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%% Modified June 12, 1997 by A. Morgoulis
%% Modified June 9, 1997 by A. Morgoulis
%% Modified June 7, 1997 by A. Morgoulis

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\title[Classification of Compact Homogeneous Spaces]
{Classification of compact homogeneous spaces with invariant
symplectic structures}

%\author{Daniel Guan$^{1}$\\
%        e-mail: zguan@@math.princeton.edu\\
%        Fax: (609)258-1367\\
%        Phone: (609)683-8725(H) (609)258-6466(O)}

\author{Daniel Guan}
\address{Department of Mathematics,
Princeton University,
Princeton, NJ 08544}
\thanks{Supported by NSF Grant DMS-9401755 and DMS-9627434.}

\subjclass{Primary 53C15, 57S25, 53C30; Secondary 22E99, 15A75}
\keywords{Invariant structure, homogeneous space, product,
fiber bundles, symplectic manifolds, splittings, prealgebraic group,
decompositions, modification, Lie group, symplectic algebra,  
compact manifolds, uniform discrete subgroups, classifications,
locally flat parallelizable manifolds}
\date{February 21, 1997}
\commby{Gregory Margulis}
\dateposted{July 29, 1997}
\PII{S 1079-6762(97)00023-1}
\copyrightinfo{1997}{American Mathematical Society}
%1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 53C15, 57S25,
%53C30, 22E99, 15A75.
%Key words and phrases. 
%invariant structure, homogeneous space, product,
%fiber bundles, symplectic manifolds, splittings, prealgebraic group,
%decompositions, modification, Lie group, symplectic algebra,  
%compact manifolds, uniform discrete subgroups, classifications,
%locally flat parallelizable manifolds.}
% \baselineskip20pt

We solve a longstanding problem of classification of 
compact homogeneous spaces with invariant symplectic structures. We
also give a splitting conjecture on compact homogeneous
spaces with symplectic structures (which are not necessarily invariant 
under the group action) that makes the classification of this 
kind of manifolds possible.


A smooth manifold $M$ equipped with a smooth transitive action of a Lie group
is called a {\em homogeneous space\/}.  If in addition $M$ is a symplectic
manifold, we refer to it as a
{\em homogeneous space with a symplectic structure\/} and, if the structure
is invariant, a {\em homogeneous space with an invariant symplectic structure\/}.

Recently there has been much progress in the area of symplectic manifolds and
group actions. However,
the {\em classical\/} problem of classifying compact 
homogeneous spaces with symplectic structure is seemingly

The paper \cite{DG} did give us some hope in this direction and
\cite{Gu1}, \cite{Gu2}, \cite{Hk} provide a nice picture for compact complex homogeneous
spaces with a symplectic structure. The following result can be found in
\cite{DG} (see also \cite{Hk} for a ``simpler'' proof):

%  {\bf Proposition 1.} 
\begin{prop} [\cite{DG}, \cite{Hk}] 
Every compact homogeneous pseudo-K\"ahler
manifold is a product of a torus and a rational homogeneous space, 
both with
standard pseudo-K\"ahler structures. %\/}

  We note here that the proof of this result is more 
than that of
the K\"ahler case in \cite{Mt}, since in the K\"ahler case, by the compactness
of the manifold, one can easily see that a compact Lie group acts transitively
and the isotropy group is a subgroup of an orthogonal
group, i.e., both groups are reductive. 

In \cite{Gu1}, \cite{Gu2} we
observed that the method in \cite{Hk} actually works for a compact 
complex homogeneous
space with an invariant symplectic structure:

%\smallskip  {\bf Proposition 2.} {\em 
\begin{prop} Every compact complex homogeneous space with
an invariant symplectic structure is a product of a torus and a rational
homogeneous space, both with standard symplectic structures. %\/}

  And we also proved the following theorem: 

%\smallskip  {\bf Proposition 3.} {\em 
\begin{prop}\label{prop:3}Every compact homogeneous complex manifold
with a
$2$-cohomo\-logy class $\omega$ such that $\omega ^{n}$ is not zero
in the top cohomology is a product of a rational homogeneous space
and a
complex parallelizable solv-manifold 
with a right invariant symplectic structure on 
its universal covering. %\/}  

  This generalized the result of \cite{BR} for the K\"ahler case (one does not 
assume that the K\"ahler form is invariant).

  These results suggest further study in two  
directions along the lines of Proposition \ref{prop:3}. One 
is the classification of compact complex homogeneous spaces; the 
other is the classification of compact homogeneous spaces with
a symplectic structure. The first problem can be solved by the 
method in \cite{Gu3}, where we prove that every compact complex
homogeneous space with an invariant volume is a torus fiber bundle
over a product of a rational homogeneous space and a complex
parallelizable manifold. In the present paper we 
announce our result in the direction of the second problem. This is
quite analogous to the results in \cite{Gu1}, \cite{Gu2}:

%\smallskip  {\bf MAIN THEOREM.} {\em 
\begin{maint}Every compact homogeneous space with an
invariant symplectic structure is a product of a
rational homogeneous space and a torus with invariant symplectic
structures. %\/}\smallskip

  In this classification, the tori which occur are not necessarily standard.
One might use such a nonstandard torus to obtain new symplectic
manifolds as in \cite{Bo} and \cite{Gu1}. 
The following conjecture arises naturally from our arguments for the 
proof of the above theorem:

%\smallskip{\bf CONJECTURE.} {\em 
\begin{conj}If $G/H$ is a compact homogeneous
space with a symplectic structure, then $G/H$ is
a product of a rational homogeneous
space and a compact locally flat parallelizable manifold with a
symplectic structure. %\/}\smallskip

Here we call a manifold $N$ {\em locally flat parallelizable\/}
if $N=G/H$ for a simply connected Lie group $G$ which is diffeomorphic to
${\br}^{k}$ for some integer $k$ and $H$ is a uniform discrete subgroup.

In our future work we will attempt to prove this conjecture and to
classify the compact locally flat parallelizable
manifolds with this additional structure.


We thank the referee for his gracious advice on the final exposition of this
%\hspace{5cm} {\bf References}



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World Scientific, 1994, pp. 63--74.
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D. Guan,
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S. Kobayashi,
{\em Differential geometry of complex vector
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{\bf 37}(1962), 111--120.

%Department of Mathematics UCB\=                               \kill
%Author's Addresses: \\
%Zhuang-Dan  Guan \\
%Department of Mathematics \\
%Princeton University\\
%Princeton, NJ 08544 U. S. A.\\
%e-mail: zguan@@math.princeton.edu\\
%Phone: (609)683-8725(H) (609)258-6466(O)\\
%Fax: (609)258-1367

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