- 389-ds-base-devel - Development libraries for 389 Directory Server
- DeviceKit-power-devel - Headers and libraries for DeviceKit-power
- DeviceKit-power-devel-docs - API documentation for DeviceKit-power
- NetworkManager-devel - Libraries and headers for adding NetworkManager support to applications
- NetworkManager-glib - Libraries for adding NetworkManager support to applications that use glib.
- NetworkManager-glib-devel - Header files for adding NetworkManager support to applications that use glib.
- autotrace-devel - Header files and static libraries for autotrace
- boost-devel - The Boost C++ headers and shared development libraries
- boost-static - The Boost C++ static development libraries
- clusterlib-devel - The Red Hat Cluster libraries development package
- corosynclib-devel - The Corosync Cluster Engine Development Kit
- cpufrequtils-devel - CPU frequency changing utilities development files
- cryptsetup-luks-devel - Headers and libraries for using encrypted filesystems
- cups-devel - Common Unix Printing System - development environment
- ghostscript-devel - Files for developing applications that use ghostscript.
- glibc-devel - Object files for development using standard C libraries.
- glibc-headers - Header files for development using standard C libraries.
- glibc-static - C library static libraries for -static linking.
- gpm-devel - Development files for the gpm library
- gpm-static - Static development files for the gpm library
- graphviz-devel - Development package for graphviz
- guile-devel - Libraries and header files for the GUILE extensibility library
- isdn4k-utils-devel - Static library and header files for capi development
- kdebase-devel - Development files for kdebase
- kdebase-workspace-devel - Development files for kdebase-workspace
- kdepim-runtime-devel - Development files for kdepim-runtime
- libacl-devel - Access control list static libraries and headers
- libattr-devel - Extended attribute static libraries and headers
- libcgroup - Tools and libraries to control and monitor control groups
- libcgroup-devel - Development libraries to develop applications that utilize control groups
- libcurl - A library for getting files from web servers
- libcurl-devel - Files needed for building applications with libcurl
- libgcrypt-devel - Development files for the libgcrypt package
- libsndfile-devel - Development files for libsndfile
- libssh2-devel - Development files for libssh2
- libssh2-docs - Documentation for libssh2
- libvirt - Library providing a simple virtualization API
- libvirt-client - Client side library and utilities of the libvirt library
- libvirt-devel - Libraries, includes, etc. to compile with the libvirt library
- libvirt-python - Python bindings for the libvirt library
- lldpad-devel - Development files for lldpad
- m17n-lib-devel - m17n-lib development files
- minizip-devel - Development files for the minizip library
- nautilus-devel - Support for developing nautilus extensions
- nautilus-extensions - Nautilus extensions library
- newt-devel - Newt windowing toolkit development files
- newt-python - Python bindings for newt
- newt-static - Newt windowing toolkit static library
- opencryptoki-devel - Development files for openCryptoki
- openldap-devel - LDAP development libraries and header files
- openmotif-devel - Open Motif development libraries and header files
- openssl-devel - Files for development of applications which will use OpenSSL
- openssl-static - Libraries for static linking of applications which will use OpenSSL
- perl-Net-DNS - DNS resolver modules for Perl
- perl-Net-DNS-Nameserver - DNS server for Perl
- perl-NetAddr-IP - Manages IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and subnets
- perl-Test-Spelling - Check for spelling errors in POD files
- python-magic - Python bindings for the libmagic API
- python-rhsm - A Python library to communicate with a Red Hat Unified Entitlement Platform
- python-virtinst - Python modules and utilities for installing virtual machines
- qt-devel - Development files for the Qt toolkit
- qt3-devel - Development files for the Qt 3 GUI toolkit
- qt3-devel-docs - Documentation for the Qt 3 GUI toolkit
- sg3_utils-devel - Development library and header files for the sg3_utils library
- unicap-devel - Development files for the unicap library
- vte-devel - Files needed for developing applications which use vte
- xmlrpc-c-devel - Development files for xmlrpc-c based programs
- zlib-devel - Header files and libraries for Zlib development
- zlib-static - Static libraries for Zlib development