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\input amstex
\rightheadtext{The intrinsic invariant of an AFD factor}


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\def\C{{\bold C}}
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\def\A{{\Cal A}}
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\def\ri{{\Cal R_{0,1}}}
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\def\z{{\Cal Z}}



\title The intrinsic invariant of an approximately
finite dimensional factor and the cocycle conjugacy
of discrete amenable group actions \endtitle

%\centerline{\bf AMENABLE GROUP ACTIONS}
%\vskip .6in
%\centerline {\bf ANNOUNCEMENT}
%\medskip\centerline{\bf May,  1995}
%\vskip .6in

\author Yoshikazu Katayama,
 Colin E. Sutherland,
 Masamichi Takesaki \endauthor

%\author Colin E. Sutherland \endauthor

%\author Masamichi Takesaki \endauthor


\address Yoshikazu Katayama, Department of Mathematics,
Osaka Kyoiku University, Osaka, Japan. \newline\hbox{\hskip\parindent}
{\it E-mail address}:{\rm\ F61021\@sinet.adjp}

\address Colin E. Sutherland, Department of Mathematics,
University of New South\newline
Wales, Kensington, NSW, Australia. \newline\hbox{\hskip\parindent}
{\it E-mail address}:
{\rm\ colins\@solution.maths.unsw.edu.au} \endaddress

\address Masamichi Takesaki, Department of Mathematics,
University of California, Los Angeles, Califnornia 90024-1555. \newline
\hbox{\hskip\parindent}{\it E-mail address}:{\rm\ mt\@math.ucla.edu} \endaddress

%\email  F61021\@sinet.adjp \endemail
%\email colins\@solution.maths.unsw.edu.au \endemail
%\email  mt\@math.ucla.edu \endemail


\date May 17, 1995 \enddate

%\centerline{\bf Yoshikazu Katayama}
%\centerline {Department of Mathematics}
%\centerline {Osaka Kyoiku University}
%\centerline {Osaka, Japan}
%\centerline {\bf Colin E. Sutherland}
%\centerline {Department of Mathematics}
%\centerline {University of New South Wales}
%\centerline {Kensington, NSW, Australia}
%\centerline {\bf Masamichi Takesaki}
%\centerline {Department of Mathematics}
%\centerline {University of California}
%\centerline {Los Angeles, Califnornia 90024-1555}

\subjclass 46L40 \endsubjclass

\thanks  This research is supported in part by NSF Grant
DMS92-06984 and
DMS95-00882, and also supported by the Australian Research Council Grant

%\footnote""{{\it 1980 Mathematics Subject Classification
%(1985 Revision).} 46L40.  This research is supported in part by NSF Grant
%DMS92-06984 and
%DMS95-00882, and also supported by the Australian Research Council Grant.}

{We announce in this article that i) to each approximately finite dimensional
factor $\r$ of any type there corresponds canonically a group cohomological
invariant, to be called the {\bf intrinsic invariant} of $\r$ and denoted
$\Theta(\r)$, on which $\Aut(\r)$ acts canonically; ii) when a group $G$
acts on $\r$ via $\a: G \ \mapsto \ \Aut(\r)$, the pull back of Orb($\Theta
(\r)$), the orbit of $\Theta(\r)$ under $\Aut(\r)$,by $\a$ is a cocycle
conjugacy invariant of $\a$; iii) if $G$ is a discrete countable amenable
group, then the pair of the module, mod($\a$), and the above pull back is a
complete invariant for the cocycle conjugacy class of $\a$.  This result
settles the open problem of the general cocycle conjugacy classification of
discrete amenable group actions on an AFD factor of type \threeone, and
unifies known results for other types.}



\advance\pageno by 42

\centerline {\bf Introduction}
The celebrated work of Connes, \cite{1,3}, surveyed in \cite{2}, Ocneanu's
analysis, \cite {12},
and the previous work of Kawahigashi, and the second and third authors,
\cite{11}, reveal the
beatiful structure of the automorphism group of an approximately finite
dimensional, or AFD, factor $\r$.  In this note, we announce that it is
possible to describe
the structure of Aut($\r$) independently of the type of $\r$.  This structure
of $\Aut(\r)$ enables us to define a cohomological invariant which we call
the {\bf intrinsic
invariant} of $\r$.  If a group G acts on $\r$ via  $\a$, then the pull
back of the orbit of the
intrinsic invariant of $\r$ under the natural action of the group Aut($\r$)
gives a cocyle
conjugacy invariant which is complete if G is a countable discrete amenable
group.  This
completes the cocylce conjugacy classification of discrete amenable group
actions on an AFD
factor $\r$ including the type \threeone \ case.
\centerline{\bf Intrinsic Invariant and Main Theorem}
Let $\r$ be an AFD factor, and let Aut($\r$) and Int($\r$) be the group of
and the group of inner automorphisms respectively.  Let
\e: \a \in \text{\rm Aut}(\r) \longmapsto \dot \a \in \text{\rm Out}(\r)
= \text{\rm Aut}(\r)/\text{\rm Int}(\r)
be the canonical quotient map and set
\text{\rm Cnt}(\r) = \e^{-1} \text{\rm{(Center of Out}($\r$))}.

As $\text{\rm Int}(\r)$ is not closed in $\text{\rm Aut}(\r)$, we
need to consider its closure $\overline{\text{\rm Int}}(\r)$ and the
quotient group $\text{\rm Mod}(\r) = \text{\rm Aut}(\r)/\overline{\text{\rm
Int}}(\r)$.  We denote the canonical quotient map by $\text{\rm mod}: \a \in
\text{\rm Aut}(\r) \longmapsto \text{\rm mod}(\a) \in \text{\rm Mod}(\r)$.
The map mod
will be called the $module$ and the image $\text{\rm mod}(\a)$ of $\a \in
\text{\rm Aut}(\r)$ in $\text{\rm Mod}(\r)$ the $module$ of $\a$.  Two more
and a map are evidently associated with $\r$: the unitary group $\U(\r)$, its
$\bold T$ which is the one dimensional torus group of complex numbers of
modulus one, and the adjoint map:
\text{\rm Ad}: u \in \U(\r)\longmapsto \text{\rm Ad}(u) \in \text{\rm Int}(\r).
Of course, $\T$ is the kernel of the map $\text{\rm Ad}$.  Finally, we need to
consider the flow of weights $F(\r)$ and its cohomology groups: $B^1(F(\r)),
 \ Z^1(F(\r))$ and $H^1(F(\r))$.  It is known,\cite{5}, that $\text{\rm Mod}
(\!\r\!)\! =\! \text{\rm Aut}(\!\r\!)\!/\overline{\text{\rm Int}}(\!\r\!)$ is
canonically identified with $\text{\rm Aut}(F(\r))$.  By the work of Wong,
\cite{15}, the short exact sequence:
1 \longrightarrow \Intb(\r) \longrightarrow \Aut(\r) \longrightarrow \Mod(\r)
\longrightarrow 1
splits, but not canonically. By \cite{11; Theorem 1} and \cite{5},
there exists a canonical isomorphism from
$H^1(F(\r))$ onto the Center of $\text{\rm Out}(\r)$, which will be denoted by
$\delta$.  These groups and maps are related as described in the
following commutative diagrams of exact sequences:
& \qquad\quad \text{\rm Cnt}(\r) \qquad \longrightarrow \qquad \text{\rm
& \nearrow \hskip 1in \qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad \searrow \\
1\quad \longrightarrow \quad \text{\rm Int}(\r) & \hskip .6in \downarrow
\hskip 1.2in \downarrow \ \delta \hskip .8in 1. \\
& \searrow \hskip 1in \qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad \nearrow \\
& \qquad \quad \text{\rm Aut}(\r) \qquad \overset \varepsilon \to
\longrightarrow \hskip .3in \text{\rm Out}(\r) \\
The sequence involving $\Cnt(\r)$ forms part of an exact square, as follows:
& \ 1 \hskip .9in 1 \hskip 1in 1 \\
& \downarrow \hskip .9in  \downarrow \hskip 1in \downarrow \\
1 \ \ \longrightarrow \ \ & {\text{\rm\bf T}} \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \longrightarrow \
{\Cal U}(F(\r)) \ \ \overset \partial \to \longrightarrow \ \text{\rm
B}^1(F(\r)) \ \
\longrightarrow \hskip .15in 1 \\
& \downarrow \hskip .9in \downarrow \hskip 1in \downarrow \\
1 \ \ \longrightarrow \ \ & {\Cal U}(\r) \hskip .16in \longrightarrow
\hskip .15in
\widetilde{\Cal U}(\r)\hskip .1in \longrightarrow \ \ \ \text{\rm
Z}^1(F(\r))) \hskip .08in
\longrightarrow \ \ 1 \\
& \downarrow \hskip .9in \downarrow \hskip 1in \downarrow \\
1 \ \ \longrightarrow \ \ & \text{\rm Int}(\r) \ \ \longrightarrow
\text{\rm Cnt}(\r) \ \ \underset \delta^{-1}\circ\varepsilon \to
\longrightarrow \ \text {\rm H}^1(F(\r)) \ \ \ \longrightarrow \ \ 1 \\
& \downarrow \hskip .9in \downarrow \hskip 1in \downarrow \\
& \ 1 \hskip .85in \ 1 \hskip 1in 1 \\
Here, $\widetilde{\U}(\r)$ is the semi direct product of $\U(\r)$ by the
extended modular
action of $\text{\rm Z}^1(F(\r))$ as in \cite{14}.  Except for the lower
right corner
$\text{\rm H}^1(F(\r))$, all groups are Polish and all maps are continuous.
As the above
square of exact sequences is canonical, $\text{\rm Aut}(\r)$ acts on the
square, i.e.
the above sequare is an equivariant square under the action of $\text{\rm
Let $\nu$ denote the map $\delta^{-1}\circ \varepsilon$, called the
$modular$ $invariant$.
The middle vertical $\text{\rm Aut}(\r)$ equivariant exact sequence of the
above exact
1 \ \ \longrightarrow \ \ {\Cal U}(F(\r)) \ \ \longrightarrow
\widetilde{\Cal U}(\r)
 \ \ \longrightarrow \text{\rm Cnt}(\r) \ \ \longrightarrow\ \ 1 \
gives rise to a cohomological invariant, called the $characteristic$
$invariant$ \newline
$\chi \in \Lambda(\text{\rm Aut}(\r), \text{\rm Cnt}(\r),{\Cal
U}(F(\r)))$.  Thus we have
the triplet:
(\mod, \chi, \nu) \in \Hom(\Aut(\r), \Aut(F(\r)) &\times
\text{\rm Cnt}(\r), {\Cal U}(F(\r))) \\ &\times\ \text{\rm
(\text{\rm Cnt}(\r), \text{\rm H}^1(F(\r))),
consiting of the action mod of $\Aut(\r)$ on $F(\r)$, the characteristic
invariant and the
$\text{\rm Aut}(\r)$-equivariant homomorphism $\nu$,
which will be called the $intrinsic$ $invariant$ of the AFD factor $\r$ and
denoted by
$\Theta(\r)$.  Naturally, $\text{\rm Aut}(\r)$ acts on $\text{\rm
Hom}(\Aut(\r)\hskip-2pt,$ $\Aut(F(\r)))$,
$\Lambda(\text{\rm Aut}(\r), \text{\rm Cnt}(\r), \U(F(\r))))$ and
$\text{\rm Hom}_{\text{\rm Aut}(\r)}(\text{\rm Cnt}(\r)), \text{\rm
Let $\text{\rm Orb}(\Theta(\r))$ denote the orbit of $\Theta(\r)$ under the
$\text{\rm Aut}(\r)$.

We are now at the position to state the main result:
\proclaim{Theorem 1}
Let $\r$ be an approximately finite dimensional separable factor and $G$ be
a countable
discrete amenable group.  If $\a$ is an action of $G$ on $\r$, then the
pull back
$\a^*(\text{\rm Orb}(\Theta(\r))$ of the orbit of the intrinsic invariant
is a complete
invariant of the cocylce conjugacy class of $\a$.  More precisely, the
inverse image,
$N(\a) = \a^{-1}(\text{\rm Cnt}(\r))$, of $\text{\rm Cnt}(\r)$ under $\a$,
the action
$\text{\rm mod} \circ \a$ of G on $F(\r)$, the characteristic invariant
$\chi(\a) \in
\Lambda(G, N(\a), {\Cal U}(F(\r)))$ of $\a$ which is obtained as the
pull back of
$\Theta(\r)$ and $\nu_{\a} \in \text{\rm Hom}_G(N(\a), {\Cal U}(F(\r)))$
the cocycle conjugacy class of $\a$.
It should be noted that this one theorem applies to all AFD factors of {\bf
any type}.  Of course,
the type of the carrier factor $\r$ affects on the nature of these
invariants.   We list the
the invariants in each type as follows:

${\text{\rm Type I}_n}, n \in {\text{\rm {\bf N}}}$:
\Int(\r) = \Cnt(\r) = \Aut(\r) \ \ is\  \ compact
{\text{\rm Mod}}(\r) = 1
G = N(\a), \ \chi_{\a} \in \text{\rm H}^2(G, \T), \nu_{\a} = 1.
${\text{\rm Type}}\ \text{\rm I}_{\infty}$:
\Aut(\r) = \Cnt(\r) = \Int(\r) \ \ is \ \ not \ \ compact.
\text{\rm Mod}(\r) = 1
G = N(\a), \ \chi_{\a} \in \text{\rm H}^2(G, \T), \nu_{\a} = 1.
\text{\rm Type} \twoone:
\Int(\r) = \Cnt(\r),\  \overline{\Int}(\r) = \Aut(\r),\  \text{\rm Mod}(\r) = 1.
Therefore the characteristic invariant $\chi_{\a}$ $\in {\Lambda}(G, N(\a),
\T)$ alone determines
the cocylcle conjugacy of the action $\a$ of $G$.
$\text{\rm Type}\ \text{\rm \two}_{\infty}$:
\Int(\r) = \Cnt(\r),\quad\ F(\r) = \{L^{\infty}(\R), \text{\it Translation}
\text{\rm H}^1(F(\r)) = 1,
\text{\rm Mod}(\r) = \R^*_+, \qquad \Aut(\r) = \Intb(\r) \rtimes \R^*_+
\widetilde{\U}(\r) = \U(\r) \times\U(L^{\infty}(\R))/\T.
Type \threezero:\hskip 1in \text{\rm All invariants are non-trivial in general.}
\Aut(\r) = \Intb(\r) \rtimes \Aut(F(\r)) \  \quad \text{\rm by} \quad
\text{\rm Wong, [23]};
\widetilde{\U}(\r) = \U(\r) \rtimes \Z^1(F(\r))   \quad \text{\rm by} \quad
\text{\rm Type} $\three_\lambda, 0 < \lambda < 1$:
& \F(\r) = \{L^{\infty}(\R/(-\text{\rm log}(\lambda)\Z), \text{\it
Translation} \}, \cr
& \text{\rm H}^1(F(\r)) = \R/T\Z \quad\text{\it with}\quad T = -
\Cnt(\r) = \Int(\r)\sigma(\R)\  \text{\rm where} \ \sigma(\R) = \ \text{\rm
Modular Automorphism
\widetilde{\U}(\r) = (\U(\r) \rtimes Z^1(F(\r)) , \quad \Aut(\r) =
\Intb(\r) \rtimes
 Z^1(F(\r)) = (\U(L^{\infty}(\R/(-\text{\rm log}(\lambda)\Z)/\T) \rtimes \T.
\text{\rm Type} \threeone:

\F(\r) = \{\C, \text{\it Trivial action of $\R$} \}, \Intb(\r) = \Aut(\r),
\ \Mod(\r) = 1 {;}
\widetilde{\U}(\r) = \U(\r) \rtimes \R, \qquad \text{\rm H}^1(F(\r)) = \R,
\qquad \Cnt(\r) =
\Int(\r) \rtimes\R.
It is interesting to note that the structure of the invariants in the type
\threeone  case
is simplest among type \three \ cases yet the proof is the hardest.
Special cases of the result
in the \threeone case have been established in \cite{11}.  The general case
will appear in
\cite{10}.  We state it here as an independent result:

\proclaim{Corollary 2}
If $\r$ is an AFD factor of type \threeone, then with $N =\a^{-1}(\text{\rm
Cnt}(\r))$ the pair
(\chi_{\a}, \nu_{\a}) \in \Lambda(G, N, \T) \times\text{\rm Hom}_G(N, \R)
is a complete invariant for the cocycle conjugacy class of the action $\a$
of a countable
discrete amenable group G on $\r$.  Every element $(\chi, \nu) \in
\Lambda(G, N. \T) \times
\Hom_G(N, \R)$ arises as the invariant of an action of G on $\r$.

%\centerline{\bf References}\medskip


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