Abstract.The Nexus Network Journal Virtual Library is an annotated bibliography of books related to studies in architecture and mathematics. Books that are available for purchase are linked to Amazon.com. This page features books on Architectural Treatises.

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The NNJ Virtual Library: Architectural Treatises

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Books listed Alphabetically by Author

Alberti, Leon Battista. The Ten Books of Architecture, 1755. (Rpt. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1986.

Alberti, Leon Battista. L'architettura. Ed. and Italian trans. Giovanni Orlandi. Milan: Edizioni Il Polifilo, 1966. (Parallel Latin/Italian version of De re aedificatoria). Referenced in Branko Mitrovic's article in the NNJ vol. 6 no. 2 (Autumn 2004)

Alberti, Leon Battista. On the Art of Building in Ten Books. Joseph Rykwert (Introduction) Neil Leach and Robert Tavernor, trans.(Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1991).

Barbaro, Daniele.I dieci libri dell'architettura tradotti et commentati. Facsimile of 2nd ed., Venice 1567. Milan: Il Polifilo, 1987. Referenced in Branko Mitrovic's article in the NNJ vol. 6 no. 2 (Autumn 2004)

Chambers, W. A treatise on the decorative part of civil architecture. London: Priestley and Weale, 1825. Referenced in Denise Andrey and Mirko Galli's article in the NNJ vol. 6 no. 2 (Autumn 2004)

Le Corbusier, Le Modulor and Modulor 2. English edition (Birkhauser, 2000). Referenced in Jay Kappraff's article in the NNJ vol. 2 no. 4; reviewed by Michael Ostwald in the NNJ vol.3 no.1.

Palladio, Andrea. Four Books of Architecture. IsaacWare, ed. (New York: Dover Publications, 1976). The classic translation, in paperback.

Palladio, Andrea. The Four Books on Architecture. Trans. Robert Tavernor and Richard Schofield (Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 1997). The new translation, in hardback.

Serlio, Sebastiano. The Five Books of Architecture (New York: Dover Publications, 1982).

Serlio, Sebastiano. On Architecture, Vol. 2 (Books VI-VII of "Tutte l'opere d'architettura et prospetiva" with "Castrametation of the Romans" and "The Extraordinary Book of Doors"). Vaughan Hart and Peter Hicks, trans. (New Haven CT: Yale University Press, 2001.)

Vignola, Giacomo Barozzi da. Canon of the Five Orders of Architecture. Trans. Branko Mitrovic (Acanthus Press, 1999). Reviewed by Stephen R. Wassell in NNJ vol.2 no.2.

Vitruvius, Pollio. Ten Books on Architecture. Trans. Morris Hickey Morgan, 1914 (rpt. New York: Dover Publications, 1960). The 1757 James Leone translation of the only surviving primary source for Roman architectural theory, its influence has been felt through the centuries.

Vitruvius. The Ten Books on Architecture. Ingrid Rowland and Thomas Howe, trans. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999).

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