Reinhard Diestel
Weiterführende und ergänzende Literatur
Weiterführende Bücher:
- L. Lovász & M.D. Plummer, Matching Theory
(North-Holland 1986)
- N. Biggs, Algebraic
Graph Theory (2nd ed, CUP 1993)
- T.R. Jensen & B. Toft, Graph
Coloring Problems (Wiley 1995)
- R.L. Graham, M. Grötschel & L. Lovász (Hrsg.),
of Combinatorics (North Holland 1996)
- G. Gutin & J. Bang-Jensen, Digraphs:
Theory, Algorithms and Applications (Springer 2000)
- S. Janson, T. Luczak & A. Rucinski, Random
Graphs (Wiley 2000)
- B. Bollobás, Random
Graphs (2nd ed, CUP 2001)
- C.D. Godsil & G.F. Royle, Algebraic
Graph Theory (Springer 2001)
- B. Mohar & C. Thomassen, Graphs
on Surfaces (Johns Hopkins 2001)
- A. Schrijver, Combinatorial
Optimization (Springer 2003)
Ergänzende Literatur:
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