author: | Narjes Berregeb and Riadh Robbana and Ashish Tiwari |
title: | Towards automated proofs of observational properties |
keywords: | observational, contexts, rewriting |
abstract: | Observational theories are a generalization of first-order theories where two objects are observationally equal if they cannot be distinguished by experiments with observable results. Such experiments, called contexts, are usually infinite. Therfore, we consider a special finite set of contexts, called cover-contexts, ``covering'' all the observable contexts. Then, we show that to prove that two objects are observationally equal, it is sufficient to prove that they are equal (in the classical sense) under these cover-contexts. We give methods based on rewriting techniques, for constructing such cover-contexts for interesting classes of observational specifications. If your browser does not display the abstract correctly (because of the different mathematical symbols) you can look it up in the PostScript or PDF files. |
reference: | Narjes Berregeb and Riadh Robbana and Ashish Tiwari (2004), Towards automated proofs of observational properties, Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science 6, pp. 143-162 |
bibtex: | For a corresponding BibTeX entry, please consider our BibTeX-file. |
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pdf-source: | dm060201.pdf (119 K) |
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