Geometry & Topology Monographs 3 (2000) - Invitation to higher local fields, Part I, section 8, pages 81-89

Explicit formulas for the Hilbert symbol

S. V. Vostokov

Abstract. This is a review of the vast area of explicit formulas for the (wild) Hilbert symbol (not only in the one-dimensional case but in the higher dimensional case as well). An extensive bilbiography is included.
Keywords. Explicit formulas for the Hilbert symbol, symbols and arithmetic.
AMS subject classification. 11S99, 19F15.

E-print: arXiv:math.NT/0012139

Sergei V. Vostokov
Department of mathematics and mechanics, St. Petersburg University, Bibliotechnaya pl. 2, Staryj Petergof 198904 St. Petersburg, Russia

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