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system environment/daemons
389-ds-base -
389 Directory Server (base)
389-ds-base-libs -
Core libraries for 389 Directory Server
at -
Job spooling tools
autofs -
A tool for automatically mounting and unmounting filesystems
cifs-utils -
Utilities for mounting and managing CIFS mounts
lldpad -
Intel LLDP Agent
net-snmp -
A collection of SNMP protocol tools and libraries
netlabel_tools -
Tools to manage the Linux NetLabel subsystem
nscd -
A Name Service Caching Daemon (nscd).
oddjob -
A D-Bus service which runs odd jobs on behalf of client applications
oddjob-mkhomedir -
An oddjob helper which creates and populates home directories
openssh-ldap -
A LDAP support for open source SSH server daemon
openssh-server -
An open source SSH server daemon
qpid-cpp-server -
An AMQP message broker daemon
qpid-cpp-server-cluster -
Cluster support for the Qpid daemon
tuned -
A dynamic adaptive system tuning daemon
uuidd -
Helper daemon to guarantee uniqueness of time-based UUIDs