Geometry & Topology Monographs

Volume 1: The Epstein Birthday Schrift

Igor Rivin, Colin Rourke and Caroline Series (editors)

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David Epstein

Complete volume

Individual papers :

1. Pages 1-21 : The mean curvature integral is invariant under bending

2. Pages 23-49 : A brief survey of the deformation theory of Kleinian groups

3. Pages 51-97 : Boundaries of strongly accessible hyperbolic groups

4. Pages 99-116 : Controlled embeddings into groups that have no non-trivial finite quotients

5. Pages 117-125 : All Fuchsian Schottky groups are classical Schottky groups

6. Pages 127-138 : On the Burau representation modulo a small prime

7. Pages 139-158 : Folding sequences

8. Pages 159-166 : Characterisation of a class of equations with solutions over torsion-free groups

9. Pages 167-180 : At most 27 length inequalities define Maskit's fundamental domain for the modular group in genus 2

10. Pages 181-248 : Simplicite de groupes d'automorphismes d'espaces a courbure negative

11. Pages 249-260 : Automatic groups, subgroups and cosets

12. Pages 261-293 : Minimal Seifert manifolds for higher ribbon knots

13. Pages 295-301 : On the fixed-point set of automorphisms of non-orientable surfaces without boundary

14. Pages 303-316 : The Riley slice revisited

15. Pages 317-334 : On the continuity of bending

16. Pages 335-340 : Complex projective structures on Kleinian groups

17. Pages 341-364 : Coarse extrinsic geometry: a survey

18. Pages 365-381 : Mutants and SU(3)_q invariants

19. Pages 383-411 : Hilbert's 3rd Problem and Invariants of 3-manifolds

20. Pages 413-418 : The engulfing property for 3-manifolds

21. Pages 419-450 : Divergent sequences of Kleinian groups

22. Pages 451-478 : Coordinates for Quasi-Fuchsian Punctured Torus Space

23. Pages 479-492 : The boundary of the deformation space of the fundamental group of some hyperbolic 3-manifolds fibering over the circle

24. Pages 493-509 : Hairdressing in groups: a survey of combings and formal languages

25. Pages 511-549 : Shapes of polyhedra and triangulations of the sphere

26. Pages 551-576 : Sur les espaces-temps homogenes

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