Foreword and short abstracts of invited talks
Stefan Felsner
1-4 |
Colouring random geometric graphs
Colin J. H. McDiarmid and Tobias Müller
5-10 |
Hypertree-Width and Related Hypergraph Invariants
Isolde Adler, Georg Gottlob and Martin Grohe
11-16 |
Monotone Boolean Functions with s Zeros Farthest from Threshold Functions
Kazuyuki Amano and Jun Tarui
17-20 |
Pairwise Intersections and Forbidden Configurations
Richard P. Anstee and Peter Keevash
21-24 |
A sufficient condition for bicolorable hypergraphs
David Défossez
25-30 |
Decomposable graphs and definitions with no quantifier alternation
Oleg Pikhurko, Joel Spencer and Oleg Verbitsky
31-36 |
Weak Positional Games on Hypergraphs
Martin Kutz
37-40 |
Quadratic LYM inequalities
Christian Bey
41-44 |
Labeling planar graphs with a condition at distance two
Peter Bella, Daniel Král', Bojan Mohar and Katarína Quittnerová
45-50 |
Fast separation in a graph with an excluded minor
Bruce Reed and David R. Wood
51-56 |
Supermodularity on chains and complexity of maximum constraint satisfaction
Vladimir Deineko, Peter Jonsson, Mikael Klasson and Andrei Krokhin
57-62 |
Permutations with short monotone subsequences
Dan Romik
63-66 |
The game of arboricity
Tomasz Bartnicki, Jarosław Grytczuk and Hal Kierstead
67-72 |
Directed One-Trees
William Evans and Mohammad Ali Safari
73-76 |
Deterministic Random Walks on the Integers
Joshua Cooper, Benjamin Doerr, Joel Spencer and Gábor Tardos
77-80 |
Chromatic Turán problems and a new upper bound for the Turán density of
John Talbot
81-86 |
On the L(p,1) -labelling of graphs
Daniel Gonçalves
87-92 |
Representations of Edge Intersection Graphs of Paths in a Tree
Martin Charles Golumbic, Marina Lipshteyn and Michal Stern
93-98 |
Hadamard matrices of order 36
Iliya Bouyukliev, Veerle Fack and Joost Winne
99-104 |
Linear choosability of graphs
Louis Esperet, Mickaël Montassier and André Raspaud
105-110 |
Removing Even Crossings
Michael J. Pelsmajer, Marcus Schaefer and Daniel Štefankovič
111-116 |
On the 3/4 -Conjecture for Fix-Free Codes
Christian Deppe and Holger Schnettler
117-122 |
Color critical hypergraphs and forbidden configurations
Richard Anstee, Balin Fleming, Zoltán Füredi and Attila Sali
123-128 |
Minor-monotone crossing number
Drago Bokal, Gašper Fijavž and Bojan Mohar
129-132 |
On the enumeration of uniquely reducible double designs
Veerle Fack, Svetlana Topalova and Joost Winne
133-134 |
Nonrepetitive colorings of graphs
Noga Alon and Jarosław Grytczuk
135-138 |
A characterization of extremal graphs with no matching-cut
Paul Bonsma
139-144 |
Packing non-returning A -paths algorithmically
Gyula Pap
145-150 |
Structure of spaces of rhombus tilings in the lexicograhic case
Éric Rémila
151-156 |
An upper bound for the chromatic number of line graphs
Andrew D. King, Bruce A. Reed and Adrian R. Vetta
157-160 |
Connected τ -critical hypergraphs of minimal size
Matěj Stehlík
161-166 |
The Windy Postman Problem on Series-Parallel Graphs
Francisco Javier Zaragoza Mart í nez
167-170 |
Crooked Maps in Finite Fields
Gohar Kyureghyan
171-174 |
Distance graphs with maximum chromatic number
Javier Barajas and Oriol Serra
175-180 |
Matroid matching with Dilworth truncation
Márton Makai
181-186 |
Pebble Game Algorithms and (k,l) -Sparse Graphs
Audrey Lee and Ileana Streinu
187-192 |
On the Grone-Merris conjecture
Tamon Stephen
193-198 |
Improper colouring of (random) unit disk graphs
Ross J. Kang, Tobias Müller and Jean-Sébastien Sereni
199-202 |
-factors in graphs
Daniela Kühn and Deryk Osthus
203-206 |
Finding a Strong Stable Set or a Meyniel Obstruction in any Graph
Kathie Cameron and Jack Edmonds
207-212 |
NBC Complexes of Convex Geometries
Kenji Kashiwabara and Masataka Nakamura
213-218 |
Packing Three-Vertex Paths in a Subcubic Graph
Adrian Kosowski and Michał Małafiejski and Paweł Żyliński
219-222 |
Largest cliques in connected supermagic graphs
Anna Lladó
223-228 |
Infinite limits and folding
Anthony Bonato and Jeannette Janssen
229-230 |
Excluded subposets in the Boolean lattice
Gyula O.H. Katona
231-234 |
Multigraph decomposition into multigraphs with two underlying edges
Miri Priesler and Michael Tarsi
235-238 |
Mader Tools
239-244 |
Degree-correlation of Scale-free graphs
Zoran Nikoloski and Narsingh Deo and Ludek Kucera
245-250 |
Density of universal classes of series-parallel graphs
Jaroslav Nešetřil and Yared Nigussie
251-256 |
Packing triangles in low degree graphs and indifference graphs
Gordana Manić and Yoshiko Wakabayashi
257-262 |
Semikernels modulo F in Digraphs
Hortensia Galeana-Sánchez and Mucuy-Kak Guevara
263-266 |
Random Inscribing Polytopes
Ross M. Richardson, Van H. Vu and Lei Wu
267-272 |
On infinite permutations
Dmitri G. Fon-Der-Flaass and Anna E. Frid
273-278 |
Matchings and Hamilton cycles in hypergraphs
Daniela Kühn and Deryk Osthus
279-284 |
A Min-Max theorem about the Road Coloring Conjecture
Rajneesh Hegde and Kamal Jain
285-288 |
Improving the Gilbert-Varshamov bound for q -ary codes
Van H. Vu and Lei Wu
289-292 |
Equivalent Subgraphs of Order 3
Tomoki Nakamigawa
293-298 |
An extremal problem on trees and database theory
Gyula O.H. Katona and Krisztián Tichler
299-302 |
On minimal blocking sets of the generalized quadrangle
Miroslava Cimráková and Veerle Fack
303-308 |
Cycles intersecting edge-cuts of prescribed sizes
Tomáš Kaiser and Riste Škrekovski
309-316 |
A Probabilistic Counting Lemma for Complete Graphs
Stefanie Gerke, Martin Marciniszyn and Angelika Steger
317-322 |
Frobenius' Problem
Francesc Aguiló and Alícia Miralles
323-328 |
Discrepancy of Products of Hypergraphs
Benjamin Doerr, Michael Gnewuch and Nils Hebbinghaus
329-334 |
Balanced Avoidance Games on Random Graphs
Martin Marciniszyn, Dieter Mitsche and Miloš Stojaković
335-340 |
Sets of integers without k+1 coprimes and with specified divisors
Vladimir Blinovsky
341-344 |
Relaxed Two-Coloring of Cubic Graphs
Robert Berke and Tibor Szabó
345-350 |
Hamiltonian Chains in Hypergraphs
Gyula Y. Katona
351-356 |
On the Minimum Number of Completely 3-Scrambling Permutations
Jun Tarui
357-362 |
Negative results on acyclic improper colorings
Pascal Ochem
363-368 |
Spanning paths in hypercubes
Tomáš Dvořák, Petr Gregor and Václav Koubek
369-374 |
Counting Polyominoes on Twisted Cylinders
Gill Barequet, Micha Moffie, Ares Ribó and Günter Rote
375-378 |
Local chromatic number and topology
Gábor Simonyi and Gábor Tardos
379-382 |
Every 3-connected, essentially 11-connected line graph is hamiltonian
Hong-Jian Lai, Yehong Shao, Ju Zhou and Hehui Wu
383-388 |
On the number of series parallel and outerplanar graphs
Manuel Bodirsky, Omer Giménez, Mihyun Kang and Marc Noy
389-396 |
Acyclic Coloring of Graphs of Maximum Degree Δ
Guillaume Fertin and André Raspaud
397-400 |
Hamiltonian cycles in torical lattices
401-406 |
Walks reaching a line
Philippe Nadeau
Author Index