Journal for Geometry and Graphics, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 219-226 (1999)

Evaluation of Educational Effects of the Solid Simulator

Xiaodong Sun, Kenjiro Suzuki

The University of Tokyo, 3-8-1, Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo,
153-8902, Japan

Abstract: We have been developing computer graphics software, which can be run on a microcomputer and assists teaching and learning in early undergraduate graphics curricula. It is called "Solid Simulator" in which are available the generation, Boolean operations and dynamic projections of any polyhedra. During the academic year 1996 a new courseware of graphic science with a solid simulator as an additional instruction tool was developed and conducted in the University of Tokyo. In order to evaluate the courseware, we administered a set of student opinion questionnaires, a spatial test (MCT) and a term end test. The results of the evaluation showed that the new courseware was of significance in enhancing students' spatial ability and helping them to understand the contents of the course.

Keywords: CAI, Spatial abilities, evaluation

Classification (MSC2000): 51N05

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