Packages changed:
  at-spi2-core (2.20.1 -> 2.20.2)
  gdbm (1.11 -> 1.12)
  iproute2 (4.5 -> 4.6)
  libunwind (1.1 -> 1.2~rc1)
  linux-glibc-devel (4.5 -> 4.6)
  pciutils (3.5.0 -> 3.5.1)
  permissions (2016.01.15.1451 -> 20160413)
  python-pyudev (0.17 -> 0.20.0)
  wayland-protocols (1.3 -> 1.4)
  yast2-users (3.1.49 -> 3.1.51)

=== Details ===

==== at-spi2-core ====
Version update (2.20.1 -> 2.20.2)
Subpackages: at-spi2-core-devel libatspi0 typelib-1_0-Atspi-2_0

- Update to version 2.20.2:
  + Fixed an invalid memory access when fetching an accessible.

==== bash ====
Subpackages: bash-doc libreadline6 readline-devel readline-doc

- Add patch bash-4.3-async-bnc971410.dif
  this is a backport from bash-4.4-rc1 and might help to avoid to
  run onto a not existing child pointer, bnc#971410.

==== expat ====
Subpackages: libexpat-devel libexpat1 libexpat1-32bit

- add expat-2.1.1-avoid_relying_on_undef_behaviour.patch to avoid
  relying on undefined behavior in CVE-2015-1283 fix [bnc#980391],
- add expat-2.1.1-parser_crashes_on_malformed_input.patch to fix
  Expat XML parser that mishandles certain kinds of malformed input
  documents [bnc#979441], [CVE-2016-0718]
- use spec-cleaner to clean specfile

==== gdbm ====
Version update (1.11 -> 1.12)
Subpackages: gdbm-devel libgdbm4 libgdbm4-32bit

- Update to version 1.12
  * New configuration variable COMPATINCLUDEDIR
- Small spec file cleanups

==== gnome-control-center ====
Subpackages: gnome-control-center-color gnome-control-center-user-faces

- Add gnome-control-center-touchpad-wayland-cap.patch: mouse: Make
  touchpad capability checking on wayland work as intended

==== iproute2 ====
Version update (4.5 -> 4.6)

- Update to new upstream release 4.6
  * vxlan: add support to set flow label
  * tc, bpf: add new csum and tunnel signatures
  * tc, bpf: further improve error reporting
  * tc, bpf: add support for map pre/allocation
  * ip link: Add support for kernel side filtering
  * tc: introduce IFE action
  * add devlink tool
  * iplink: display IFLA_PHYS_PORT_NAME

==== libunwind ====
Version update (1.1 -> 1.2~rc1)

- Version update to 1.2-rc1, should include all our patches:
  * 0001-Mark-run-ptrace-mapper-and-run-ptrace-misc-as-XFAIL-.patch
  * 0002-Mark-run-ptrace-mapper-and-run-ptrace-misc-as-XFAIL-.patch
  * libunwind-1.1-expected-fails.patch
  * libunwind-CVE-2015-3239.patch
  * libunwind-aarch64.patch
  * libunwind-ppc64le.patch
  * libunwind-1.1-tests.diff

==== linux-glibc-devel ====
Version update (4.5 -> 4.6)

- Update to kernel headers 4.6

==== ncurses ====
Subpackages: libncurses5 libncurses6 libncurses6-32bit ncurses-devel ncurses-utils tack terminfo terminfo-base

- Add ncurses patch 20160514
  + regenerate HTML manpages.
  + improve manual pages for wgetch and wget_wch to point out that they
    might return values without names in curses.h (Debian #822426).
  + make linux3.0 entry the default linux entry (Debian #823658) -TD
  + modify linux2.6 entry to improve line-drawing so that the linux3.0
    entry can be used in non-UTF-8 mode -TD
  + document return value of use_extended_names (report by Mike Gran).
- Modify patch ncurses-6.0.dif
- Add ncurses patch 20160507
  + amend change to _nc_do_color to restore the early return for the
    special case used in _nc_screen_wrap (report by Dick Streefland,
    cf: 20151017).
  + modify test/ncurses.c:
    + check return-value of putwin
    + correct ifdef which made the 'g' test's legend not reflect changes
    to keypad- and scroll-modes.
  + correct return-value of extended putwin (report by Mike Gran).

==== net-tools ====
Subpackages: net-tools-deprecated

- Add net-tools-1.60-hostname-s.patch:
  This changes the hostname behavior to match other systems and its
  own documentation. Namely, that -s just parses the result of the
  active gethostname() and does not attempt any network/DNS traffic.
  commit#452f8e (boo#872264).

==== pciutils ====
Version update (3.5.0 -> 3.5.1)
Subpackages: libpci3 pciutils-devel

- Update to version 3.5.1:
  * Fixed symbol versioning of pci_init().

==== permissions ====
Version update (2016.01.15.1451 -> 20160413)

- Introduce _service to easier update the package. For simplicity,
  change the version from to yyyymmdd (which is eactly
  %cd in the _service defintion). Upgrading is no problem.
- chage only needs read rights to /etc/shadow, so setgid shadow is sufficient (bsc#975352)
- permissions: adding gstreamer ptp file caps (bsc#960173)

==== python-pyudev ====
Version update (0.17 -> 0.20.0)

- Remove do_not_install_tests.patch
- Require python-six
- update to 0.20.0:
  * Remove parsing code added in previous release.
  * No longer do CI for Python 2.6.
  * Eliminate all wildcard imports and __all__ statements.
  * No longer use deprecated Device.from_sys_path() method.
  * Minor pylint induced changes.
  * Documentation fixes.
  * Restore raising KeyError by* methods when attribute not found.
  * Explicitly require six module.
  * Never raise a DeviceNotFoundError when iterating over a device enumeration.
  * Device.subsystem() now returns None if device has no subsystem.
  * Add DeprecationWarnings to deprecated Device methods.
  * Replace "/" with "!" in Device.from_name() sys_name parameter.
  * Add some unstable classes for parsing some kinds of values.
  * Make version info more like Python's including micro numbers and levels.
  * Refactor some internal modules into subdirectories.
  * Work on tests and reproducers.
  * DeviceNotFoundError is no longer a subtype of LookupError
  * Added support for pyqt5 monitor observer
  * Added discover module, which looks up a device on limited information
  * Attributes class no longer extends Mapping, extends object instead
  * Attributes class no longer inherits [] operator, Mapping methods
  * Attributes class objects are no longer iterable
  * Attributes.available_attributes property added
  * Attributes.get() method, with usual semantics, defined
  * Device.from_* methods are deprecated, uses Devices.from_* methods instead
  * Device.from_device_file() now raises DeviceNotFoundByFileError
  * Device.from_device_number() now raises DeviceNotFoundByNumberError
  * Devices.from_interface_index() method added
  * Devices.from_kernel_device() method added
  * Numerous testing infrastructure changes
- Remove do_not_install_tests.patch . No longer needed.
- Require libudev1 . Needed to use python-pyudev

==== rpm ====
Subpackages: rpm-32bit rpm-build rpm-devel

- Add rpm-findlang-inject-metainfo.patch: allow packagers to inject
  a metainfo.xml file for the -lang package, which can then serve
  AppStream based Software Centers to show -lang packages as
  extensions to applications (boo#980583).

==== swig ====

- Add disabled build conditional for ocaml support (fate#320836)
- Add swig-ocaml-int64.patch (ocaml PR#6517, fate#320836)

==== wayland-protocols ====
Version update (1.3 -> 1.4)

- Update to version 1.4:
  * This release include one new stable protocol extension:
  * The viewporter porter has previously been known as "wl_scaler"
    and enables a client to crop and scale a surface server side.
    Clients and compositors previously implementing support for
    wl_scaler should adapt accordingly. See the corresponding XML
    file for details.
  * Other changes included in this release are various grammatical
    corrections to the presentation-time, tablet, relative-pointer,
    pointer-constraints, linux-dmabuf, input-method and
    fullscreen-shell protocols.
  * It's now also possible to use autotools build files to install
    on platforms where the host CPU is not recognized.

==== xf86-input-evdev ====

- u_01-Add-a-kiosk-mode-for-touch-screens.patch

==== xorg-x11-server ====
Subpackages: xorg-x11-server-extra xorg-x11-server-sdk

- U_modesetting-set-driverPrivate-to-NULL-after-closing-fd.patch:
  modesetting: Avoid crash in FreeRec() by NULLing a pointer which
  may still be used (boo#981268).

==== yast2-users ====
Version update (3.1.49 -> 3.1.51)

- Fix a string concatenation in relative introduced in
- 3.1.51
- Fix detection of mounted /home partition during installation
- 3.1.50