Gopher LOG 3.3 7/20/93 Andy Wick - bug fixes: John-David Childs - * Fixed up main() routine so that: errors on the command line (or -h as the first parameter) cause glog to print the help information and abort. * Fixed PrintHelp() routine so help message is more understandable. * changed FILETYPE character from ' ' to 'I' (What about Image?) ============================================================ Announcing Gopher LOG 3.2 Andy Wick - A day before vacation and a bug in glog. Oh Well. John-David Childs pointed out a slight bug in my ProcessLine routine dealing with search. Should be fixed now. ============================================================= Since I am going on vacation for a while, I thought I would release a minor update. I have placed glog31.c (ANSI), glog31u.c (NON ANSI, Generated using unprotoize). In boombox's gopher incoming directory. Or it is on the gopher server (port 70) in Software/Gopher Log Analyzer. Original version by Chuck Shotton - 3.1 adds some features of the old glog that got removed by mistake. * Supports all known log entries now. (I was missing search, binary, and someothers) * Can now have a tIme report * The report presentation is a little better * Can specify a starting and ending month for the whole command with -s and -e . These are the only options that are used for the WHOLE command. The rest are from left to right. ============================================================= 3.0 is almost a total rewrite of the original, with old ideas from the original, and some new ones of my own. I tried to make it easier to get the type of reports that I wanted. About the only thing missing that 2.3 could do, is printing reports without the hits field sorted. I have tested 3.0 with purify and can report there are no memory leaks/bugs what so ever (at least when I use it :). The program is very memory hungry though, you need about 1.5 times the size of the log file of memory. This is because the log file is completely parsed and stored in memory at startup. You can lower that amount if you compile without the DETAIL option, see "glog30.c". How to use: glog30 -h will display the options :). But as a short example. How to create a [H]ost report, a [D]ata report with detail of [H]osts and width of 132, and a plot of [T]ypes with basename of "test". The log file is called gopher.log. Don't forget, reports always go to stdout. % glog30 -H -w 132 -DH -f test -pT < gopher.log | more Tested on: gcc 2.3.3 was used on all platforms. Amiga DOS (main development), SunOS 4.1.3 (purify 2.0.3), Ultrix 4.2A New Features: * The command line is parsed as the reports/plots are generated, so that it is possible to change options for each separately. But options are NOT reset for each new one. * It now can produce reports on the [D]ata, [H]osts, day of the [W]eek, data [T]ypes, and [M]onth/date sorted (ie. sorted by date). * It can now produce detail reports on any thing you can produce a normal a report for. Yes, you can even produce a host detail report of a hosts report. (But it doesn't do you much good :) * Change the width of the reports. * You can specify the filename for plots, it defaults to gopher. (The program appends a .dat, and and .run to the name) * You can request as many plots as you want. (But remember to change the filename or you will overwrite the last plot) * The program is now a lot easier to add new types of reports to, you only need to add 3 short routines, a variable, and edit 2 functions. (Well, maybe it is simple for me. :) TODO: * Fix up plots some more: add histograms, and more options. * option for how detail works (which way should it work?) * Someone will probably want to have the hits field unsorted, and I will need to hack a way to do that. * Make it so reports can go to files. * Make some documentation * Improve error checking If anyone has any ideas or suggestions please send them to me.