reasoning applies for setting up the groups.
groupadd dnscache groupadd dnslog useradd -g dnscache dnscache useradd -g dnslog dnslog
Now, let's set up the cache directory:
dnscache-conf dnscache dnslog /etc/dnscache
Choose an IP for the DNS cache to listen on, and write it into "/etc/dnscache/env/IP". In my case, I have the private IP address on my firewall's LAN interface, so I place this IP address here:
echo > /etc/dnscache/env/IP
Next, we'll add a setting to tell 'dnscache' which source IP addresses to service; we do this by 'touch'ing the IP ranges in /etc/dnscache/root/ip/:
touch /etc/dnscache/root/ip/192.168.0
The next step would be to link this directory into the super-service directory, but we shall get to that in a moment.
The DNS server and DNS cache cannot operate on the same interface using the same protocol. BIND can do this; however, this is not desirable default behavior. BIND suffered for a long time from being exploited by people who shifted the lookup work onto third-party daemons.
'tinydns', in my example above, is set to operate on, serving the contents of my DNS datafile only. If the answer that the client wants is not in the datafile, then the lookup fails.
groupadd tinydns useradd -g tinydns tinydns tinydns-conf tinydns dnslog /etc/tinydns
We should now have a tinydns directory in /etc/tinydns. Let's make sure it's set to listen on the correct IP address by inspecting the contents of "/etc/tinydns/env/IP", which should hold your desired DNS-serving IP address. In my case, this is
'tinydns' uses a hash database lookup file. This makes query lookups extremely fast and efficient. The hash file is stored in CDB format. This file can be transported to any architecture and it will remain compatible; this makes DNS clusters very easy to maintain.
In /etc/tinydns/root/, there is a data file and a Makefile. When the Makefile is run, the file 'data.cdb' is created. DNS zones contain (among other items) A(+), MX(@), NS(&), Zones(Z), and Cnames(C).
Let's take a look at the simplest, the A record:
Above, we set the A record of the host example.com to the IP address with a TTL (Time To Live) of one day in seconds.
CNAME records are similar; they are pointers to an address record. The problem with address records is that, when the IP address changes, often the DNS administrator has to re-jig many address records, often at the same time as the IP address is altered. CNAMEs are a way to reference A records. The only problem with a CNAME is that it causes two lookups rather than just the one lookup; this obviously affects you if bandwidth and time is short. [3]
The above shows the hostname www.example.com points to example.com with a TTL of 1 minute. Please note the trailing '.' at the end of the host target.
MX records differ slightly from CNAME ones because they must also contain the mailer preference.
Here we see that the MX, for example, points to the A record of example.com with a preference of 10. Please note the trailing '.' after the address target. Also note that it is often a bad idea to specify a CNAME as the mailer target. Putting a CNAME here does not gain you anything, other than having three lookups rather than two each time an MX lookup is performed. [4]
When organising DNS for your domain, it is important that the Name Server (NS) records at your domain's DNS server match the root's NS list.
Above, we specify that the NS for example.com is the address record ns0.example.com. Please note the trailing '.'!
The zone record also contains information other than records; mainly, this provides zone update details. Here, one must specify the SOA (start of authority), which in most cases is your primary nameserver, so secondary name servers know where to find updated information.
The above states that the zone name is example.com, with the primary name server of ns0.example.com. The hostmaster email address is hostmaster@example.com. The first '.' is assumed as an @.
We use the date in 'YYYYMMDDHH' format as the serial number for the zone [5]. These values are specified in seconds and are (in order from left to right):
minimum refresh
We now have a basic setup. The full zone layout is as follows:
Zexample.com:ns0.example.com.:hostmaster.example.com.:2005090312:7200:7200:2419200:604800 &example.com::ns0.example.com.:86400 @example.com::mail.example.com.:10:86400 Cwww.example.com:example.com.:60 +example.com: +mail.example.com: +ns0.example.com:
Once you have written your zonefile, you should run the make program to build this into the 'data.cdb', as mentioned above.
For full documentation on the format of the datafile, you might want to visit http://cr.yp.to/djbdns/tinydns-data.html.
Once happy with the configuration, we can start the services by linking them both to the /service directory. To do this, just issue the following two commands:
ln -s /etc/tinydns /service ln -s /etc/dnscache /service
Wait for a few seconds, then issue 'ps -aux'; you should see output similar to the following:
root 2241 0.0 0.0 1276 256 ? S Jul27 0:00 supervise dnscache root 2250 0.0 0.0 1276 256 ? S Jul27 0:00 supervise tinydns dnscache 2252 0.0 0.1 2860 1588 ? S Jul27 7:02 /usr/local/bin/dnscache dnslog 2254 0.0 0.1 1416 328 ? S Jul27 0:42 multilog t ./main tinydns 2265 0.0 0.0 1532 320 ? S Jul27 0:31 /usr/local/bin/tinydns dnslog 2272 0.0 0.0 1416 328 ? S Jul27 0:10 multilog t ./main
If you do not see the above, then it might be that your 'supervise' program is not running. You should ensure that your '/etc/inittab' file contains this line:
Then, send init a HUP signal:
kill -HUP 1
Then, check that 'supervise' actually starts. If not, there will be a message about the failure against the 'readproctile' process in your 'ps' output.
It is now important to check the status of the processes that are running; we can do this through the multilog output, which is located in '/etc/tinydns/log/main/current' and '/etc/dnscache/log/main/current'.
The best way to watch these files is with the following command (from the log directory):
tail -F current
As these files can be rotated frequently, using the '-F' parameter will cause the 'tail' program to watch for file changes and reposition the file pointer at the beginning of the file at log rotation time.
We should see the following output (for tinydns):
@4000000044e38ce704a37e0c starting tinydns
and the following for dnscache:
@4000000044e38d0f165dc2ec starting
If you see errors, then you might have to go through the above installation instructions, checking that everything has been followed correctly. If you see output, then this is even better, since it means your programs are working (one hopes) as expected.
To test that the DNS cache is operating correctly, you can type the following:
nslookup – set q=mx yahoo.com
The line 'set q=mx' tells nslookup to make MX queries, which will return Yahoo's mail servers:
yahoo.com mail exchanger = 1 mx2.mail.yahoo.com. yahoo.com mail exchanger = 1 mx3.mail.yahoo.com. yahoo.com mail exchanger = 5 mx4.mail.yahoo.com. yahoo.com mail exchanger = 1 mx1.mail.yahoo.com.
To test that the the DNS server is running correctly, we can do the following:
nslookup – set q=mx example.com
There are other tools you might like to use for DNS debugging, named 'host' and 'dig': these are very powerful and are great fun for scripting.[5] If you happen to know how to program in Perl, you might like to get the Perl module Net::DNS, which provides a wealth of DNS lookup functions.
DNS poisoning is the method in which we taint results to suit the query. For example, if you were to discover an Internet shock site, you could prevent lookups of this site by telling the DNS cache to use a given DNS server for all these queries. The DNS server in this case would be set to respond with NXDOMAIN for every lookup; thus we can send any query we like there and we know it is always going to give the same result, NXDOMAIN. This is the ideal result, as the lookup does not wait around for a timeout.
In the /etc/dnscache/root/servers/ directory, you can place the IP address of the poisoned server in the file matching the domain name you want poisoned. For example, inside /etc/dnscache/root/servers/doubleclick.net, I have
We're going to repeat the setup above for the 'tinydns' server, but with the small exception of the datafile and its installation location.
tinydns-conf tinydns dnslog /etc/tinyforge cd /etc/tinyforge/root echo '.:' > data
This line in the data file affects all lookups.
make echo '' > /etc/tinyforge/env/IP
The above line tells 'tinyforge' which IP address to listen on.
We must setup a local interface for tinyforge to bind to:
ifconfig lo:1
(You will need to add this to your system configuration.)
ln -s /etc/tinyforge /service
And now, we start the service by linking it in the /service directory; you might want to repeat the testing above, to verify that lookups are correctly returning NXDOMAIN.
When you execute 'svc -h /service/dnscache', the servers directory will be reloaded, and specified domains will be forwarded to the DNS forge server.
There is a project at http://www.bleedingsnort.com/blackhole-dns/files/ where a list of inappropriate sites is maintained. This can be easily scripted into a directory of DNS servers. The script is not included here, as the file layout is subject to change.
If you're like me, you will want statistics of which domains are looked up on your tinydns server most frequently: You can get this information quite easily from '/etc/tinydns/log/main/'. I suggest reading this periodically via a Perl script and feeding the information into a normalised MySQL database.
There are many advantages to having all the DNS settings in a single file. In my case, this single file is generated from a database, which I shall not go into here, but this allows friends or customers to make changes via a Web interface.
With BIND, the zones are stored in single files. If you were to have a huge number of files in a single directory, the OS would have to open the directory at reload time for processing. This could take some time if you had a large number of zone files.[7] This might seem trivial, perhaps, but, if your business is to provide DNS, you might want to schedule your reloads rather than allow customers to queue up reloads.
The single data hash file is very effective. During the make process, the datafile is named 'data.cdb.tmp' until the build is complete, then renamed to 'data.cdb'. This allows datafile creation without interruption to the running tinydns server.
[1] Rick Moen adds: The point is valuable and well taken. If using BIND9, Rob Thomas's "Secure BIND Template" is a far better starting point than the normal BIND9 configuration, and among many other improvements use the "view" partitioning scheme to limit recursive-DNS accees to specified more-trusted-network IPs, only.
[2] RM: This DNS return-value string is short for "no such domain".
[3] RM: There's one other very serious problem with CNAMEs: They may not be used to define a hostname that is also used for an NS, MX, or any other DNS record (see: RFC1912 2.4 and RFC2181 10.3).
New DNS admins almost always vastly overuse CNAMEs: The reason appears to be lack of awareness of the performance hit from that second lookup and of the RFC restrictions, combined with uncertainty about whether multiple "A" records pointing to a single IP are OK. The latter is almost always, in fact, the right solution, except where pointing to an out-of-domain FQDN (fully-qualified domain name). Yes, CNAMEs are faster to re-point when/if IPs change, but that's what search and replace is for.
[4] RM: Because of the RFC's prohibition of same, they may also get your domain's outbound mail refused.
[5] RM: If working on zonefiles with other system administrators, you will find that S/Ns of the form YYYYMMDDnn (where nn starts at "00") predominate, and are nearly an industry standard -- permitting as they do 99 zonefile changes per day. In any event, never put yourself in a situation where you'll wish to edit to a numerically lower S/N, as troublesome footwork is required if it's ever necessary to propagate such a change to secondaries that normally act only on S/N increases.
[6] RM: In fact, use of the venerable if somewhat dotty 'nslookup' tool is now deprecated is favour of 'dig' and 'host'. There are a number of reasons for this, and they are comprehensively (if with a certain savage joy) catalogued by knowledgeable djbdns fancier Jonathan deBoyne Pollard, here: http://homepages.tesco.net/J.deBoynePollard/FGA/nslookup-flaws.html Fortunately, 'dig' and 'host' are really good tools, and you'll be glad (eventually) to have rid yourself of the nslookup habit.
[7] RM: Someone using BIND9 for primary nameservice on 5,000 zones would actually probably use the BIND DLZ (BIND Dynamically Loadable Zones, http://bind-dlz.sourceforge.net/ variant, or the "LDAP sdb" patch (http://www.venaas.no/ldap/bind-sdb/) against BIND9, both of which back-end BIND9 into a SQL database instead of its default flatfile storage. However, large sites might prefer specialised and higher-performance primary-nameserver packages such as NSD (http://www.nlnetlabs.nl/nsd/), MyDNS (http://mydns.bboy.net/), or PowerDNS (http://www.powerdns.com/products/powerdns/) -- all likewise open source.
I have all known choices for Linux catalogued in my knowledgebase at "DNS Servers" on http://linuxmafia.com/kb/Network_Other/.
Talkback: Discuss this article with The Answer Gang
Born: 1980 Reading, UK. Graduated from Reading College with BSc (Hons) Computing with Internet Technologies. Favourite programming languages, perl, c, php, java. Became interested in Linux around 1997, worked professionally with linux since 2001 with Debian. Often responsible for corporate network design. In spare time Ed likes to spend time in the gym, learning Russian, helps users on many linux/programming mail lists and researching the linux kernel. Ed prefers to live healthy.
By Ben Okopnik
Welcome back to the LG Geekword Puzzle! I hope everyone had a good time solving it... given the email that I've received in regard to it this past month, it seems that many people found it challenging and fun. This time, we have last month's solutions and a new puzzle for those who enjoy turning their brain into a pretzel. Enjoy!
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Across 1: A database that predicts the future 7: The programmer's whatchamacallit 9: A network protocol for small car accidents 10: Console-based rodent server 11: The One True Compiler 12: Default spellchecker in many Linux apps 14: Program to adjust parallel ports and old records 16: Extended pattern matcher |
Down 2: Routing protocol for cemeteries 3: BOFH, for one 4: An operating system that makes you flinch 5: It can make hard ones and soft ones 6: The 800-lb. gorilla of network monitors 7: A small fruit that prints banners? 8: A ghost's spreadsheet? 10: Partition guesser 13: (In)secure WiFi makes people cry? 15: In response to regular expressions? (abbrev) |
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Talkback: Discuss this article with The Answer Gang
Ben is the Editor-in-Chief for Linux Gazette and a member of The Answer Gang.
Ben was born in Moscow, Russia in 1962. He became interested in electricity at the tender age of six, promptly demonstrated it by sticking a fork into a socket and starting a fire, and has been falling down technological mineshafts ever since. He has been working with computers since the Elder Days, when they had to be built by soldering parts onto printed circuit boards and programs had to fit into 4k of memory. He would gladly pay good money to any psychologist who can cure him of the recurrent nightmares.
His subsequent experiences include creating software in nearly a dozen languages, network and database maintenance during the approach of a hurricane, and writing articles for publications ranging from sailing magazines to technological journals. After a seven-year Atlantic/Caribbean cruise under sail and passages up and down the East coast of the US, he is currently anchored in St. Augustine, Florida. He works as a technical instructor for Sun Microsystems and a private Open Source consultant/Web developer. His current set of hobbies includes flying, yoga, martial arts, motorcycles, writing, and Roman history; his Palm Pilot is crammed full of alarms, many of which contain exclamation points.
He has been working with Linux since 1997, and credits it with his complete loss of interest in waging nuclear warfare on parts of the Pacific Northwest.
The second Vancouver Python Workshop took place in August in Vancouver, Canada. It was a much smaller event than PyCon, attracting 120 people to the Holiday Inn Express in suburban Burnaby, and spanning one weekend plus Friday evening. (Small Python conferences are called "workshops" because that's what the original Python conferences were called.) Most of the attendees came from the surrounding area in British Columbia, plus six from neighboring Seattle. Guido van Rossum, Jim Hugunin, and Ian Caven gave keynote speeches. There were three tracks of talks: Web applications, Python tutorials, and "everything else". Before getting into the keynotes, I'd like to mention two little highlights of the conference: Python in Brazil and the Nokia tablet PC.
Leonardo Rochael Almeida discussed Python use in Brazil. In 2002, Brazil's President Lula and his party decided to support free software. At the same time Serpo, the government's IT company, wanted to put government agencies on the Web, and was looking for a content management system (CMS). Serpo met with Zope's Paul Everett, who was in Brazil speaking at a Linux conference, and decided to use Plone. (Zope is a Web application framework written in Python; Plone is a CMS built on top of Zope.) Leonardo converted Serpo's company portal from IIS/ASP to Plone in two weeks, and a blind employee of Serpo demonstrated it at Comdex-br. Plone now powers 120 national and regional sites including Brazil's main portal, the president's site, and the Parliament's sites (the Câmara dos Deputados and the Senado). The Parliament chose Plone over Oracle, Vignette, MS SharePoint, and IBM WebSphere for its features and ease of use -- not for its price. The two sites cover parliamentary activity, the laws in force, finance, and human resources. The same system is replicated for local governments.
Another Python application is Projecto Presença, a national school attendance program that covers 206,000 public schools (and 50,000 more planned). Yes, in Brazil, Big Brother knows whether you went to school or not. Projecto Presença is a Web application written in CherryPy, SQLite, and Zope Page Templates. A Web interface was chosen because the schools have several different OSes. However, it's run standalone on local computers due to sporadic Internet availability. Through this work and the other sites, Python has gained enough credibility that it's now considered for every government programming project, and is frequently chosen.
Several other organizations in Brazil are also running Python applications, including 4FS Consulting, IDG Now, CTBC Telecom, AOL-br, Bank Boston, and Nokia. The most interesting case is a cargo tracking application. Brazil has a problem with thieves stealing delivery trucks, and truck-based GPS is useless because the thieves will just unload the cargo to a second truck and abandon the first. So now they're using a German device embedded in the cargo, which measures the proximity of local cell towers and sends an SMS message with their ID and distance to a central server, which then calculates the cargo's location.
Nokia built a research center in Brazil. ("It just happens to be located near an incredible beach.") There, Nokia ported Python to its Internet Tablet 770, which runs a derivative of Debian Linux on an ARM chip. Nokia has contributed code upstream, including "a huge number of tests" for Linux's Bluetooth stack, and optimizations to Python/ARM. They've also ported Tapioca VoIP to the device. (Tapioca has PyTapioca Python bindings). Three people at the conference had this little Nokia tablet ("It's not a phone!"), and I thought it was pretty nifty; I'm writing an article about it for the next issue.
Guido spoke about Python 3.0 (aka "Python 3000"), which will be available in early 2007 in alpha form, and the final a year after that. It will be a backward-incompatible version of Python, "a chance to fix early design bugs, mainly from 1990-1991, such as classic classes, the string/Unicode dichotomy, and integer division." The 2.x series will continue to be supported for 2-3 years, depending on how quickly users switch to 3.0. Some features will be backported to 2.x.
Python 3000 will have new keywords, dict.keys()
friends will return an iterator or a "set view" rather than a list,
will be replaced by function(s), the str
will be Unicode, unicode
will disappear, and a new mutable
type will handle byte arrays (and 8-bit encoded text like
UTF-8). This will necessitate a new I/O subsystem to handle the new types.
All these have been decided, but it will take a good year to write the code and
deal with the inevitable implementation issues. For instance, Guido wants to
abandon C's stdio library for I/O, saying the differences between platforms are
too cumbersome.
The bytes
type will be an array of int
s each
in range(256)
. There will be some string-ish methods like
but not blatant string methods like .upper
The "set view" mentioned above is borrowed from Java's Collection interface,
which is apparently lighter weight and more versatile than iterators for some
Another new feature Guido is considering is overloaded functions. That is, a callable that dispatches to any one of several functions according to the caller's argument types. This would solve the problem of adaption, but in a more general way. (Adaption is making an object support a protocol, such as a "dict-like object" or a "file-like object".) Overloaded functions would mainly be used by framework writers and library writers rather than by end users.
A pychecker-like tool can probably do 80% of the work of upgrading Python programs, but the other 20% will have to be done by hand. A future version of Python 2 may have optional warnings about code that will behave differently under Python 3.
Those who want to track the changes and non-changes can see PEPs 3000-3999, Guido's blog, and the Python 3000 mailing list.
Jim Hugunin gave a keynote on "IronPython: Python in a .NET World". Jim wrote the original Jython (Python for the Java virtual machine), and now works at Microsoft on IronPython, which compiles Python source to .NET's "Common Language Runtime" (CLR) bytecode. Programs run up to twice as fast on IronPython compared to CPython due to the CLR's extensive optimization. The CLR was originally developed for C# and Visual Basic, but has purposely been kept language neutral. MS maintains a SourceForge-type site for IronPython under a -- gasp -- BSD-like license. (Or what MS thinks is a BSD-like license; here's the license itself. Others can comment on it better than I can. [1])
Linux users who have fallen asleep at all this Microsoft babble may want to check how Mono is getting along, and see how well IronPython works with it.
Since Jim's last talk at PyCon 2005, IronPython has released an almost-1.0 version. (The final is expected later this year.) It integrates with Visual Studio, and PowerShell 1.0 will be in a future version. PowerShell is "the next generation Windows shell", combining features of a traditional Unix shell with OO-language features. Jim demonstrated how you can use PowerShell as a library from within Python:
>>> from powershell import * >>> shell.get_service(name="*") [ ... prints a list of running services (daemons) ...]
You can also call other CLR libraries from Python and vice-versa, embed a Visual Basic interpreter in Python (he demonstrated it interactively), and other inter-language feats. He demonstrated calling a Visual Basic library to play a sound:
>>> My.Computer.Audio.Play("tada.wav")
One design issue that arose is the inconsistent method names between Python
and .NET. To chop whitespace off both ends of a string, Python provides
, while .NET spells it s.Trim()
. Jim
decided that "a Python program should behave like a Python program by default",
so only s.strip()
is allowed unless you execute import
to bring in the CLR methods. Fortunately, the CLR methods are
capitalized, so they don't conflict with the Python ones.
Finally Jim demonstrated Merlin, which is probably Clippy disguised as a wizard. But this Merlin responded to voice commands.
Ian Bicking gave an introduction to WSGI, the protocol that allows Web applications from different Python frameworks to interrelate. (WSGI will soon be in the Python standard library.) Ian calls WSGI "a series of tubes", which like Unix pipes connect little special-purpose routines into a larger whole. The slides are here (ODP file; OpenOffice.org required), but the highlight was this diagram of a heterogenous Web application made up of a dozen independent units. The diagram is cool because it's colored with crayon!
David Ostrowski from Ford Research Laboratory described how he used AJAX and Jython to design automobile assembly lines. It's a complicated job to schedule all the tasks involved in assembling a car, and to load-balance them among the workers so one isn't overloaded while another is twiddling his thumbs. The program calculates in units of the time needed to complete the shortest task, and comes up with an overall time requirement for the entire operation. The existing application used an unsupported JVM + XML + AJAX. David used Python to convert Excel/VB source files into XML, and then an XSLT transformation to produce VRML, which allows operators to view a car drawing in 3-D and rotate it. A Web service converts XML to VRML for client programs. Python has now gained a lot of acceptance at Ford.
There were four talks on Plone, including a "Past, Present, and Future" panel discussion, and a talk on how to customize Plone's look. The panel said most of Plone's competitors are commercial, and it compares favorably to systems costing $20,000-200,000. Plone doesn't have many open-source competitors. Drupal is not really a competitor because it operates in a different market. (They didn't elaborate on what that meant.) Plone now has 200+ add-on products designed for it.
The Linux Gazette Editors took a look at Plone recently and were quite impressed. We'll be migrating LG to Plone over the next month. (Just kidding!) [2]
There was a talk on the status of PyPy. PyPy is a Python interpreter written in Python. (Actually it's written in a static-friendly subset of Python called RPython.) The performance overhead is now in the single digits, as opposed to 1000% slower last year. Version 0.9 is released; it passes 95% of the Python core tests. PyPy compiles to Python bytecode, and it can also compile to native C or .NET. The value of PyPy is not that users will want to run their applications on it, but that it makes an easy development environment to test enhancements to the interpreter.
Wilson Fowlie introduced PyParsing, which is like a regular expression engine but you build the ruleset using regular object constructors and methods rather than a string of ASCII symbols. Wilson is not a PyParsing developer; he's "just" a user -- somebody who found it useful in his work. Here's an example of PyParsing:
>>> rule = Literal("The") + "quick" + "brown" >>> rule += Word("P", "hnoty") >>> rule.parseString("The quick brown Python") ["The", "quick", "brown", "Python", {}]
(The last rule matches any word that starts with capital "P" and contains only characters from the set "hnoty". It would also match "Pyythoon".) You can also match a word to a regex if you really want to. PyParsing can also do things regexes can't, like match opening and closing parentheses and handle nested expressions. And you can specify a key for each rule, so that the value is accessible both by index and by attribute.
Brian Quinlan introduced Avalon, MS's next-generation GUI API. He showed a Python Pong game that can change its appearance based on an XML file. Do you want your mallets to look like boxy white pixels or images of Earth and Mars at war? The XML file can also change Pong's behavior; e.g., giving the Martian a disadvantage by giving it a shorter mallet or moving it closer to the center. Beware of video games with remote-upload features, especially if you have enemies!
There were also talks on using the Macintosh's Cocoa environment, building Mac apps with py2app, and building Windows apps with py2exe. Apparently, there was a problem with the Macintosh talks changing their title and not sticking to topic, however.
The tutorial track gave an all-day introduction to Python, plus a two-hour "Plone Rapid Bootcamp". The Python tutorial was well attended (40 people), but some complained that it was too basic. That may be a lesson for next year, to define the target audience and communicate it to attendees. Programmers who are new to Python need a different kind of tutorial than those who have never programmed before. Some people know what floats and Object-Oriented programming are; others don't. Perhaps "beginning" and "intermediate" tutorials are needed.
Lightning Talks are short 5-minute talks; they've been very popular at Python conferences. The talks included:
import foo
and returns
a list of tuples.That segues into Ian Caven's closing keynote, "Python Goes to Hollywood".
Ian started a small company to enhance classic movies in a
film-to-digital-to-film manner using off-the-shelf Macintosh G4's. Customers
expect DVD movies to look slick (bright and clear), even if the original films
didn't. He started with a cluster of 18 G4's controlled by an iMac, and now
has 550 G5s in a large room. ("I can't switch them on all at once. My
electric bill is $5000 per week.") Initially he wrote in C/C++, but then
switched to Python, using Python's Numeric
package for fast matrix
calculations, and Zope as a user interface on the controllers. His strategy
was first to make it work, then to make it work faster/better/more featureful.
Amazingly, Ian was the sole developer for several years, working with one
partner. Now the company has some 24 people. It was originally called Lowry
Digital Images, Inc., but is now owned by Digital Theater Systems (DTS).
Ian started with individual movies like North by Northwest and Citizen Kane and gradually got larger contracts including the Star Wars series and the James Bond series. His company has now done 150+ movies total, including most of the classic Disney cartoons that are available now.
It was a busy weekend in Vancouver. Saturday night was the last installment of an annual fireworks competition, so all of Vancouver and many Pythoneers crowded on the beaches to watch Mexico's 30-minute entry, which won first prize. Sunday was Vancouver's Gay Pride march. Monday was BC Day, a provincial holiday. And given that I work with offshore oil spills, it was ironic that a spill Friday off nearby Squamish was topping the newspaper headlines.
Vancouver is an awesome city, especially if you like tall, dense, pedestrian urban environments like I do. The conference hotel was at a "suburban shopping mall", but that doesn't do it justice. The mall and the hotel and several nearby shopping centers are linked by plazas and sidewalks and over-street bridges, so you can walk from the Skytrain to any one of them without crossing a single parking lot or street. This made the hotel convenient to restaurants and downtown, and was the best conference layout I've seen anywhere.
Features I hadn't seen before that made this conference work well:
Things that didn't work so well:
The Vancouver workshop is a smaller regional variant of PyCon with some fresh ideas. It didn't cover Python core programming or have sprints, and the talks were more geared to "how to do things" talks rather than "what I'm doing" or "what this package is". I'm not sure whether this was intentional or a coincidence, but it gave the workshop a more practical feel. Some attendees complained about the quality of individual talks, and I myself found some talks not living up to what I expected from the title, but these are faults common to all new events, and things will doubtless improve if the organizers decide to continue putting on the Vancouver Python Workshop. The first workshop was two years ago; we'll wait to see if there's a third. And maybe it points the way for the "West Coast conference" and "regional conferences" some people have been clamoring for.
[1] Rick Moen comments: Your wish is my command.
Although the "Shared Source License for IronPython" has wording nothing like that of the BSD licence, its purport is nearly identical, except that (1) it includes a termination clause in the case of patent litigation, (2) it is worded in a fashion more strongly invoking the concepts of contract law, and (3) it omits the BSD licence's prohibition against using prior contributors' names to endorse or promote products. I would consider it to comply with the Open Source Definition.
[2] RM: Having administered Plone, I somehow keep hearing the words "like kicking a dead whale down a beach" in my mind.
Talkback: Discuss this article with The Answer Gang
Mike is a Contributing Editor at Linux Gazette. He has been a
Linux enthusiast since 1991, a Debian user since 1995, and now Gentoo.
His favorite tool for programming is Python. Non-computer interests include
martial arts, wrestling, ska and oi! and ambient music, and the international
language Esperanto. He's been known to listen to Dvorak, Schubert,
Mendelssohn, and Khachaturian too.
By Ron Peterson
As Ron notes in his article, the adoption of
LDAP has been rather slow despite its broad range of benefits; in
my experience as a consultant, much of the problem stems from lack
of general familiarity with the protocol, or even awareness of its
existence. To be fair, today's endless alphabet soup of protocols
is enough to bewilder and stump anyone - so it's unsurprising that
something this useful can get lost in the noise. However, if you
need an organization-wide authentication system, or a secure,
highly-scalable "White Pages" service for your company - i.e., the
ability to browse directories of structured shareable information
(user names, contact info, e-mail addresses, security certificates,
etc.) - then LDAP is custom-made for you, and Ron's introduction
just might make your initial adaptation a bit easier. Enjoy.
-- Ben Okopnik
For some reason, in spite of LDAP's ubiquity, many of us are still unfamiliar with all of its benefits. We have a Free LDAP server in OpenLDAP, and LDAP-enabled applications are everywhere; so what's the hang up? Among other things, the standard set of attribute types and object classes included in the default OpenLDAP schema files are maladapted to the requirements of many applications. Fortunately, you can easily create attribute types and object classes to fit your particular requirements, once you get the hang of it. This article will attempt to get you started.
I'm going to organize this article around a practical example. Both Outlook Express and Mozilla Thunderbird can do address book look-ups against an LDAP database. The trick is to figure out what their respective LDAP look-ups expect to see when they perform their queries. Once we know that, we can construct our own custom LDAP object which will contain a set of attributes suitable for both applications.
For the purpose of this article, I'm going to assume you have a basic grasp of how to configure and run OpenLDAP. If not, there are a number of resources available to help you brush up.
If you've never seen an OpenLDAP schema file, now would be a good time to take a look. They typically reside in a sub-directory called 'schema' within your OpenLDAP installation's configuration directory, e.g. /etc/ldap/schema. The schema file names typically end with a '.schema' extension. If you have any trouble finding them, try "locate" or "slocate":
slocate schema | grep schema$
This is also a handy way to discover schema files belonging to other packages on your system that you might not have known existed. Look around a bit, but before we start attempting to emulate the definitions in these files, we must deal with an important preliminary issue: we have to get our hands on some OIDs.
The LDAP attributetype and objectclass definitions you find in these schema files are each assigned a unique object identifier called an OID. OIDs look like decimal delimited sets of integers, e.g. (which happens to be the Internet OID).
There is a lot that can be said about OIDs, but for our current purposes, you must understand that you can't just use them willy-nilly. There are a small number of registration authorities responsible for allocating portions of the OID hierarchy. Hijacking someone else's OID space is very bad form at best. Improper use of the OID namespace could cause namespace collisions that break things.
So then, the first hurdle we must deal with is getting our hands on a portion of the OID space that we can use. We have a couple of options:
I have my own OID namespace registered under the name Yellowbank (the name of a creek on the farm where I grew up). Yellowbank has registered the following OID base with IANA: It's up to me to decide how to use the OID namespace hierarchy under this. I have elected to not use the branch of my hierarchy (see the yNonUnique OID Macro below) for anything important, for example. That means that if you were to happen to reconnoiter the use of OIDs under, you would never run the risk of colliding with a production Yellowbank OID. Of course, the second you start thinking you might like to disseminate your work, or put it into production, you would of course immediately register for your own OID. I do not condone customizing any portion of the Yellowbank OID space for any production purpose whatsoever. Ahem.
Now that we have our OID preliminaries out of the way, let's get to work. The first thing we need to do is to figure out exactly what our application expects from LDAP. How? Simple: watch OpenLDAP's log file. First, make sure your OpenLDAP installation is configured to log at a level sufficient to see the queries. The slapd.conf configuration directive is 'loglevel'. For the examples below, I have my loglevel set to 256. I also direct my syslog daemon to put my slapd log in it's own file, by adding the following directive to /etc/sysklogd.conf:
local4.* /var/log/slapd.log
As the man page for slapd says, local4 corresponds to slapd's default logging facility. You may need to adjust this directive to match your installation.
Let's configure Thunderbird to use our LDAP server for address book queries: start Thunderbird, open the address book (Menu: Tools/Address Book), and create a new LDAP directory (Menu: File/New/LDAP Directory). What you enter here depends on your local LDAP installation. It goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway, that you need to be authorized to query the Base DN that you enter. If you don't enter a Bind DN, then of course the Base DN will be queried anonymously. If none of this makes sense to you, you need to consult with your LDAP administrator. If none of this makes sense to you and you are the LDAP administrator, you should spend some quality time with some of the aforementioned LDAP resources.
Once you've added your LDAP directory to Thunderbird's address book, we can query the database (Menu: Edit/Search Addresses). Create a query that includes every possible field, with a unique search string for each field (click the '+' symbol to add additional query conditions). I set up my query like this:
Anyname | contains | MyAnyname Display Name | contains | MyDisplayName etc.
When you're all done, click the 'Search' button. We don't care so much about the results returned, as we do about what the slapd process logged. Open your log file in your favorite pager, so we can see what happened. On my system, my log looks like this (reformatted a bit to be browser friendly):
Jun 9 11:08:12 ahostname slapd[13144]: conn=349441 op=1 SRCH base="ou=my,dc=base,dc=dn" scope=2 deref=0 filter="(|(cn=*myanyname*) (givenName=*myanyname*) (sn=*myanyname*) (?=undefined) (?=undefined) (cn=*mydisplayname*) (?=undefined) (?=undefined) (mail=*myemail*) (?=undefined) (homePhone=*MyAnyNumber*) (telephoneNumber=*MyAnyNumber*) (?=undefined) (pager=*MyAnyNumber*) (mobile=*MyAnyNumber*) (telephoneNumber=*MyWorkPhone*) (homePhone=*MyHomePhone*) (?=undefined) (pager=*MyPager*) (mobile=*MyMobile*) (l=*mycity*) (street=*mystreet*) (title=*mytitle*) (?=undefined) (?=undefined)) "Jun 9 11:08:12 ahostname slapd[13144]: conn=349441 op=1 SRCH attr=company o title modifytimestamp mozillaCustom4 custom4 mozillaHomeUrl homeurl mozillaCustom2 custom2 mozillaHomeCountryName department departmentnumber ou orgunit mobile cellphone carphone mozillaHomeState mozillaCustom1 custom1mozillaNickname xmozillanickname mozillaWorkUrl workurl fax facsimiletelephonenumber st region telephoneNumber mozillaHomeStreet mozillaSecondEmail xmozillasecondemail nsAIMid nscpaimscreenname street streetaddress postOfficeBox l locality homePhone description notes cn commonname givenName mozillaHomePostalCode mozillaHomeLocalityName mozillaCustom3 custom3 mozillaWorkStreet2 mozillaUseHtmlMail xmozillausehtmlmail mozillaHomeStreet2 postalCode zip c countryname pager pagerphone mail sn surname birthyear
The slapd log clearly shows us what attributes Thunderbird wants to see returned. It also shows us which attributes correspond to the fields in the Thunderbird query form. For example, the value of the field labeled 'Any Name' in the query form is compared against the 'cn', 'givenName', and 'sn' attributes.
Now we do the same thing for Outlook Express. First add the directory service (Menu: Tools/Accounts/Add/Directory Service). Again, you'll either need to be familiar with your LDAP setup, or consult with your LDAP administrator to ascertain the proper settings.
To perform a query, open the Address Book, click 'Find People', and select your previously configured LDAP provider in the pull down menu. In the dialog that appears, click the advanced tab, and enter:
Name contains MyName E-mail contains MyEmail First Name contains MyFirst Last Name contains MyLast Organization contains MyOrg
Again, search your log file to determine what attributes are requested, and to see how the filter expression corresponds to the search dialog.
My fancy ASCII table below summarizes what I discovered. The leftmost column contains the intersection of the attributes that Outlook Express and Thunderbird requested. I took the liberty of doubling up attribute names like 'cn' and 'commonName' which mean the same thing. The other two columns indicate how the search dialogs map to those attributes. So we see that the 'E-mail' box in the Outlook Express search form is queried against the 'mail' attribute, for example.
Common Attributes | Outlook Express | Thunderbird ======================================================================== c | | cn, commonName | Name | department | | facsimileTelephoneNumber | | givenName | First Name | Any Name homePhone | | Any Number, Home Phone l | | City mail | E-mail | Email mobile | | Any Number, Mobile o | Organization | ou | | pager | | Any Number, Pager postalCode | | sn, surname | Last Name | Any Name st, street | | Street streetAddress | | telephoneNumber | | Any Number, Work Phone title | | Title
Wouldn't it be nice if our LDAP directory were populated by user objects that would make sense to both Outlook Express and Thunderbird? Well, we now have enough information to do that. It's time to put all the pieces together.
Your schema file can live anywhere your LDAP daemon can read it. Edit the LDAP daemon's configuration file. On my system, it's /etc/ldap/slapd.conf. The 'include' directives in this configuration file load the schema files used by your LDAP installation. These schema files typically reside in a sub-directory of your configuration directory. On my system, they are in in /etc/ldap/schema. We can put our new custom schema file anywhere the LDAP daemon can read it. For the sake of consistency, we'll put it in the same place as the rest of the schema files. Verify your installation's schema file location by reviewing your configuration file. Add an 'include' directive to your configuration file as below. Don't kill -SIGHUP your server until our new schema file is fleshed out, of course.
include /etc/ldap/schema/yellowbank.sample.schema
While we're in the slapd.conf file, let's update our indices. Add indices on whatever attributes you think you might query frequently. Use the table above to assist you. Something like the following might suffice, perhaps.
index objectClass pres,eq index cn,sn,uid,memberUid pres,eq,approx,sub index givenName,mail pres,eq,approx,sub
You can add indices later too, of course. Just be aware that LDAP will not use new indices on an existing database until you use the the 'slapindex' command.
Guess what? It's finally time to actually start editing our schema file! What follows is basically just a colloquial summary of the schema specification information available in the OpenLDAP Software Administrator's Guide. The examples I give will be a partial representation of what I have in my full 'yellowbank.schema'. You can use the examples as they are, if you like; or you can adapt them to your own OID space.
We'll begin by fleshing out a rudimentary OID hierarchy, and giving these OIDs symbolic names, so that we don't have to remember really long strings of integers. This is not strictly necessary, you can use labels like if you like, but I prefer names I can recognize. We'll do this using 'OID Macros', like so:
# OID Macros # # Yellowbank's IANA Assigned OID objectIdentifier yOID # objectIdentifier yNonUnique yOID:1 objectIdentifier yPedagogy yOID:2 objectIdentifier yProduction yOID:3 # # Note that OID's are used for more than just LDAP. objectIdentifier ypSNMP yPedagogy:1 objectIdentifier ypLDAP yPedagogy:2 # objectIdentifier ypAttributeType ypLDAP:1 objectIdentifier ypObjectClass ypLDAP:2 # objectIdentifier ypPersonAttribute ypAttributeType:1 objectIdentifier ypAssetAttribute ypAttributeType:2 objectIdentifier ypApplicationAttribute ypAttributeType:3 objectIdentifier ypFacilityAttribute ypAttributeType:4 objectIdentifier ypOrganizationAttribute ypAttributeType:5 # objectIdentifier ypSakaiAttribute ypApplicationAttribute:1 # objectIdentifier ypPersonObject ypObjectClass:1
Both Thunderbird and Outlook Express would like to see an attribute called 'department' which, interestingly enough, is not included in any of OpenLDAP's standard schema files. So let's create it. Add the following to our new schema file after the OID Macro section.
attributetype ( ypOrganizationAttribute:1.2006.08.20.1 NAME 'department' DESC 'Department Name' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreOrderingMatch SYNTAX{128} SINGLE-VALUE )
What do we see here? For starters, I'm appending a unique suffix to one of my defined OID Macros. There are no rules about how you create OIDs, but I've adopted the convention of appending a date.version to the unique integer string that identifies my attributeType. In other words, my 'department' attributetype is uniquely yOrganizationAttribute:1, and I follow this with a date.version string which corresponds to when I edited my definition. The main thing is that each OID must be unique, and that the OID string is created by appending a colon and an integer string suffix to our OID macro.
The Backus-Naur Form (BNF) grammar for attributetype definitions can be found in the appropriate section of the OpenLDAP Manual. I'll briefly summarize the definition above. Hopefully 'NAME' and 'DESC' are fairly self-explanatory. The 'EQUALITY' line defines the matching rule used in equality comparisons (case and space insensitive). The 'SUBSTR' line defines the matching rule used in substring matching (case and space insensitive). The 'ORDERING' lines defines the matching rule used in (you guessed it) ordering comparisons. The 'SYNTAX' line delimits valid input, where the given OID means 'Unicode string', and the {128} at the end limits input to 128 characters. The 'SINGLE-VALUE' line means that there can only be one instance of this attribute in an object; in other words, this is not a multi-valued attribute. Attributes are multi-valued by default, so to create an attribute type which can contain multiple values, simply omit this line.
Assuming our slapd.conf includes any other requisite schema files, which contain our other standard attribute type definitions, we can now define our own objectClass.
objectclass ( ypPersonObject:1.2006.08.20.1 NAME 'ypContact' DESC 'Yellowbank Contact' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST ( cn $ sn $ mail ) MAY ( c $ department $ facsimileTelephoneNumber $ givenName $ homePhone $ l $ mobile $ o $ ou $ pager $ postalCode $ st $ streetAddress $ telephoneNumber $ title $ description ) )
Again, we see that our definition begins by assigning a unique OID. Again, I hope that 'NAME' and 'DESC' are fairly self-explanatory. I'll defer discussion of the 'SUP' line until a bit later. The 'MUST' line indicates, as you might guess, the attributes which must be present in objects defined with this objectClass. The 'MAY' line describes optional attributes. Let's create one more objectClass.
objectclass ( ypPersonObject:2.2006.08.20.1 NAME 'ypLoginAccount' DESC 'Yellowbank Contact' SUP ypContact STRUCTURAL MAY ( userPassword $ memberUid ) )
Notice that the 'SUP' line for this objectClass points to our previously defined objectClass. In other words, our ypLoginAccount objectClass extends our previous definition to include a couple of new attributes. We have defined a chain of inheritance that looks like this:
top <- ypContact <- ypLoginAccount
When we define objects, the objectClasses we use can only include one STRUCTURAL inheritance chain going back to 'top'. We can mix in other objectClasses as well, but only if they are defined as 'AUXILIARY'. The LDAP Manual includes the following objectClass definition, for example.
objectclass ( NAME 'myPhotoObject' DESC 'mixin myPhoto' AUXILIARY MAY myPhoto )
I could define an object which uses myPhotoObject to supplement the attributes available to an object like this:
dn: blah blah objectClass: top objectClass: ypLoginAccount objectClass: myPhotoObject cn: aname sn: lname ...
But the following definition would give me trouble, because the ypLoginAccount and inetOrgPerson objectClasses are part of different STRUCTURAL inheritance chains.
dn: blah blah objectClass: top objectClass: ypLoginAccount objectClass: inetOrgPerson cn: aname sn: lname ...
The linuxlaboratory.org site has a nice LDAP Article which might provide additional illumination.
Here's a snippet of LDIF you can use to try our new schema.
dn: cn=wile,ou=someplace,ou=meaningful,dc=to,dc=you cn: wile userPassword: {SHA}Wfi6Kd1nmjpbtmzcFqCnvEqIPzs= givenName: Wile mail: wile.coyote@acme.com l: Los Lobos Hermanos o: ACME sn: Coyote description: Malnourished but dogged memberUid: coyote memberUid: mammal memberUid: emaciated objectClass: top objectClass: ypLoginAccount
Modify the dn as appropriate to your installation, and upload with your favorite incarnation of the ldapadd command - after reloading your slapd.conf file, of course, which will read in the new schema file. If all goes well, you can now query this user from either Outlook Express or Thunderbird, assuming you've taken care of all the configuration niceties.
I find knowing how to customize OpenLDAP indispensable. For example, I recently encountered an application vendor that considered their product "LDAP compliant" because it worked with one particular vendor's directory implementation. Although I tend to cynically attribute this kind of mischievous marketing malapropism to clever salesmanship, my world view may just be the simple result of ensconcing myself in an intellectually gated community. Who knows? In any case, it was a simple problem to remedy: I just used OpenLDAP to emulate the other directory implementation, thereby avoiding pointless additions to our infrastructure.
May the new-found depth of your LDAP knowledge allow you to overcome all of life's adversities, get a big raise, and earn a well-deserved promotion.
Talkback: Discuss this article with The Answer Gang
Ron Peterson is a Network & Systems Manager at Mount Holyoke College in the happy hills of western Massachusetts. He enjoys lecturing his three small children about the maleficent influence of proprietary media codecs while they watch Homestar Runner cartoons together.
Timothy Miller is the founder of the Open Graphics Project. He has a Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering, and has worked since 1996 as a software engineer, developing graphics drivers and application software. In 1999, he started learning chip design on the job, because the kinds of graphics chips that his employer needed couldn't be bought from 3rd parties anymore. He has been designing graphics chips and graphics-related chips ever since. He is currently working on a Ph.D. in Computer Science, specializing in Artificial Intelligence.
When was the Open Graphics Project started, and whose idea was was it?
I guess you might say that the OGP was started in October of 2004, when I made my first post to the Linux Kernel Mailing List about the general idea. I'd had the idea in my head for a while before that, but only then did I get permission from management to start it as a company project. Since then, the project has amicably separated from the company where it started.
How many people were working on it in the beginning?
At the beginning, the OGP was only me, but many people in the open source community became very active in the project. Two other hardware engineers and I have created a company, Traversal Technology, to handle the business and hardware fabrication aspects of the OGP.
How has it grown since then?
The OGP grew rapidly after I first started it, and it's continued to grow gradually since then. Now, we have Traversal Technology and also the Open Hardware Foundation that's dedicated to the non-profit, community, and democratic aspects of the project. Our mailing list has over 500 members, including well-known Linux kernel hackers, 3D graphics experts, college professors, representatives of many other open source projects, hardware designers, and people who want to become hardware designers.
Is the design complete?
The first product of the OGP, the OGD1 board Open Graphics Development 1 (http://wiki.duskglow.com/tiki-index.php?page=OGD1), should have prototypes available in September. Those aren't ones we can sell - they're for debugging - but we can show them. The OGD1 board is an FPGA-based development platform. We'll use it to develop a graphics chip, but it's a product in its own right; many people will buy it to develop their own hardware.
Is there a market for it?
I'm not sure exactly how large that market is, but we seem to be creating a movement. Individuals and businesses interested in open hardware are coming to me all the time, asking about it. On a regular basis, we get a new person joining our mailing list asking about chip design and reading the Verilog (the hardware description language we use) lessons on our wiki (http://www.opengraphics.org). That movement may create its own market. There is also a pre-existing market for FPGA-based prototyping boards. In that market, we're priced dirt-cheap compared to comparable alternatives, so we should sell quite well there as well.
Can the OGP and OHF sustain themselves?
Traversal Technology should be able to sustain itself... It's all a matter of making enough profit from our products. We don't know if OGD1 will do it, but if we can produce a graphics ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit, a fixed-function device), we can sell that into the so-called "high-end embedded" market (single-board computers, kiosks, etc.) and we can be very successful. The OHF will have to sustain itself on donations (some of which will come from Traversal).
How have you adapted to the constant changes in graphics technology?
Graphics technology has changed and it hasn't. Today, you don't find many new GPUs that don't have programmable shaders. But you mostly only benefit from programmable shaders when playing high-end games. We're absolutely not after the gamers. We're after the desktop, where many common 3D features are overkill.
We're "keeping up" by not having yet fully designed a graphics chip, although we do have a detailed spec and software model for one (http://wiki.duskglow.com/tiki-index.php?page=OpengraphicsSimulator). We've focused on the development platform, OGD1, and using future revenue from that to pay for development and fabrication of an ASIC. When it comes time to design the graphics chip, we'll review our past design decisions and make sure that our design will be adequate in features and performance.
How will it be priced and manufactured?
Right now, the only thing we are concerned about pricing is OGD1. We have some ideas for the ASIC, but we'll have to reevaluate our markets when we are ready. OGD1 is being priced based on competing products and by how much revenue we think we need to make to fund further development. For some people, OGD1 is a prototyping board. For others, it's a development platform for Open Graphics. For some of us, it's a fund-raiser. Fabricating ASICs is very expensive, and we need millions of dollars to do it. OGD1 boards will be sold in the $600-$700 range to OGP contributors, with subsidies from OHF donations for the needy. On the open market, it'll be sold for at least $1000 for single-unit retail, with bulk discounts.
What still needs to be done?
At the moment, we are finishing up the artwork for the OGD1 PCB (Printed Circuit Board), and we're about ready to get PCBs made. We also have to finish some basic bits of logic for end-users (controller logic for video, memory, PCI, etc.).
What do you want to accomplish, or what is the ultimate goal for you?
Originally, the ultimate goal was to develop graphics hardware that was friendly to free software, full documentation, and whatever else people need to know to write open source drivers. That has shifted to become the primary goal, with the long-term goal to be open source hardware in general.
What are your thoughts on the impact that the Libre license will have on competition?
It's hard to say what will happen with the Libre license. We'll be openly publishing the "source code" to our hardware. That means that anyone who wants to conform to the license (GPL, ultimately) can copy our design. If we're undercut on price, and we're put out of business, then there will be no future designs from us. One defense we have against that is to start with an open source hardware license that is NOT the GPL. This license would allow viewing and modification but not mass-production by others. Once we've paid for the ASIC development, we can convert the license to the GPL.
Other defenses we have are trademarks and official stamps that say things like "genuine Open Graphics hardware" or some such, which you can get only if you are a member of the project and contributing to its growth.
So, what's next? What will we see coming from the OGP?
What's next is the unveiling of OGD1, with luck in September. Then, we'll have something to show at trade shows and online. Soon after, we'll start taking orders. How many orders we get will determine subsequent courses of action. Another way people can help is to help us market OGD1. We also have other sorts of open-source hardware ideas, but, for the moment, we need to focus on immediate practical issues.
What about future technology and its impact the Open Source Graphics Project?
In the 90s, 3D was fixed-function. Today, it's programmable shaders (which the OGP will get around to doing, when it's practical). Tomorrow... probably real-time ray tracing. Fortunately, we know something about that too. If the OGP takes off enough to become a self-sustaining force, who knows what we can develop. I'm sure open source ray-tracer hardware will be something to be reckoned with.
How can people help?
Two ways. One is to join the project and help us develop and debug the things we're working on. The other is to donate money to the OHF (Open Hardware Foundation), so as to help developers acquire hardware they'll need to help with some of the work.
From an idea in Tim's head to an Open Graphics Project, much has been done to Tim's credit, but there is more to do. Having the OGP ensures that we will have an Open Source option for the graphics hardware and software in our computers. If you're interested in Open Source Graphics, then go to the OGP page and sign up, as I did. Get information, see what's going on, and find out if it's something you're interested in. An Open Source Graphics Card? That's pretty cool, don't you think?
Talkback: Discuss this article with The Answer Gang
Scott Ruecker lives in Phoenix, Arizona and is currently working on getting his A+ and Linux+ certifications. He works for a "Large Internet Service Provider" and plays drums in a rock-n-roll band every Saturday night. First exposed to FOSS when he heard about "This Linux Thing" in 2002. Got his start on the Fedora Cores. Has used SuSE since 9.1 and thinks he likes it.
Recently, I was struck by an interesting idea related to the Linux Gazette. One of the major resources for LG is a mailing list we call The Answer Gang, which is populated by a bunch of sharp folks with a good pool of experience, and who have volunteered to answer Linux-related questions for our readers; what I saw, when I considered the standard TAG activity during an average month, was this powerful collection of knowledge and ability mostly sitting around and idling - something I've never considered a good idea ("ships and men rot in port", as they used to say.) So, in order to remedy the problem, I decided to toss a few pebbles in the pool, disturb the quiet (that's me - always willing to disturb the status quo!), and perhaps add some fun for the Gang and some education and entertainment for our readers; I picked a question on a basic Linux topic and pitched it onto the TAG mailing list with an explanation of what I was trying to do. The result - the first collective TAG article - is presented here for your education and reading pleasure; with luck, there will be more of these in the future. I also hope that you, our readers, will suggest some interesting general topics that we can explore in order to "Make Linux Just a Little More Fun!"
As is often the case with Linux, new hardware installation can be a nearly-automatic task; in fact, your distro of choice may come with the necessary supporting programs already in place, hardware detection may discover your new widget automatically during the boot cycle, and all that may be needed is for you to fire up the appropriate "Wizard" (or some equivalent name in your window manager's menu) and click on a 'Yes, use the Ghilliewillikin 2000' box. However - as with many things in life - everything depends on perspective.
As an example, when seen through a technician's or a sysadmin's eyes, the above scenario never happens (except, perhaps, on their own computers) - since the case I've described above isn't one that users ever call about. No, indeed. The User Freakout Syndrome only sets in when things don't go that way.
However frustrating that perspective may be - at least for those of us who haven't developed the Zen-like calmness necessary to deal with problems while someone is throwing a fit, and perhaps foaming at the mouth and thrashing on the floor in an extremis of self-pity - it contains many lessons worth learning. In this column, The Answer Gang is going to bring their collective experience to the table in order to show you, our readers, the less savory parts of installation and configuration; the dark alleys of hardware and software, if you will. With luck, it will be of use - and perhaps, due to the absence of rug-chewing antics, a source of fun and convenience in smoothing the little bumps on your road to full Linux competence.
Just to warn you, and to apply a bit of braking action to those who would
use this column to "prove" that "Linux is only for experts": everything in
here is, by intention, a description of the worst-case scenarios. The
difference between Linux and outdated legacy OSes is that we have access to
1) information about what goes wrong (i.e., detailed, legible logs) and 2)
the means to change the appropriate configuration, whether it requires
modifying a file in the '/etc' directory, loading the appropriate module,
or even (in extreme cases) patching the kernel. In short, with Linux, you
have the power of choice. Here, we hope to provide a little help -
and make Linux a little more fun - in the process of making that
choice. Enjoy.
-- Ben Okopnik
If you have not yet bought a printer, and are still considering which one to choose, be sure to take a look at http://linuxprinting.org/suggested.html and to search their database (http://linuxprinting.org/printer_list.cgi?make=Anyone) for a specific printer's rating, before making your final decision. In general, all but the lowest-cost HP and Epson printers are good bets; Lexmark and Canon are not. Also, please do consider supporting this excellent, helpful site by buying your printer and supplies through their affiliate link (http://linuxprinting.org/affiliate.html).
(NOTE: This is applicable no matter what kind of printer you have, since almost all of the troubleshooting steps listed here are common to all the other printer types.)
If you have a simple old-style parallel-port printer, there aren't too many things that can go wrong - at least from the Linux end. Plug it in, connect the parallel cable (while your PC is turned off, please!), and test it by dumping a page or so of text directly to the parallel port device:
ben@Fenrir:~# head -60 /usr/share/dict/words > /dev/lp0
If there's no result from the above - i.e., the printer neither printed anything nor started blinking any indicator lights - check the following:
ben@Fenrir:~$ ls -l /dev/lp0 crw-rw---- 1 root lp 6, 0 2004-04-28 23:43 /dev/lp0
The output of the 'ls' command says that 'lp0' is a character device that has 'root' and 'lp' as its owner and group respectively - both of which are allowed to read and write to the device. If issuing the 'head' command, above, resulted in an error like 'bash: lp0: Permission denied', you need to check if you're one of the privileged few allowed to talk to the device - and the 'id' command will show you your group membership. If you're not a member of 'lp', you need to add yourself to it - which will require root privileges - then log out and log back in to make that membership active.
Has your parallel port been made available by your system and your kernel? You may need to check both your BIOS settings and your kernel configuration, to ensure that the port is enabled.
Individual system BIOSes differ so much that a precise description of how to find this setting is impossible. Fortunately, BIOS configuration menus tend to be very simple, with a small number of entries; look through them if nothing else works. As to the kernel, try looking at the loaded modules by executing the 'lsmod' command: if you see the 'lp' module listed, then it's loaded. If not, check to see if it exists on your system:
ben@Fenrir:~# modinfo lp
If the result is 'modinfo: could not find module lp', don't despair: parallel port support may well be built right into your kernel. If that's the case, then you need to make sure that it loaded without any errors:
ben@Fenrir:~$ dmesg|egrep -1 'parport|lp' ACPI: Sleep Button (CM) [SLPB] parport0: PC-style at 0x378 [PCSPP,TRISTATE,EPP] lp0: using parport0 (polling). mtrr: 0xa8000000,0x8000000 overlaps existing 0xa8000000,0x4000000
There will be some extraneous messages before and after, but the main thing is that there are no errors. If there are no messages, however, you'll need to recompile your kernel - which is outside the scope of this column, but has been described here in LG a number of times in the past.
At this point, the basic printer test (i.e., dumping text to the device) should be working fine. Install your choice of queue manager (e.g., CUPS, 'lpr', 'lprng', etc.) and the appropriate filters/drivers/definition files for your printer (Gnome-Print, 'hp-ppd', 'linuxprinting.org-ppds', etc.). You're ready to go!
[Martin Hooper] Just a little note - I have a Deskjet 840C, which is ancient, and a Samsung ML1510 Laser. Both have CUPS printer drivers ready to go in both Gnome and KDE Printer setup.
I would recommend either one!
[Ben Okopnik] Both of these are listed in the "Perfectly [suited for
Linux]" category at the 'printer_list.cgi' link.
[Kapil Hari Paranjape] Waiting for the second installment. Perhaps entitled "There's many a SLIP between the CUPS and the lp" - sorry, couldn't resist.
Specifically, I think it is for the lack of the second part that clumps of hair can be found on the floor...
Scene: Printer is sitting surrounded by an Amazon Forest's worth of paper while L. User is calmly watching this and System Administrator (who is also a member of "Friends of the Earth" and has contributed to the aforementioned clumps of hair) is dancing around in apoplectic rage.
System Administrator: Why didn't you cancel this print job? The printer has printed one line of garbage on each of a 100 pages!
L. User: Courtesy.
System Administrator: What?
L. User: Well! You know! I saw at once that it wasn't my print job, but I didn't want to stop it in case someone else wanted to print this stuff.
System Administrator: Do you seriously believe that anyone would want this stuff?
L. User: Actually, I would have liked to stop it, but your instructions (points to the wall where instructions to cancel jobs are printed) are just too complicated.
System Administrator: All it needs is for you to press
! Anyway, how did you decide that it is not your print job?L. User: Hunh! I gave it an article to print, not this junk!
System Administrator: (visibly controlling his temper) Could you please show me how you did that?
(The two remove off to L. User's office and look at the monitor on L. User's desktop where a terminal window is displaying the command:
lpr article.pdfThere is a moment of silent comtemplation before System Administrator repairs to his office to read part two of this article, while L. User silently complains about how nothing works from the command-line/Linux.)
[Ben Okopnik] After which, he will drag-and-drop the "My Documents" directory on his Wind0ws box onto the printer icon, and fume because it won't print his (currently open in MSWord) documents...
As the Russians say, Gorbatovo mogila ispravit (literally, "Only the grave will cure a hunchback"; the actual meaning/usage is more like "the only permanent cure for a moron is death").
[ [chuckle] Kapil does have a point. The last part of the above article deserves a bit of emphasis, since printing anything other than plain text does require some sort of delegation mechanism. On the other hand, installing a filter kit such as Gnome-Print requires only one 'apt-get'/'rpm'/etc. package installer command; it's just a matter of remembering to do so. -- Ben ]
[Martin Hooper, following up to Kapil]
> (The two remove off to L. User's office and look at the monitor on > L. User's desktop, where a terminal window is displaying the command: > lpr article.pdf
Which, if my understanding of Linux Printing is correct, should just convert to something the printer should understand - right????
[Ben Okopnik] Yep. That would be the point of the filters and the delegations.
ben@Fenrir:~$ apt-cache show magicfilter|perl -wne'print if /^ /' Magicfilter is a customizable, extensible automatic printer filter. It uses its own magic database (a la file(1)) to decide how to print out a given print job.
I used 'lpr' with 'magicfilter' for a long time before CUPS came on the scene - actually, my degree of comfort with the combo was so high that it took me a long time to switch. (I was finally forced to by the fact that CUPS supported a much wider range of printers.) The nice thing about it was that, if some new and strange file format that you wanted to print appeared on the scene, you could write your own processing scripts for it and delegate to them via the filter your printer was using. It was a sensible, essentially self-documenting plaintext format that was very easy to tweak.
[Francis Daly] My recent printer experience:
Laptop, Debian stable, never been near a printer before. Visiting a network with a Mac and printer attached. "snort -dv" shows something that looks suspiciously like an IPP broadcast.
I've heard of "CUPS", so I'll give it a try:
$ apt-cache search cups
Quite a lot of output, but one thing looks likely:
$ sudo apt-get install cupsys-client
Then, I issued:
$ lpstat -h <server_ip> $ echo ServerName <server_ip> >> $HOME/.cupsrc $ lpstat $ lp file_name
-- and it all seems to Just Work. No weeping. No gnashing of teeth.
I'm away from that network now, and so can't test for filters for funky filetypes, but I don't recall doing much more than what is outlined above.
Only wanted to print a plain text file, though. If I ever have a problem trying to get a printer to work, I'll be sure to share the details.
[Martin Hooper] My recent printer experience is much the same as Francis's - most distros will use my printers fine.
Only problem is that if I turn my laser printer (Samsung ML1510) off, then boot Linux, I can't print to it without re-booting.
What would I need to do to get the printer working?
[Thomas Adam] USB? Restarting hotplug ought to fix that in the rare case:
sudo /etc/init.d/hotplug restart... and checking /var/log/messages for any errors/warnings/output, thereafter.
[Karl-Heinz Herrmann] I'm running mostly Postscript-capable printers lately (got cheaper than they used to be), and have rarely had problems getting them to work -- remaining problems are hardware or printers crashing on some nasty PDF-via-acroread files.
On the other hand, getting WinXP to print from inside a NATing VMware was not that intuitive. There is a Samba around, but getting it to recognise the printers didn't work right away. Then I found the following solution:
(in XP) -> new printer -> network printer -> connect to printer on internet and enter: http://CUPSHOST:631/printers/PRINTERNAME
...which did the trick quite nicely. The VMware-host IP is allowed to print on that particular CUPS, so the NATed VMware-XP can too.
[Neil Youngman, following up to Ben]
> At this point, the basic printer test (i.e., dumping text to the device) > should be working fine. Install your choice of queue manager (e.g., > 'CUPS', 'lpr', 'lprng', etc.) and the appropriate > filters/drivers/definition files for your printer (Gnome-Print, > 'hp-ppd', 'linuxprinting.org-ppds', etc.) You're ready to go!This is where it all went wrong for me. Installing a driver for the Xerox WorkCentre XK35C (not recommended, but...).
First I had to identify the correct driver. I happen to know it should use the Lexmark 5700 driver, but linuxprinting.org is, as stated, the place to look it up.
Next question is, what package is the driver in? I'm on MEPIS, which is Debian-based, so a search on packages.debian.org identifies foomatic-filters-ppds as the correct package.
After 'sudo aptitude install foomatic-filters-ppds', there was still no option for an XK35C or and LM5700, in the CUPS configuration.
What next? I seem to have installed the correct packages, but it isn't working. A few emails to TAG later, I'm back at linuxprinting.org and I find that the PPD file hadn't been installed where CUPS could see it. I located the PPD file with
find / -xdev -iname \*xk35\*
and then I copied it to /usr/share/cups/model/:
root@2[~]# gunzip /usr/share/ppd/linuxprinting.org-gs-builtin/Xerox/Xerox-WorkCentre_XK35c-lex5700.ppd.gz root@2[~]# cp /usr/share/ppd/linuxprinting.org-gs-builtin/Xerox/Xerox-WorkCentre_XK35c-lex5700.ppd /usr/share/cups/model/ root@2[~]# /etc/init.d/cupsys restart Restarting Common Unix Printing System: cupsd.
After that, I was able to configure it from the Web interface.
[Pedro Fraile] Quite a coincidence, but, just as Ben was preparing the article about "Installing a printer", I was in the process of getting the (nearly) latest Gutenprint installed on my box (quite painless, I have to say), and I came across this little piece of information (taken from http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/gimp-print/print/NEWS?rev=1.279):
<Begin quote>
Welcome to Gutenprint 5.0.0-rc3! Please read these release notes carefully. [...] 3) Many Epson printers (specifically, the Epson Stylus Color 740 and all newer printers) will not respond to ASCII text without a special "activation" sequence (specifically, this command takes the printers out of "packet mode"). A brand new printer, or one that has been connected to a Wind0ws system, may or may not work in packet mode. Therefore, the common suggestion to test a printer port by sending plain text to it may not work for these printers; failure to print in this fashion is not a positive indication that the printer or the connection is malfunctioning. These printers are, however, able to print plain text *after* the activation sequence is sent. A suggestion would be to first verify that the printer is capable of returning ink levels. This may be done via escputil -i -r /dev/lp0 (or whatever device your printer is connected to in place of /dev/lp0). If this returns status, it demonstrates that the link between your computer and printer is working.
<End quote>
This was new to me, and thought it could be worth mentioning.
[Ben Okopnik] New to me as well; interesting. The GutenPrint project lists the Epsons that need this hack.
Being the ever-curious bear that I am, I compared the results of "escputil -n -r /tmp/foo" and "escputil -n -u -r /tmp/foo1", and the diff looks like this (non-printable characters encoded by their ASCII abbreviations):
I suppose those listed printers could be tested by sending them the above 'activation sequence' preceding the plain text, but it does indeed scotch my "standard test". In other words, folks with Epsons, you have to do a bit of extra work not required of others. I suggest complaining to the guilty parties (Epson).
Talkback: Discuss this article with The Answer Gang
The Answer Gang consists of a group of volunteers at the Linux Gazette. It is the source of the Gazette's tech support columns (The Mailbag, 2-Cent Tips, Talkback, Followups, etc.) as well as the major contributor to our KnowledgeBase. To gather relevant questions to respond to, we run an open mailing list where anyone is welcome to ask their Linux-related questions; we also have a standing invitation for people knowledgeable in Linux to join us.
The Ecol comic strip is written for escomposlinux.org (ECOL), the web site that supports es.comp.os.linux, the Spanish USENET newsgroup for Linux. The strips are drawn in Spanish and then translated to English by the author.
These images are scaled down to minimize horizontal scrolling.
All Ecol cartoons are at tira.escomposlinux.org (Spanish), comic.escomposlinux.org (English) and http://tira.puntbarra.com/ (Catalan). The Catalan version is translated by the people who run the site; only a few episodes are currently available.
These cartoons are copyright Javier Malonda. They may be copied, linked or distributed by any means. However, you may not distribute modifications. If you link to a cartoon, please notify Javier, who would appreciate hearing from you.
Talkback: Discuss this article with The Answer Gang
Launderette extra:
[Ben] Hilarious as usual, Morford rants about Wind0ws.
So you do what you always do when it's just you and Windows, alone: You lie. To yourself. "Maybe, just maybe this time it really will be different," you say, blocking out the one thousand previous proofs to the contrary. "What the hell. It's not like I have much choice." You close your eyes. You give in.
You are, once again, Microsoft's bitch.
He's a Mac zealot, but... damn, he's funny.
You might be surprised to hear that _my_ system responds on port
You can pull yourself up off the floor, now.
It's this, of course:
:r! grep 23 /etc/ssh/sshd_config Port 23
[Ben] Didn't knock me over at all, Rick; I have more confidence in your sysadminly fu than that. :) I thought you might have a pitcher of cold water rigged over that door - or perhaps 'blinkperl'.
[Rick] Oh, I love that!
I was actually thinking maybe an http server broadcasting this very scary image of me wearing the Hawaiian Shirt from Hell at the 2001 Linux 10th Anniversary Picnic: http://linuxmafia.com/~rick/pictures/img.jpeg
Now that's a deterrent.
[Brian] Yikes! I remember that shirt! I thought you'd lost a bet. And of course, that's the lasting image, because it was the last time I was in town for one of those (before we moved East).
Also, that image strays rather far from the "root kit" subject line. After all, you weren't particularly difficult to detect in that garb. Quarantining ... ah, that's another matter entirely.
[Rick] Inevitably, there's a story.
Deirdre and I were in Honolulu for the first and only Westercon (US western region science-fiction convention) ever to be held in Hawaii, and we heard that there was to be a tacky-shirt competition.
We made a beeline for Hilo Hattie's factory-outlet store (http://www.hilohattie.com/), makers of fine aloha shirts and other island gear. Nothing quite seemed right, until, just before we reached the exit, in the remainder room, in the furthest corner... The Shirt! It hung there, quietly pulsating.
It didn't take the grand prize: There was serious competition. However, it was one of the winners.
[Sluggo] http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5500103
[RealAudio] First of two NPR commentaries on "net neutrality", the issue of whether telcos should be able to charge their own partners less for Internet bandwidth than competing content providers. This one is the telcom's industry side and argues that activists want a new law to "artificially" subsidize rates for certain providers (naming Microsoft and [Yahoo or Google]). The commentary argues that the current "hands off" approach to Internet regulation is better. The next piece will be an opposing viewpoint from Craig of Craigslist.
[Ben] Micr0s0ft has annoyed millions of people with their system messages, but now they went just that little bit too far - they annoyed a poet. I guess they'd never heard of "Meddle thou not in the affairs of poets, for thou art vulnerable and your name rhymes with nasty things"...
----- Forwarded message from Abraham Thomas <thomas@> ----- Guest poem submitted by William Grey, <wgrey@>: "Windows is Shutting Down" Windows is shutting down, and grammar are On their last leg. So what am we to do? A letter of complaint go just so far, Proving the only one in step are you. Better, perhaps, to simply let it goes. A sentence have to be screwed pretty bad Before they gets to where you doesnt knows The meaning what it must of meant to had. The meteor have hit. Extinction spread, But evolution do not stop for that. A mutant languages rise from the dead And all them rules is suddenly old hat. Too bad for we, us what has had so long The best seat from the only game in town. But there it am, and whom can say its wrong? Those are the break. Windows is shutting down. -- Clive James ----- End forwarded message -----
[Sluggo] In a Linux Weekly News article about filesystem design:
"The second day of the workshop began with the discovery that the bulb in the projector had burned out, which was fine with us as it further discouraged the use of mind-numbing slideware. We attributed part of the amazing productivity of the workshop to the lack of a projector and the fact that most of us also lacked any form of network connectivity from the conference room, forcing us to pay attention to what was going on instead of reading our email."
[Ben] I'm happy to say that in all my years of teaching, I've managed to avoid using the projector 99% of the time. I also carefully maintain my hard-to-read style of board-scribbling, thus forcing the students to concentrate on what I'm saying. :))) I can't do anything about the Net access from the classrooms - for that matter, I wouldn't change it if I could - but, as I see it, gadgets usually detract more than they add to a teaching environment.
In the welding class that Kat and I recently completed, she kept complaining that she had problems understanding the instructor's Missourah accent - and yet, she graduated with an 'A' and some excellent welding skills. Seems like a (highly effective) ploy to me. :)
[Jimmy] My friend Mariusz needed an external access point recently, but only had an internal AP -- so he tied it to a pole, covered it with a plastic bag and hung it out the window... and it worked.
He used a shoelace to lash the AP to the pole... I, of course, made the appropriate comments about shoestring budgets, etc.
(Photo courtesy of Mariusz Florczak)