This example shows the SSL features of Pyro.

The server is created using the PYROSSL protocol, and will only
accept SSL connections. It installs a connection validator that
prints some info about the client's SSL certificate.

The client code is no different than regular Pyro clients, 
because the Proxy (actually the protocol adapter) knows how
to deal with the PYROSSL: protocol.

Take a peek in the nameserver, you'll see that the server is
registered with a PYROSSL: uri.

The "certs" directory contains a bunch of example certificates.
Make sure that this directory can be found by Pyro.
(the location is specified in the PYROSSL_CERTDIR config item,
which defaults to "certs" in the PYRO_STORAGE directory,
which is by default the current directory).

NOTE: the supplied example certificates are only there to let
you initialise the SSL layer. M2Crypto/SSL will check the hostname
of the certificate (if it does its job), and will revoke it
(because I put in the hostname

See m2crypto homepage ( ) or 
openssl documentation ( ) for instructions on how to 
create your own ca and server/client certificates. Here is a good guide: 
<>  (Yes, use the Local CA and create
two certificates-- one for the server and one for the client).
Important: the creation of the CA .csr (req) files must be done in a different 
directory, each with its own host.key. The final creation of the server.pem and 
client.pem file is done by concatenating the requester host.key and the .cert 

NOTE: the demo certificates provided are valid until january 2009.
      At that moment I'll have to create new demo certificates.