The Project Gutenberg EBook of American Missionary, Vol. 45, No. 2, February, 1891, by Various This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title: American Missionary, Vol. 45, No. 2, February, 1891 Author: Various Release Date: June 14, 2005 [EBook #16060] Language: English Character set encoding: ASCII *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK AMERICAN MISSIONARY *** Produced by Cornell University, Joshua Hutchinson, Norma and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at The American Missionary February, 1891. Vol. XLV. No. 2. CONTENTS EDITORIAL. Our List of Field Workers--Financial Theological Instruction--Indian Conference The Indian Problem Educators' Convention--Open Path for Talent Irresponsible Institutions--Notes from New England Calls for Books LIST OF OUR FIELD WORKERS THE SOUTH. School and Church Items--Tougaloo University Congregational Churches in Charleston BUREAU OF WOMAN'S WORK. Our Hospital Woman's State Organizations Letters to the Treasurer RECEIPTS NEW YORK: PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION, Bible House, Ninth St. and Fourth Ave., New York. Price, 50 Cents a Year, in advance. Entered at the Post Office at New York, N.Y., as second-class matter. * * * * * _AMERICAN MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION_ PRESIDENT, Rev. Wm. M. TAYLOR, D.D., LL.D., N.Y. _Vice-Presidents._ Rev. A.J.F. BEHRENDS, D.D., N.Y. Rev. F.A. NOBLE, D.D., Ill. Rev. ALEX. MCKENZIE, D.D., Mass. Rev. D.O. MEARS, D.D., Mass. Rev. HENRY HOPKINS, D.D., Mo. _Corresponding Secretaries._ Rev. M.E. STRIEBY, D.D., _Bible House, N.Y._ Rev. A.F. BEARD, D.D., _Bible House, N.Y._ Rev. F.P. WOODBURY, D.D., _Bible House, N.Y._ _Recording Secretary._ Rev. M.E. STRIEBY, D.D., _Bible House, N.Y._ _Treasurer._ H.W. HUBBARD, Esq., _Bible House, N.Y._ _Auditors._ PETER McCARTEE. CHAS. P. PEIRCE. _Executive Committee._ JOHN H. WASHBURN, Chairman. ADDISON P. FOSTER, Secretary. _For Three Years._ LYMAN ABBOTT, CHAS. A. HULL, CHARLES MARSH, ADDISON P. FOSTER, ALBERT J. LYMAN, _For Two Years._ S.D. HALLIDAY, SAMUEL HOLMES, SAMUEL S. MARPLES, CHARLES L. MEAD, ELBERT B. MONROE, _For One Year._ JAMES G. JOHNSON, WM. H. WARD, J.W. COOPER, JOHN H. WASHBURN, EDMUND L. CHAMPLIN. _District Secretaries._ Rev. C.J. RYDER, _21 Cong'l House, Boston, Mass._ Rev. J.E. ROY, D.D., _151 Washington Street, Chicago, Ill._ Rev. C.W. HIATT, _Cong'l Rooms, Y.M.C.A. Building, Cleveland, Ohio._ _Financial Secretary for Indian Missions._ Rev. CHAS. W. SHELTON. _Secretary of Woman's Bureau._ Miss D.E. EMERSON, _Bible House, N.Y._ COMMUNICATIONS Relating to the work of the Association may be addressed to the Corresponding Secretaries; letters for "THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY," to the Editor, at the New York Office; letters relating to the finances, to the Treasurer. DONATIONS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS In drafts, checks, registered letters, or post-office orders, may be sent to H.W. Hubbard, Treasurer, Bible House, New York, or, when more convenient, to either of the Branch Offices, 21 Congregational House, Boston, Mass., 151 Washington Street, Chicago, Ill., or Congregational Rooms, Y.M.C.A. Building, Cleveland, Ohio. A payment of thirty dollars constitutes a Life Member. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS.--The date on the "address label," indicates the time to which the subscription is paid. Changes are made in date on label to the 10th of each month. If payment of subscription be made afterward, the change on the label will appear a month later. Please send early notice of change in post-office address, giving the former address and the new address, in order that our periodicals and occasional papers may be correctly mailed. FORM OF A BEQUEST. "I bequeath to my executor (or executors) the sum of ---- dollars, in trust, to pay the same in ---- days after my decease to the person who, when the same is payable shall act as Treasurer of the 'American Missionary Association,' of New York City, to be applied, under the direction of the Executive Committee of the Association, to its charitable uses and purposes." The Will should be attested by three witnesses. * * * * * THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY. VOL. XLV. FEBRUARY, 1891. No. 2. American Missionary Association. _OUR LIST OF FIELD WORKERS._ We present herewith our usual February list of missionaries, in church and school, through the field of the Association. In this list many thousands of our readers will recognize familiar names, some through personal associations and others through their long-time acquaintance with the work of the Association. It is no unimportant feature of the great principle of co-operation on which our work is founded that we can reckon upon a large force of long-tried and experienced workers in the field. The Association has a wealth of wisdom in planning and carrying on its work, by its ability to call into requisition the knowledge and efforts of those who have spent many years in the South, and are intimately acquainted with the needs, difficulties and advantages of the work. Many individualistic schemes have failed at this point; but the Association has developed a force that can be relied upon for the intelligent investigation of new openings, the prudent planning of work and its wise and steady support and development. At the same time, associated with our older workers, we have the younger missionaries and teachers with their fresh enthusiasm and fervent zeal, giving new impulse of activity all along the line. This long list of names represents years of self-denying attention and steady effort; it speaks of large progress in the past and is the presage of still greater progress in the future, for the list grows year by year. Our resources and forces were never before so large as during the past year, and we are encouraged to hope that they will be increased during the year to come. * * * * * _FINANCIAL._ Our current receipts for December were nearly $52,000, an increase of $11,000 over those of December, 1889. For the first quarter of our present fiscal year the current receipts amount to $106,000, as against $100,000 for the corresponding period of last year. We thankfully appreciate every enlargement of our resources, and shall continue to use our best endeavors to keep the work within the means provided for it. How difficult this is can be understood only by those who are in constant receipt of numerous exigent calls for work in the great populations among which our service lies. As a matter of record, notwithstanding the utmost care on our part, while our receipts for this quarter have gained $6,000 over those of last year, our expenses have increased $12,000. We are profoundly grateful for the increasing public interest and Christian co-operation in the work of the American Missionary Association, and hope that the gifts of the churches will continue to be accompanied by their counsels and their prayers. * * * * * _THEOLOGICAL INSTRUCTION._ The association is undertaking to supply the serious need, met all along its lines of missionary service, of a more intelligent and consecrated ministry. For the use of our Biblical Training School for the ministry, at Fisk University, we are engaged in the erection of the building; and the work has been taken hold of by the Fisk University Singers, who are meeting with cheering encouragement in the churches. It is our hope that, within the coming year, an adequate structure may be provided for this important work. The theological department at Howard University has received a valuable accession to its faculty in the person of Prof. Ewell. This work will now be re-classified and developed, and will offer unexcelled advantages for practical training in preparation for the gospel ministry. * * * * * _CONFERENCE WITH INDIAN COMMISSIONERS._ The Annual Conference of the Board of Indian Commissioners with the representatives of the various religious bodies having charge of Indian Missions was held in the parlors of the Riggs House, January 8th. The presence of Senator Dawes, Representative Cutcheon, and other distinguished persons, gave weight to the deliberations, and special interest was added to the meeting by the troubles now prevailing in the Dakotas among the Sioux Indians. Commissioner Morgan, Captain Pratt of the Carlisle School, General Armstrong of Hampton, and the Secretaries of the Missionary Societies presented an array of facts and of recent information that gave a more favorable aspect to the situation than is generally entertained. The disturbance among the Indians is confined to at most 5,000 among the 250,000, and strong hopes are entertained that serious bloodshed may be avoided. And yet, so great is the uncertainty hanging over this matter, that before these lines reach our readers, the daily press may give sad news of battle and disaster. The discussions of the Conference were ended with a series of resolutions, the purport of which may thus be summed up: The Dakota trouble is confined to a small number of Indians, and is due to the inevitable opposition of the chiefs and anti-progressive elements among the masses of the Indians. The removal of experienced Indian Agents for political reasons was deprecated, and the importance of permanence in the lines of policy pursued in the educational and Christianizing influences was emphasized. Larger appropriations by the Government to establish an adequate system of common-school education, until every Indian child is enabled to attend school, compulsory education and the continued support to contract schools, and additional facilities for securing lands in severalty to the Indians, were endorsed. The decision which it was understood the Government had made, not to transfer the care of the Indians to the War Department, was warmly approbated. * * * * * _THE INDIAN PROBLEM._ The present difficulties among the Indians in the Dakotas will probably lead to a re-consideration of the whole system by which the Government and the nation deals with these people. As a contribution to that discussion, we present in condensed form some suggestions recently published in a Boston paper, from our esteemed friend, S.B. Capen, Esq., whose intelligent interest in the Indian entitles his opinion to thoughtful consideration: While public attention is everywhere called to this matter, it is time to agitate for a radical change in the whole administration of the Indian service. We believe that this should be disconnected entirely from the Department of the Interior, and be made a _separate department_. This whole Indian question is so important and so complex that it ought not to be simply an annex to a department which has under its control land, patents, etc. It should stand by itself; there should no longer be a divided responsibility, which is always productive of evil. We are finding the necessity in our cities of making responsibility more direct and personal. The time, we believe, has fully come to reorganize the Indian service on this basis. Our criticism is not against any individual, but against a system which is the growth of many years. We would suggest the following; 1. Have the Commissioner of Indian Affairs responsible only to the President and to the public. What he does, or may do, shall not be controlled by the Department of the Interior. 2. Ask Congress to provide such legislation that no agents or teachers shall ever be removed without proper cause. 3. All inspectors and special agents shall be under the absolute control of the Commissioner. 4. There shall be a division of the Indian reservation into school districts, with an assistant superintendent for each. It shall be their duty to visit the schools constantly, and keep themselves in full sympathy and touch with the work. This is the method in the States--an official responsible for a field which he can properly cover. * * * * * _EDUCATORS' CONVENTION._ The recent Educators' Convention of Atlanta was a large and significant gathering. Such consultations of teachers carry a wide and beneficial influence. We learn that the papers and addresses were of a high character, and that the discussions were carried on with great interest, and we have no doubt that the educational work throughout the South will feel the upward impulse of this Convention. We quote the following paragraph from the excellent report in the _Congregationalist_: The importance of the work of the Convention may be indicated by the topics discussed: Education in Rural Districts, Relative Mortality of the Colored Race, Hygiene, Industrial Training, Better Teaching in the Elementary Grades, A Scientific Course in the College Curriculum, Compulsory Education, What Can the Negro Do? What the Ministry is Doing to Elevate the Freedmen. A resume was given of the educational work of the different denominations, mainly by the secretaries of their educational societies. The reports of the colored Methodist churches were especially interesting, as indicating the gratifying extent to which the colored people are taking hold of the work of their own education. No paper of the Convention, however, was received with such spontaneous enthusiasm and applause as the report of Dr. Beard of the work of the American Missionary Association. It was the eloquence of facts. The proceedings of the Association will constitute a large volume, which will soon be published and widely circulated. * * * * * _"AN OPEN PATH FOR TALENT."_ Napoleon said this was the meaning of the French Revolution. He gave promotion in the army not for what a man's ancestry had been, but for what the man himself could do. Who else ever had such efficient subordinates? Opportunities became open generally in France, according to each one's personal ability. The excesses of the revolutionary period were transitory. The enlargement of the nation's power, by removing the fetters of prescription, has been permanent. The recuperative energy displayed by France in the last twenty years is a marvelous example of the strength imparted by liberty. The educational work of the American Missionary Association in the South makes no revolutionary disturbance. It quietly opens a path for talent whose existence had been before unnoticed or denied. It has been already instrumental in bringing forward many men and women to positions of influence. Beginning with the lowest branches of education, it trained the first colored teachers for the State school systems. Its schools for higher education have as yet come far short of supplying the demand for advanced teachers and for educated ministers and other educated professional and business men. We cannot make talent, but opening the door for talent to find development and activity adds rich gifts to the Nation's life. * * * * * _IRRESPONSIBLE INSTITUTIONS._ _The Independent_, in its Symposium of December 11th upon Gen. Booth's Plan, has an article from Charles D. Kellogg, Superintendent of the Charity Organization Society, in which, referring to a certain irresponsible piece of charity, he says: We do not believe that it is right for any one to ask for the support of such an individual enterprise, except from those who give it because of personal knowledge and confidence in the manager. When the public is appealed to, such contributions take on the nature of trust funds, the receipts and disbursements of which should be audited and accounted for in the fullest and frankest manner. To encourage such private, uncontrolled and unaccounted for undertakings, is simply to open the door for any number of conscienceless schemers who are quick to impose upon the benevolent public. The same is true of irresponsible educational institutions. All who receive funds for such charitable purposes, are virtually stewards of _trust money_ and ought to give an account of the same. All properties thus developed ought to be put into a shape to be held securely and perpetuated, and not left to become the personal possession of the solicitors. Pious zeal and "faith" do not prevent the waste in such a case. "Wisdom would not put cut and hammer-faced stone for the foundation of a mountain school house, and costly glass in the windows," but "faith" has done this, and keeps on doing similar things. * * * * * _NOTES FROM NEW ENGLAND._ By District Secretary C.J. Ryder, Boston, Mass. TWO WAYS OF DOING IT. "So you have come! Well! I don't know but it is just as favorable a time as any. Still, we are in a very pinched condition. We have a debt that we have carried for ten years and have scarcely been able to pay the interest. The parsonage is in a desperate condition, and we are very far from comfortable in it. Secretary Hood was here two months ago, and he stirred the people up and took all that ought to be given to any of our Benevolent Societies. Then, a month ago, Puddefoot was here, and you know he sweeps in everything that can possibly be reached. I sometimes think that he awakens too much interest, and that the churches give too large collections. Our women are all interested in the American Board, and will not feel like doing much for the American Missionary Association Still, it is the time for our annual collection, and I think no harm can come from an address on the A.M.A. work to-morrow. We are very glad to see you." _This is one way._ "How do you do, dear old friend? I declare, it seems as if I had known you a life-time. I am ever so glad you could come and speak to my church to-morrow. We need stirring up tremendously. Although my people are a large-hearted, generous people, they are so much absorbed with our own interests here, that I fear sometimes they do not appreciate the larger work done through the Benevolent Societies. Secretary Creegan was here a little while ago and took away a splendid collection, but he left a lot of ripe grain to be gathered in the harvest of some other society. Then, dear old Puddefoot came here and rattled the dry bones till he made living men and women out of some of the skeletons. He took away one of the largest checks that ever went from our congregation to any benevolent cause. Secretary Maile presented the work of the College and Education Society in such a way as to rouse the people to a sense of its great importance. We are wonderfully glad to see you and you see are all ready for another ingathering to-morrow. These brethren have left more than they took away in money, and have enlarged the scope of vision of a good many people. They see the importance and the growing needs of these Mission fields, as never before. Put in your best blows to-morrow. Don't be afraid that you will take anything away that ought to remain in the community; that isn't possible. God bless you in the splendid work the A.M.A. is doing!" Now, brethren, these are two typical ways of meeting the collecting Secretary when he calls. _Which is the better way?_ * * * * * WHAT THE YOUNG PEOPLE AND CHILDREN ARE DOING THROUGH THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION. The readers of this department of the AMERICAN MISSIONARY magazine will remember that some time ago the Busy Bees in the First Church in Dover, N.H., contributed money enough to furnish the nucleus of a greatly needed Reference Library at Gregory Institute, Wilmington, N.C. This was the beginning of several such movements on the part of the young people and children. The Y.P.S.C.E. of Dorchester contributed a goodly sum for the establishment of such a library at Grand View, Tenn. A gift toward the work in Alaska comes from the Y.P.S.C.E. at Dedham. A good many Sunday-schools have also contributed both to the general fund and to special objects. In Gorham, Maine, the children were greatly interested in the Stereopticon Exhibition, which was conducted by our faithful missionary, Rev. S.E. Lathrop. Three of them determined to give something substantial to this work. In order to raise money, they held a Fair, making with their own hands many of the articles that were for sale. This resulted in a considerable amount, which was supplemented by a gift from the Sunday-school to constitute one of these children, Robert Hinkley, a boy eight years of age, a Life Member of the American Missionary Association. Is he not the youngest Life Member of our Association? Cannot we have some letters from our friends giving the ages of children who are Life Members? If any feel disposed to "beat the record" by the payment of thirty dollars, they can confer this honor upon their baby boy or girl. One baby in New England, at least, has contributed to the work among the millions of neglected children, just by being born. The father, a pastor of one of our churches, hands into the treasury each year one dollar for each pound the baby weighs. When this is known, there will be many of our missionaries who will be praying for the health and rapid growth of that baby! In Melrose, also, the "Golden Rule Mission Band" are helping our great work, and at the same time gaining an intelligent knowledge of this field. At the beginning of the summer one dollar and twenty-five cents was distributed among them, each one taking five cents. This was the seed from which they reaped a harvest of twenty-six dollars. The following are some of the methods by which they secured this remarkable result. One little girl bought flower-seeds and raised flowers which she sold, and made five dollars from her five cents. Another made candy and sold it. A little boy had a peanut stand, and one little fellow earned his money by "going without things." Could not older people follow his example? It suggests Thoreau's epigram, "Your wealth is measured by the number of things you can go without;" or, better yet, Paul's magnificent words, "poor, yet making many rich." This little fellow has hit upon the real principle of success, whether the life is spent in a field of active missionary work, or in "doing without things" for Christ's sake, that His name may be proclaimed, and that His kingdom may come. * * * * * _CALLS FOR BOOKS._ Calls often come to us from the field for hymn books. Churches or individuals having unused books, enough of the same kind to supply a small congregation, can get them put where they will do the most good by sending them to our rooms prepaid. If any of our pastors have BARNES' NOTES in complete or incomplete sets, which they may now no longer need, the American Missionary Association can use them most profitably in supplying their young missionaries. Send them to us at the Bible House. * * * * * _THE FIELD._ 1890-1891. The following list presents the names and post-office addresses of those who are employed in the Churches, Institutions and Schools aided by the American Missionary Association. _THE SOUTH._ Rev. R.C. Hitchcock, Field Superintendent. Rev. W.E.C. Wright, Field Superintendent. _WASHINGTON, D.C._ THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT, HOWARD UNIVERSITY. Rev. J.E. Rankin, D.D., LL.D., Washington, D.C. " J.G. Craighead, D.D., " " " John L. Ewell, Millbury, Mass. " John G. Butler, D.D., Washington, D.C. " G.W. Moore, " " " C.H. Small, " " WASHINGTON, (LINCOLN MEMORIAL CHURCH), 1701 11th St., N.W. _Pastor and Missionary_, Rev. G.W. Moore, Washington, D.C. Mrs. G.W. Moore, " " WASHINGTON, (PLYMOUTH CHURCH). _Minister_, Rev. S.N. Brown, Washington, D.C. _VIRGINIA._ HAMPTON. _Minister_, Rev. H.B. Frissell, Hampton, Va. _NORTH CAROLINA._ WILMINGTON. _Minister_, Rev. Wm. J. Skelton, Bangor, Me. GREGORY INSTITUTE. (613 Nun Street). _Principal._--Geo. A. Woodard, Weymouth, Mass. Miss Jennie L. Blowers, Westfield, N.Y. " Alice S. Patten, Topsham, Maine. " Ida S. Weld, Heron Lake, Minn. " Edith Lampman, Perrysburgh, Ohio. " Katharine LaGrange, Saugerties, N.Y. " Minnie T. Strout, Salem, Mass. " Katharine M. Jacobs, So. Hadley Falls, Mass. " Leora A. Wiard, Crossingville, Penn. " May E. Dickinson, Oberlin, Ohio. Mrs. Ellen Lewis, Columbus, Ohio. BEAUFORT. _Minister_, Rev. Michael E. Jerkins, Beaufort, N.C. WASHBURN SEMINARY. _Principal._--Miss M.E. Wilcox, Madison, Ohio. Miss Hattie May Cobb, Oberlin, Ohio. " C.P. Lewis, St. Paul, Minn. " A.H. Buxton, Henshaw, Tenn. " May Louise Alley, Dorchester, Mass. DUDLEY. _Minister and Teacher_, Rev. Jno. W. Freeman, Newark, N.J. RALEIGH. _Minister and General Missionary_, Rev. A.W. Curtis, Crete, Neb. _Special Missionary_, Miss A.W. Farrington, Portland, Me. OAKS, CEDAR CLIFF AND MELVILLE. _Minister and Missionary_, Rev. Anthony Peden, Oaks, N.C. Miss E.W. Douglass, Decorah, Iowa. _Teacher at Melville_, Mrs. Carrie E. Jones, Chapel Hill, N.C. McLEANSVILLE AND CHAPEL HILL. _Minister_, Rev. Alfred Connet, Solsberry, Ind. _Teachers at McLeansville_, Miss Nettie Connet, Solsberry, Ind. Mr. O. Connet, " " _Teachers at Chapel Hill_, Mr. Fred. S. Hitchcock, Bay St. Louis, Miss. Mrs. Fred. S. Hitchcock, " " " HILLSBORO. _Teachers_, Miss Myrie Connet, Solsberry, Ind. " Addie Connet, " " STRIEBY, SALEM AND HIGH POINT. _Minister_, Rev. Z. Simmons, Strieby, N.C. _Teacher at Strieby_, Mrs. H.R. Walden, Strieby, N.C. _Teacher at Salem_, Mr. Henry R. Walden, Strieby, N.C. TROY, PEKIN, DRY CREEK AND NALLS. _Minister_, Rev. C.C. Collins, Newark, N.J. _Teachers at Troy_, Miss Bessie Bechan, Fergus, Ont. " Florence Watt, London, England. _Teacher at Nalls_, Miss Kate Powell, Dry Creek, N.C. ALL HEALING. LINCOLN ACADEMY. _Principal._--Miss Lillian S. Cathcart, Tangarine, Fla. Miss Alice E. Peck, Batavia, N.Y. " Dora D. French, Amherst, Mass. Mrs. Electa D. White, Pittsfield, Mass. " Hattie Lee, All Healing, N.C. BLOWING ROCK. SKYLAND INSTITUTE. _Teachers_, Miss N.F. Dennis, Salem, Mich. " Annette Jackson, Montevideo, Minn. SALUDA. SALUDA SEMINARY. _Principal._--Miss. E.C. Prudden, Blowing Rock, N.C. Mr. Walter P. Rogers, Excelsior, Minn. Miss Janie Hicks, Pacolet, S.C. " Amanda Clark, Lenoir, N.C. " Mary Campbell, Saluda, N.C. " Quintina Hicks, Pacolet, S.C. _SOUTH CAROLINA._ CHARLESTON. _Minister_, Rev. Geo. C. Rowe, Charleston, S.C. AVERY INSTITUTE. (57 Bull Street). _Principal._--Morrison A. Holmes, Lee, Mass. Miss A. Merriam, Westboro, Mass. " Ruth E. Gill, N. Monroeville, Ohio. Mr. E.A. Lawrence, Charleston, S.C. Miss Grace E. Metcalf, Elyria, Ohio. " C.M. Sweet, Florenceville, Ohio. " Mary L. Deas, Charleston, S.C. Mrs. M.A. Holmes, Lee, Mass. GREENWOOD. BREWER NORMAL SCHOOL. _Principal._--Rev. J.E.B. Jewett, Pepperell, Mass. Miss Sarah J. Evans, Oberlin, Ohio. Mrs. J.E.B. Jewett, Pepperell, Mass. " M.M. Pond, " " Miss Laura Clelland, Oberlin, Ohio. " C.M. Day, Spencerport, N.Y. " Alice A. Holmes, Lansing, Michigan. " Carrie E. Ashley, Oberlin, Ohio. _GEORGIA._ ATLANTA. _Minister_, Rev. C.W. Francis, Atlanta, Ga. ATLANTA UNIVERSITY. _President._--Rev. Horace Bumstead, D.D., Atlanta, Ga. Rev. Cyrus W. Francis, A.M., Atlanta, Ga. " John H. Hincks, " " Mr. Clarence C. Tucker, " " " Edgar H. Webster, Boston, Mass. Mr. Walter D. Smith, Atlanta, Ga. " Elijah H. Holmes, " " " David R. Lewis, Greensboro, Ind. Rev. Myron W. Adams, Gilsum, N.H. Mr. F. Ford Babcock, New Brunswick, N.J. Mrs. Lucy E. Case, Atlanta, Ga. Miss Emma C. Ware, Norwich, Conn. " Mary E. Sands, Saco, Me. " Susan A. Cooley, Bavaria, Kansas. " Ella. W. Moore, Chicago, Ill. Mrs. Hattie W. Chase, West Randolph, Vt. Miss Olive A. Thompson, Salisbury Pt., Mass. " M. Agnes Tuck, Brentwood, N.H. " Emily H. Abbot, Wilton, N.H. " Mary A. Richardson, Woburn, Mass. " Lydia M. Hardy, Peabody, Mass. " Idella M. Swift, Boston, Mass. " Mary E. Stanley, Wellington, O. " Julia A. Ellis, Natick, Mass. " Hattie E. Clifford, Monmouth, Me. " Sarah E. Harrington, West Newton, Mass. " Belle W. Hume, New Haven, Conn. " Bertha Stowell, Charlestown, Mass. " Elizabeth Plimpton, Walpole, Mass. ATLANTA, (FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH). _Minister_, Rev. S.H. Robinson, Greenfield, Mass. STORRS SCHOOL, (104 Houston St.) _Principal._--Miss Ella E. Roper, Worcester, Mass. Miss Ellen W. Conant, Ravenna, Ohio., " M.A. Lyman, Huntington, Mass. " Caroline F. Colburn, Portland, Me. " Fanny L. Seward, Guilford, Conn. " Minnie I. Pinkerton, Tremont, Pa. " Amy P. Rusk, Janesburg, N.J. Mrs. A.S. Webber, Worcester, Mass. MACON. _Minister_, Rev. John R. McLean, Macon, Ga. BALLARD NORMAL SCHOOL. (806 Pine Street). _Principal._--Mrs. L.A. Shaw, Oswego, N.Y. Miss Carrie S. Shaw, " " Miss E.B. Scobie, Peninsula, Ohio. " Harrie Edna Brooke, Oberlin, Ohio. " Mary E. Woodruff, Oberlin, Ohio. " Mary E. Van Deusen, Ashby Falls, Mass. " Myrtie Harlow, Bangor, Me. " J.F. Maynard, Keene, N.H. " S.F. Clark, Medina, Ohio. " Luella M. Follansbee, Oberlin, Ohio. " H.T. Ford, New York, N.Y. Mrs. Mary A. Bishop, Keene, H.H. Mr. John W. Hunler, Jr., Stormstown, Penn. SAVANNAH _Minister_, [1]Rev. L.B. Maxwell, Savannah, Ga. [Footnote 1: This church has assumed self-support.] BEACH INSTITUTE. (30 Harris Street). _Principal._--Miss Ida M. Wood, Marshfield, Wis. Miss Jennie Merriman, Painesville, Ohio. " H.J. Brown, So. Sudbury, Mass. " R.E. Stinson, Woolwich, Me. " Hannah N. Johnson, Upton, Mass. " Rosa E. Low, Framingham, Mass. " Martha B. Whelpley, Painesville, Ohio. " Etta M. Eaton, Middletown, Conn. " M.L. Jackson, Savannah, Ga. " Julia C. Andrews, Milltown, N.B. THOMASVILLE. NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. _Principal._--Miss A.A. Holmes, Lee, Mass. Miss C.M. Dox, Kalamazoo, Mich. " H.I. Martin, Toledo, Ohio. " R.W. Hulsizer, Sydney, N.J. " Ada J. Coleman, Cannonsburg, Pa. " Clara Dole, Oberlin, Ohio. Mrs. S.R. McLaren, Pawtucket, R.I. McINTOSH. _Minister_, Rev. F.R. Sims, McIntosh, Ga. DORCHESTER ACADEMY. _Principal._--H.W. Marsh, Easton, Pa. Miss Lizzie H. Kuhl, Lawrenceville, Pa. " J. Thompson, Chicago, Ill. " Ella C. Abbott, Winchester, Mass. Mrs. S.A. Stanton, ----, England. " H.W. Marsh, Eastern, Pa. CYPRESS SLASH. _Minister and Teachers_, Rev. J.A. Jones, Talladega, Ala. Mrs. J.A. Jones, " " MILLER'S STATION. _Minister_, Rev. Wilson Callen, Savannah, Ga. ATHENS. _Minister and Teacher_, Rev. George V. Clark, Atlanta, Ga. Mr. Lewis S. Clark, Athens, Ga. MARSHALLVILLE. _Teachers_, Mrs. A.W. Richardson, Marshallville, Ga. Mr. Edward Richardson, " " WOODVILLE. _Minister and Teacher_, Rev. J.H.H. Sengstacke, Savannah, Ga. Mr. J. Loyd, " " MARIETTA AND WALKER'S CROSSING. _Minister and Teacher_, Rev. Joseph H. Miller, Marietta, Ga. CUTHBERT. _Teachers_, Mr. F.H. Henderson, Cuthbert, Ga. Mrs. F.H. Henderson, " " ALBANY. _Teacher_, Mr. W.C. Greene, Albany, Ga. BAINBRIDGE. _Teacher_, Mr. A.W. Hall, Bainbridge, Ga. RUTLAND, ANDERSONVILLE AND BYRON. _Minister_, Rev. Charles F. Sargent, Macon, Ga. RUTLAND. _Minister and Teacher_, Rev. James Walker, Cypress Slash, Ga. Mrs. James Walker, " " " MILFORD. _Minister_, ---- ---- _FLORIDA._ FAIRBANKS. _Teachers_, Miss H.C. Bullard, Federal Point, Fla. " Hattie E. Leach, Norwich, Conn. ORANGE PARK. _Minister._ Rev. W.A. Benedict, Newton Centre, Mass. _ALABAMA._ _Minister_, Rev. G.W. Andrews, D.D., Talladega, Ala. TALLADEGA COLLEGE. _President_--Rev. H.S. DeForest, D.D., Talladega, Ala. Rev. G.W. Andrews, D.D., " " " A.T. Burnell, Eureka, Kansas. Mr. H.F. Ellinwood, Williamstown, Mass. " George Williamson, Emma, N.C. " E.A. Bishop, Talladega, Ala. " E.C. Silsby, " " Miss May L. Phillips, Cannonsburg, Pa. " E.J. Peck, Bristol, Conn. " J.A. Ainsworth, Newton Highlands, Mass. " Carrie E. Wheeler, Union City, Pa. " Carrie E. Parkhurst, Manchester, N.H. " Carrie B. Chamberlain, Allegheny City, Pa. " Jessie O. Hart, W. Cornwall, Conn. " Sara J. Elder, Melrose, Mass. " Susie Sands, Grinnell, Iowa. Mrs. A.T. Burnell, Eureka, Kansas. Miss Alice F. Topping, Olivet, Mich. " Addie Chalfant, Lebanon, S.D. Mrs. H.S. DeForest, Talladega, Ala. " G.W. Andrews, " " [2]Mr. John Orr, " " [Footnote 2: Detailed to superintend construction of buildings.] MOBILE. _Minister_, Rev. F.G. Ragland, Mobile, Ala. EMERSON INSTITUTE. _Principal._--Charles M. Stevens, Clearwater, Minn. Miss Katharine S. Dalton, Fremont, Ohio. " Stella Pollard, Hoboken, N.J. " Annie L. Battis, White Plains, N.Y. Mrs. Martha G. Parsons, Oakland, Cal. Miss Emma M. Fletcher, Manchester, N.H. " S. Josephine Scott, Hamilton, Ohio. " Anna Birchard, Bellevue, Mich. " Isadora Caughey, North Kingsville, Ohio. MONTGOMERY. _Minister_, Rev. J.S. Jackson, Montgomery, Ala. ALCO. _Minister_, Rev. ---- ---- ATHENS. _Minister_, Rev. S.H. Williams, Athens, Ala. TRINITY SCHOOL. _Principal._--Miss M.F. Wells, Ann Arbor, Mich. Miss Kate E. Sherwood, St. Joseph, Mich. " Sadie Snedeker, Oberlin, Ohio. " A.M. Whitsey, Dover, Ohio. " Lulu Sarah Downs, Parker, Minn. " Mary E. Perkins, Norwich, Conn. MARION. _Minister_, Rev. W.I. Larkin, Devonshire, England. NORMAL SCHOOL. _Principal._--Mr. Payson E. Little, Columbia, Conn. Miss E.F. King, Oak Park, Ill. " Mary Hoyt, " " " B.R. Parmenter, Rockford, Iowa. " Metta E. Snedeker, Oberlin, Ohio. Mrs. Payson E. Little, Columbia, Conn, Miss Louise Holman, Lincoln, Neb. SELMA. _Minister_, Rev. E.J. Penney, Selma, Ala. BURRELL SCHOOL. _Principal._--Amos W. Farnham, Hannibal, N.Y. Miss Alice E. Jewell, Olivet, Mich, " C.H. Loomis, Denver, Col. Mr. James A. Brier, Selma, Ala. Miss M.W. Smith, " " " M.A. Dillard, " " " Julia A. Goodwin, Mason, N.H. Mrs. C.A. Fitch, Hannibal, N.J. _Special Missionary_, Miss M.K. Lunt, New Gloucester, Me. KYMULGA. _Minister_, Mr. A. Simmons, Talladega, Ala. LAWSONVILLE AND COVE. _Minister_, Rev. E.E. Sims, Talladega, Ala. JENIFER AND IRONATON. _Minister_, Rev. J.B. Grant, Talladega, Ala. SHELBY IRON WORKS. _Minister_, Rev. J.R. Sims, Talladega, Ala. CHILDERSBURG. _Minister_, Rev. W.P. Hamilton, Talladega, Ala. ANNISTON. _Minister_, Rev. James Brown, Alco, Ala. _Teachers_, Miss Mary E. McLane, New Haven, Conn. " Sarah A. Dole, Oberlin, O. FORT PAYNE. _Minister and Teacher_, ---- ---- Mr. A.L. DeMond, Fort Payne, Ala. BIRMINGHAM. _Minister_, Rev. Spencer Snell, Birmingham, Ala. _Missionary_, Miss S.S. Evans, Fryeburg, Maine. NEW DECATUR. PLYMOUTH CHURCH. _Minister_, Rev. F.E. Jenkins, South Coventry, Conn. NAT. _Minister and Teacher_, Rev. M.E. Sloan, Dundas, Minn. Miss Emma G. Sloan, " " FLORENCE. _Minister and Teacher_, Rev. Thos. J. Austin, Jackson, Tenn. Miss Louise Harris, Nashville, Tenn. COTTON VALLEY. _Teachers_, Miss Lilla V. Davis, Boston, Mass. " Marion Martin, Oberlin, O. SOCIETY HILL. _Teacher_, Mrs. J.C. Tyson, Society Hill, Ala. FRANKFORT, (P.O. ROOK CREEK). _Teacher_, Miss A.W. Barnes, Evans Mills, N.Y. Miss Annie C. Hawley, Tuskegee, Ala. _TENNESSEE._ NASHVILLE. _Minister_, Rev. Henry S. Bennett, D.D., Nashville, Tenn. FISK UNIVERSITY. _President._--Rev. E.M. Cravath, D.D., Nashville, Tenn. Rev. A.K. Spence, A.M., " " " H.S. Bennett, D.D., " " " F.A. Chase, A.M., " " Eugene Harris, " " Prof. H.C. Morgan, A.M., " " " H.H. Wright, A.M., Oberlin, O. " E.C. Stickel, " " Mr. E.E. McKibban, Macon, Ga. " M.H. Stevens, Nashville, Tenn. Miss A.T. Ballantine, Oberlin, O. " Emma R. Caughey, N. Kingsville, O. " Emma Wolcott, Clay, Iowa. " Mary F. Penfield, Rockford, Ill. " A. Louise Harwood, Buffalo, N.Y. " Katharine Davis, Newton Centre, Mass. " Ida M. Tindale, Pontiac, Ill. " Helen D. Barton, Terre Haute, Ind. Mrs. L.R. Greene, North Amherst, Mass. Miss J.A. Robinson, Oberlin, O. " L.A. Parmelee, Toledo, Ohio. " M.A. Kinney, Whitewater, Wis. " Frances Yeomans, Danville, Ill. Mrs. W.D. McFarland, Winsted, Conn. Miss S.M. Wells, Middletown, N.Y. " Fannie Andrews, Calais, Me. NASHVILLE (HOWARD CHURCH). Rev. Eugene Harris, Nashville, Tenn. NASHVILLE (THIRD CHURCH). Rev. H.H. Proctor, Nashville, Tenn. GOODLETTSVILLE. _Minister_, Rev. J.D. Miller, Nashville, Tenn. SPRINGFIELD. _Teachers_, Miss Ellen E. Campbell, Springfield, Tenn. " Maria A. Armstrong, " " MEMPHIS. _Minister_, [3]Rev. B.A. Imes, Oberlin, Ohio. [Footnote 3: This church has assumed self-support.] LEMOYNE INSTITUTE. (294 Orleans St.) _Principal._--Andrew J. Steele, Whitewater, Wis. Miss E.A. Barnes, Tallmadge, Ohio. " Emma C. Williams, Glenwood, Iowa. " Susie Walker, South Weymouth, Mass. " C.S. Goldsmith, Chester, N.H. " Emma Goldsmith, " " " Mattie A. Henderson, Memphis, Tenn. " Zulee Felton, " " " Frances M. Carrier, Beloit, Wis. " Rebecca Green, Silver Creek, N.J. " Mattie Nicholson, Memphis, Tenn. " Jennie E. Herrington, " " Mr. Thomas P. Rawlings, " " Mrs. M.L. Jenkins, Marion, Kansas. Mr. Edward I. Lewis, Memphis, Tenn. Miss Hattie E. Kline, North Amherst, Ohio. JONESBORO. _Minister_, ---- ---- _Teachers_, Miss Annie R. Miner, Lyme, Conn. " Lilla Belle Moore, Rockville, Ind. " F. Mills, Terre Haute, Ind. KNOXVILLE. _Minister_, Rev. Eugene A. Johnson, Knoxville, Tenn. CHATTANOOGA. _Minister_, Rev. Jos. E. Smith, Chattanooga, Tenn. TENNESSEE MOUNTAIN WORK. _General Missionary_, Rev. G. Stanley Pope, Harriman, Tenn. GRAND VIEW. _Minister and Instructor in Biblical Department._ Rev. Charles H. Abbott, Geneva, Ill. _Teachers_, _Principal._--R.E. Dickson, Poquonock, Conn. Miss Mabel Atkins, South Amherst, Mass. " Mabel A. Buttrick, Milford, N.H. " Martha H.N. Gorbold, Venice, Ohio. Mrs. C.H. Abbott, Geneva, Ill. Miss Alice Conklin, Tuscarora, N.Y. PLEASANT HILL. _Minister_, Mr. H.L. Ballou, Amherst, Mass. PLEASANT HILL ACADEMY. _Principal._--Mr. H.L. Ballou, Amherst, Mass. Miss Laura M. Miller, N. Brookfield, Mass. " Flora Woodbury, Richfield, N.Y. Mrs. A.E. McClure, Bellefontaine, Ohio. _General Minister_, Rev. B. Dodge, Centre Lebanon, Me. POMONA. _Minister and Teacher_, Rev. F.M. Cooley, Crossville, Tenn. Mrs. Alice Graves, Pomona, Tenn. CROSSVILLE. _Minister_, Rev. F.M. Cooley, Crossville, Tenn. _Teachers_, Mr. W.F. Cameron, Montevideo, Minn. Mrs. W.F. Cameron, " " ATHENS AND MT. VERDE. _Minister_, Rev. N. Kingsbury, Mattawan, Mich. _Teacher at Mt. Verde_, Miss Sarah E. Ober, Beverly, Mass. _Teacher at Athens_, Miss E.M. Peck, Mansfield, O. DEER LODGE, OAK GROVE AND ANNANDALE. _Minister_, Rev. George Lusty, Oberlin, O. _Teacher at Deer Lodge_, Miss Jessie Phelps, Deer Lodge, Tenn. GLEN MART, HELENWOOD, ROBBINS AND RUGBY. _Minister_, Rev. G.H. Marsh, North Fairfield, Ohio. BON AIR. _Minister_, Rev. Edward N. Goff, Glen Mary, Tenn. BRICEVILLE, COAL CREEK AND PIONEER. _Minister_, Rev. A. Dahuff, Jefferson County, Tenn. POLK, MUNROE, BLOUNT AND SEVIER COUNTIES. _Pioneer Evangelist._ Rev. E.W. Hollies, Brookville, Kan. SANDFORDVILLE. _Teacher_, Miss Etta Wilson, Hammondsport, N.Y. HARRIMAN. _Minister_, Rev. G.S. Pope, Grand View, Tenn. FENTRESS COUNTY. _Pioneer Evangelist._ Rev. T.A. Kitchen, Deer Lodge, Tenn. SHERWOOD. _Minister._ Rev. Stanley E. Lathrop, New London, Wis. _Teachers_, Mr. Geo. O. Hannum, Sherwood, Tenn. Mrs. Clara Morse Perkins, " " Mrs. Geo. O. Hannum, " " JELLICO AND DOWLAIS. _Minister_, Rev. F.W. Grafton, Normal, Ky. _Teachers at Jellico_, Mr. E. Frank Dizney, Jellico, Tenn. Miss F.K. Bement, Bement, Ohio. PINE MOUNTAIN. _Minister_, Rev. C. Farnsworth, Lockport, N.Y. _Teachers_, Miss Ninette Hayes, Portsmouth, N.H. " Lucy Bement, Bement, Ohio. MARSH CREEK, CARPENTER AND BIG CREEK GAP. _Minister_, Rev. C. Farnsworth, Lockport, N.Y. _Teacher at Big Creek Gap_, Miss Flora Cone, Masonville, N.Y. CUMBERLAND GAP. _Minister and Missionary_, Rev. A.A. Myers, Cumberland Gap, Tenn. Mrs. A.A. Myers, " " " _KENTUCKY._ LEXINGTON. CHANDLER NORMAL SCHOOL. _Principal._--Frederick Foster, Castine, Me. Miss E.M. Hitchcock, Lewis, N.Y. " Mary Knox, Springfield, Mass. " Flora Clough, Meriden, N.H. " Kate Clough, " " " Mary H. Humphrey, South Hadley, Mass. " Anna Lee Allen, Oberlin, Ohio, PRIMARY SCHOOL. Mrs. Agnes H. Mooney, Marlboro, Mass. " L. Mary Elliott, New Wilmington, Pa. " Mary A. Peffers, West Hawley, Mass. " Fred. W. Foster, Castine, Me. LOUISVILLE. _Minister_, Rev. D.H. Foston, Louisville, Ky. KENTUCKY MOUNTAIN WORK. _General Missionary_, Rev. L.E. Tupper, Post Mills, Vt. WILLIAMSBURG. _Minister and Missionary_, Rev. L.E. Tupper, Post Mills, Vt. Mrs. L.E. Tupper, WILLIAMSBURG ACADEMY. _Principal._--H.E. Sargent, Preston, Iowa. Mrs. H.E. Sargent, " " Miss Mary A. Bye, Lake City, Minn. " Amelia Ferris, Oneida, Ill. " M. Amelia Packard, Brooklyn, N.Y. " Maria M. Lickorish, North Ridgeville, Ohio. Mrs. C. Farnsworth, Lockport, N.Y. Mr. S. Steele, Williamsburg, Ky. ROCKHOLD, CORBIN AND WOODBINE. _Minister_, Rev. A.J. Chittenden, Wheaton, Ill. WHITLEY AND KNOX COUNTIES. _Pioneer Evangelist_, Rev. Samuel Sutton, Williamsburg, Ky. CLOVER BOTTOM, GRAY HAWK AND COMBS. _Minister_, Rev. Mason Jones, Berea, Ky. _KANSAS._ TOPEKA. _Minister_, Rev. B.F. Foster, Topeka, Kan. LAWRENCE. _Minister_, Rev. Andrew E. Jackson, Lawrence, Kan. _ARKANSAS._ LITTLE ROCK. _Minister and Teacher_, Rev. Y.B. Sims, Talladega, Ala. Mr. W.E. Youngblood, " " FAYETTEVILLE. _Minister and Teacher_, ---- ---- _MISSISSIPPI._ TOUGALOO. _Minister_, Rev. Frank G. Woodworth, Wolcott, Conn. TOUGALOO UNIVERSITY. _President._--Rev. Frank G. Woodworth, Wolcott, Conn. Mr. A.S. Hill, A.M., Graytown, Ohio. " William D. Hitchcock, Jackson, Mich. " H.P. Kennedy, " " " J.C. Klein, Stockbridge, Mich. " H.W. Bishop, Agricultural Coll., Md. Miss Elizabeth Ainsworth, Hyde Park, Mass. " Gertrude Sammons, Wattsburgh, Pa. " Winona Dickerman, South Norwalk, Conn. " Katharine Dowd, " " " " Elizabeth Parsons, Mt. Morris, N.Y. " Mary P. Roberts, Normal, Ill. " Clara E. Walker, Lorain, Ohio. " Alice Flagg, Jeffersonville, Vt. " Mary Flagg, " " " Laura Messick, Philadelphia, Penn. Mrs. H.C. Hecock, Pittsfield, Mass. Miss S.L. Emerson, Hallowell, Me. MERIDIAN. _Minister_, Rev. C.L. Harris, Meridian, Miss. _Teachers_, Mrs. H.I. Miller, E. Corinth, Vt. Miss Alice A. Patch, Galesburg, Ill. " Inez B. Packard, Enfield, N.H. " Caroline E. Kendall, Dunstable, Mass. JACKSON. _Minister and Teacher_, Rev. R.B. Johns, Reading, Pa. Mrs. R.B. Johns, " " GREENVILLE. _Minister_, ---- ---- NEW RUHAMAH, PLEASANT RIDGE AND SALEM. _Minister and Teacher_, Rev. Alonzo B. Corliss, Old Bridge, N.J. Mrs. Alonzo B. Corliss, " " " _LOUISIANA._ _General Missionary_, Rev. C.H. Crawford, Glenwood, Iowa. NEW ORLEANS. _Minister_, Rev. George W. Henderson, North Craftsburg, Vt. STRAIGHT UNIVERSITY. (490 Canal St.) _President._--Prof. Oscar Atwood, Jeffersonville, Vt. Mr. Elbert C. Little, Rocky Hill, Conn. Prof. A.L. McClelland, Brandon, Wis. Mr. E.C. Rose, New Orleans, La. Miss Anna Condict, Adrian, Mich. " Mary J. Oertel, Prairie Du Sac, Wis. " Louise Stoddard, Wheaton, Ill. " Ella M. Packard, Milton, Mass. " Lorena Lyon, Oberlin, Ohio. " Margaret S. Hubbell, Clinton, N.J. " Mary R. Furness, Furnessville, Ind. " Jennie Fyfe, Lansing, Mich. " Sibyl M. Noble, Norwichtown, Conn. " Sarah A. Coffin, Beloit, Wis. PREPARATORY SCHOOL. _Principal._--Miss Louise Denton, New York, N.Y. Miss Ella Sampson, Wareham, Mass. " Caledonia Phillips, Cannonsburg, Pa. " Annie Levering, Philadelphia Pa. NEW ORLEANS, (CENTRAL CHURCH). _Minister_, Rev. Watson Jones, New Orleans, La. NEW ORLEANS, (SPAIN ST. CHURCH). _Minister_, Rev. ---- ---- NEW ORLEANS, (MORRIS BROWN CHURCH), _Minister_, Rev. I.H. Hall, New Orleans, La. NEW IBERIA. _Minister_, Rev. C.H. Claiborne, New Orleans, La. FAUSSE POINT AND BELLE PLACE. _Minister_, Rev. William Butler, New Iberia, La. HAMMOND, ROSELAND AND GARDEN CITY. _Minister_, Rev. C.S. Shattuck, Amite, La. _TEXAS._ AUSTIN. _Minister_, Rev. Wm. M. Brown, Blue Rapids, Kan. TILLOTSON INSTITUTE. _President._--Rev. Wm. M. Brown, Blue Rapids, Kan. Mr. George B. Deuel, Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Miss Fanny Webster, Cheboygan, Mich. " E.F. Chesley, East Barrington, N.H. " F.A. Sperry, Rock Creek, Ohio. " A.M. Sprague, Columbus, Ohio. " Edith M. Thatcher, Chatham Centre, Ohio. " Carrie M. Lewis, Wheaton, Ill. " Phebe B, Parsons, Marcellus, N.Y. Mrs. Kate Bissell, Lebanon, So. Dakota. " E.M. Holton, Upper Alton, Ill. Miss M.J. Adams, Columbus, Wis. CORPUS CHRISTI. _Minister_, Rev. George S. Smith, Raleigh, N.C. HELENA AND GOLIAD. _Minister_, Rev. Mitchell Thompson, Helena, Tex. _Teacher at Goliad_, Mrs. J.R.S. Hallowell, Goliad, Tex. PARIS. _Minister_, Rev. J.D. Pettigrew, Paris, Tex. DODD AND BOIS D'ARC. _Minister and Teacher_, Rev. Mark Carlisle, Talladega, Ala. DALLAS. _Minister and Teachers_, Rev. R.J. Holloway, Dallas, Tex. Mrs. R.J. Holloway, " " _INDIAN MISSIONS._ SANTEE AGENCY, NEBRASKA. NORMAL TRAINING SCHOOL. _Superintendent and Minister_, Rev. A.L. Riggs, D.D., Santee Agency, Nebraska. _Treasurer_, Mr. Joseph H. Steer, Santee Agency, Nebraska. _Teachers_, Mr. J.A. Chadbourne, Santee Agency, Nebraska. " F.B. Riggs, " " " Miss Edith Leonard, Rochester, Mass. " Mary B. Benedict, North Walton, N.Y. " Henrietta B. Williams, Paddy's Run, Ohio. " Addie A. Rideout, Hudson, Ohio. _Native Teachers_, Miss Anna R. Dawson, Santee Agency, Nebraska. " Eunice Kitto, Fort Berthold, N. Dak. _Matrons_, Miss L.H. Douglas, New Haven, Conn. (Dakota Home), Miss Harriet A. Brown, Rocky Point, N.Y. (Birds' Nest), Miss S. Lizzie Voorhees, Rocky Hill, N.J. (Boys' Cottage), Miss E. Jean Kennedy, Montrose, Iowa. (Perkins Hall), Mrs. E.E. Scotford, Santee Agency, Nebraska. (Whitney Hall), Miss Nettie Calhoun, Kenton, Ohio. (Dining Hall), _Missionaries_, Mrs. J.A. Chadbourne, Santee Agency, Nebraska. " J.H. Steer, " " " " A.H. Stone, " " " Miss W. Williamson (Clerk), " " " _Industrial Department_, Joseph H. Steer, Blacksmithing, Santee Agency, Nebraska. A.H. Stone, Farming, " " " Edgar H. Scotford, Carpentry, " " " Iver P. Wold, Shoemaking, " " " Charles R. Lawson, Supt. Printing Office. " " " BAZILLE CREEK. _Native Pastors and Helpers_, Rev. Benjamin Zimmerman, Santee Agency, Nebraska. Mr. Solomon Jones, " " " PONCA AGENCY AND UPPER PONCA. _Minister and Teacher_, Rev. J.E. Smith, De Smet, Dakota. Mrs. J.E. Smith, " " " _CHEYENNE RIVER AGENCY._ Rev. T.L. Riggs, _General Missionary_. CENTRAL STATION, OAHE, SOUTH DAKOTA. Rev. T.L. Riggs, Oahe, South Dakota. Mrs. T.L. Riggs, " " " _Minister_, Rev. Eli Spotted Bear, Oahe, South Dakota. INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. _Principal._--Elias Jacobsen, Oahe, South Dakota. Miss F.M. Emmons, Danville, N.Y. " D.B. Dodge, Brooklyn, N.Y. " E.L. Collins, Oahe, South Dakota. " E. Bechan, Fergus, Ontario. " Emily Reed, Oahe, South Dakota. " L.A. Pingree, Denmark, Me. BAD RIVER. Rev. James Garvie, Santee Agency, Nebraska. Mrs. James Garvie, " " " [4]FORT PIERRE BOTTOM. Mr. Wm. Lee, Cheyenne River Agency. Mrs. Wm. Lee, " " " [Footnote 4: Supported by the Indians themselves.] [5]CHEYENNE RIVER NO. 1. Mr. James Brown, Santee Agency, Nebraska. Mrs. James Brown, " " " [Footnote 5: Supported by Native Missionary Society.] CHEYENNE RIVER NO 3. Miss Katie Howard, Cheyenne River Agency. [6]CHEYENNE RIVER NO. 4. Rev. Edwin Phelps, Sisseton Agency, S. Dakota. Mrs. Edwin Phelps, " " " [Footnote 6: Supported by the Society for Propagating the Gospel, Boston, Mass.] CHEYENNE RIVER, NO. 5 (Sankey Station). Mr. Clarence Ward, Cheyenne River Agency. Mrs. Clarence Ward, " " " CHEYENNE RIVER NO. 7. Mr. Joseph Bird, Sisseton Agency, S. Dakota. Mrs. Joseph Bird, " " " MOREAU RIVER. Mr. John Bluecloud, Brown Earth, South Dakota. Mrs. John Bluecloud, " " " _STANDING ROCK AGENCY._ CENTRAL STATION Rev. George W. Reed, Springfield, Mass. Mrs. George W. Reed, " " Miss C.E. Pingree, M.D., Denmark, Me. Garfield Driver, Cheyenne River Agency, S.D. GRAND RIVER NO. 1 Miss Mary C. Collins, Keokuk, Iowa. Mr. Albert Frazier, Santee Agency, Nebraska. Mrs. Albert Frazier, " " " GRAND RIVER NO. 2. Mr. Elias Gilbert, Sisseton Agency, S. Dakota. Mrs. Elias Gilbert, " " " CANNON BALL RIVER. Mr. James Oyemaza, Santee Agency, Nebraska. Mrs. Martha Oyemaza, " " " MISSOURI RIVER. Mr. Owen Lovejoy, Flandreau, South Dakota. Mrs. Owen Lovejoy, " " _ROSEBUD RESERVATION, SOUTH DAKOTA._ ROSEBUD AGENCY. Rev. James F. Cross, Rosebud Agency, S. Dakota. Mrs. James F. Cross, " " " BURRELL STATION, (Keya Paha). Mr. Francis Frazier, Santee Agency, Nebraska. Mrs. Francis Frazier, " " " PARK STREET CHURCH STATION, (White River). Mr. Adam Stafford, Sisseton Agency, S. Dakota. Mrs. Adam Stafford, " " " _FORT BERTHOLD, NORTH DAKOTA_ _Superintendent._ Rev. C.L. Hall, Fort Berthold, North Dakota. _Teachers_, Miss Lottie McHary, Jamestown, N.D. " Lillian Smith, St. Paul, Minn, " Roanna F. Challis, Freeborn, Minn. " Bertha Gross, Yankton, S. Dakota. Mrs. C.L. Hall, Fort Berthold, North Dakota. Mr. Frank E. Tobie, " " Mrs. F.E. Tobie, " " MOODY STATION, NO. 1, (Independence). Mr. George K. Bassett, Fort Berthold, North Dakota. Mrs. Miriam W. Bassett, " " MOODY STATION NO 2, (Elbow Woods). Mr. George K. Bassett, Fort Berthold, North Dakota. Mrs. Miriam W. Bassett, " " REE SETTLEMENT. Rev. C.L. Hall, Fort Berthold, North Dakota. FORT STEVENSON. Rev. C.L. Hall, Fort Berthold, North Dakota. _WASHINGTON._ S'KOKOMISH AGENCY. _Missionary_, Rev. Myron Eells, S'kokomish, W.T. _ALASKA._ CAPE PRINCE OF WALES. Mr. H.R. Thornton, Hampden Sidney, Va. " W.T. Lopp, Valley City, Ind. _CHINESE MISSIONS._ _Superintendent_, Rev. Wm. C. Pond, D.D., San Francisco, Cal. FRESNO. _Teachers_, Miss J.R. Beaton, Fresno, Cal. Gin Foo King, " " LOS ANGELES. _Teachers_, Mrs. C.A. Sheldon, Los Angeles, Cal. Miss Jennie M. Sheldon, " " MARYSVILLE. _Teacher_, Miss Mattie A. Flint, Marysville, Cal. OAKLAND. _Teachers_, Miss Lillian F. Lamont, San Francisco, Cal. Yong Jin, Oakland, Cal. OROVILLE. _Teacher_, Miss Belle C. Keifer, Oroville, Cal. Chung Moi, " " PETALUMA. _Teachers_, Mrs. M.A. Colby, Petaluma, Cal. Wong Quong, " " RIVERSIDE. _Teacher_, Miss F.M. Purdy, Riverside, Cal. SACRAMENTO. _Teachers_, Mrs. S.E. Carrington, Sacramento, Cal. Lem Chung, " " SAN DIEGO. _Teachers_, Miss M.M. Elliott, San Diego, Cal. Chin Toy, " " SAN FRANCISCO, (CENTRAL). _Teachers_, Miss J.S. Worley, San Francisco, Cal. Mrs. M.A. Greene, " " " " H.M. Lamont, " " " Miss Violet W. Lamont, " " " Mrs. A.T. Ruthrauff, " " " Jee Gam, " " " SAN FRANCISCO, (BARNES). _Teachers_, Miss Rosa Lamont, San Francisco, Cal. Wong Chung, " " " SAN FRANCISCO, (WEST). _Teachers, Miss F.N. Worley, San Francisco, Cal. Chin Gang, " " " SANTA BARBARA. _Teacher_, Mrs. E.W. Shattuck, Santa Barbara, Cal. SANTA CRUZ. _Teachers_, Mrs. Kate Thompson, Santa Cruz, Cal. Pong Fang, " " STOCKTON. _Teachers_, Mrs. M.H. Langdon, Stockton, Cal. Lee Sing, " " VENTURA. _Teacher_, Miss Etta M. Peck, Ventura, Cal. * * * * * _THE SOUTH._ _SCHOOL AND CHURCH ITEMS._ The Ballard School at Macon, Ga, is in high prosperity. Straight University under its new President, Oscar Atwood, is moving forward most hopefully. A council of five neighboring churches at McLeansville, N.C., Dec., 31, 1890, ordained Brother C.C. Collins to the gospel ministry. Rev. A.W. Curtis of Raleigh was Moderator, and Rev. A. Connet of McLeansville, Scribe. A gracious religious interest is reported from Fisk University, Nashville, Tenn., and many hopeful conversions have gladdened the hearts of our teachers there. The pastor of the Howard Church at Nashville, Tenn., writes us of twenty-one conversions during Mr. Wharton's stay with him. Six conversions are also reported at Thomasville, Ga. From Knoxville, Tenn., comes this word: The labors of Mr. and Mrs. Wharton were greatly blessed of the Lord, the hearts of Christians were revived and twenty-six souls were brought to the knowledge of Christ. We are very hopeful of many of the most promising and influential young people. Our Sabbath-school has just been reorganized and a number of the converts have been put into active service. We expect good results to follow the work of the evangelists for a long time to come. From Memphis, Tenn: Our attendance for last November ran up to the goodly number 508. The present month will show an advance on this number, and for January we expect to reach the 550 stage. The increase must be confined chiefly to the night school, which is flourishing. At the recent Tenth Anniversary of the Lincoln Memorial Church in Washington, the following facts were stated: The church was organized January 10, 1881, with eleven members, and its present enrollment is 235. It has sustained a sewing-school, in which over 400 girls have been taught. It held night schools until night schools were opened in the public schools, and it now sustains a kindergarten. It has sustained various branches of missionary, temperance and charitable work. It has a flourishing Sunday-school and senior and junior Societies of Christian Endeavor. A Sunday-school superintendent in the South needs a Bible Dictionary for the use of himself and his school. Who will send a good second-hand one for him? We will forward it. * * * * * _TOUGALOO UNIVERSITY, MISS._ The University of Tougaloo is most beautifully located on a plantation of five hundred acres among great oak trees festooned with Spanish moss. We have been having delightful weather for the past month, corresponding somewhat to our Northern October weather. It is truly pitiful to think how most of our pupils have lived before coming here. One girl had never seen a flight of stairs before and stood helplessly at the bottom, not knowing how to climb them: and finally attempted to go up on her hands and knees as she had climbed a ladder. But whatever they have been accustomed to before, they can never live the same again after having been here. The one-roomed cabin is said to be the curse of the Negro, but the white man built it for him and it remains for him to give him a desire for something better. The Negro is essentially religious but he fails to connect religion and morals. When you call upon one of the old aunties, she talks about getting religion and what a glorious thing it is, and describes visions of heaven and hell to you in the most vivid language: but that doesn't prevent her drinking whiskey or telling lies. I have no doubt, however, that some of the most egregious sins of these old slaves are less in the eyes of God than many of our smaller ones. The students here carry on two literary societies and four religious organizations, besides several little missionary societies; the King's Daughters, the King's Sons, Young Men's Christian Association, and a society called the Covenanters. The latter, however, have no meeting outside of the regular Wednesday evening prayer-meeting, to which they come prepared to take a part. This makes our Wednesday evening meetings very interesting. It might not be a bad plan to have a body of Covenanters in some of our Northern churches. The students work hard here. There are only a very few who have money enough to pay their expenses. They begin school at seven in the morning and finish at half past three. They work from that time until supper and have study hours in the evening in the school-room, so that they have absolutely no time for recreation, and Saturdays they work all day. Many of them teach all summer after having been in school all the year. It is really wonderful the way many of them do and it is a great pleasure to teach them. Within the last two months we have commenced work among the churches within four or five miles of here. Many of our older students make excellent helpers and are so glad to go and teach in the Sunday-schools and help their ignorant brethren in any way they can. I have never heard one of our students express a desire to leave the South for anything more than to complete his education. The most of them are planning to work among their own people, teaching and carrying on trades in a way that will be an example to the rest. Pres. Woodworth has a class composed of the pastors of the neighboring churches, who meet him twice a week. Most of them can scarcely read a chapter intelligently. Pres. Woodworth has taken up the Gospel of Mark with them and is explaining it to them and showing them how to preach from it, and they seem very appreciative, and say it is strange how long they have misunderstood things. Considering the various opportunities for work in the school and surrounding country, one could not ask for a more satisfactory field than Tougaloo. * * * * * _CONGREGATIONAL CHURCHES IN CHARLESTON, S.C._ By Superintendent R.C. Hitchcock Of much interest to me is the "Circular Church" in Charleston. As early as 1690 a wooden building was erected on the site now occupied by the Circular church, the street being named "Meeting Street" and the building known as the "White Meeting." Its members were Scotch Independents and Presbyterians, with a considerable element of Huguenots from France. For one hundred fourteen years this house was used as a place of worship, for the first forty of which the two bodies maintained a union, after that two churches were formed, the Independents or Congregationalists retaining the house. In 1731 the Presbyterians erected a wooden building on the east side of the same street, many of the Scotch going with this body. During the Revolutionary war, while the city was held by the British, the church was used as a storehouse and its interior shared the fate of the Boston "Old South." Its congregation was composed of both white and colored members, but only "freemen" could vote in meeting. The Civil War with its results, effected a separation of the white and colored members, the white people rebuilding their lecture-room, the colored worshiping in various places until 1867, when a letter was sent the old church by a number of the former members, requesting an honorable dismissal. This was granted and one hundred eight colored people presented themselves for membership in a church contemplating organization, as a Congregational church, to be called PLYMOUTH CHURCH. This organization was consummated April 14, 1867, under the auspices of the American Missionary Association. And in 1872 a suitable edifice was erected on Pitt Street at a cost of $5,000. The present pastor, Rev. Geo. C. Rowe, is much beloved by his people. A tasteful parsonage is being erected on the church lot. It was greatly needed. Plymouth Church is reaching out in schools and missions among the colored people with earnest efficiency. * * * * * _BUREAU OF WOMAN'S WORK._ Miss D.E. Emerson, Secretary _OUR HOSPITAL AT FORT YATES, N.D._ By The Physician in Charge, Cynthia E. Pingree, M.D. I am sure that all will be glad to hear a word about the hospital for Indians, especially as there is nothing but good news to tell. This hospital has now been built about two years. It will seem very small when I tell you that it has but two wards, containing three cots each, a bath-room, dispensary, reception room, doctor's and nurse's room and dining room; and yet when the patient comes to us, he feels that we have not only every convenience, but a great many luxuries, and from this little Woasui Tipi or House of Healing, goes out many a ray to gladden the hearts of those whom we to-day are trying to bring from darkness into light. But little has been done for these people when ill, except conjuring, which is synonymous with torturing, but these "medicine men" are losing their hold upon the faith of those who at one time, and that not long past, trusted them fully, and the more intelligent ones gladly avail themselves of treatment. And no class of people needs it more, the filthy manner in which they live causing much sickness. It has been a great surprise to me as well as to them, to see how much simple cleanliness will do in very many of these cases. The old rule, "remove the cause, the disease is removed," holds true in these cases. It is encouraging to see how soon some of these come to see the great importance of this. I have in mind now a bright little boy nine years old, who was brought to me wrapped in filthy old rags, unable to take one step on account of terrible sores, which had received no attention whatever. The mother's heart was very sad as she told me this was the only boy she had, five having died. All the while I was attending to the little fellow the mother carefully watched. She was given all that was necessary to use for two weeks and when they returned, at the end of that time, it was very evident that the boy had received good care. The mother cared for him almost entirely after this, and in two months he came _running_ across the prairie, his braided hair just flying, asking for a piece of bread. While the child was not cured, he had been made comfortable, the parents' hearts had been lightened of a great sorrow, and they had learned more than one lesson in thus caring for their child. This is only one of many cases. Until they feel their illness is well-nigh fatal they prefer the tent to the hospital, and even then a great many wish to die out of doors. So that often the family come with the ill one and camp just outside the yard. The hospital wards bring comfort to two classes principally; the more civilized Indian, who realizes the great benefit derived from good nursing, and those friendless ones who are brought because they are too much trouble elsewhere. Both of these classes are very grateful for all they receive. The dispensary is open all the time and a great many are provided with medicine. I think the friends of this Hospital may be of good cheer. * * * * * _WOMAN'S STATE ORGANIZATIONS._ Co-operating with the American Missionary Association MAINE. WOMAN'S AID TO A.M.A. Chairman of Committee--Mrs. C.A. Woodbury, Woodfords, Me. NEW HAMPSHIRE. FEMALE CENT INSTITUTION AND HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. Joseph B. Walker, Concord. Secretary--Mrs. John T. Perry, Exeter. Treasurer--Miss Annie A. McFarland, Concord. VERMONT. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. A.B. Swift, 167 King St., Burlington. Secretary--Mrs. M.K. Paine, Windsor. Treasurer--Mrs. Wm. P. Fairbanks, St. Johnsbury. MASS. AND R.I. [7]WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION. President--Mrs. Alice Freeman Palmer, Cambridge, Mass. Secretary--Miss Nathalie Lord, 33 Congregational House, Boston. Treasurer--Miss Saran K. Burgess, 32 Congregational House, Boston. [Footnote 7: For the purpose of exact information, we note that while the W.H.M.A. appears in this list as a State body for Mass. and R.I., it has certain auxiliaries elsewhere.] CONNECTICUT. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. Jacob A. Biddle, 35 West Street, South Norwalk. Secretary--Miss Ellen R. Camp, New Britain. Treasurer--Mrs. W.W. Jacobs, 19 Spring St., Hartford. NEW YORK. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. Wm. Kincaid, 483 Greene Ave., Brooklyn. Secretary--Mrs. Wm. Spalding, 6 Salmon Block, Syracuse. Treasurer--Mrs. L.H. Cobb, 59 Bible House, New York City. PENNSYLVANIA. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. W.H. Osterhaut, Ridgway. Secretary--Mrs. C.F. Yennee, Ridgway. Treasurer--Mrs. T.W. Jones, 218 So. 37th St., Philadelphia. OHIO. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. J.G.W. Cowles, 417 Sibley St., Cleveland. Secretary--Mrs. Flora K. Regal, Oberlin. Treasurer--Mrs. F.L. Fairchild, Box 932, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. INDIANA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. W.A. Bell, Indianapolis. Secretary--Mrs. W.E. Mossman, Fort Wayne. Treasurer--Mrs. D.T. Brown, Michigan City. ILLINOIS. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. Isaac Claflin, Lombard. Secretary--Mrs. C.H. Taintor, 151 Washington St., Chicago. Treasurer--Mrs. C.E. Maltby, Champaign. IOWA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. T.O. Douglass, Grinnell. Secretary--Miss Ella E. Marsh, Box 232, Grinnell. Treasurer--Mrs. M.J. Nichoson, 1518 Main St., Dubuque. MICHIGAN. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. George M. Lane, 47 Miami Ave., Detroit. Secretary--Mrs. Leroy Warren, Olivet. Treasurer--Mrs. E.F. Grabill, Greenville. WISCONSIN. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. H.A. Miner, Madison. Secretary--Mrs. A.A. Jackson, Janesville. Treasurer--Mrs. C.M. Blackman, Whitewater. MINNESOTA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Miss Katherine W. Nichols, 330 East Ninth Street, St. Paul. Secretary--Miss Katherine T. Plant, 2651 Portland Avenue, Minneapolis. Treasurer--Mrs. M.W. Skinner, Northfield. NORTH DAKOTA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY. President--Mrs. A.J. Pike, Dwight. Secretary--Mrs. Silas Daggett, Harwood. Treasurer--Mrs. J.M. Fisher, Fargo. SOUTH DAKOTA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. A.H. Robbins, Bowdle. Secretary--Miss Ida E. Willcutt, Willow Lake. Treasurer--Mrs. A.A. Clark, Lake Preston. NEBRASKA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. T.H. Leavitt, 837 So. 13th Street, Lincoln. Secretary--Mrs. E.S. Smith, Beatrice. Treasurer--Mrs. D.B. Perry, Crete. MONTANA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. F.D. Kelsey, Helena. Secretary--Mrs. W.S. Bell, Helena. Treasurer--Mrs. S.A. Wallace, Billings. MISSOURI. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. A.W. Benedict, 3841 Delmar Ave., St. Louis. Secretary--Mrs. E.H. Bradbury, 3855 Washington Ave., St. Louis. Treasurer--Mrs. A.E. Cook, 4145 Bell Ave., St. Louis. KANSAS. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY. President--Mrs. F.J. Storrs, Topeka. Secretary--Mrs. George L. Epps, Topeka. Treasurer--Mrs. J.G. Dougherty, Ottawa. OREGON. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. John Summerville, 275 Washington St., Portland. Secretary--Mrs. O.W. Lucas, Oregon City. Treasurer--Mrs. T.E. Clapp. 333 West Park St., Portland. WASHINGTON. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION. President--Mrs. W.E. Dawson, Seattle. Secretary--Mrs. N.F. Cobleigh, Walla Walla. Treasurer--Mrs. W.R. Abrams, Ellensburg. CALIFORNIA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY. President--Mrs. H.L. Merritt, 686 34th St., Oakland. Secretary--Miss Grace E. Barnard, 677 21st St., Oakland. Treasurer--Mrs. J.M. Havens, 1329 Harrison St., Oakland. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. Emma Cash, 1710 Temple St., Los Angeles. Secretary--Mrs. H.K.W. Bent, Pasadena. Treasurer--Mrs. H.W. Mills, 327 So. Olive St., Los Angeles. COLORADO AND WYOMING. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. J.W. Pickett. White Water, Colorado. Secretary--Miss Mary L. Martin, 106 Platte Ave., Colorado Springs, Colorado. Treasurer--Mrs. S.A. Sawyer, Boulder, Colorado. Treasurer--Mrs. W.L. Whipple, Cheyenne, Wyoming. LOUISIANA. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. R.C. Hitchcock, New Orleans. Secretary--Miss Jennie Fyfe, 490 Canal St., New Orleans. Treasurer--Mrs. C.S. Shattuck, Hammond. MISSISSIPPI. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President--Miss Sarah Dickey, Clinton. Secretary--Miss Alice Flagg, Tougaloo. Treasurer--Miss Mary Gibson, Tougaloo. ALABAMA. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. H.W. Andrews, Talladega. Secretary--Miss S.S. Evans, 2519 Third Ave., Birmingham. Treasurer--Miss M.K. Lunt, Selma. FLORIDA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. S.F. Gale, Jacksonville. Secretary--Mrs. Nathan Barrows, Winter Park. Treasurer--Mrs. L.C. Partridge, Longwood. TENNESSEE AND ARKANSAS. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION OF THE CENTRAL SOUTH ASSOCIATION. President--Mrs. H.M. Cravath, Nashville, Tenn. Secretary--Mrs. H.S. Bennett, Nashville. Treasurer--Mrs. G.S. Pope, Grand View, Tenn. NORTH CAROLINA. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President--Miss M.E. Wilcox, Beaufort. Secretary--Miss A.E. Farrington, Raleigh. Treasurer--Mrs. G.S. Smith, Raleigh. TEXAS. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. S.C. Acheson, 149 W. Woodard St., Denison. Secretary, Mrs. Mary A. McCoy, 122 No. Harwood St., Dallas. Treasurer--Mrs. C.I. Scofield, Dallas. We would suggest to all ladies connected with the auxiliaries of State Missionary Unions, that funds for the American Missionary Association be sent to us through the treasurers of the Union. Care, however, should be taken to designate the money as for the American Missionary Association, since _undesignated funds will not reach us_. * * * * * _LETTERS TO THE TREASURER._ "In sending my last subscription to the American Missionary Association I supposed it to be my last. But the dear Master has not only spared me hitherto, but he has given me the privilege of sending to the Society another token of my continued love. You will find draft for $1,000 enclosed. I am unable to write more. The Lord abundantly bless and prosper this beloved Society in its noble work." A friend in Vermont sends $2 and would gladly give more but has invested about $1,000 in Iowa lots and stock "from which I hoped to get some profitable honest gain. It has only yielded disappointment. I still pray the Lord to bless your work--a sure investment--and to help me to become a better helper in the good work." A friend in Ohio, with $20, says: "I have read the minutes, papers and addresses of your last meeting with _thrilling interest_. I hope they may be widely circulated and thoughtfully and generally read. Our Annual Report is now ready for distribution. Those who wish it will please send us a postal card requesting it. * * * * * RECEIPTS FOR DECEMBER, 1890. THE DANIEL HAND FUND, _For the Education of Colored People_. FROM MR. DANIEL HAND, GUILFORD, CONN. Income for October, 1890 ...$960.00 CURRENT RECEIPTS MAINE, $559.42. Auburn. High St. Cong. Ch. ...127.54 Bangor. First Cong. Ch. and Soc., 25; Hammond St. Cong. Ch., adl., 2 ...27.00 Brewer. First Cong. Ch. ...20.50 Cumberland Mills. Warren Ch., to const. HUGH A. CRAGIE, FRED A. VERRILL and ANDREW B. JORDAN L.M.'s. ...129.87 Farmington Falls. Cong. Ch. ...4.25 Freeport. Cong. Ch. ...6 00 Gorham. First Cong. Ch. and Soc, adl. to const. E.H.F. SMITH, MRS. E.H.F. SMITH and MRS. STEPHEN HINCKLEY L.M.'s. ...69.71 Kennenbunkport. Cong. Churches ...4.15 North Anson. "A Friend." ...10.00 Patten. Cong. Ch. ...15.00 Portland. Williston Ch., _for Wilmington, N.C._ ...8.00 Portland. Williston Ch., adl ...1.00 Portland. Sab. Sch. High St. Cong. Ch, 15; Sab. Sch. Second Parish, 15; Sab. Sch. Williston Ch., 15; Sab. Sch. St. Lawrence St. Ch., 5; Sab. Sch. West Ch., 3.40, _for Atlanta U._ ...53.40 Rockland. Cong. Ch., to const. REV. DAVID P. HATCH L.M. ...36.50 South Paris. Cong. Ch. ...13.50 South Berwick. Miss Lena Ridley's S.S. Class, _for Indian M._ ...2.00 York. First Cong. Ch. and Soc., 26; Second Cong. Ch. and Parish 5 ...31.00 NEW HAMPSHIRE, $1,712.61. Concord. South Cong. Ch., to const. MARSHALL W. NIMS, CALVIN C. WEBSTER and EDWARD B. WOODWORTH L.M.'s ...164.00 Dunbarton. Cong. Ch. and Soc. ...31.00 Dover. Southern and Western Aid. Soc., of First Cong. Ch., 30, _for Santee Agency, Neb._; Busy Bees, First Cong. Ch., 25, _for Library_, _Grand View, Tenn._ ...55.00 Greenland. Cong. Ch. ...23.00 Great Falls. First Cong. Ch., (Somersworth) ...25.00 Hampstead. Sab. Sch. Cong. Ch. ...29.28 Hanover. Mrs. A.H. Washburn, _for Indian Sh'p_ ...16.50 Keene. "A Friend," _for Indian M._ ...15.00 Lancaster. Cong. Ch. ...5.40 Lyme Center. Mrs. Amos Bailey ...1.00 Manchester. Sab. Sch. of First Cong. Ch., 15; First Cong. Ch., Mrs. C. Wallace, 4 ...19.00 Merrimack. First Cong. Ch. ...8.75 Milford. Mrs. W.R. Howard's Class, First Cong. Sab. Sch. ...5.00 Milton. Cong. Ch. and Soc ...6.00 Nashua. Pilgrim Ch., 90. to const. REV. GEO. W. GROVER, MRS. GEO. W. GROVER, and MISS M. LIZZIE ANDREWS L.M.'s; First Cong. Ch., 42.18 ...132.18 Nashua "Friends," Bbl. Bedding, etc., _for Greenwood, S.C._ North Hampton. "C." ...10.00 Penacook. Cong. Ch., 20.08; Sab. Sch. Cong. Ch., 10 ...30.08 Peterboro. "May Flowers," by Mary E. Knight, _for Children's Missionary_ ...20.00 Peterboro. Union Evan. Ch. ...19.75 Pittsfield. Cong. Ch. ...12.47 Pittsfield. Cong. Ch., _for Freight_, _to Marion, Ala._ ...2.79 Raymond. Cong. Ch. and Soc. ...13.50 Sanbornton. Cong. Ch. and Sab. Sch. ...13.00 Swanzey. Y.P.S.C.E., by Miss Etta A. Newell, _for Fort Berthold_, _Indian M._ ...20.00 Warner. Cong. Soc. ...10.00 West Concord and Kennebunk. Bbl. C., Mrs. Roper, 2, _for Freight_, _for Storrs Sch._, _Atlanta, Ga._ ...2.00 West Lebanon. Mission Band of Cong. Ch. ...10.00 Winchester. Sab. Sch. Cong. Ch. ...10.00 Wolfboro. Y.P.S.C.E., by R.S. Parker, Treas. ...2.91 -------- $712.61 ESTATE. Keene. Estate of Miss Mary P. Whitney, by W.H. Spalter, Co. Treas. ...1,000.00 -------- $1,712.61 VERMONT, $10,622.32 Bellows Falls. First Cong. Ch. ...72.44 Brownington and Barton Landing. Cong. Ch. ...20.00 Cabot. Christian Endeavor Society and Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch. ...12.00 Colchester. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch. ...1.50 East Hardwick. Mrs. Martha S. Stone ...10.00 Fairlee. "A Brother." ...2.00 Manchester. Miss E.J. Kellogg ...5.00 Middlebury. "A Friend." ...1.00 Milton. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch. ...11.50 Milton. Cong. Sab. Sch. _for Mountain Work_ ...10.00 Newport. W. Richmond ...10.00 Northfield. Y.P.S.C.E., _for Student Aid_, _Williamsburg Academy, Ky._ ...9.00 Norwich. Cong. Ch., 13.73; Mrs. Harriet Burton, 2. ...15.73 Rutland. Mrs. A.H. Perry, _for Mountain Work_ ...5.00 Saint Albans. Cong. Christian Endeavor Society, _for Student Aid_, _Fisk U._ ...50.00 Saint Johnsbury. Mrs. Wm. P. Fairbanks, 20; Miss Mabel Fairbanks, 3; Joseph Fairbanks, 2, _for Indian M._ ...25.00 Springfield. Sab. Sch. Cong. Ch., _for Indian M._ ...25.00 Stowe. Cong. Ch. ...50.85 Waterbury. Cong. Ch., 26.25; Rev. L.H. Elliot, 5. ...31.25 West Brattleboro. Rev. J.H. Babbitt, _for Indian M._ ...1.00 West Westminster. Cong. Ch. ...18.36 Worcester. Mrs. Sophia S. Hobart, _for Talladega C._ ...50.00 Woman's Home Missionary Union of Vt., by Mrs. Williams P. Fairbanks, Treas. _for Woman's Work_: Barton Mrs. Mary A. Owen ...5.00 McIndoes Falls. Sab. Sch. ...5.30 Newport Aux. ...21.15 Vergennes. W.H.M.S. ...5.00 -------- 36.45 -------- $522.32 ESTATES. Bennington. Estate of Emily S. Cobb, by G.W. Harman, Ex. ...100.00 Woodstock. Estate of Frederick Billings, by Oliver P.C. Billings, Samuel E. Kilner and Franklin N. Billings Executors ...10,000.00 -------- $10,622.32 MASSACHUSETTS, $10,306.62 Abington. First Cong. Ch. ...31.36 Amherst. Sab. Sch. North Cong. Ch., _for Indian M._ ...18.72 Andover. West Cong. Ch. ...24.89 Andover. Sab. Sch. South Cong. Ch., _for Student Aid_, _Santee Indian Sch._ ...17.50 Andover. Miss'y Soc., Bbl. C., _for Savannah, Ga._ Ashfield. Mrs. Daniel Williams, _for Freight_, _to McLeansville, N.C._ ...1.16 Attleboro. Second Cong. Ch. ...68.34 Auburndale. Cong. Ch. ...203.00 Auburndale. Cong. Ch., 100; Miss S.G. Mosman, 3; Mrs. E.E. Sleeper, 1, _for Bible School_, _Fisk U._ ...104.00 Ayer. Mrs. A.S. Hudson's Bible Class, _for Rosebud Indian M._ ...4.00 Billerica. Mrs. E.R. Gould, _for Sherwood, Tenn._ ...3.00 Brimfield. First Cong. Ch. ...6.79 Brockton. THOMAS A. BAXENDALE, bal. to const himself and MRS. ESTHER M. BAXENDALE L.M.'s ...35.00 Boston. Mount Vernon Ch. ...619.87 Union Cong. Ch. ...295.75 Shawmut Ch. ad'l, Frank Wood ...100.00 Dorchester. Village Cong. Ch. ...35.21 Jamaica Plain. Central Cong. Ch. ...107.40 R.W. Wood. M.D. ...50.00 Central Cong. Ch., adl. (9 of which _for Bible School_, _Fisk U._) ...22.05 Roxbury. Immanuel Ch. ...187.51 Sab. Sch. of Walnut Av. Cong. Ch., _for Indian Sch'p._ ...17.50 -------- 1,434.93 Cambridgeport. Pilgrim Ch. Miss'y Concert Coll., 11.52; Mrs. M.L.C. Whitney, 1.50 ...13.02 Cambridgeport. Scatter Good Circle of Pilgrim Ch., _for Freight_, _to Beaufort, N.C._ ...1.00 Charlemont. Cong. Ch. ...7.61 Charlemont. Ladies of Cong. Ch., Bbl. C., _for Tougaloo U._ Charlton. Cong. Ch. ...18.54 Chelsea. First Cong. Ch. ...55.75 Chicopee Falls. Mrs. Mary C. Bemis ...30.50 Colchester. Sab. Sch. Cong. Ch. ...1.50 Conway. Cong. Ch. ...26.19 Danvers. Maple St. Cong. Sab. Sch., _for Student Aid_, _Rosebud Indian Sch._ ...17.50 Dedham. Sab. Sch. First Cong. Ch., _for Indian Teacher_ ...25.00 Dedham. Allin Y.P.S.C.E., _for Alaska M._ ...5.00 Dover. Cong. Ch. ...8.00 Dunstable. ---- ...0.50 Dunstable. Cong. Ch. Bbl. of Books, etc., _for Meridian, Miss._ East Bridgewater. Union Cong. Ch. ...8.35 East Charlemont. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch. _for Freight_, _to Sherwood, Tenn._ ...4.50 Easthampton. Payson Cong. Ch. ...208.72 East Northfield. Three Brothers (Daniel, George, Pierce) _for New Native Indian Station_ ...2.00 East Somerville. Franklin St. Ortho. Ch. Sab. Sch., _for Student Aid_, _Santee Indian Sch._ ...40.00 Edgartown. Cong. Ch. ...5.00 Enfield. Cong. Ch. ...49.06 Falmouth. Cong. Ch. ...20.00 Fitchburg. Rollston Cong. Ch., 71.47; Cal. Cong. Ch., 49.50 ...120.97 Franklin. Cong. Ch., _for Bible School_, _Fisk U._ ...$107.00 Georgetown. Memorial Ch., 30 of which to const. JOHN CHAMBERLAIN L.M. ...84.10 Globe Village. Evan. Free Soc. ...33.01 Granby. Cong. Ch., bal. to const. SYLVESTER H. TAYLOR L.M. ...25.00 Granville. O.S. Dickinson, (1 of which from Oliver, age 6 years, and Ruth 12 years) ...4.50 Great Barrington. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. ...62.50 Greenfield. Second Cong. Ch. ...25.17 Harwich. Cong. Ch. ...5.00 Haverhill. Algernon P. Nichols, _for Student Aid_, _Fisk U._ ...100.00 Haverhill. "C." ...50.00 Haydenville. Cong. Ch. and Soc. (5 of which _for Mountain Work_) ...15.00 Holyoke. Mrs. Mary E. Rust ...1.00 Hopkinton. First Cong. Ch. ...88.86 Huntington Hill. Ladies' M. Soc. First Cong. Ch., _for Freight to Savannah, Ga._ ...1.75 Hyde Park. First Cong. Ch. ...30.00 Lakeville. Precinct Cong. Ch., 67.32; "A Friend." 4.50 ...71.82 Lancaster. "B.E.S." ...20.00 Lawrence. Mrs. T.C. Wittemore, _for Indian Sch'p._ ...11.75 Leominster. Orthodox Cong. Ch. ...24.50 Littleton. Orthodox Cong. Ch. ...13.00 Lowell. John St. Cong. Ch. ...26.72 Lynn. First Cong. Ch. ...29.10 Malden. First Cong. Ch. ...80.00 Mansfield. Ladies' Miss'y Soc. ...10.00 Marlboro. Union Cong. Ch., to const. CATHERINE N. STEVENS L.M., _for Bible Sch._, _Fisk U._ ...95.43 Medway. Village Ch. and Soc., adl. ...50.00 Melrose. Cong. Ch., _for Bible Sch._, _Fisk U._ ...51.54 Methuen. First. Parish Ch. ...22.15 Middleboro. Central Cong. Ch., Everett Robinson ...10.05 Milford. Cong. Ch. and Soc. ...44.14 Milford. "Friends," Bbl. Bedding, etc., _for Greenwood, S.C._ Millbury. First Cong. Ch., 57.82; Second Cong. Ch. and Soc., 38.14, to const. AMOS ARMSBY L.M. ...95.96 Milton. Ladies' Soc. First Evan. Cong. Ch., 2 Bbls. C., $3.10, _for Freight to Talladega C._ ...3.10 Natick. Cong. Ch., _for Bible Sch._, _Fisk U._ ...47.34 Natick. First Cong. Ch., 13; Primary Sab. Sch. First Cong. Ch., 5 ...18.00 New Bedford. North Cong. Ch. ...74.71 Newbury. First Parish, _for Freight to Meridian, Mass._ ...2.00 Newburyport. Whitefield Cong. Ch. ...68.50 Newton. First Cong. Ch., 78.67; Mrs. M.T. Vincent's S.S. Class in Eliot Ch., 5, bal. to const. MRS. M.T. VINCENT L.M. ...83.67 Newton. Frank A. Day, _for Mountain Work_ ...25.00 Newton. Eliot Mission Circle. Eliot Ch., 10, _for Mountain Work_, 5, _for Rosebud Indian M._ ...15.00 Newton. Mrs. M.T. Vincent's S.S. Class, Eliot Ch., _for ed. of an Indian girl_, _Santee Agency_ ...7.80 Newton Center. Ch. and S.S., _for Piano_, _Tougaloo U._ ...75.00 Norfolk. "A Friend." ...25.00 North Adams. Cong. Ch., to const. DEA. ALEXANDER McDOUGALL, DEA. GEORGE W. CHASE, FRANK H. WHITNEY, HERBERT E. WETHERBEE, DAVID A. ANDERSON, JAMES E. HUNTER, DANIEL J. BARBER and HARRY R. HAMER L.M.'s ...246.04 Northampton. A.L. Williston, 300; Edwards Ch., Benev. Soc., 128.10; Local Entertainment Com., 33.78; Miss Eliza I. Maynard, 30, to const. MISS ISABEL SWAN L.M. ...491.88 Northampton. Smith College, King's Daughters, _for Student Aid_, _Williamsburg Academy, Ky._ ...18.00 North Brookfield. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. to const. JAMES B. PEARSONS L.M. ...58.80 Northbridge. Rockdale Cong. Ch. and Soc. ...10.00 North Weymouth. Rev. W.D. Leland, _for Student Aid_, _Talladega C._ ...10.00 North Woburn. Cong. Soc., _for Indian Sch'p._ ...35.00 Norton. Trin. Cong. Ch. ...5.25 Norwood. First Cong. Ch. ...125.72 Oxford. Infant Class in Sab. Sch., 5; Oxford Woman's Miss. Soc. 1, by Miss L.D. Stockwell, _for Children's Missionary_ ...6.00 Pepperell. "Friends." Bbl. C., Ladies Benev. Soc., Bbl. Bedding, _for Greenwood, S.C._ Pittsfield. First Cong. Ch. (22 of which _for Mountain Work_, 12 _for Tougaloo U._) ...145.00 Pittsfield. Mary E. Sears ...5.00 Quincy Point. Ladies Miss'y Soc. ...0.35 Reading. Y.P.S.C.E., by Annie B. Parker, _for Mountain Student Aid_ ...50.00 Reading. Cong. Ch. ...24.60 Salem. Tabernacle Ch. and Soc. ...160.21 Somerville. Franklin St. Cong. Ch., _for Bible Sch._, _Fisk U._ ...65.25 Somerville. ----, _for Straight U._ ...3.00 Southampton. "Cheerful Givers" Mission Band, by H.B. Norton, Treas. ...12.00 South Framingham. Cong. Ch., _for Bible Sch._, _Fisk U._ ...86.29 South Weymouth. Union Cong. Ch. and Soc., 37.70; Second Cong. Ch., 22 ...59.70 South Weymouth. Cong. Churches, _for Bible Sch._, _Fisk U._ ...61.30 Spencer. Blanche Bryant, _for Indian M._ ...0.10 Swampscott. First Cong. Ch. ...20.00 Townsend. "A Friend," 2 Bbls. C., etc.; 3, _for Freight_, _for Greenwood, S.C._ ...3.00 Turners Falls. Class of Young Ladies in Cong. Sab. Sch., _for Library_, _Grand View, Tenn._ ...7.00 Wakefield. Primary Dept, Sab. Sch., Cong. Ch., Christmas Gift ...15.00 Walpole. Cong. Ch., _for Bible Sch._, _Fisk U._ ...57.87 Ware. East Cong. Ch., _for Bible Sch._, _Fisk U._ ...41.73 Ware. First Cong. Ch., _for Williamsburg, Ky._ and to const. DEA. N.H. ANDERSON L.M. ...32.50 Warren. Ladies' H.M. Soc., _for_ Church Building, _Cumberland Gap, Tenn._ ...72.00 Webster. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. ...80.24 Webster. Sab. Sch. Cong. Ch., _for Indian M._ ...12.50 Wellesley. Miss L.F. Clark, _for Raleigh, N.C._ ...5.00 Westboro. Evan. Cong. Ch., 190.63; ---- 50c. ...191.13 Westboro. Cong. Ch., _for Bible Sch._, _Fisk U._ ...59.18 Westboro Cong. Ch., 17.54; "Friends," 25, _for School_, _Orange Park, Fla._ ...42.54 West Barnstable. Sab. Sch. Cong. Ch. ...5.00 West Boylston. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. ...7.25 West Brookfield. Miss Emily S. Woods and her Sab. Sch. Class, _for Mountain Work_ ...25.00 Westfield. Dr. H. Holland ...3.00 West Medway. Third Cong. Ch., bal. to const. MRS. GEORGE H. CLARK L.M. ...20.00 West Newton. Mrs. Elizabeth Price _for Mountain Work_ and to const. MISS EUNICE G. PECK L.M. ...40.00 West Newton. Miss'y Soc., Bbl. C., _for Savannah, Ga._ West Somerville. Day St. Cong. Ch. ...29.11 Weymouth. Y.P.S.C.E. Union ...1.00 Weymouth and Braintree. Class in Union Cong. Sab. Sch., Christmas Gift ...1.00 Whitinsville. Cong. Ch. and Soc., by Edward Whitin, Treas. ...1,253.82 Williamstown. First Cong. Ch. ...24.73 Winchester. First Cong. Ch. (1 of which _for Mountain Work_) ...71.98 Winchester. Cong. Ch., _for Bible Sch._, _Fisk U._ ...50.41 Woburn. First Cong. Ch. ...174.02 Wollaston. "A Friend." ...5.00 Worcester. Union Ch. (99.03 of which _for Bible Sch._, _Fisk U._) ...292.03 Worcester. Piedmont Ch. 166.71; "A Friend," 10, _for Bible Sch._, _Fisk U._ ...176.71 Worcester. Piedmont Ch. ...79.34 Worcester. J.R. Torry, _for Cumberland Gap, Tenn._ ...25.00 Worcester. Ladies' M. Circle of Salem St. Ch., Box C., _for Grand View, Tenn._ Yarmouth. First Cong. Ch. ...50.00 Yarmouth. Ladies' Sewing Soc., _for Raleigh, N.C._ ...10.00 Hampden Benevolent Association, by Charles Marsh, Treas.: Chicopee. Second ...47.96 Holyoke. First ...17.65 Holyoke. Second ...35.27 Monson. S.S. ...30.63 Springfield. North ...83.83 Westfield. Second ...28.99 Westfield. Second _for Student Aid_, _Fisk U._ ...23.60 West Springfield. Park St. ...32.34 -------- 300.27 Woman's Home Missionary Association, by Miss Sarah K. Burgess, Treas., _for Woman's Work_: For Teachers' Salaries ...407.50 Newton. Eliot Ch., Mr. Cobb's S.S. Class, _for Indian Sch'p._ ...6.25 -------- 413.75 -------- $9,731.62 ESTATES. Boston. Estate of J.D. Leland, by Geo. A. Leland and Edwin P. Stone, Executors ...500.00 Enfield. Estate of J.B. Woods, by Rev. Robt. M. Woods. Trustee ...75.00 -------- $10,306.62 CLOTHING, BOOKS, ETC., RECEIVED AT BOSTON OFFICE. Ashfield. Mass. Mrs. Daniel Williams, Bbl. C., _for McLeansville N.C._ Brimfield, Mass. Ladies' Union Second Cong. Ch., Bbl. C., _for Wilmington, N.C._ Cambridgeport, Mass. "Scatter Good Circle," Pilgrim Cong. Ch., Box, _for Beaufort, N.C._ New Bedford, Mass. Mrs. Geo. F. Kingman, Box, _for Hampton N. & A. Inst., Va._ Newbury. Mass. First Parish, Bbl. C., _for Meridian, Miss._ Newton. Miss Alice Williston, Bbl. C., etc., _for McLeansville. N.C._ West Boylston. Bbl. Books, etc., _for Raleigh, N.C._, by Miss A.M. Lovell RHODE ISLAND, $312.71. Central Falls. Cong. Ch. ...39.74 East Providence. S. Belden. 50; Newman Cong. Ch., 30, to const. C.C. BALCH L.M. ...80.00 Providence. Pilgrim Cong. Ch., 101.22; Y.P.S.C.E. of North Cong. Ch., 10.75; H.M. Kendrick, 1 ...112.97 Providence. Mrs Geo. L. Claflin, 85; Miss Elizabeth G. King, 20; Mrs. H.N. Lathrop, 10; Miss Ellen H. Pabodie, 10; "Friends," 15, _for School_, _Orange Park, Fla._ ...80.00 CONNECTICUT, $10,247.54. Berlin. Second Cong. Ch. ...27.35 Birmingham. Cong. Ch., _for Bible Sch._, _Fisk U._ ...37.81 Bethel. Junior Endeavor Soc. of Cong. Ch., _for Mountain Work_ ...12.75 Black Rock. Cong. Ch. ...24.00 Bloomfield. Cong. Ch. ...7.20 Branford. Ladies' Aid Soc. of Cong. Ch., _for Conn. Ind'l. Sch., Ga._ ...25.00 Bridgeport. Union Meeting in North Ch., _for Bible Sch_, _Fisk U._ ...114.71 Bridgeport. Y.P.S.C.E. Park St. Cong. Ch., _for Indian Sch'p._ ...35.00 Bridgeport. Dwight H. Terry, _for Student Aid_, _Tougaloo U._ ...5.00 Bridgeport. "H.M.B.," _for Bible Sch._, _Fisk U._ ...1.00 Bristol. Cong. Ch. ...25.00 Bristol. Mrs. W. Barnes, _for Student Aid_, _Talladega C._ ...5.25 Broad Brook. Cong. Ch. ...15.55 Canaan. ----. ...5.00 Clinton. Cong. Ch. and Soc. ...37.82 Clinton. Cong. Ch., _for Bible Sch._, _Fisk U._ ...76.45 Columbia. Cong. Ch. ...22.15 Columbia. "Friend," _for Marian, Ala._ ...1.00 Danbury. Second Cong. Ch. and Soc. ...5.00 Danbury. Miss Arabella Fanton, _for Student Aid_, _Williamsburg Academy, Ky._ ...3.50 Danielsonville. Westfield Cong. Ch. ...23.46 Darien. Ladies' of Cong. Ch., by Miss Ellen M. Nash, _for Conn. Ind'l Sch., Ga._ ...8.00 Deep River. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., _for Student Aid_, _Tougaloo U._ ...10.00 East Woodstock. Cong. Ch. ...12.00 Farmington. First Cong. Ch. ...120.27 Hampton. Sab. Sch. Cong. Ch., _for Indian M._ ...20.00 Hartford. First Ch. ...220.20 Hartford. Asylum Hill Cong. Ch., $194.87; C.S. Beardslee, 15; Miss Katherine Burbank, 2, _for Bible Sch._, _Fisk U._ ...211.87 Hartford. Olive Branch Circle of King's Daughters, _for Student Aid_, _Sherwood Tenn._ ...5.00 Hartford. Sab. Sch. of Pearl St. Cong. Ch., _for Rosebud Indian M._ ...31.75 Haddam. Cong. Ch. ...14.18 Hartford. Henry Roberts, _for Piano_, _Tougaloo U._ ...25.00 Hartford. Wethersfield Av. Cong. Ch. ...6.42 Lebanon. Y.P.S.C.E. of Cong. Ch., Bbl. of C., 2, _for Freight_, _for Marion, Ala._ ...2.00 Litchfield. Newell Soc., by Mrs. F.I. Gray ...4.00 Litchfield. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch. _for Tougaloo U._ ...25.00 Madison. Cong. Ch., _for Mountain Work_ ...5.00 Meriden. Corner Ch., _for Bible Sch._, _Fisk U._ ...136.63 Meriden. First Cong. Ch. ...100.00 Middletown. First Cong. Ch., (Westfield Soc.) ...17.69 Milford. First Cong. Ch., 60; Sab. Sch. Plymouth Ch., 19.52; "A Friend," 5 ...84.52 Morris. Cong. Ch. ...7.00 New Britain. South Cong. Ch., 175.22; First Ch. of Christ, 96.72 ...271.94 New Britain. Sab. Sch. of South Ch., _for Mountain Work_ ...50.00 New Canaan. Cong. Ch. ...25.00 New Haven. College St. Cong. Ch. ...58.14 North Haven. Sab. Sch. of Cong Ch., _for Rosebud Indian M._ ...23.40 New Haven. Mrs. J.F. Douglass, 3; Miss M.H. Blake, 2, _for Indian M._ ...5.00 Newington. Cong. Ch. ...45.38 New London. Union Meeting. First and Second Churches, _for Bible Sch._, _Fisk U._ ...106.88 New London. Sab. Sch. Second Cong. Ch., _for Indian Sch'p_, _Santee Sch._ ...70.00 New Milford. First Cong. Ch. ...82.98 Norfolk. Cong. Ch. and Soc., 110; "A Friend," 5 ...115.00 Norfolk. Young Ladies' Mission Band, _for Indian M._ ...25.00 North Greenwich. Mrs. Amy Downs ...1.00 Norwalk. First Cong. Ch., _for Bible Sch._, _Fisk U._ ...78.00 Old Lyme. Y.P.S.C.E. of Cong. Ch., _for Student Aid_, _Blowing Rock, N.C._ ...5.00 Plainfield. Box Bedding, _for Greenwood, S.C._ Plainville. Sab. Sch. Cong. Ch. ...25.00 Plantsville. Ladies' Industrial Soc. of Cong. Ch., _for Conn. Ind'l Sch., Ga._ ...35.00 Portland. First Cong. Ch. ...10.43 Preston City. Cong. Ch. and Soc. ...11.00 Sharon. J.H. Cleaveland ...10.00 Simsbury. James Reed ...2.50 South Britain. Cong. Ch., (1 of which from Averill B. Canfield) ...15.00 South Manchester. First Cong. Ch. ...74.32 South Norwalk. First Cong. Ch. ...61.77 South Norwalk. Margaret McClure, _for Bible Sch._, _Fisk U._ ...5.00 Stanwich. Cong. Ch. ...2.00 Talcottville. Cong. Ch. and Soc. ...160.00 Terryville. Sab, Sch. of Cong. Ch., _for Indian Sch'p._ ...17.50 Thomaston. Cong. Ch. ...38.79 Torrington. "Valley Gleaners," for _Sch'p._, _Fort Berthold, Indian Sch._ ...70.00 Wapping. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., _for Mountain Work_ ...23.20 West Hartford. First Ch. of Christ ...41.07 West Hartford. Sab. Sch. Cong. Ch., _for Indian M._ ...25.00 Westport. Saugatuck Cong. Ch. ...29.33 Westport. Saugatuck Cong. Ch., _for Indian M._ ...5.47 West Torrington. Home Miss'y Soc. of First Cong. Ch., 5.43, _for Conn. Ind'l Sch., Ga._; 5.43, _for Mountain Work_ ...10.86 Wethersfield. Miss M.J. Harris' Class Cong. S.S., _for Rosebud Indian M._ ...1.00 Windham. Y.P.S.C.E. of Cong. Ch., _for Student Aid_, _Marion, Ala._ ...7.00 Windsor. Mrs. Mary Pierson, 100, _for Student Aid_; Miss Pierson, 48, _for Furnishing Room_; Miss Emma J. Peck, Memory of Helen A. Edwards, 16, _for Furnishing Room_, _Grand View, Tenn._ ...164.00 Windsor. Sab. Sch. of First Cong. Ch., 32.50; Mrs. M.E. Pierson, 37.50, _for Indian Sch'ps._ ...70.00 Windsor. First Cong. Ch. ...120.87 Windsor. Ladies' Benev. Soc. of First Cong. Ch., Bbl. C. etc., _for Sherwood, Tenn._ Woodstock. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. ...16.00 Woman's Home Missionary Union of Conn., by Miss Ellen R. Camp, Sec., _for Woman's Work_: Meriden. Sab. Sch. First Ch. ...25.00 Plainville. Aux. ...5.00 Pomfret. Aux. Ladies' Mite Box ...15.00 -------- 45.00 ----, A Christian Endeavor Band, _for New Native Indian Station_ ...5.00 -------- $3,662.54 ESTATES. Groton. Estate of Mrs. B.N. Hurlbutt ...585.00 Hartford. Estate of Mrs. S. Adelaide M. White, Hon. E.S. White, Ex., _for Chinese M._, by Jennie H. Jacobs, Treas. Woman's H.M. Union of Conn. ...1,000.00 New London. Estate of Mrs. Anna H. Perkins by Henry C. Haven and Henry R. Bond, Executors ...5,000.00 -------- $10,247.54 NEW YORK. $2,383.66. Alfred Center. Mrs. Ida F. Kenyon ...5.00 Binghamton. Cong. Ch., Pulpit Supply ...30.00 Brooklyn. Plymouth Ch. 555.15; C.T. Christensen, _for Plymouth Professorship_, 25; John Claflin, 100, for _Bible Sch._, _Fisk U._ ...680.15 Brooklyn. "A Friend," 500; Rev. R.R. Meredith, D.D., 100; South Cong. Ch., 101.50; Lewis Av. Cong. Ch., 87.13; Union Cong. Ch., 5; Mrs. Elizabeth B. Cone, 1 ...794.63 Brooklyn. Sab. Sch. Puritan Ch., _for Indian M._ ...24.45 Buffalo. First Cong. Ch. ...100.00 Buffalo. Sab. Sch. of First Cong. Ch., _for Rosebud Indian M._ ...30.00 Canandaigua. First Cong. Ch., (25.97 of which _for Indian M_) ...34.01 Chateaugay. Joseph Shaw ...5.00 Gaines. Cong. Ch. ...11.50 Gloversville. Cong. Ch., (100 of which from Mrs. U.M. Place) ...239.35 Jamestown. Mrs. Frederick A. Fuller ...10.00 Middletown. Cong. Ch., 18.68; S. Ayres, 5 ...23.68 Millers Place. Mount Sinai Cong. Ch. ...10.00 New York. Pilgrim Ch., _for Bible Sch._, _Fisk U._ ...66.00 New York. Broadway Tab. Sab. Sch., Henry C. Houghton, M.D., _for Bible Sch._, _Fisk U._ ...15.00 New York. S.T. Gordon, 50; Robbins Little, 30. to const. MRS. SOPHIA LOUISE LITTLE L.M.; Broadway Tabernacle, "A Friend," 10; Mrs M.D. Wicker, 10 ...100.00 Oriskany. Mrs. R.W. Porter ...1.00 Rochester. Geo. Thayer, 25; G.W. Thayer, 10 ...35.00 Sag Harbor. Chas. A. Brown, to const. HERVEY T. HEDGES L.M. ...30.00 Sanborn. Mrs. Abagail Peck ...3.00 Spencerport. "Friends," Bbl. C., etc., _for Greenwood, S.C._ Vernon Center. Rev. G.C. Judson ...0.50 Warsaw. Cong. Ch. ...22.71 Westmoreland. First Cong. Ch. ...12.77 Windham. Mrs. B. Ingraham ...0.50 West Winfield. Cong. Ch. ...9.41 Woman's Home Missionary Union of N.Y., by Mrs. L.H. Cobb, Treasurer, _for Woman's Work_: Albany. Three Circles of King's Daughters. First Ch., _for Mt. White Sch'p_ ...25.00 Greene. Ladies' Aux. ...15.00 Homer. Ladies' Aux. ...10.00 Saratoga. The Goodridge Memorial Ladies' Aux. of Cong. Ch., _for Student Aid_, _Talladega C._ ...20.00 Schenechtady. Ladies' Miss'y Soc. ...20.00 -------- 90.00 NEW JERSEY, $272.61. Bound Brook. Cong. Ch. ...1.08 Highland. R.R. Proudfit ...10.00 Jersey City. First Cong. Ch., 61.53; Waverly Cong. Ch., 10 ...71.53 Montclair. First Cong. Ch., Special to const. W.W. AMES, ALICE MAY AMES, JAMES WOOD AMES, ALFREDERICK S. AMES and CORNELIA AMES L.M.'s ...180.00 Montclair. Mrs. Noyes' S.S. Class, _for Student Aid_, _Tougaloo U._ ...5.00 Passaic. "A Friend." ...5.00 PENNSYLVANIA, $246.89. Braddock. Sab. Sch. of First Cong. Ch. ...5.27 Guy's Mills. Mrs. F.M. Guy ...2.00 Philadelphia. William H. Wanamaker, _for New Northfield Indian Station_ ...100.00 Philadelphia. Central Cong. Ch. ...81.83 Philadelphia. Susan Longstreth, _for Mountain Work_ ...10.00 Pittsburg. "Friends," _for Raleigh, N.C._ ...10.00 Scranton. Plymouth Cong. Ch. ...10.00 Woman's Missionary Union of Penn., by Mrs T.W. Jones, Treas. Braddock. Aux. ...4.00 OHIO, $3,092.35. Akron. Sab. Sch. West Cong. Ch. ...10.00 Belpre. Cong. Ch. ...13.00 Chatfield. Evan. Free Ch. ...32.75 Chatham. Centre Cong. Ch., to const. U.P. Price L.M. ...50.50 Cleveland. Euclid Av. Cong. Ch., 90; Jennings Av. Cong. Ch., 35; First Cong. Ch., 29.45; Mrs. Fanny W. Low, 10 ...164.45 Cleveland. Whatsoever Band of King's Daughters, by Miss E.A. Johnson, _for Williamsburg, Ky._ ...6.00 Cleveland. Jennings Av. Cong. Ch., _for Indian M._ ...5.00 Columbus. Mayflower Cong. Ch. ...13.41 Cyclone. Cong. Ch. ...22.00 Freedom. Cong. Ch. ...5.91 Geneva. Industrial H.M. Soc., 2 Bbls. C., _for Athens, Ala._ Huntsburg. Family of Capt. A.B. Millard, deceased, by Mrs. Mary E. Millard ...15.00 Lafayette. Cong. Ch. ...5.00 Lorain. Cong. Ch. (20 of which from Rev. A.D. Barber, bal. to const. EUGENE GRAY DICK L.M.) ...45.37 Mallet Creek. Cong. Ch. ...22.00 Mesopotamia. Ladies' Benev. Soc., Bbl. C., _for Tougaloo U._; 2 _for Freight_ ...2.00 Mount Vernon. First Cong. Ch. ...40.00 North Kingsville. Rev. E.J. Comings ...5.00 Oberlin. First Cong. Ch., 37.85; Harris Lewis, 5; W. Warner and Wife, 2 ...44.85 Painesville. E.E. Johnson ...1.00 Pittsfield. South Ch. and Soc. ...48.55 Radnor. Edward D. Jones ...5.00 Ruggles. Cong. Ch. (1 of which _for Indian M_) ...22.00 Toledo. Central Cong. Ch. ...18.00 Troy. Cong. Ch. ...7.61 Twinsburg. Cong. Ch. ...5 00 Wauseon. Cong. Ch. ...19.50 Wellington. First Cong. Ch., to const. REV. W.E. BARTON L.M. ...60.00 Ohio Woman's Home Missionary Union, by Mrs. F.D. Wilder, Treas., _for Woman's Work_: Chagrin Falls. W.H.M.S. ...4.00 Chester. Saint Paul Mission Band ...3.55 Oberlin. Second Ch. Ladies' Soc. ...30.00 -------- 37.55 -------- $836.10 ESTATES. Hudson. Estate of Hiram Thompson, by S.E. Judd, Ex. ...450.00 Mechanicstown. Estate of Benjamin Manifold, by William Boyd, Adm. ...1806.25 -------- $3,092.35 INDIANA, $60.21. Elkhart. Cong. Ch. ...27.00 Terre Haute. First Cong. Ch. ...33.21 ILLINOIS, $1,307.52. Aurora. N.L. Janes ...10.00 Bunker Hill. W.H.M.U., Sack of C., _for Tougaloo U._ Camp Point. Mrs. S.B. McKinney ...20.00 Champaign. First Cong. Ch. ...14.40 Chicago. New England Cong. Ch., 107.01; South Park Cong. Ch., 75, to const. DEA. EDWARD M. TAYLOR and DEA. S.V. HARVEY L.M.'s; "Cash," 50; Ch. of the Covenant, 10; Doremus Mission, 5.05; Tabernacle Ch., 3.81: Rev. M.S. Croswell, 2; Lakeview Cong. Ch., 5; Bethlehem Ch., 80c. ...258.67 Chicago. B.M. Frees, _for Night School_, _Memphis, Tenn._ ...100.00 Chicago. Ladies, Millard Av. Cong. Ch., _for Fisk Sch'p Endowment Fund_ ...25.00 Concord. Joy Prairie Sab. Sch., _for Mountain Work_ ...14.00 Crete. Cong. Ch. ...11.18 Earlville. J.A. Dupee ...25.00 Elgin. First Cong. Ch., to const. REV. ALBERT H. BALL L.M. ...33.10 Evanston. Sab. Sch. Cong. Ch. ...34.72 Hennepin. Cong. Ch. ...3.47 Hinsdale. Cong. Ch. ...80.00 Knoxville. Hezekiah Rowles ...5.00 Kewanee. Mrs. H.E. Kellogg ...5.00 Lombard. Ladies' Soc. Cong. Ch., 2 pkgs. Patchwork, _for Sherwood, Tenn._ Maywood. Miss Mary Erwin, 5, _for Mountain Work_; 5, _for Indian M._ ...10.00 Morrison. Miss Ellen S. Brown ...1.00 Oak Park. Cong. Ch. ...199.92 Newark. Mrs. F. Heavenhill ...1.00 Peoria. Miss Rushford _for Student Aid_, _Emerson Inst._ ...6.50 Plainfield. Cong. Ch. ...14.00 Princeton. Mrs. P.B. Corss ...10.00 Rockford. First Cong. Ch., 60; Sab. Sch. or Second Cong. Ch., 20 ...80.00 Saint Charles. Cong. Ch. ...3.00 Seward. Sab. Sch. Cong. Ch. ...4.10 Sterling. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch. ...4.81 Turner. Mrs. R. Currier ...5.00 Waverly. Cong. Ch. and Soc. ...24.50 Illinois Woman's Home Missionary Union, by Mrs. C.E. Maltby, Treasurer, _for Woman's Work:_ Amboy ...18.00 Buda ...7.10 Chebansee ...5.60 Chicago. N.E. ...80.41 Chicago. Lincoln Park ...10.54 Elgin ...10.00 Emington ...5.00 Hamilton ...3.00 Lee Center. Mrs. S.E. Trowbridge ...1.00 Oak Park ...40.00 Oak Park ...8.25 Central Assn. Lutle Morris' Pin Cushion ...10.25 Rockford. Second ...5.00 -------- 204.15 -------- $1,207.57 ESTATE. Rockford. Estate of Mrs. Eunice B. Lyon ...100.00 -------- $1,307.52 WISCONSIN, $160.76. Beloit. Cong. Ch. ...16.00 Clinton. Cong. Ch., adl. ...25.55 Delevan. Cong. Ch. ...15.00 Hammond. Cong. Ch. ...3.00 River Falls. First Cong. Ch. ...10.00 Rosendale. First Cong. Ch. ...0.50 Wauwatosa. Cong. Ch. ...5.00 Wisconsin Woman's Home Missionary Union, _for Woman's Work_: Bloomer. S.S. ...2.00 Eau Claire. W.H.M.U. ...9.65 Madison. W.H.M.U. First Ch. ...2.81 Milwaukee. Ladies Grand Av. Ch. ...70.00 Platteville. W.H.M.U. ...1.25 -------- 85.71 MICHIGAN, $152.57. Battle Creek. J.C. Williams ...0.50 Coldwater. Mrs. H. Bogardus ...2.00 Detroit. Trumbull Av. Cong. Ch. ...14.50 Eaton Rapids. First Cong. Ch. ...10.00 Grand Rapids. Young Ladies Park Miss'y Soc. of Park Cong. Ch., _for Santee Indian M._ ...20.00 Greenville. Cong. Ch. ...25.00 Jackson. Friends ...5.00 Jackson. Mrs. R.M. Bennett ...2.00 Kalamazoo. Mrs. J.A. Kent ...5.00 Ludington. Cong. Ch. ...20.00 Milford. William A. Arms, to const. ALBERT AVERY LYON L.M. ...30.00 Saint Clair. Cong. Ch. (A Lady) ...2.00 Saline. Mrs. Maria Wood ...1.50 South Haven. Cong. Ch. ...1.75 Tecumseh. James Vincent ...10.00 Woman's Home Missionary Union of Michigan, by Mrs. E.F. Grabill, Treas., _for Woman's Work_: Churchs' Corners. "Willing Workers." ...3.32 IOWA, $439.27. Burlington. Cong. Ch,. 32.15; Y.P.S.C.E., 1.17 ...33.32 Cedar Rapids. First Cong. Ch. ...15.12 Cresco. Cong. Ch. ...25.00 Dover. Mrs. Jane P. Mather, to const. MISS LILLIAN MATHER and MRS. EUGENIA MATHER L.M.'s ...60.00 Farragut. Package Work, _for Savannah, Ga._ Grand View. Cong. Ch. ...10.00 Granger. Philla Minns, Pkg work, _for Savannah, Ga._ Independence. W.S. Potwin, _for Student Aid_, _Talladega C._ ...10.00 Independence. N.E. Cong. Ch. ...6.50 Jewell. Cong. Ch. ...6.50 Lincoln. Cong. Ch. ...2.50 Lyons. Anna M. Smith's Sab. Sch. Class, Pkg. work, _for Savannah, Ga._ Manson. Cong. Ch. ...3.85 McGregor. Cong. Ch. ...58.02 Montour. Cong. Ch. ...31.00 Tabor. Cong. Ch. ...57.89 Iowa Woman's Home Missionary Union, _for Woman's Work_: Central City. W.H.M.U. ...10.00 Chester Center. Busy Bees. ...3.00 Dubuque. L.M.S. ...25.00 Decorah. W.M.S. ...25.00 Earlville. ---- ...10.00 Eldora. L.M.S. ...20.00 Grinnell. W.H.M.H. ...3.39 Farragut. W.M.S. ...10.00 Keokuk. S.S. ...5.00 Lyons. ---- ...4.25 Maquoketa. S.S. ...1.40 Toledo. Y.P.S.C.E. ...2.53 -------- 119.57 MINNESOTA, $246.72. Austin. Union Cong. Ch. ...51.15 Belgrade. Cong. Ch. ...3.55 Duluth. Pilgrim Cong. Ch. ...51.20 Glenwood. Cong. Ch. ...0.65 Hasty. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., _for Student Aid_, _Tougaloo U._ ...2.00 Lake City. Miss Sarah Manning, 8; Miss Mary A. Bye, 2, _for Student Aid_, _Williamsburg Academy, Ky._ ...10.00 Minneapolis. Pilgrim Cong. Ch., 20.21; First Cong. Ch., 15.51; Park Av. Cong. Ch., 11.67 ...47.39 Minneapolis. Dyer Bros., Organ, _for All Healing Springs, N.C._ Monticello. Cong. Ch. ...6.80 Northfield. Sab. Sch. Cong. Ch., _for Student Aid_, _Talladega C._ ...43.91 Northfield. First Cong. Ch. ...24.67 Saint Cloud. First Cong. Ch. ...3.40 KANSAS, $91.51. Brookville. Cong. Ch., 2.63, and Sab. Sch., 2. ...4.63 Council Grove. Cong. Ch. ...3.62 Fort Scott. Sab. Sch. of First Cong. Ch. ...2.71 Lawrence. Ladies' Miss'y Soc. of Second Cong. Ch., by Mrs E.M. Jackson. ...3.00 Leavenworth. First Cong. Ch. ...65.00 Topeka. Central Cong. Ch. ...12.55 Topeka. College Hill. "Friends, " Bbl. of Books, etc., _for Meridian, Miss._ MISSOURI, $51.92. Bonne Terre. First Cong. Ch., to const. REV. JOHN B. FISKE L.M. ...30.00 Laclede. Rev. E.D. Seward ...2.00 Neosho. Cong. Ch. ...3.65 Pierce City. First Cong. Ch. ...16.27 NORTH DAKOTA, $12.50. Cummings. Ladies' Miss'y Soc., by Mrs. Mary M. Fisher, State Treas. ...5.00 Mayville. Cong. Ch. ...7.50 SOUTH DAKOTA, $5.00. Egan. Rev C.W. Matthews and wife ...5.00 NEBRASKA, $35.23. Ashland. Cong. Ch. ...5.85 Beatrice. Mrs. B.F. Hotchkiss, Box C., etc., _for Sherwood, Tenn._ Cambridge. First Cong. Ch. ...4.32 Nebraska City. Woman's Miss'y Soc., by Mrs. J.B. Parmelee, Treas. ...15.00 Olive Branch. German Cong. Ch. ...2.10 Red Cloud. Cong. Ch. ...6.96 Stanton. Cong. Ch. ...1.00 COLORADO, $62.60. Denver. First Cong. Ch. ...62.60 CALIFORNIA, $24.25. Belmont. Mrs. F.A. Blackburn, 10; Mrs. E.L. Reed, 10 ...20.00 Saratoga. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch. ...4.25 WASHINGTON, $10.36. Tacoma. Sab. Sch. of First Cong. Ch. ...10.36 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, $29.48. Washington. Mt. Pleasant Cong. Ch. ...19.48 Washington. Lincoln Memorial Cong. Ch. ...10.00 VIRGINIA, $5.00. Herndon. Cong. Ch. ...5.00 TENNESSEE, $12.45. Bon Air. Cong. Ch. ...5.45 Chattanooga. First Cong. Ch. ...2.00 Coal Creek. Cong. Ch. ...5.00 NORTH CAROLINA, $2.51. Melville. Children's Christmas Offering ...0.25 Nails. Cong. Ch. ...1.10 Pekin. Cong. Ch. ...1.16 GEORGIA, $5.15. Andersonville. Cong. Ch. ...1.50 Byron. Cong. Ch. ...1.50 Woodville. Pilgrim Cong. Ch., 1.42; Rev. J.H.H. Sengstacke, 73c. ...2.15 FLORIDA, $18.75. Daytona. First Cong. Ch. ...13.75 Leesburg. Sarah A. Benedict ...2.00 Woman's Home Miss'y Union of Fla., by Mrs. W.D. Brown, Treas.: Melbourne. Mrs. Phillips ...3.00 LOUISIANA, $13.81. Belle Place. Cong. Ch. ...0.70 New Orleans. University Ch., _Straight U._ ...10.30 Roseland. Cong. Ch. ...2.81 -------- $5.00. ------ "Friend," _for Bible Sch._, _Fisk U._ ...5.00 CANADA, $7.00. Sherbrooke. Mrs. H.J. Morey ...5.00 Sweetsburg. Mrs. H.W. Spaulding ...2.00 SANDWICH ISLANDS, $1,000. Kohala. "A Friend." ...1,000.00 Donations ...$22,900.05 Estates ...20,616.25 -------- $43,516.30 INCOME, $2,732.82. Avery Fund, _for Mendi M._ ...600.32 Brown Sch'p Fund, _for Talladega C._ ...21.00 De Forest Fund, _for President's Chair_, _Talladega C._ ...485.00 C.F. Dike Fund, _for Straight U._ ...50.00 Fisk University Theo. Fund ...7.50 General Endowment Fund ...80.00 Graves Library Fund, _for Atlanta U._ ...150.00 Graves Sch'p Fund, _for Talladega C._ ...125.00 Haley Sch'p Fund, _for Fisk U._ ...25.00 Hammond Fund, _for Straight U._ ...75.00 Hastings Sch'p Fund, _for Atlanta U._ ...18.75 Howard Theo. Fund, _for Howard U._ ...776.25 Le Moyne Fund, _for Le Moyne Sch._ ...82.50 H.W. Lincoln Sch'p Fund, _for Talladega C._ ...30.00 Luke Memorial Sch'p, _for Talladega C._ ...10.00 Rice Memorial Fund, _for Talladega C._ ...11.25 Sch'p Fund, _for Straight U._ ...35.00 N.M. and A.S. Stone Fund, _for Sch'p_, _Talladega C._ ...25.00 Tuthill King Fund, _for Berea C._ ...87.50 I. & L. Hawes Wood Sch'p Fund, _for Talladega C._ ...25.00 Yale Library Fund, _for Talladega C._ ...12.75 -------- 2,732.83 TUITION, $4,713.49. Lexington, Ky. Tuition ...206.20 Williamsburg, Ky. Tuition ...166.90 Crossville, Tenn. Public Fund ...83.00 Grand View, Tenn. Tuition ...13.75 Jellico, Tenn. Tuition ...35.10 Memphis, Tenn. Tuition ...570.30 Mount Verde, Tenn. Tuition ...3.75 Nashville, Tenn. Tuition ...674.07 Pleasant Hill, Tenn. Tuition ...41.45 Beaufort, N.C. Tuition ...33.12 Chapel Hill, N.C. Tuition ...15.50 Melville, N.C. Tuition ...5.00 Troy, N.C. Tuition ...10.25 Wilmington, N.C. Tuition ...269.50 Charleston. S.C. Tuition ...323.50 Greenwood, S.C. Tuition ...79.20 Atlanta, Ga., Storrs Sch. Tuition ...268.91 McIntosh, Ga. Tuition ...26.63 Thomasville, Ga. Tuition ...83.90 Woodville, Ga. Tuition ...8.00 Athens, Ala. Tuition ...64.30 Anniston, Ala. Tuition ...65.38 Marion, Ala. Tuition ...83.75 Mobile, Ala. Tuition ...273.83 Selma, Ala. Tuition ...69.50 Talladega, Ala. Tuition ...305.55 Meridian, Miss. Tuition ...112.90 Tougaloo, Miss. Tuition ...145.00 New Orleans, La. Tuition ...446.80 -------- 4,713.49 United States Government, _for Fort Berthold_, _Indian M._ ...891.00 -------- $51,853.61 SUMMARY. Donations ...$55,371.68 Estates ...36,158.94 -------- $91,530.62 Income ...4,382.82 Tuition ...9,195.10 United States Government ...891.00 Total from Oct. 1, to Dec. 31 ...$105,999.54 FOR THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY. Subscriptions for December ...145.81 Previously acknowledged ...85.41 Total ...$231.22 H.W. HUBBARD, Treasurer. Bible House, N.Y. * * * * * _Advertisements._ +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | "A THING OF BEAUTY IS A JOY FOREVER." | | | | [Illustration: RISING SUN STOVE POLISH | | PRICE 10 CENTS | | For beauty of polish, saving of labor, freeness from dust, | | durability and cheapness, truly unrivalled in any country. | | | | CAUTION.--Beware of worthless imitations under other names, | | put up in similar shape and color intended to deceive. Each | | package of the genuine bears our Trade Mark. 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