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About Nexus 2004

There are many connections between architecture and mathematics: mathematic principles may be used as a basis for an architectural design, or an a tool for analyzing an existing monument; architecture may be a concrete expression of mathematical ideas, becoming, in a sense, "visual mathematics."

Nexus 2004, the fifth in a biennial series of meetings, will once again bring together professionals working with ideas related to both architecture and mathematics.

The TEC of Monterrey, State of Mexico Campus, is charged with the mission to "produce people committed to the socio-economic and physical development of the community so as to promote sustainable development within the country, as well as to promote people who are sufficiently prepared in their area of knowledge to be able to compete internationally."

For this reason, this campus is now the venue of the fifth conference in the Nexus series, "Nexus 2004: Architecture and Mathematics" International Congress, 19-23 June 2004, in accordance with the objectives of the Institute's mission. It also provides opportunities to promote greater knowledge and research interest in the diverse areas of mathematics, theory, and technology relative to the study and practice of architecture.

Nexus 2004 activities will include conferences at historical sites in Mexico City, academic workshops involving students of the campus, and visits to archeological and cultural sites of the metropolitan area (such as Teotihuacan, Coyoacan, Tula, Tlatelolco).

Although Nexus is essentially a conference interested in promoting the study of mathematics relative to architecture, we wish to enlarge our scope through a consideration of themes related to the areas of theory, criticism and technology in Architecture.

There will be morning conferences and guided visits in the afternoon, fully in English. Conference might cover themes, such as: Styles or typologies of pre-Hispanic and Official Hispanic Architecture, technology, ethics, theory, urbanism, education and mathematics in architecture. The site tours shall be related to the morning conference; the organizers welcome proposals for the places to visit.

The Nexus conferences began in 1996, with Nexus '96 held in Fucecchio (Florence) Italy. The second conference, Nexus '98, took place in Mantua, Italy. It was at the second conference that the decision was made to begin the Nexus Network Journal. The founding of the NNJ made possible communication and diffusion of research between the biennial Nexus conferences. Nexus 2000 took place in Ferrara, Italy. It was at this conference that the first Round Table Discussion was held, providing an important forum for interdisciplinary discussion. Nexus 2002 was held in Óbidos, Portugal, sponsored by the Centro de Matemática e Aplicações Fundamentais, University of Lisbon. Co-directed by Kim Williams and José Francisco Rodrigues, it was the first Nexus conference held outside Italy.

The purpose of Nexus 2004 is two-fold: to allow participants to exchange ideas first-hand; to publish an anthology of papers, Nexus V: Architecture and Mathematics, providing a collective voice for researchers of more than one discipline. The site of this particular meeting in Mexico City allows the realization of a third purpose: to visit sites and monuments of great importance to both architecture and mathematics, such as the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan.

The Pyramid of the Sun

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