The Project Gutenberg EBook of The American Missionary -- Volume 54, No.
2, April, 1900, by Various

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Title: The American Missionary -- Volume 54, No. 2, April, 1900

Author: Various

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The American Missionary-April, May, June, 1900-Vol. LIV. No. 2






Price 50 Cents a Year in advance.
Entered at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., as Second-Class mail matter.

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Financial—Six Months49

A Word as to the Magazine49

Fifty-fourth Annual Meeting51

Tillotson College, Austin, Texas (Illustrated)52

Avery Normal Institute, Charleston, S. C. (Illustrated)61

Southern Field Notes67

Bits of Experience in the Indian Country69

Christian Endeavors of a Highland School and Village (Illustrated)72

Obituaries—Mrs. Mary T. Chase74

Miss Susie T. Cathcart75

A Suggestive Subscription75


Woman's State Organizations94

Secretaries of Young People's and Children's Work96



American Missionary Association



October 23-25, 1900.

The AMERICAN MISSIONARY presents new form, fresh material and generous illustrations for 1900. This magazine is published by the American Missionary Association quarterly. Subscription rate fifty cents per year.

Many wonderful missionary developments in our own country during this stirring period of national enlargement are recorded in the columns of this magazine.

[Pg 49]

American Missionary

Vol. LIV. APRIL, 1900. No. 2.


The first six months of the present fiscal year of the American Missionary Association closed March 31st. The receipts are $18,961.74 more than for the same period last year. The increase in donations is $10,699, and in estates $6,433.24, exclusive of the reserve legacy account. The tuition and similar receipts are $1,829.49 more than last year. This is a favorable and encouraging showing. We gratefully acknowledge the generosity of the friends of the great missionary work carried on by this Association, as evident in their increased donations.

The payments during this period have been $17,595 more than for the same months last year. The net balance, exclusive of the reserve legacy account, is $1,366.74 more favorable than that for the first six months of last year. The increase in current receipts has been expended in the mission fields which have been so greatly crippled by the enforced retrenchments during recent years.

The Association rejoices in its freedom from debt and in the favorable showing for these first six months. The next six months include the summer season, in which missionary gifts are often greatly reduced and the income suffers. We would again remind the pastors, Sunday-school superintendents, officers of Endeavor Societies and Woman's Missionary Circles of the great and pressing need upon the Association, both in old and new fields, among the many millions for whom our faithful missionaries labor. Porto Rico demands increased gifts. The field is opening with great hopefulness both in educational and evangelistic lines. Word comes from missionaries there urging reinforcements, which means more consecrated money to meet this pressing necessity.


Letters frequently come to the editor of this magazine expressing regret that it does not reach the subscriber regularly each month. No one can regret this fact more than the editor. It must be remembered that the magazine is no longer a monthly, but a quarterly.[Pg 50] This reduction in the frequency of the issue of our periodical was found necessary by the Executive Committee during the hard financial conditions through which we have recently passed. In order to economize in the expenditures, the four numbers per year were decided upon. The economy was necessary. The disadvantages, however, are very apparent. Large space in each magazine is necessarily occupied by the statistical report of receipts. This is essential. It is an important financial safeguard and an evidence of the thorough business administration of the Association.

However, less space is left for general matter. Partially on account of this restriction of space the magazine has taken a slightly different complexion. It is our desire to present as complete as possible the nature and conditions of the missionary work in our various fields. The discussion of incidental or even fundamental problems connected with the work of this Association is not often possible. Those who contribute to this work either money or prayers have a right to know what is being accomplished. Nothing can present it so clearly as illustrated articles, prepared by those who are in these mission fields. In the current issue two important schools are presented in this way.

In the Department of Christian Endeavor the development of work among the young people of the Highlands is interestingly presented. During the current year we plan to present our secondary institutions as the higher institutions were presented—through illustrated articles during the last year.

We acknowledge with gratitude the pleasant words spoken concerning the American Missionary in various periodicals. The cordial notices in missionary cotemporaries of other denominations, and those of our own mission schools, is especially appreciated.

A commission consisting of two members of the Executive Committee have recently visited the mission field. Rev. E. S. Tead, of Boston, and President T. J. Backus, of Brooklyn, were selected by the committee for this special service. They were accompanied by the senior secretary, Rev. A. F. Beard, and through a part of the field by Sec. G. H. Gutterson, of the New England District. They carefully inspected several of the schools of the Association, and their visit was of great value. The testimony they bear to the efficiency of the work and to the interests of the field is pronounced and emphatic. In a future issue of this magazine we hope to present articles from members of this commission which will be of great interest to our readers. The testimony of an experienced pastor and prominent educator must have great weight.

[Pg 51]

Strong testimony to the value of the educational work among the negroes is found in Harpers' Weekly for February 10th. In an able editorial on "Negro Education," we find the following: "The storm and stress period of the South is still upon it. The curse of slavery has not yet been removed. But it is clear that the schools are sending the light into the dark places, and that everything that shuts off or reduces the brilliancy of the light is inimical not only to the negro, but to the whites themselves, to the South, and to the whole country." No truer word than this could be spoken. The education of the negro is not a question of sectional or local importance alone. It is fundamental to the safety and development of our country. There are in the Southern public schools 27,445 teachers employed in teaching negroes. Twenty-six per cent. of the average attendance of school children in the Southern States, including the District of Columbia, are negroes. The total enrollment of the blacks constitute, however, only 52 per cent. of the children of that race of school age. This fact again emphasizes the necessity of such schools as the American Missionary Association plants among these black people. The high grade and exceptional character of these schools are certainly worthy of commendation. The report of our commissioners based upon facts personally and independently gathered by each will present the conditions as they are. The years of heroic and sacrificial service on the part of a body of missionaries and teachers, unsurpassed in any field, are bringing their legitimate and noble fruitage.


Springfield, Mass., has set the doors of its hospitality wide open in its welcome to the Fifty-fourth Annual Meeting of the American Missionary Association. This city occupies an ideal position for such a convention. It is the center of many railroad lines, both steam and electric. A large population are resident in the towns and cities and countryside, easily accessible through these lines of transportation. It is so located geographically that many of our most populous states are within easy distance. Add to this the cordial enthusiasm of the churches and citizens who invite the Association, and we have every element of a great and inspiring meeting. Already committees are organized and arrangements are being perfected for this meeting.

Full particulars will be given in a future number of the Missionary, and in our Congregational papers. Rev. Philip S. Moxom, D.D., Springfield, Mass., is the chairman of the general committee, and will receive and pass over to the proper sub-committee any correspondence which may reach him.

[Pg 52]




January 17, 1881, witnessed the opening of this institution. It was christened "Tillotson Institute." The age of "romance" in the education of the negro was well-nigh passed. The matter-of-fact brain of the late Rev. George J. Tillotson, of Wethersfield, Conn., formulated the plan, and his generous heart enabled him, with the aid of individual contributors and the American Missionary Association, to carry his plan into execution. His purpose was to give the negroes of this far-away Southwest opportunities for securing an education equal to those of any other portion of our fair land. With this end in view he visited Austin and secured an ideal site for the coming college, destined to become the "Yale of the Southwest." Austin contains the magnificent Capitol, the State University, St. Edward's College and other schools, public and private, besides the state institutions for the insane, the blind, the deaf, the aged soldier and the orphan.[Pg 53] Within the limits of the city, and yet removed from its din and dust, commanding views of many of these buildings, and of the far-reaching valley of the Colorado and the wooded hills beyond, our campus of twenty acres is a delight to the eye. Undulating, well suited for drainage, well stocked with shade trees and a profusion of wild flowers in their season, it is at once beautiful, healthful and inspiring.


The first building erected on this lot was Allen Hall. It stands on a hill of easy ascent, and is a substantial structure of stone and brick, five stories in height. While it was approaching completion, as story after story was added, the ambitious and intelligent young colored people watched its growth, eagerly anticipating the time when they would "enter its basement and ascend story by story, till they should step out upon the roof full-fledged college graduates."

Money for the purchase of the lot came mostly from Mr. Tillotson's own purse. His efforts in soliciting funds were largely instrumental in securing the means for erecting and furnishing the building. The list of contributors to this part of the undertaking included the names of men well known for their literary works, philanthropy, patriotism and fidelity to the Saviour of Men. Most of those early donors have passed from earth, but they are still an inspiration to all[Pg 54] engaged in the work, and we of this generation can clasp hands with them in the purpose and effort to make real their intentions. Though dead "their works do follow them."

For fourteen years Allen Hall afforded all the space available for dormitories for teachers and students of both sexes, dining-room, study-room, recitation rooms, chapel and church services. A series of partitions divided each floor, from basement to attic, into east and west halls. A small addition in the rear served for kitchen.


At the opening of the school there was no charge for tuition. The aspirants for an education "without money and without price" carried the enrollment to a point never since reached in the history of the school.

In 1888 the carpenters' shop was built and industrial training was introduced. An appropriation of $900 from the Slater Fund aided in meeting the additional expense. A marked evidence of the appreciation of this advance is shown in the record of attendance, which increased nearly eighty per cent., and reached the highest figures it has ever done under a charge for tuition.

A material enlargement to the accommodations for teachers and students came in 1894, in the new Girls' Hall, that was occupied for the first time in the autumn of that year. This was erected with funds provided by the American Missionary Association, and is a beautiful[Pg 55] and convenient structure. The main part is three and a half stories in height, with wing and rear extension two and a half stories in height. It contains kitchen, dormitories and sitting-rooms for teachers and girls, and a spacious, airy and attractive dining hall for all.

The same year a new charter was obtained and the name changed to "Tillotson College."


The Tillotson Church of Christ in Austin was organized January 4, 1885. Rev. J. E. Roy, D.D., Rev. Jeremiah Porter, D.D., and Rev. J. H. Parr, conducted the services. Twelve members were received by letter and seven on profession. While a large majority of the students are members of churches at entrance, comparatively few have joined the church of the school. The entire enrollment of active members has been one hundred and eleven. This, by no means, gives a fair indication of the Christian spirit and activity of the school. In the religious meetings there is never any reference to denominational or sectarian differences.

On the 1st of February, 1899, the church adopted the "Mt. Holyoke Plan" of a "Wayside Covenant," and thirty-five teachers and students have signed that and entered into fellowship with us, while retaining membership in their own churches.

Porter Chapel, erected for outside missionary work in a needy part of the city, has had a checkered but useful experience. Once it was burned. It was rebuilt in 1890. Here Miss Martha J. Adams was wont to meet people, young and old, and dispense aid and comfort along many lines. Here, too, have been held for many years Sunday-school [Pg 56]services, and preaching services from time to time, as strength and opportunity allowed.


In the early years there were a few students, mostly children of teachers, in college courses, and a still smaller number in theology. The aim from the first has been to give instruction in the elements of a good common school education, and to provide advanced work for such as could complete a high school course, or were preparing to teach, or to continue their studies in higher professional schools elsewhere. The list of graduates is still a short one. The motto, "Quality not Quantity," finds its illustration here as in all the rest of the work of the school. The standard of scholarship has always been high and is steadily advancing. Many who have never graduated have done excellent work as teachers in the public schools of the state. "Tillotson" students are in demand and are known and respected for their honesty and reliability. Of the graduates, some are in responsible positions in this state, while others are pursuing courses of study in higher institutions at the North, or have already entered upon professional work. The great work of such a school is in its "leveling up." Who shall measure this? When a boy on retiring at night folds and carefully lays away the sheets and pillow slips from his bed, to "keep them clean," or when he thinks, on entering the dining-room, that he has "reached heaven," evidently there is room for such work.

Teachers and students together strive to make Tillotson a place of[Pg 57] refined and Christian culture. The chapel bell calls all to morning prayers, on school days, and to Sunday-school, church services and Christian Endeavor, on Sundays. Each evening the family gathers about the Word at its altar in the dining-room. Bible-study is a part of the regular course through all the grades.


Twenty years is a short time for estimating the harvest from such sowing as this. The beginning was small. The annals are meagre. Here have labored earnest and consecrated men and women from the best institutions of the North. The citizens of Austin have always been sympathetic and helpful. Several of the most prominent of them have served on the board of trustees. Many of them have contributed towards the equipment of the industrial departments of the school.

A small blacksmith shop on the place was a gift of the business men of Austin. The colored patrons of the school, in all sections of the state, have always been most cordial and enthusiastic in their commendation and confidence. It is little wonder that, with the passing of the years, the school has grown steadily in the estimation and affection of all classes. In the early days, the hall at commencement was occupied largely by white people. In these later years the audiences are composed largely of intelligent and appreciative colored people.

[Pg 58]

When one considers the scanty equipment of the school he can but be surprised that it has accomplished so much.


Endowment, aside from land and buildings, it has none. For income it has always depended upon grants by the American Missionary Association from its own funds and the Daniel Hand estate, the direct contributions of individuals, and payments by the students for board and tuition. The intention is to make the expenses for students as light as possible. After the first session the charges for tuition were fixed for the grammar department at $2.00 per month; for the normal department at $2.50 per month; for board and tuition together $12.00 per month. In 1887 the tuition for the grammar department was dropped to $1.00 per month. The other charges remained in force for ten years, when the tuition was made the same for all, $1.00 per month. To meet the necessities of the case we are forced to allow our students to work out at least half of these very moderate charges. Nearly all the manual labor about the institution is done by students. Thus, in a very practical way, they help themselves pecuniarily and acquire knowledge of housekeeping in its manifold lines.

To train the hand as well as the head the boys receive instruction [Pg 59]in carpentry and industrial draughting, and the girls have regular lessons in needlework, dress-making and kindred subjects.


Tillotson has always done good work. She has made a name for herself. Standing, as she does, for thoroughgoing, non-sectarian, Christian education, for true manhood and womanhood, with mutual co-operation and helpfulness, with so many from all parts of this great State of Texas looking to her for light and leadership, her opportunities for usefulness are out of all proportion to her means. To properly meet these demands she sorely needs many things. A full list of imperative needs would call for too much space. A few must suffice.

A reasonable sum of money for endowment of professorships.

A great addition to apparatus and appliances for experiment and instruction.

Refurnishing of present buildings from top to bottom.

Sanitary drainage and plumbing.

A neat and pleasant chapel. A library and reading-room, with funds to purchase new books.

An extension to complete girl's hall, on the present plan, affording needed rooms for girls and teachers.

Music rooms removed from study and recitation rooms.

A building, with power, for metal working, tinsmithing, etc.

A plant for typesetting and printing.

Additional teachers should be employed, and the courses of study extended, so that men fully equipped for the demands of the new century can be furnished here.

Tillotson thus sends forth her plea to Christian men and women all over our land to be used as the means of untold blessing to needy thousands. Her usefulness has been great. It can be indefinitely increased with comparatively small outlay. Here are grand opportunities for investment in "futures" that will yield large returns. Just after the death of the late Dr. Joseph Hardy Neesima, of Japan, who had been so generously aided by Hon. Alpheus Hardy, of Boston, who had also died not long before, a Christian friend wrote:—"I wonder[Pg 60] what Mr. Hardy thinks now of his investment in Joseph Hardy Neesima." They both can now realize so much more fully the meaning of the Master's words: "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto Me."


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More than ordinary interest attaches to this institution for the education of colored youth and the training of colored teachers, located as it is in the very cradle of secession, and near the spot from which was fired the first gun in the long war waged for their perpetual enslavement; and in a city situated in the heart of the cotton and rice-fields of the Southland.


Scarcely had the smoke of the long conflict cleared away or civil authority been fully restored in this long-besieged city, when General Saxton, then Assistant Commissioner of the Freedmen's Bureau, opened a school in the Memminger building on St. Philip Street, built for and since used for the education of white children. Here, on the first day of October, 1865, were gathered a thousand children eager for the education so long denied to their race. So great was the pressure to gain admission to this school that one hundred children were seated in the great dome that surmounts the edifice.

The studies during the first year embraced the entire range of [Pg 62]elementary branches, from the primer to the Latin grammar. About three-fourths of those who attended this first school were children of freedmen; the others, making up the advanced classes, were born free and constituted an aristocracy of color, a distinction which, after a lapse of more than a third of a century, still exists.

The closing examinations of this first year were attended by a large audience of both white and colored. There were present ladies and gentlemen, missionaries and teachers, civil and military dignitaries, and the leading representatives of both races. It was a novel and moving sight, one that the wildest imagination could not have foreseen or deemed possible five years before.


In its second year the school, then known as the Saxton School, held its sessions in the Military Hall on Wentworth Street, where with a slightly reduced enrollment, it remained until removed to its present quarters, May 1, 1865. The large and handsome building which it now occupies was erected by the American Missionary Association through the Freedmen's Bureau. Rev. Charles Avery, of Pittsburg, Pa., had given a large sum for the education of the colored people, and ten thousand dollars of his bequest were appropriated to the institution, and in honor of this noble philanthropist the name was changed to Avery Normal Institute. Here the enrollment was necessarily reduced and the normal character of its work made more prominent, a feature that had been contemplated from the beginning.

In any survey of the work of Avery, three principals should receive special recognition for their thorough, enduring and Christian labor in this needy field. They are the Rev. F. S. Cardozo, by whom the school was first organized in the Memminger building, Prof. M. A. Warren, who succeeded him and graduated the first class in 1872, and Prof. Amos W. Farnham, now of the Oswego Normal School. Each of these men was distinguished for unusual teaching[Pg 63] skill, for great administrative ability, and for complete consecration to the work to which he was specially called. These worthy educators are still remembered here with affection and gratitude, but the full fruition of their labors will be known only in the great day when the books shall be opened.

For over thirty years about four hundred colored students have annually gathered here for the training which was to fit them for life's work. For many years all grades, from the primary to the high school and normal course, were maintained, but in later years the primary and intermediate pupils have been excluded, their instruction being amply provided for in the public and numerous private schools of the city, thus leaving the Institute free to devote itself to higher grades and normal work, in which Avery has been from the first conspicuous and eminently successful. Its graduates now number nearly four hundred and are found in almost every department of human activity. Some are distinguished in professional life, others in trade, or in business. Among them are doctors, skilled and eminent in their chosen fields of labor, clergymen of acknowledged ability, and teachers of long and successful experience. About two-thirds of all its graduates choose teaching as their special vocation; and nearly all prove their skill and ability in the schoolroom, and have reflected great credit on their alma mater and have been a blessing to their race. There has been for the last ten years a steady and growing demand for colored teachers of ability and with special training for their work; and there is not a county in the state to which our graduates do not go as teachers, and in the lower counties and along this malarial coast nearly all the schools for colored children are taught by Avery graduates. In many places conditions are such that no one can undertake this work without jeopardizing health or risking life itself. But there are not wanting those whom zeal and devotion lead into these dangerous fields. Names might be given of those who have even given up life itself at work in these malarial districts, proving their zeal and the missionary spirit which actuated them.

Avery has cost large sums of money; to maintain such an institution by charity through a third of a century is no small undertaking, requiring faith and consecration. But it has repaid more than a hundred-fold all that has ever been expended. Here in this historic city, surrounded by lowlands of rice and cotton, the negro was found in overwhelming numbers, and after emancipation, in utter ignorance of book lore or a pure gospel. To this people the American Missionary Association, through the Avery Institute and its consecrated workers, has brought the light of knowledge and a pure gospel, and awakened [Pg 64]aspiration and hope of a better life. The beneficial effects of this work upon such a people, and indirectly upon the city and state, are incalculable. Intelligent Christianity and Christian education has ever been the motto of Avery, and faithfully has it been realized in the lives of its graduates, and exemplified by them in all the relations that affect good citizenship and true manhood. Race conflicts in this city have been unknown since the days of reconstruction, and it is not too much to claim that this better condition of things here is largely due to the influence exerted by Avery.


Although it is in the strictest sense a school, in which all studies in every department are prosecuted under a high pressure, which knows no relaxation, yet religious teaching has ever been a prominent feature, and the Bible is considered the best text book in the school. It has never been sectarian, but always Christian in its teaching and influence. No year passes without numerous conversions among its pupils, and every church in the city has been blessed in some measure by accessions to its membership from the students of Avery.

The blessings which this school has brought to this people, and[Pg 65] indirectly to a far wider constituency, are not wholly a free gift to them. A monthly tuition fee has always been required and collected from all in attendance, except in special cases, in which its collection would impose great hardship or compel the withdrawal of worthy pupils from the school. But in spite of this monthly charge and the sacrifices made to meet it and keep their children in school, these people, out of their meagre earnings, which in so many cases make accumulations impossible, have kept their children in school, and to the end of a twelve years' course, in numbers that would shame many a more prosperous community in more favored sections of our land, where schools and books are entirely free. In 1895 twenty-four successfully completed its course and graduated with honor; in 1896 twenty were added to the alumni roll; in 1897 twenty-eight; in 1898 thirty-one; in 1899 twenty-four; and at this writing twenty-four are taking final examinations for graduation in June. And from these large classes there is not one that is not an honor to the community, scarcely one that has not found a position as a teacher or in some useful calling or industry, while a few are taking higher courses in other institutions. Are not these facts sufficient answer to the charge so often made, that the colored people are losing their interest in education, or that higher education does not benefit them?

Our work has been mainly academic; that is the purpose for which Avery was called into existence, to educate and train colored teachers, and to fit them for honorable positions in trade or business.

The dignity of labor has always been faithfully inculcated, and opportunities for it have not been wanting. Nearly all the normal students and many in the lower classes go from school to some useful occupation, learning trades, or engaging in other remunerative employment. Large numbers not only maintain themselves but are necessary helpers to the bread-winners of their respective families.

But in keeping with the tendencies of the times and of the newer education, and with the traditions and practice of the American Missionary Association, an industrial department has been added to Avery, and it has aroused no little enthusiasm among students and patrons. Needlework for the girls has been introduced, and under an accomplished and efficient instructor it has been from the first a great success. The girls from the lower grades as well as from the normal classes are being systematically trained to do their own sewing, and will in time be taught to make their own garments. Our purpose is to add to this, cooking and other departments of domestic science, as the resources of the Association will permit. Steps have been taken to establish a printing department.

[Pg 66]

In 1892 Avery Normal Institute was incorporated under the laws of the state, though the control of the school has been kept in the same hands as before, a majority of the trustees being in the executive committee or the administrative force of the American Missionary Association. The purpose of the incorporation was to secure for its graduates the advantages which the laws of the state confer upon graduates of all incorporated institutions.


An article of this nature would be incomplete without some reference to charges so frequently made, and in high places too, that education, and especially the higher education, does the negro more harm than good, and that the educated classes furnish the larger part of the criminals. That there are educated criminals is not doubted, but they are not confined to one race, nor do they come from the students of the American Missionary Association schools. Of the nearly four hundred living graduates of Avery, not one is a criminal nor has one ever been accused of crime, and the writer has yet to learn of more than two who have proved unworthy of the training they have [Pg 67]received, or dishonored their alma mater by immoral lives. These fell under a stress of circumstances that would have ruined almost any young person. On the contrary, the graduates of this and other schools under the auspices of the Association are conspicuous for worthy and upright character, for thrift, for industry and good citizenship.

And this is true not only of those who complete our course and receive their diplomas, but of hundreds of others who do not go beyond the grammar grades. Such invariably make better citizens. It is a rare thing to learn that one of the students from any class of our school has become a criminal. The criminal classes are not recruited from the pupils in missionary schools.


We need large contributions of money or materials that will enable us to enlarge and develop our industrial department. A promising beginning has been made, but it is only a beginning, and we desire to extend it in many lines, giving the widest possible scope to individual talent or proclivities, without lowering in any degree the present standard of scholastic attainment.

We need contributions of money and books to enlarge our library and give to our students advantages which they cannot now find in the city. A good library is absolutely indispensable in all educational work. We have a few hundred well worn volumes, the merest apology for a library, but it is the only one in the city to which colored people have access.

We appeal to individuals, to Sunday-schools, to Christian Endeavor societies and to churches for the establishment of scholarships for worthy and capable pupils. We have many such, on whom the burdens press so heavily that continuance in school to the end of the course is an impossibility. We wish to help such after they have reached the normal department. A small sum expended in keeping these worthy students in the school may bring rich rewards when the harvests of life are all finally gathered.



Early in the school year the teachers of Trinity School, Athens, Alabama, made their annual visitation to the country people. They carried with them the good cheer of the holiday season in the distribution of odds and ends from barrels from Northern friends. Gifts were distributed to a hundred persons, old and young. One old lady, fearing that she had been overlooked, exclaimed: "Wat you gwine to[Pg 68] gib me?" and she was made happy by the gift of a bandanna handkerchief. Trinity School fills a large place in that community, as it is the only school for colored pupils in a radius of several miles of Athens.

A revival followed the week of prayer service at Talladega College. The school is full, and all are happy in the work.

Secretary Beard's trip through the Southern field was a delight to the workers and students. His sermons and addresses and wise counsel were helpful to all. Porto Rico was made very real by his graphic descriptions of the country and people.

Our church at Shelby Iron Works, Ala., is flourishing under the labors of Rev. E. E. Scott. Mr. Scott, with his rich tenor voice, leads the people in the singing of the old spirituals, and the choir in anthems and song.

Rev. T. J. Bell and his people are doing good service at Selma.

Miss M. L. Phillips and her associates are happy in their work at Marion, Ala. A deep religious interest was awakened both at Marion, Ala., and at our Lincoln School at Meridian, Miss. Rev. M. Jones, a graduate of Tougaloo University, is pastor at Meridian, and Rev. C. L. Harris, the former minister, is now at Mobile.

The Emerson Institute at Mobile is doing excellent work, under the direction of Dr. Burnell and his teachers.

The meeting of the Louisiana Association was held with the Central Church, New Orleans. The attendance was good, and the reports of the churches, addresses and papers were full of interest.

The Woman's Missionary Union, Christian Endeavor and Sunday-school Association also held interesting meetings.

The Straight University has a large attendance; the school is making good progress in its various departments of literary and industrial work.

After the meeting of the Louisiana Association, I visited the work at Thibodeaux, Schriever, Chacahoula, Abbeville, Lake Charles and New Iberia. At several places a deep religious interest was awakened, and a large number avowed their faith in the Saviour.

A new church has been organized at Lake Charles, La., with thirty members. It gives promise of growth and fruitful service. Rev. S. J. Wood, a graduate of Straight University, is pastor. The people bought a lot, and the Church-Building Society aided them in buying a meeting-house which has been removed to their lot.

Three miles from Fort Davis Station, on the Georgia and Alabama Railroad, and forty miles from Montgomery, is our Cotton Valley School, which is located in the heart of the Black Belt of Alabama. This country school is the one bright spot in the lives of the large[Pg 69] population of poor black people of Cotton Valley. It is in charge of four young women, graduates of Fisk University—Miss Carrie Alexander, Principal, and Misses Pearl Binford, Lelia Haynie and Lizzie B. Moore. Besides the school work, the teachers visit the people in their cabin homes, hold mothers' meetings, Sunday-school, Christian Endeavor and Junior Endeavor meetings, sewing classes, a literary society and singing-school. It is a veritable social settlement. The people look to these young women for advice, medicine and help in all kinds of ways. They have won the love and confidence of the people, and gladly help them in all ways. The school is under the management of the American Missionary Association, and is supported by the Woman's Missionary Union of Massachusetts. The school is located in a most needy field for mission work. A teachers' home is greatly needed. The teachers occupy the log cabin home built by the first missionary teacher, Mrs. Lillian V. Courtney, nee Davis. This cabin home has done good service; but a larger home is needed for the teachers, with facilities for industrial training for girls.



Little-Dog was very sick, they said. We thought of the beautiful two-year-old boy whom he had loved with all a father's tenderness, and of the day when he had come and told us of the child's death; and how his eyes were still inflamed with weeping; and how grateful he was for the little food, and for the words of comfort we had tried to give him.

His home was ten or fifteen miles up the winding river, with two fording-places between. We found at the first a broad, swift stream, swollen by a recent rain. We were glad we had made preparations before starting in, for the water flowed six inches deep over the buggy floor. At the village beyond, Cross-Bear advised us to return by another road, as the river was still rising. Long-Feather, with whose family we also stopped to shake hands, gave the same advice, saying that he would see us safely over the next crossing, but that he was just starting on a long drive in the opposite direction. Good-Boy, who lived near the fording-place, would help, he said. So, following directions, Good-Boy was found. His pony was quickly saddled, and galloping on ahead he piloted us not only to the river-crossing, but all the way to Little Dog's, some miles beyond.

Mrs. Little-Dog and ten-year-old Martin greeted us at the door, and inside the house we were cordially welcomed by the blind and[Pg 70] almost helpless sufferer. The wife said, "I wanted to go and get medicine for him, but there was no one to take care of him while I was gone." They were miles from the nearest neighbor. And the sick man added, "I didn't like to have our little boy go so far alone." When the physical pain and needs were relieved so far as possible, I asked if there was a Bible. In answer the sick man turned and reached under the pillow at the farther corner of the bed, from which he drew out a little bag, and from that he carefully—almost tenderly, it seemed—took his Dakota Bible and handed me. Such times of drawing near to God, in the homes of sick or sorrowing ones, mean quite as much of added strength and cheer to the white visitor as to those who are visited, and we always come away feeling so glad that we went. Tears were in the woman's eyes as the good-byes were said; and the little boy, with his pony saddled, watched us out of sight, to be sure that we were started on the right road home, as we had been directed.

On another day we heard that our good old friend Afraid-of-the-Clouds had been thrown from his wagon and badly hurt. We found the tall figure, which we had always been accustomed to see so erect and soldierly in bearing, stretched on the ground in his tent, silent and motionless. With evident pain and effort the dear old man tried to explain how it happened. He did not complain and spoke very gently, but the expression of suffering on the wrinkled face made me fear he would never get up again, and my own sorrow at the thought was hard to conceal. He was only (?) an "old Indian," one of those "old Indians" who are often so lightly spoken of as of no account; but whose dignity and strength of character, and gentle, gracious courtesy, command the respect of those who really know them. And he had been a loyal friend and faithful helper in the years that we had been neighbors. And though he still clung to his old faith, he seemed as grateful for the reading of God's Word and prayer as for the material help we tried to give.

Time passed, and by-and-by he was up and about again, and wanted to be given some work to do. One day he came into the house and seated himself in the deliberate way which told that he had something on his mind, which would demand my undivided attention, and said: "You are a white woman. I am a Dakota. But when I was sick your heart was sad. I hold it in my heart." That was all; that and the silent hand-grasp as he went out. But somehow I felt as if what the old man felt in his heart was very secure there.

One bright Sabbath morning, with our deacon, One-Thunder, we visited a neighboring church eight or ten miles up the river. The[Pg 71] regular native teacher was away, attending the great annual mission meeting; but two other young men had been appointed to take charge of the service together—Anselm Kill-the-Crow and Clinton High-Horse. The latter took for his text, "Ye are the salt of the earth." Retaining the figurative form of the verse, the young preacher made clear its spiritual teaching, and by his direct and forceful application revealed the thoughtfulness and earnestness of his own heart. The remarks of the other alluded to the name chosen for the little church. "The Church of the Messiah;" and he urged upon those present that it be not in name only, but in deed and in truth, His church. The after-service greetings to the visitors were cordial, as usual—even the babies being encouraged to hold out tiny brown hands, with their mothers' injunctions to "nape yuza" (shake hands).

Hole-in-his-Tooth, who is always eager to take orders during the plum season, consented to postpone business transactions until the next day. The Woman's Missionary Society had five dollars to hand over, to be forwarded to the "Wotanin Waste;" that is, far missionary work. Everybody seemed wide awake and happy; and as we drove away, the Y. M. C. A. were about to hold their services.

Next to their interest in church affairs, is that in the school; for since the Grand River (Government) Boarding School has demonstrated in their midst what faithful teachers can do for the children, the whole community are ready to show their appreciation, from good old Chief Grindstone to the wee little folk who carry flowers to their white friends in the school; and every little circle of influence widens.

The blizzard was fiercely raging outside, lashing the little house in its fury. I had given up trying to warm more than one room, and that was darkened by the snow piled against the windows, and the panes above were so thick with frost that nothing could be seen.

The storm was so severe—so bitterly cold, with blinding snow and wind—that I thought no one could possibly get out with safety to come that day; when, to my surprise, there was a knock at the door, and there was Maza—faithful Maza—smiling as usual, through the frost and snow.

Glad, as well as surprised, I was to see him. "They told me not to come," he said. "They said I would get lost or freeze to death; but," he added, "I told them I was coming." So the big drift was tunneled to the stable door, horses fed and watered, and all needed help given.

By these little homely incidents I have only tried to introduce a few of the many friends on the Reservation, of whom it is sometimes asked, "Can Indians ever be really civilized?" "Do you see any real results?" "Do you find them very treacherous?"

[Pg 72]

Department of Christian Endeavor.



Miss Ella M. Andrews, one of the teachers at Williamsburg Academy, which is one of the interesting schools among our American Highlanders, has been an efficient leader in the Christian Endeavor movement in that school and village. She writes under recent date of the Senior Endeavor Society, as follows:

"The Y. P. S. C. E. of Main Street Congregational Church of Williamsburg, Ky., was organized in 1887 with about a dozen charter members. From this beginning has grown our present flourishing society of about fifty members, many of whom are our students. The good it has done these young people cannot be estimated. Many of the students organize C. E. societies in their home towns and in the places where they teach. The Tri-State Union was organized in 1893. The organization was made for the purpose of promoting the C. E. work in the adjacent counties of Kentucky, Virginia and Tennessee. By bringing together the members of the societies in this section, much has been accomplished in the way of strengthening the weak societies and in the way of organizing and sustaining societies in places where none existed. All societies in the Union have been stimulated by its annual conventions."

[Pg 73]

The Junior Endeavorers in this field are under the especial care of Miss M. A. Packard, also a teacher in this academy. Under her wise supervision the Juniors have done much interesting and valuable work. She writes as follows:

"The Junior Endeavor Society, a company of 76 bright, happy boys and girls, representing two departments (the active members and the trial members), is under the direction of the superintendent and two assistants. The meetings are held every Sunday afternoon, led by one of the members. We use the 'Junior Endeavor Songs,' and the Juniors' voices are tuned to sing praise to Him who took little children in His arms and blessed them. It is an inspiration to attend the meetings, to hear the recital of the Pledge, the reading of the Scripture verses and the precious season of prayer, when, with bowed head, sentence prayers are offered, often two and three at a time. During the past year the growth of the society has been marked, in the Juniors learning to pray—God seems so near. Many precious petitions have been made for self and others.


"The Juniors are enthusiastic in bringing in their pennies, many earning them. They purchase all their literature. Last April they[Pg 74] were very happy to donate to the church the sum of $12.34, the result of an entertainment given by them ('The Junior Endeavor Garden').

"This year we have taken up the prison work; sending the pennies to purchase Testaments, and writing letters to the prisoners. Services are held at the jail, and at the homes of the aged and sick, the Juniors taking an active part.

"Thanksgiving Day, nineteen homes were gladdened by baskets of eatables, carried by the Juniors, and other gifts. At Christmas many hearts are made happy by their kind remembrances. During the last three years twelve have graduated. All are active members in senior societies. The trial department is under the direction of the assistants, who are graduates. The society is most promising. The Juniors are preparing not only to take places in the senior society, but in the church and as citizens."



Mrs. Mary Tuttle Chase, wife of Prof. T. N. Chase, of Atlanta University, Atlanta, Georgia, died in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Kirkland, Bellows Falls, Vermont, Friday, March 23d. Funeral services were held in the church in which she worshiped in her childhood in Acton, Mass. The president of the University, together with the pastors of this church conducted the service. Some graduates of Atlanta University sang some of the pathetic old negro hymns. Mrs. Chase came of heroic New England stock. She was graduated at Abbott Academy, Andover, Mass., and at once entered upon the work of teaching. She was married to Prof. Chase in 1862. Two years later they went to Washington, D. C. In 1869, with her husband, she went to Atlanta, Georgia, and entered upon the great work of her life in Atlanta University.

Mrs. Chase was a ready and able writer, and frequently contributed articles to the American Missionary magazine. Her heart was quick in its sympathies for those who were depressed and needy, and the heroic courage of her ancestors ran in her veins. She was always ready to defend the weak. She loved the work, and sought earnestly the interests of the people to whom she gave the larger service of her life. Her loss will be sorely felt in the ranks of faithful Christian workers, of whom she was one. A large circle of friends sympathize with Prof. Chase and the family in this hour of their bereavement.

[Pg 75]


Word has just come as we go to press that Miss Susie T. Cathcart passed away at King's Mountain, N. C., on Monday morning, April 9th. Miss Cathcart has been a teacher at Lincoln Academy, of which her sister is principal, for several years. At the beginning of this year her health was so delicate that she did not feel that she could accept reappointment. She still hoped to be strong again, however, and looked forward to future service among the people whom she so sincerely loved. Her work has been always distinguished by ability and great personal sacrifice, and almost an abandon of devotion to those to whom she ministered. Even in her sickness she did not for a moment forget them. Her sister, Miss Lillian Cathcart, Principal of Lincoln Academy, writes of her as follows: "In her sickness she has been very patient, never other than cheerful, and always trying to spare others any unnecessary work. She has been able to take an interest in what was going on almost all the time, and to send out messages and to pray for the scholars." And so another earnest and devoted life has gone out from earth, but its influence will continue and cannot be measured by the passing years.


The American Missionary received a subscription the other day which illustrates several things. The subscription read as follows: "Mr. Frederick Raeder, Jurjev—Dorpat—Livonia, Russia." This illustrates the wide circulation of a journal especially devoted to home missions. Not a numerous foreign subscription list does it enjoy, but at least one copy reaches this remote region. Another thing illustrated is the close connection between the home and foreign fields of missions. A few years ago the Indians and Alaskans were counted in the foreign missionary field. Now the American Missionary Association conducts work in these fields. Porto Rico has just come into the responsibility of our home work. And so in the progress of these great missionary movements the emphasis is increasingly upon missions, and not upon any artificial distinctions. It is the coming of the Kingdom of God which the providences make important.

If any reader of the American Missionary has a copy of the Annual Report of the American Missionary Association for 1849, he will confer a favor by dropping a note to the editor of this magazine. This volume is desired for one of our theological libraries.

[Pg 76]


For Colored People.

Income for January$10,013.75
Previously acknowledged14,431.66

Note.—Where no name follows that of the town, the contribution is from the church and society of that place. Where a name follows, it is that of the contributing church or individual. S. means Sunday-school; C. means Church; C. E., the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor; S. A. means Student Aid.


MAINE, $627.31.

Bangor, First, 50; Central, 32.20. Bath, Central, 22.38. Bucksport, S., for S. A., Williamsburg, Ky., 10. Bucksport, Elm St. C., 9.19. East Machias, First, 10. Cumberland Mills, Warren C., 114.32. Fryeburg, 3.41. Hallowell, H. K. Baker, 5. Hampden, S., for Santurce, Porto Rico, 12.22. Islesboro, "Friends," box Goods, Miss L. E. Pendleton, freight 40 cents, for Dorchester Acad., McIntosh, Ga. Lewiston, Miss S. L. Weymouth, 2; Pine St. C., bbl. Goods, freight prepaid, for B. N. Sch., Greenwood, S. C. Orland, H. T. and S. E. Buck, 20. Patten, 5. Portland, High St. C., 128.25; State St. C., 50. Portland, "Friends," for Fisk U., 51. Richmond, 1.05. Saco, First Parish, 11. Scarboro, J. F. Small, 20. Skowhegan, Ladies' M. Soc., bbl. Goods, 1.57 for freight, for B. N. Sch., Greenwood, S. C. South Berwick, S., for Mountain White Work in Tenn., 1.57. Warren, Second, 7. Woodfords, "Little Twigs," 5; Miss Clay's S. Class, 1.75. York, Second, 7.50.

Blue Hill, L. M. Soc., bbl. Goods; Brunswick, bbl. Goods; Machias, bbl. Goods; Skowhegan, bbl. Goods; Woodfords, bbl. Goods, for Andersonville, Ga.

Maine Woman's Aid To A. M. A., by Mrs. Helen W. Davis, Treas., $45.50.

Bath, Winter St., 40. Bridgton, 2.50. Limerick, 3.


Amherst, Geo. W. Bosworth, 10. Auburn, 5. Bath, 5. Chester, 12; Miss Emily J. Hazeltine, 50 cents. Claremont, Jr. C. E., bbl. Goods, for Knoxville, Tenn. Colebrook, Dea. E. C. Wilder, 50 cts. Concord, South, 276.53. Deerfield Center, 5.25. Dunbarton, 12.90. Durham, "Rainbow Mission Band," for S. A., King's Mountain, N. C., 17.20, East Barrington, Eva F. Chesley, for S. A., Macon, Ga., 4. Exeter, Phillips Christmas bbl., for Williamsburg, Ky. Hanover Center, C. E., for Blowing Rock, N. C., 7.80. Hill, C., for Indian M., 72 cts. Keene, First, 35. Lebanon, First, Mr. And Mrs. Geo. Amsden, 6. Londonderry, Charles S. Pillsbury, 1. Nashua, First, 12. Nashua, C., King's Daughters' Circle, for S. A., B. N. Sch., Greenwood. S. C., 11. Newfields, L. M. S. of C., three bbls. Goods, for Wilmington, N. C. Newport, Ladies' Aid Soc., 25. Sanbornton, 13.10. Somersworth, First, 7. Tilton, 35. Webster, Ladies, M. Soc. of C., for S. A., 5, also bbl. Goods, freight prepaid, for B. N. Sch., Greenwood, S. C. West Lebanon, C., two bbls. Goods, for Knoxville, Tenn. West Rindge, Deacon Herbert E. Wetherbee, 100. Wilmot, 1. Winchester, C. (of which 5 from Primary Dept. and 5 from Home Dept. of S.), 37.33.

New Hampshire Female Cent. Inst. and Home Missionary Union, by Miss Annie A. McFarland, Treas., $100.00:

New Hampshire F. C. I. and H. M. U., 100.

VERMONT, $3,690.49—of which from Estates, $2,650.00.

Barnet, 41.08. Bennington, Second, 27.96. Bennington County, "A Friend," 5. Brattleboro, Mrs. Mary L. Hadley, 25; "Friend," 250. Burlington, College St. C., 40.61. Charlotte, M. E. Wing, box Goods, for Williamsburg, Ky. Charlotte, Ladies' M. Soc., two bbls. Goods, 3.50 for freight, for B. N. Sch., Greenwood, S. C. Chester, S., bal. to const. Dea. A. D. L. Herrick, L.M., 16.35. East Hardwick, C. and S., 27.72 Hartford, "C., by J. G. S.," 25. Hartland, 3. Jamaica, 6.80. Jeffersonville, "A Friend," for Straight U., 50. Londonderry, 1. Middlebury, 17.72. Morgan, Miss Lucy Little, 50 cts. North Thetford, 16. Rutland, C., Sunshine Circle, 2.25; C., bbl. Goods, for Storrs Sch., Atlanta, Ga. Saint Johnsbury, North, 36; South, 20; S. of South C., 22. Saint Johnsbury, Miss Edna Herbert, for A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss., 1. West Brattleboro, 30. Westford, C. E., for S. A., Grand View, Tenn., 3. Wilder, Extra Cent-a-Day Band, by Mrs. Chas. D. Hazen, 13. Wilmington, 8.50.

By Prof. Fred. W. Foster, for Dorchester Acad., McIntosh, Ga.:

Barton Landing, W. H. M. S., bbl. Goods, 1.25 for freight; Berlin, L. B. Soc., bbl. Goods, 1.50 for freight; Cambridge, W. H. M. S., 2 for freight; Chelsea, S. P. B. Benev. Soc., bbl. Goods; Jr. Benev. Soc., for S. A., 5; Colchester, L. M. Soc., bbl. Goods, 2 for freight; Glover, "Friends," bbl. Goods and freight; Montpelier, Mrs. J. V. Babcock, bbl. Goods and freight; Newport, W. M. S. of C., bbl. Goods; Peacham, W. H. M. S. for S. A., 5; Waitsfield, H. C. M. S, bbl. Goods, 2 for freight; West Glover, W. H. M. S., bbl. Goods; West Brattleboro, Ladies of C., two bbls. Goods.

Woman's Home Missionary Union Of Vermont, by Mrs. Mary Mackinnon, Treas., $328.75.

Barre, Jr. C. E., for Schp's, 5. Barton, 5. Brownington, Jr. C. E., for Schp's, 4.50. Burlington, College St. C., 10. East Berkshire, Jr. C. E., for Sch'p, 3. Franklin, 5.10. Jericho Center, 6. Jonesville, Lend-a-Hand Circle, 5. Ludlow, 6. Peacham, 7.50. Peacham, Jr. C. E., for Schp's, 2. Peru, C. E., 5. Saint Johnsbury, East, Jr. C. E., 5. Saint Johnsbury,[Pg 77] North C., Mrs. C. Stanley's S. Class, 65 cents. Springfield, "Two Friends," 250. Vergennes, "M. J. Q.", 50 cts. Waterbury, 8.50.

Estates.—Springfield, Estate of Frederick Parks, 1,650. Burlington, Estate of Mrs. Mary T. Hill, by H. O. Wheeler, Exec'r, 1,000.

MASSACHUSETTS, $6,846.70—of which from Estates, $42.33

Amherst, First, 42.91. Andover, South, balance for a Teacher, Macon, Ga., 150. Andover, South. 131.21; Free, 20; Miss Amy Stork, 2.25, and box Goods. Andover, West C., 30.61; A Member of West C., 1. Arlington, 72.20. Ashburnham, First, 7.29. Athol, 49.70. Auburndale, 55. Ayer, Mr. and Mrs. William McLean, 2. Beverly, Washington St. C., 10. Billerica, C., 50 cts.; Mrs. P. S. Tyler, 1.50; Ladies' Circle of C., bbl. Goods, for A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss.

Boston, Shawmut, 100; Boston, Mrs. Charlotte Fiske, 50, and Miss Elizabeth Fiske, 50, for Marshallville, Ga.; "T. G.," 30; J. A. Brown, for S. A., Pleasant Hill, Tenn., 25; B. F. Dewing, 25; Union C., Woman's Aux., for S. A., Pleasant Hill, Tenn., 20; Berkeley Temple, 18.70; Mt. Vernon C., 15; Mrs. L. H. Kendall, for Marshallville, Ga., 6; Mrs. Layman, 5; Miss Lee, box Books for Meridian, Miss. Allston, S., 7. Campello, South, 75. Charlestown, Winthrop, 55.89. Dorchester, Second, 103.24. Dorchester, Mrs. Elbridge Torry, for S. A., Pleasant Hill, Tenn., 20. Dorchester, "A Friend," 3. Dorchester, Rev. H. Houston, 2 for freight; Harvard C., two bbls. Goods, for Dorchester Acad., McIntosh, Ga. Neponset, Trinity, C. E., 3.09. Roslindale, S., 10. Roxbury, Walnut Av. (of which Rev. Mr. Wellman 6, Miss Dawson 1), 107.39.

Bedford, Soc. of United Workers, bbl. Goods, for Straight U. Braintree, First, 3.47. Brimfield, bbl. Goods, for Meridian, Miss. Brockton, Porter Evan, 94.47; Mrs. Thos. C. Perkins, 1.50. Brookfield, Mrs. R. B. Montague, 5.50. Brookline, Leyden, 129.45; Harvard, 86.76; Harvard, S., 25. Cambridgeport, Pilgrim, 12.36. Charlton, 10.95. Chelsea, Central, 31.03; First, bal. 7.02. Chicopee, Third C., 22.70. Conway, Mary A. Hunt, for S. A., Fort Berthold, N. D., 2.65. Dalton, Mrs. Mary E. Crane, 100; Miss Mollie Crane, 100; Mrs. Z. M. Crane, 150; Miss Clara L. Crane, 100; Zenas Crane, 100; W. Murray Crane, 100. Dennis, Miss Emma G. Hall, for A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss., 3. Deerfield, C. E. of C., 1.75. East Douglas, 18.10. Fall River, Central (50 of which for Remington Station, Indian M., S. D.), 374.28. Fall River, First, 48.92. Fall River, C. E. in Central C., for S. A., Fisk U., 20. Fitchburg, Rollstone, 24.65. Framingham, Plymouth, 37. Framingham, "A Friend," for Indian M., Fort Yates, Neb., 10. Framingham, Schneider Band, bbl. Goods, for Pleasant Hill, Tenn. Franklin, 23.91. Freetown, 3.20. Foxboro, Mrs. Mary N. Phelps, to const. Mrs. Mary Gibbs L.M., 50. Foxboro, Mrs. S. Ellen Jewett's S. Class, for A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss., 5. Globe Village, Evan. Free, 20.41. Gloucester, Trinity C., bal., 93.91. Great Barrington, First, 12. Hadley, S., 15; First, 14.60. Haverhill, Class No. 1., West C., for Porto Rico, 25.46. Haverhill, West C., S., 14.59; C. E., 3.30. Haverhill, Chas. Coffin, for Porto Rico, 4.50. Heath, C., bbl. Goods, for L. N. Sch., Marion, Ala. Holyoke, "Friends," for Fisk U., 75. Housatonic, Prim. Class, S., for S. A., Dorchester Acad., McIntosh, Ga., 2. Huntington, 14. Hyannis, 11.55. Ipswich, South, 33. Lawrence, Lawrence St. C., 66.96; South, 27. Lawrence, Trinity C., Prim. Dept., for Wilmington, N. C., 8. Leicester, 34.79. Leicester, C. E. of C., for Porto Rico, 5. Lexington, Hancock, 132.23. Lowell, Kirk St. C., 100.75; Pawtucket C., 10. Ludlow, "A. C. C.," 10. Ludlow Center, First, 3.52. Lynn, Central, 20. Marion, S., 2.29. Medway Village, 13. Millbury, First, 29.60. Millis, 10. Mittineague, Southworth Paper Co., box Paper, for Meridian, Miss. Monson, 20.10. Natick, First, 50. New Bedford, "A Friend," for S. A., Allen Sch., Thomasville, Ga., 1. Newbury, "Friends," for Fisk U., 15.64. Newbury, First, for S. A., Fisk U., 9.14. Newbury, First, 3. Newburyport, Prospect St. C., 12.45. Newton, Eliot (12 of which for Indian M.), 250.95. Newton, First, 80.52. Newton, Eliot C., two bbls. Goods, freight prepaid, for B. N. Sch., Greenwood, S. C. Newton Center, Extra Cent-a-Day Band, 13. Newton Highlands, "A Friend," for Marshallville, Ga., 10. North Adams, 79.22. Northampton, Prim. S. in Edwards C., for Lamson Sch., Marshallville, Ga., 6.43. Northampton and South Hadley, S., Singing Books, for Meridian, Miss. North Andover Depot. Mabel S. Robinson's Class, for S. A., Fisk U., 1. North Brookfield, First, for Porto Rico, 15.50. North Dighton, King's Daughters of First C., for S. A., Big Creek Gap, Tenn., 10. North Falmouth, 10. North Reading, Union, 2.50. North Somerville, "A Friend," for Mountain White Work, 1. Norwood, First (of which 5.36 for Chinese Mission Bldg., San Francisco, Cal.), 70.09. Pittsfield, First Ch. of Christ, 116; South, S., 20. Pittsfield, S. of Pilgrim Memorial C., for Porto Rico, 3.50. Plymouth, Ch. of the Pilgrimage, 15. Reading, 30. Rockland, First, 25. Rowley, Miss M. D. Holzinger, for Tillotson C. (5 of which for S. A.), 10. Royalston, First, 2.25. Royalston, D. P. White, for Mountain Work, 5. Salem, Crombie St. C., S., for Wilmington, N. C., 8. Salem, "A Friend," for Mountain White Work, 5. Saxonville, Edwards, 11.25. Somerville, Highland, C. E., for S. A., Wilmington, N. C., 5. Somerville, "A Friend," for Marshallville, Ga., 5. Southbridge, 16.26. South Deerfield, Ladies' M. Soc., for S. A., 7, and bbl. Goods, freight prepaid, for B. N. Sch., Greenwood, S. C. South Hadley Falls, 50. South Hadley Falls, Ladies' M. Soc., for Straight U., 10. Southampton, "The Sunshine Band" and Friends, two bbls. Goods, for King's Mountain, N. C. South Weymouth, Union, 31. South Weymouth, Mrs. William Dyer, for Jos. K. Brick A. I. and N. Sch., Enfield, N. C., 25. South Weymouth, Old South, 15. South Weymouth, Mrs. Wm. Dyer, for Allen Sch., Thomasville, Ga., 15. South Weymouth, Union C., bbl. Goods, for Storrs Sch., Atlanta, Ga. Springfield, First Ch. of Christ, 125.84; South, 62.34; South, S., 25. Sutton, E. L. Snow, 30. Taunton, West, 14.33; "A Friend," 2. Three Rivers, Union Evan., 23.29. Townsend, 9.87. Upton, First, 4.89. Wakefield, 45.25. Waltham, Trin., 24.06. Ware, East, S., 33.34. Ware, First, S., for Porto Rico, 6. Ware. Miss Ruth Tucker, for S. A., Lexington, Ky., 5. Ware, S., for Meridian, Miss., 3.60. Wavorly, L. M. Soc., 5. Webster, First, 19.18. Webster, Anna L. Perry bbl. Goods, for Andersonville, Ga. Wendell, 1. Westbrook, "Friend," for Fisk U., 25. West Brookfield, C., 6; S., 7.44. West Newton, Second, Woman's Guild, by Mrs. W. A. Young (50 of which for Sch'p, Fisk U.) 74.34. Westport, 11.50. Weymouth and Braintree, C. E., 2.50; Mrs. Snyder's S. Class, 1, for S. A., for Indian M., Fort Berthold, N. D. Whately, 25. Whitinsville, Mrs. J. J. Abbott, box Goods and 5, for S. A., Pleasant Hill, Tenn. Williamsburg, First, 9.80. Williamstown, First, 76.56. Winchester, First, 86.34. Woburn, First, 123.42. Woburn, Mrs. S. D. Greenough, 5; Montvale C., 1. Worcester, Central, 236.63. Union C., 93.13; Union, C. E., 5; Piedmont, quarterly, 60. Worcester, Fred. M. Barnard, for Porto Rico,[Pg 78] 25 cts. Worcester, Immanuel C., Christmas Goods, for Straight U. Yarmouth, 20.

Woman's Home Missionary Association Of Massachusetts and R. I., Miss Lizzie D. White, Treas., $575.00.

W. H. M. A. of Mass. and R. I., for Salaries, 480; for Chinese, 20. Boston, Old South, for Sch'p, Pleasant Hill, Tenn., 75.

Estates.—Boston, Estate of Elizabeth C. Parkhurst, 15. Northampton, Estate of Numan Clark, by Miss C. M. Clark, 15. Worcester, Estate of Harriet Wheeler Damon, 12.33.

RHODE ISLAND, $337.28.

Little Compton, United, 22.56. Newport United, quarterly, 11.02. Newport, Capt. Asa Walker and Mrs. Belle G. Walker, for Tillotson C., 5. Pawtucket, 110; Central Falls, 36.14; Park Place, 26.51. Providence, Pilgrim, 116.35; North, C. E., 4.70. Providence, E. B. Hale, Paper, for Acad., McIntosh, Ga. Providence, Jr. Benev. Soc., Christmas Box, for Williamsburg, Ky. Westerly, L. M. Soc., for Tillotson C., 5.

CONNECTICUT, $8,074.95—of which from Estate, $1,500.00.

Bantam, Mrs. Ella Grannis, 6. Barkhamsted, 3.23. Bethel, First, 29.77. Bloomfield, 2.67. Bristol, First, 58.67. Bridgeport, Park St. C., 84.50. Bridgeport, C. E. of C., for S. A., B. N. Sch., Greenwood, S. C., 10. Bridgewater, L. M. S., box Goods, for Grand View, Tenn. Broad Brook, 9.41. Clinton, C., ad'l, 2.25. Colchester, Ladies' Ben. Soc., two boxes Goods, for Strieby, N. C. Cornwall, First (25 of which for Porto Rico), 75. Cornwall, Second, 44. Cornwall, First, S., 17.36 for Sch., Thomasville, Ga., and 17.36 for Sch., Fort Berthold, N. D. Cromwell, 80.77. Danbury, Great Plain District, L. M. S., pkg. Goods, for Grand View, Tenn. Danielson, Westfield C., 26.02. Darien, C. E., by Miss A. L. Waterbury, 10. Deep River, 12.62. East Hartford, Ladies' M. Soc., bbl. Goods, freight prepaid, for B. N. Sch., Greenwood, S. C. Enfield, First, 25. Farmington, "A Friend," 100. Fairfield, Mrs. M. W. Lyon, for S. A., Fisk U., 10. Fair Haven, Second, 14.75. Greenfield Hill, C. E., by A. Maria Wakeman, Chairman of M. C., 8.72. Greenwich, C. E., bbl. Goods, for Marion, Ala. Groton, S., 16.03. Hartford, Asylum Hill C., 264.77: First, 225.53. Hartford, Mrs. Lucy A. Seymour, for Wilmington, N. C., 8. Hartford, Farm. Ave. Cong., S., for Rosebud Indian M., by Edward B. Cook, Treas., 33.87. Hartford, Warburton Chapel, S., 21.72. Hartford, Center C., box Pictures, for Pleasant Hill, Tenn. Kensington, 33.05. Ledyard, Newell Soc. of C., bbl. Goods, for Cappahosic, Va. Meriden, First, 39.32; First, "Member," 5. Middletown, South, 10. Monroe, 7.75. Naugatuck, C., for Porto Rico, 25. New Britain, South, S., 30 for Tougaloo U. and 14 for Porto Rico. New Britain, L. M. S., two boxes and bbl. Goods, for King's Mountain, N. C. New Canaan, S., for Indian Sch., Santee, Neb., 50. New Haven, Rev. Charles Ray Palmer, D.D., In memory of Mrs. Mary Barnes Palmer, for Porto Rico, 1,000. New Haven, Davenport C., 28.90; Plymouth, S., 20; Plymouth, 5.88; Miss Mary J. Yale, 1. New Haven, Welcome Hall S. of Ch. of the Redeemer, for Porto Rico, 18.60. New Haven, United C., C. E., 15; Charles Wissert, Ten Bibles, for S. A., Macon, Ga. New London, First Ch. of Christ, 46.89. New Milford, Mrs. George Hine, 10. Newtown, 8. North Guilford, 8. North Stonington, S., 7. Norwalk, First, 68.46. Norwich, First, 52.43; Second, to cont. Dea. Joseph D. Haviland L.M., 48.23; Greenville C., 10; Greenville S., 7.70. Norwich, Miss Ida Sutherland, for Hillsboro, N. C., 1.14. Norwich, Park C., H. M. S., two pkgs. Christmas Goods, for Grand View, Tenn. Norwich, Park C., two pkgs. Books, etc., for Allen Sch., Thomasville, Ga. Norwich Town, Miss Grace McClellan, deceased, 7,500 (Reserve account, 4,500), 3,000. Old Lyme, First, 47.65. Plantsville, 16.05. Plymouth, Mrs. Julia Gordon, for Wilmington, N. C., 2. Pomfret Center, W. M. Soc., two bbls. Goods, for Little's Mills, N. C. Portland, C. E., for Williamsburg, Ky., 2. Preston City, 15. Salisbury, 5.93. Saybrook, S., for Porto Rico, 11. Saybrook, Mrs. Caroline I. McCall, two pkgs. Christmas Goods, for Grand View, Tenn. Shelton, S., 10. Stonington, L. S. of First C., for Wilmington, N. C., 9.50. Stonington, M. H. Giddings, 5. Stoughton, ——, box Goods, for Pleasant Hill, Tenn. Sound Beach, Plymouth, bbl. Goods, for Childersburg, Ala. South Britain, 13.52. Southington, First, 30.71. South Manchester, Center, S., 11.05. South Windsor, 21.23. Suffield, First, to const. Miss Lizzie M. Adams L.M., 30. Thomaston, First, 8.26. Wallingford, 96.70. Waterbury, First, 134.68; Mrs. W. H. Camp, 100. Waterbury, Mrs. G. C. Hill, for Wilmington, N. C., 8. Waterbury C., three bbls. Goods, for Pleasant Hill, Tenn. Washington, H. S. Nettleton, 4 for Sch'p, Talladega C., and 4 for Gregory Inst., Wilmington, N. C. Weathersfield, ——, box Goods, for Pleasant Hill, Tenn. West Hartford, First Ch. of Christ (5 of which for Indian M.), bal. to constitute Clara Frances Mallory and Clarence Colton Scarborough L.M's., 57.49. West Haven, First, 25.95. West Torrington, C. E., by Miss Grace V. Sanford, Treas., 14.15. West Torrington, L. H. M. S., for Wilmington, N. C., 8. Westport, Saugatuck C., 23.27. Wolcott, C., 4; C. E., 6. Woodbridge, S., for Porto Rico, 7. Woodbury, First, 10. Yantic, Ladies' M. Soc., bbl. Goods, for B. N. Sch., Greenwood, S. C.

Woman's Cong. Home Missionary Union of Connecticut, by Mrs. Geo. Follett, Secretary, $43.44.

Bridgeport, Park Street, 25. Danbury, 1.41. Thompson, 17.03.

Estate.—Torrington, Est. of Lauren Wetmore, 1,500.

NEW YORK, $798.43.

Antwerp, First, 5.50, Binghamton, First, Bible Sch., for S. A., Fisk U., 50. Binghamton, Mrs. LaFayette Safford, Organ, for Martin, Fla. Brooklyn, Willoughby Ave., S., branch of Clinton Ave. C., 75; "A Friend," 10; Bushwick Ave. C., 7.37; Mrs. Rufus Chase, 2; Immanuel C., W. M. Soc., 1. Brooklyn, Miss M. D. Halliday, two bbls. Goods, for Wilmington, N. C. Brooklyn, Puritan. M. Bd. and Jr. C. E., bbl. Goods, Jr. C. E., Christmas Pkg.; Immanuel C., bbl. Christmas Goods; New Eng., L. M. S., two bbls. Goods, for King's Mountain, N. C. Brooklyn, The Lend-a-Hand Club, by Miss Marion Libby, Church Organ, for Troy, N. C. Brooklyn, Jr. C. E., by Mrs. Ellen Lewis, pkg. Christmas Goods, for Hillsboro, N. C. Canandaigua, Ladies, bbl. C., for King's Mountain, N. C. Chateaugay, Joseph Shaw, 5. Chittenango, Mrs. Amelia L. Brown, 5. Clifton Springs, "Friends," by Mrs. C. C. Thayer, for S. A., King's Mountain, N. C., 6.18. Coventryville, Primary S. Class, for Fisk U., 2.50. Durham, Presb. C., box Goods, for Grand View, Tenn. East Bloomfield, Mrs. Eliza S. Goodwin, 5. Elbridge, First, 15.20. Elizabethtown, 14.36. Gloversville, Mrs. Mary G. Kingsley, for Tillotson C., 30 cts. Jamaica, Rev. E. A. Mirick, for Porto Rico, 3. Jefferson, Mrs. Clemon Nichols, 4.50. Lockport, First, S., for S. A., McIntosh, Ga., 10. Newark Valley, Mrs. M. Ella Davidge, for S. A., Fisk U., 50. New[Pg 79] York, "Friend," 50; Z. Stiles Ely, 50; Pilgrim, 30; Dr. H. C. Houghton, 25; C. Irving Fisher, M.D., 10; R. Turner, Jr., 5. New York, Broadway Tabernacle, S., for Chinese Mission Bldg., San Francisco, Cal., 25. New York, C. E. of Pilgrim C., for Porto Rico, 15. New York, J. Weidenfeld, for Organ, Meridian, Miss., 5. New York, Broadway Tabernacle Soc. Woman's Work, for Porto Rico, 3. New York, Mt. Hope C., two bbls. Magazines, etc., for King's Mountain, N. C. New York, by Miss Emily Huntington, Cooking Garden Text-Book and Lesson Leaves, for Porto Rico. New York, M. E. Brown, box Goods, for Andersonville, Ga. Northfield, Union C., 11.72. Olean, First, 2.52. Oxford, 20. Fairport, A. M. Loomis, 10. Sayville, 30. Sherburne, C. E., 20; "Friend." 20, for Fisk U. Sherburne, Mrs. J. C. Harrington, 5. Sing Sing, Mrs. C. S. Arnold, "In memory of her mother, Mrs. Harriet M. Cole," 15. Syracuse, Chas. F. Robinson, 1. Ticonderoga, Mrs. D. A. Higgins' S. Class, for S. A., 1, and two bbls. Goods, for King's Mountain, N. C. Triangle, C. E., by Miss F. R. Morse, Pres't, for Mountain White Work, 2. Walton, First, S., 12.28. Warsaw, L. M. S. of C., bbl. Goods, for Wilmington, N. C. Wellsville, C. E. of First, for Santurce Sch., Porto Rico, 4. Woodville, S., for S. A., Grand View, Tenn., 11.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of N. Y., by Mrs. J. J. Pearsall, Treas., $143.00.

Brooklyn, Lewis Av., C. E., 45, to constitute George Day L.M.; E. M. Circle, 24. Buffalo, Niagara Sq. C., 9. New York, Broadway Tabernacle, Soc. for Woman's Work, 60. Oxford, C. E., 5.

NEW JERSEY, $256.94.

East Orange, Mrs. J. A. Halskamper, 20. (10 of which for Indian M.). Chester, Jacob H. Cramer, 25. Newark, Girl's Union of First C., for S. A., McIntosh, Ga., 5. Newark, Belleville Av. C., 2 bbls. Goods, (val. 50), for Strieby, N. C. Montclair, First, 25. Montclair, C., Y. L. Soc., bbl. Goods, for Knoxville, Tenn. Mount Holly, Mrs. Walter Robbins, 5. Little Ferry, Evan., 1.60. Upper Montclair, Christian Union C., 170.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of the N. J. Ass'n., by Mrs. G. A. L. Merrifield, Treas., $5.34.

Philadelphia, Central, 5.34.


Kane, 6. Le Raysville, 4. Pittsburg, "Cash," 200. Philadelphia, W. Graham Tyler, 25. Philadelphia, Park, S., for Porto Rico, 38. Philadelphia, Central, Goodell Bible Class, for Porto Rico, 15. Pittsburg, Miss Sarah L. Oller, 25; Mrs. F. W. Dayton, for S. A., Mobile, Ala., 5. Scranton, Providence Welsh C., 4.

OHIO, $447.38.

Akron, West S., 14.62. Austinburg, C., bbl. Goods, for Pleasant Hill, Tenn. Bellevue, 23.81, Lyme C., 10.61. Brecksville, 11. Brighton, First, 2. Chardon, Ladies' M. Soc., for B. N. Sch., Greenwood, S. C., Bbl. Goods Cincinnati, Storrs C., S., for S. A., Orange Park, Fla., 1. Cleveland, Euclid Av. C., ad'l, 19.75; First, 15.75; Lake View 11.50; Olivet 2.10. Cleveland, Miss Carrie Rost, 6; Euclid Ave., bbl. Goods, for A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss. Cleveland, Euclid Ave. Christmas Box, for Pleasant Hill, Tenn. Cleveland, Pilgrim bbl, Goods, for Pleasant Hill, Tenn. Columbus, Plymouth Ladies' M. S., bbl. Goods, and 50 Hymn Books, for Grand View, Tenn. Creston, Jackson Presb. C., "Friends," 4.15, S. Class, 3.50, Miss May Crane, for freight, 2, Rev. A. W. Knowlton, 2; W. H. M. S., bbl. Goods, for Dorchester Acad., McIntosh, Ga. Dover, Mrs. A. Weston, Bible for Tougaloo U. Geneva, Mrs. Harriet A. Wood, 1. Geneva, King's Daughters, bbl. Goods, for Tougaloo U. Harbor, Second, 10. Huntsburg, Jr. C. E., for Orange Park, Fla., 2.50. Jefferson, C., M. Soc., 2 bbls. Goods, for Tougaloo U. Lenox, L. M. A. Soc., bbl. Goods. for Tougaloo U. Lorain, First, (2 of which for Porto Rico), 26.81. Madison, S. of Central C., 4.50. Mallet Creek, L. M. S., bbl. Apples, for King's Mt., N. C. Marblehead, 3.60. Marietta, Mrs. J. G. Barker, box Goods, for Mobile, Ala. Marysville, Ladies' M. Soc., bbl. Goods, for Andersonville, Ga. Monroeville, Miss Hattie Keeler, for L. N. Sch., Marion, Ala., 1. New Milford, Mrs. E. G. Prindle, 1.50. North Benton, Simon Hartzell, 30. Oberlin, First, 41.06; First Mrs. M. A. Keep, 25; Second, 20.26. Oberlin, L. M. S., bbl. Goods, for Wilmington, N. C. Ravenna, S., 10. Richfield, Christine, Betts, Jeanette and Scott Wheatley, for S. A. Pleasant Hill, Tenn. Rock Creek, S., for Porto Rico, 2.25. Saybrook, Mission Band of C., 3.35. South New Lyme, King's Daughters, bbl. Goods, for King's Mt., N. C. Steubenville, First, 9.45. Twinsburg, S., 10. Wellington, First, 36.50.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Ohio, by Mrs. G. B. Brown, Treas., $77.81.

Alexis, 1. Bellevue. 4. Cleveland, Euclid Ave., 20; First, 7.35. Hudson, 5. Ironton, 2.40. Lafayette, 1. Mansfield, Central N. Conf., C. E., 5.16. North Fairfield, W. M. S., 2.50. North Fairfield, C. E., 1. Oberlin, Second, C. E., 10. Steubenville, 2.40. Toledo, Second, Jr. C. E., 1. West Mill Grove, "Personal," 5. Willoughby, Miss Mary P. Hastings, 10.

INDIANA, $30.50.

Indianapolis, Mayflower C., 10. Terre Haute, First, 20; S. W. Noyes, 50 cts.

ILLINOIS, $715.28.

Alton, Rev. Chas. Phinney, 20; Mrs. E. L. Drury, 1. Amboy, Miss Sophia Bell, for A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss., 1. Aurora, New England C., Corban Assoc., for freight, Indian M., Fort Berthold, N. D., 3. Avon, C., for Porto Rico, 4. Canton, Miss. Soc., by Miss Anna Allen, box Goods, for Mobile, Ala.

Chicago, South; 69.15; New England, 28.27; Pilgrim, 15; Waveland Ave. C., 6. Chicago, Mrs. C. H. Case, for S. A., King's Mt., N. C., 10. Chicago, Union Park, "A Friend," for Porto Rico, 2. Chicago, Tabernacle, S., for S. A., Nat, Ala., 1.25. Chicago, "A Friend," Memory of Miss Farrand, for A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss., 1. Chicago, Mrs. R. I. Fish, for Indian M., Fort Berthold. N. D., 1.

Delavan, R. Hoghton, 10, Dover, S., 5. Elgin, First, 6.62. Evanston, First, ad'l, 1. Geneseo. C., 32.26; Mrs. P. Huntington, 10; Mrs. R. B. Paul, 5. Geneseo. W. M. S., for McIntosh, Ga., 10. Godfrey, S., 2.95 for Mountain White Work, and 2.60 for Porto Rico, Griggsville, Miss Abby V. Green, for A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss., 1. Harvey, Thomas McFarlane, 5 boxes Books, freight paid, Tougaloo U. Hinsdale, 18.81. Lagrange, Mrs. A. G. Morey, 20 cts. Moline, L. M. Soc., for S. A., Fisk U., 3.50. Moline, "A Vermont Sister," for A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss., 2. Naperville, C., ad'l, 1. Oak Park, First, 90.22. Ottawa, S., for Chinese Mission Building, San Francisco, Cal., 16.52. Peoria, Rev. A. A. Stevens, 3. Polo, Ind. Presb., W. M. S., 8.48. Princeton, "Some Friends," 4. Princeton, bbl. Goods, for Williamsburg, Ky. Roscoe, 6.85. Somonauk, C. E., [Pg 80]2.75. Stillman Valley, 16.19. Sycamore, Mrs. Helen A. Carnes, for S. A., Fisk U., 5. Watseka, L. C. Joiner, for A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss., 1. Wheaton College, Ch. of Christ, 33.85. Winnebago, L. Soc. of C., bbl. and box of Christmas Goods, for A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss. Winnetka, 2. Woodstock, S., 4; Mildred and Earl Young, 3; Presb. S., box Christmas Goods; Jr. C. E., of Cong. C., bbl. and box Goods, for L. N. Sch., Marion, Ala. Yorkville, C. E., 7.50; C., 5.10; S., 3.45.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Illinois, Miss Bessie E. Crosby, Treas., $227.76.

Albion, First, Jr. C. E., 3.50 Champaign, 6.50. Chicago, Union Park, 5. Chicago, Covenant, 5. Chicago, New England, 4.50. Decatur, 5. Dundee, 4. Galesburg, East Main, 2.50. Griggsville, 5. Hinsdale, S., 2. Jacksonville, 5. Jacksonville, C. E., 10. McLean, 5. Moline, First, for S. A., Fisk U., 21.50. Naperville, S., 10.86. Oak Park, First, 66.90. Odell, 15. Odell, C. E., 10.50. Rockford, First, 20; W. H. M. U., undesignated, 20.

MICHIGAN, $1,420.92—of which from Estate, $999.00.

Alamo, Julius Hackley, 39.90. Allegan, "A Friend," 100. Ann Arbor, from Mite Boxes, by Miss Gertrude T. Breed, for Porto Rico, 5. Ann Arbor, Mrs. M. V. Torrans, for A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss., 25 cts. Chelsea, First, 1.30. Detroit, Brewster C. (5 of which for Porto Rico), 20.73. Dexter, Dennis Warner, 20. Flint, Ladies' M. S., bbl. Goods, for Grand View, Tenn. Lake Linden, 17.11. Ludington, 25.80. Ludington, Ladies' M. Soc., bbl. Goods, freight prepaid, for B. N. Sch., Greenwood, S. C. Old Mission, 1. Romeo, L. M. S. of C., bbl. Goods; Mrs. Dr. Greenshields, bbl. Goods, for Wilmington, N. C. Saginaw, First, 20. Saint Joseph, S., 5.04. —— "Michigan," 40.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Mich., by Mrs. E. F. Grabill, Treas., $125.79.

Benton Harbor, 50 cts. Cheboygan, 5. Detroit, First, for S. A., 36.63. Detroit, First, S., for S. A., Santee, Neb., 4.86. Grand Rapids Park, Y. L. M. S., 25, for S. A., Santee, Neb.; "Willing Workers," 2.50; April Band, 1. Grass Lake, 4. Greenville, 2. Harrison, 50 cts. Hopkins Station, 75 cts. Jackson, First, 8. Jackson, Plymouth, 15 cts. Leslie, First, 15 cts.; Second, 15 cts. Michigan Center, 15 cts. Muskegon, First, 5. Napoleon, 15 cts. Olivet, 21. Pinckney, 15 cts. Saint Clair, S., 5. Salem, Second, 1, Sandstone, 15 cents. Victor, 2.

Estate.—Eaton Rapids, Estate of Allen C. Dutton, 1,000 (less 1 exchange), 999, by Fred. Z. Hamilton, Executor.

IOWA, $322.71.

Alden. Mrs. Ella V. Patterson and daughter, for A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss., 1.50. Cedar Rapids, Mrs. E. A. Berry, for Wilmington, N. C., 2.50. Cedar Rapids, C. E. of Bethany C., 2. Charles City, Mrs. C. D. Ellis, for A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss., 5. Emmetsburg, First, 11.85; C. E. of First, 2.46; H. M. Army, 2; L. M. S., 5. Eldora, 52. Eldora, Chas. McKeen Duren, for Grand View, Tenn., 20. Des Moines, Byron C. Ward, for Straight U., 24. Grinnell, S., 18.77. Grinnell, Mrs. M. N. Darnell, for A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss., 1. Grinnell, "Friends," 2 bbls. Goods, for King's Mt., N. C. Ionia, C. E., for S. A., Tougaloo U., 5. Lansing, Rev. Andrew Kern, 2. Mason City, C. E., for Pleasant Hill, Tenn., 10. Moville, C., 2; C. E., 3. Nashua, C. E., for S. A., Tougaloo U., 5. Nashua, C., 4.24. Osceola, Miss Jennie M. Baird, for Porto Rico, 5. Quasqueton, 6.50. Rockwell, 20. Salem, S., 5. Stacyville, 6. Waterloo, 45.27.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Iowa, Miss Belle L. Bentley, Treas., $55.62.

Alpha, 5. Cedar Falls, C. E., 5. Cedar Rapids, First, 5.20. Central City, 2. Chester Center, 1.54. Corning, 6.50. Des Moines, Plymouth, 4.63. Dubuque, First, 3.25. Eldora, 10. Fort Dodge, 10. Newtonville, Union S., 2.50.

MINNESOTA, $314.89.—of which from Estate, $100.00.

Austin, First, 25.04. Duluth, L. U. of Pilgrim C., by Mrs. R. A. Webster, for S. A., Indian M., Fort Berthold, N. D., 10. Elgin, Marjorie Sawyer, for A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss., 50 cts. Elk River, Union C., 5.14. Hawley, 5. Litchfield, bbl. Goods, for Meridian, Miss. Mantorville, First, for Porto Rico, 10. Minneapolis, Pilgrim, 17.28; Dr. E. J. Brown, 5; Vine, 4.35. Minneapolis, Rev. and Mrs. Henry Chase, of Plym. C., for enlargement of building, King's Mt., N. C., 60. Owatona, 5.91. Red Wing, D. C. Hill, 5. Rochester, 29.17. Silver Lake, C. E. of Bohemian Free Reformed C., 5. Saint Paul, Atlantic C., bbl. Goods, for A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss. Winona, First, 27.50.

Estate.—Saint Paul, Estate of Rev. Edmund Gale, by T. B. Clement, Executor, 100.

WISCONSIN, $380.05.

Brodhead, 13.25. Dartford, 4.75. Delavan, 8.59. Clinton, C., ad'l, 2. Hartford, Mrs. Freeman, for freight, Meridian, Miss., 3.50. Janesville, First, 25. Lake Geneva, First, 6.33. Menasha, 35. Menomonie, First, 9.55. Milton, C., for Straight U., 5. Prescott, 115, to const. Rev. Herman Oberhaus, R. B. Mac Lean and Matthew T. Dill L.M's. Sheboygan, S., for S. Work, Porto Rico, 53.50. Travor, Liberty C., 2.40. Union Grove, 13.19; Mrs. Clara Smith, 5. Wauwatosa, W. M. S. of C., 8. Waukesha, M. Band and S., bbl. Goods, for King's Mountain, N. C. Whitewater, 29.94.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Wisconsin, by Mrs. L. E. Smith, Treas., $40.05.

Arena, First, 1.95. Beloit, First C., W. M. S., 7.60. Elkhorn, for S. A., Fisk U., 25. Platteville, 50 cts. Wauwatosa, 5.

MISSOURI, $192.98.

Cole Camp, 5. Ironton, Fanny M. Markham, 1. Kansas City, First, 121.77; Beacon Hill C., 7.95. Kidder, box Books, for Meridian, Miss. Pleasant Hill, George M. Kellogg, for Porto Rico, 50. Webster Grove, First, 7.26.

KANSAS, $80.60.

Centralia, box Goods, for Meridian, Miss. Diamond Springs, Mrs. E. A. Hedgespeth, for A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss., 2. Eureka, Clark Nye, for A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss., 50 cents. Leavenworth, First (25 of which for Mountain White Work), 50. Louisville, 1. Manhattan, First, 6.25. Manhattan, Mrs. Mary Robinson, bbl. Goods, for Mobile, Ala. Newton, 4.05. Orchard, D. W. Feemster, 5. Pauline, S., for Meridian, Miss., 2.55. Wabaunsee, Mrs. S. St. John, for A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss., 2.25.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Kansas, by Mrs. M. B. Markham, Vice-Pres., $7.00.

Cora, 2. Twelve Mile, 5.

NEBRASKA, $139.43.

Arborville, 5.63. Ashland, 20.41. Franklin, Linton B. Wood, for A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss., 2. Fontanelle, Mrs. H. M. Bisbee, for[Pg 81] A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss., 1. Grafton, 3.60. Grand Island, First, 6. Lincoln, First, to const. Rev. W. H. Manss L.M., 52.17. Norfolk, Mrs. Ellis B. Kenyon, for Mountain White Work, 5. Oberon, C., to const. Rev. Eben E. Saunders L.M., 41. Petersburg, 2.62.


Jamestown, 6.30.


Erwin, 4. Yankton, S., for S. A., Santee Agency, Neb., 7.65.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of South Dakota, by Mrs. Adda M. Wilcox, Treas., $52.93.

Academy, C. E., 2. Badger Lake, 7. Canova, 2.50. Clark, 5. Columbia, 1.55. Huron, 5. Lead, 3. Lead, C. E., 1.50. Mitchell, 2.75. Moreau River, C., I. W. M. S., 5. Pierre, C. E., 1.13. Sioux Falls, 10. Spear Fish, 75 cts. Virgin Creek, C., I. W. M. S., 3. Wakonda, 1. Webster, 1.75.

COLORADO, $81.17.

Buena Vista, Geo. Wallace and family, for Dorchester Acad., McIntosh, Ga., 27. Buena Vista, 1. Colorado Springs, First, 39.87. Highlandlake, Mrs. M. L. Mead, 20 cts. Manitou, C. E., for Alaska M., 10. Manitou, C., 3.10.

CALIFORNIA, $428.55.

California, "A Friend," 12. Cloverdale, C., for Chinese M., 4. Poway, 8. San Francisco, receipts of the California Chinese Mission (see items below), 367.09. Santa Ana, First, 4.50. Santa Rosa, Kingdom Extension Soc. of First, for Chinese M., 2. Stockton, Rev. J. C. Holbrook, D.D., 17.50.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Southern California, by Mrs. Mary Montague Smith, Treas., $13.46.

Riverside, S. of First C., for Mountain White Work, 13.46.

OREGON, $27.00.

Portland, Hassalo St. C., 24. Willsburg, for Porto Rico, 3.


Coupersville, First, 5. Deer Park, 5. Everett, First, 90 cts.; S., 93 cts.; C. E., 1.50. Seattle, University C., 2.45.


Muscogee, Miss Edith Taylor, for S. A., Tillotson C., 5.


Washington, "A Friend," for Central Ch., New Orleans, La., 30. Washington, Jr. C. E. of University Park Temple, 4.

MARYLAND, $23.50.

Baltimore, First, 23.50.

VIRGINIA, $8.25.

Falls Church, First, 8.25.

KENTUCKY, $29.46.

Berea, "Church of Christ at Berea," 12.71. Berea, W. C. Ass'n, by Mrs. E. L. Hanson, Treas., for Porto Rico, 3.25. Campton, Rev. J. W. Doane, 3. Lexington, C. E., 1. Lexington, Proceeds Silver Medal Contest at Chandler Normal School, 9.50.

TENNESSEE, $35.50.

Bon Air, 1. Deer Lodge, Union S., 2; Rev. Geo. Lusty, 1. Grand View, Mary E. Taylor, for S. A., Grand View, Tenn., 1.50. Nashville, Prof. F. A. Chase, for Fisk U., 30.

GEORGIA, $1.00.

Cypress Slash, C. E., for Porto Rico, 1.

FLORIDA, $7.26.

Melbourne, First, 7.26.

ALABAMA, $17.00.

Childersburg, 4. Marion, "A Friend," for L. N. Sch., Marion, Ala., 10. Talladega, "Little Helpers of Talladega C.", for Porto Rico, 3.


Moorhead, Miss Eva Rogers, for A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss., 2.

LOUISIANA, $69.95.

Jennings, C. E., by Mrs. W. F. Humphreys, Sec., for Porto Rico, 50. New Iberia, Saint Paul C., 5. New Orleans, Mary L. Rogers, for Straight U., 4.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of La., by Miss Mary L. Rogers, Treas., $10.95.

Abbeville, 2. Belle Place, 4.24. New Iberia, 2.50. New Iberia, Jr. C. E., 75 cts. Roseland, 1.46.

TEXAS, $10.00.

Palestine, First, 5. San Antonio, M. Parker, for Tougaloo U., 5.

ENGLAND, $30.00.

London, Mrs. R. C. Morgan, for S. A., King's Mountain, N. C., 30.

BULGARIA, $10.00.

Bulgaria, "W. W.," 10.

CHINA, $2.00.

Tung-cho, Rev. G. D. Wilder, 2.


Iloilo, Mrs. W. F. Haskell, for Williamsburg, Ky., 20.

INCOME, $562.50.

Atterbury Endowment Fund, 106.87. De Forest Fund, for President's Chair, Talladega C., 202.50. Gen'l C. B. Fisk Sch'p Fund, for Fisk U., 11.25. Graves Library Fund, for Atlanta U., 112.50. Haley Sch'p Fund, for Fisk U., 22.50. Hammond Fund, for Straight U., 22.50. Howard Theo. Fund, for Howard U., 56.25. LeMoyne Fund, for Memphis, Tenn., 22.50. Rice Memorial Sch'p Fund, for Talladega C., 5.63.

TUITION, $4,303.27.

Cappahosic, Va., 39.35. Lexington, Ky., 104.65. Williamsburg, Ky., Public Fund, 73.05. Williamsburg, Ky., 48.40. Beaufort, N. C., 37.99. Blowing Rock, N. C., 27.25. Chapel Hill, N. C., 8.40. Enfield, N. C., 15.11. King's Mountain, N. C., 37. Hillsboro, N. C., 24.30. Saluda, N. C., 24.50. Saluda, N. C., Public Fund, 30. Troy, N. C., 1.20. Whittier, N. C., 10.95. Wilmington, N. C., 153.90. Charleston, S. C., 244.05. Greenwood, S. C., 108.90. Grand View, Tenn., 11.99.[Pg 82] Grand View, Tenn., Public Fund, 40. Knoxville, Tenn., 52.35. Memphis, Tenn., 518.30. Nashville, Tenn., 572.21. Pleasant Hill, Tenn., 74.85. Albany, Ga., 54.85. Andersonville, Ga., 11.20. Atlanta, Ga., Storrs Sch., 233.20. Macon, Ga., 236.62. McIntosh, Ga., 143.19. Marietta, Ga., 8. Savannah, Ga., 162.26. Thomasville, Ga., 81.40. Florence, Ala., 37.35. Marion, Ala., 79.14. Mobile, Ala., 139.25. Nat, Ala,, 26.40. Meridian, Miss., 99.96. Moorhead, Miss., 38. Tougaloo, Miss., 132.05. New Orleans, La., 429.60. Austin, Tex., 59.25. Martin, Fla., 4. Orange Park, Fla., 50.25. San Juan, P. R., 18.60.

Total for January$31,538.74

Subscriptions for January$82.58
Previously acknowledged55.01

Receipts of the California Chinese Mission
, from Nov. 16th to Dec. 21st, 1899, $121.66, William Johnstone, Treasurer.

From Local Missions, $121.66:

Fresno, Chinese M. O., 1. Harford, Chinese M. O., 14. Los Angeles, Chinese M. O., 14.40. Marysville, Chinese M. O., 7.50. Oakland, Chinese M. O., 6.45. Oroville. Chinese M. O., 1.75. Pasadena, Chinese M. O., 2.20. Petaluma, Chinese M. O., 3. Riverside, Chinese M. O., 5.16. Sacramento, Chinese M. O., 5. San Bernardino, Chinese M. O., 5.90. San Diego, Chinese M. O., 2.25. San Francisco, Central, Chinese M. O., 9.65. San Francisco, West, Chinese M. O., 3.40. Santa Barbara, Chinese M. O., 4.80. Santa Cruz, Chinese M. O., 7. Santa Cruz, Japanese M. O., 7. Ventura, Chinese M. O., 1.75; Ann'y Pledges, 15. Vernondale, Chinese M. O., 3.45; Ann'y Pledges, 1.

Receipts of the California Chinese Mission, from Dec. 21st, 1899, to Jan. 16th, 1900, $245.43, William Johnstone, Treasurer.

From Local Missions, $120.73.

Fresno, Chinese M. O., 65 cts. Los Angeles, Chinese M. O., 3.75. Marysville, Chinese M. O., 7.50. Oroville, Chinese M. O., 2.25; Special Off., Repairs, etc., 36.30. Pasadena, Chinese M. O., 3.10; Eastern Friends, 2. Petaluma, Chinese M. O., 2.50. Riverside, Chinese M. O., 5.75; Special Off., 3.40. Riverside, Ann'y Pldgs, 13.27. Sacramento, Chinese M. O., 5. San Bernardino, Chinese M. O., 4.10. San Diego, Chinese M. O., 4.75. San Francisco, Central, Chinese M. O., 8.55. Santa Barbara, Chinese M. O., 5.35. Santa Cruz, Chinese M. O., 6.76. Santa Cruz, Japanese M. O., 4. Ventura, Chinese M. O., 1.75.

Churches, Etc., $45.00:

San Jose, First, Kingdom Extension Soc., 45.

Individual Gifts, $59.00: Oakland, Mrs. R. E. Agard, 32. San Francisco, Dea. S. Woo, 27.

Received for Chinese Mothers and Children, $20.70:

Watsonville, Cal., Mrs. Martha Ellis, 5. Oakland, Cal., Mrs. Mary R. Smith, 12. Oakland, Cal., First, S. Class Thirty-five, 3.70.


For Colored People.

Income for February$4,795.54
Previously acknowledged24,445.41


MAINE, $134.68.

Biddeford, Second, C., bbl. Goods, for Andersonville, Ga. Brownville, Mrs. Jessie Mason, bbl. Goods, for Saluda, N. C. Falmouth, Ladies of Second C., bbl. Goods, for Grand View, Tenn. Farmington, Mrs. Chas. Ballard, for Moorhead, Miss., 1. Farmington, Miss C. N. Bixby, 2. Hampden, 5.50. Harrison, 2. Houlton, First, S., Lincoln Mem,, 3. Islesboro, Miss Lucy E. Pendleton, for S. A., Dorchester Acad., Ga., 5. Machias, "A Friend," 5. Madison, Woman's Soc., 2. North Bridgeton, 6. North Bridgeton, S., Lincoln Mem., 2.43. North Bridgeton, Ladies' Circle, bbl. Goods, for Andersonville, Ga. Portland, State St., C., for S. A., Fisk U., 30. Princeton, S., Lincoln Mem., 2.25. Readfield Depot, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mayhew, 2. South Freeport, Miss Fannie E. Soule, for Moorhead, Miss., 30. Windham, 11.50. Woodfords, C. E., for S. A., Talladega C., 25.


Alstead, S., Lincoln Mem., 1.80. Alstead Center, Ladies' Soc. of C., bbl. Goods, for Knoxville, Tenn. Amherst, S., 5. Boscawen,[Pg 83] Cent-a-day Fund, by Dea. E. Raymond. 5.65. Boscawen, S., Lincoln Mem., 1.85. Campton, 7. Concord, C., box Goods, for Marion, Ala. Conway, Second, "A Friend," 6.50. Conway, Second, Mite Boxes, for Porto Rico, 2.25. Croydon, Mrs. Helen L. Burton and Friends, Goods, for McIntosh, Ga. Exeter, Phillips, S., Lincoln Mem., 6. Francestown, C., (12.50 of which for Porto Rico), 25. Greenville, Isaiah Wheeler, 100. Hancock, S., Lincoln Mem., 8.08. Harrisville, S., Lincoln Mem., 2.72. Hudson, Miss E. A. Warner, for S. A., Gregory Inst., Wilmington, N. C., 32. Jaffrey, Miss'y Soc., bbl. Goods, for Saluda, N. C. Keene, Mrs. J. P. Whitcomb's S. Class, for McIntosh, Ga., 15. Keene, Second, S., 8. Keene, 2 bbls. Goods for Marion, Ala. Kensington, S., Lincoln Mem., 4. Kingston, 13.40. Laconia, Ladies' S., bbl. Goods, for Saluda, N. C. Lisbon, C., for Porto Rico, 10. Littleton, First, C. E., for Mountain White Work, 5. Littleton, "Mountain Gleaners," for Blowing Rock, N. C., 5. Lyme, S., 6.30. Manchester, First, 77.83; Franklin St., C., 67.20. Newmarket, S., Lincoln Mem., 3.50. North Hampton, Mrs. Abbie Gove, to const. Mrs. Catherine E. Dalton, L.M., 30. North Hampton, 19.30. Somersworth, W. H. M. S., for freight to Pleasant Hill, Tenn., 2.77. Somersworth, Mrs. M. M. Walker, 2. Stratham, 10. Rindge, S., Lincoln Mem., 6. Rochester, First, S., 25. for Alaska M., and 25. for Mountain White Work, in part Lincoln Mem. Tamworth, 10. Washington, S., Lincoln Mem., 1.30.

New Hampshire Female Cent. Inst. and Home Missionary Union, by Miss Annie A. McFarland, Treas., $100.00.

N. H. F. C. I. and H. M. U., 100.

VERMONT, $250.32.

Barton, Mrs. O. D. Owen, 20 cts. Barton, C., bbl. Goods, for Saluda, N. C. Bennington, First, 29.28. Brattleboro, Central C., 33.54. Brattleboro Center, S., Lincoln Mem., 8.03. Brattleboro, Mrs. E. B. Rice, bbl. Goods, for Fisk U. Brownington, Ladies of C., bbl. Goods, for Saluda, N. C. Brookfield, Ladies' Soc., 2 bbls. Goods, freight, 3, for Saluda, N. C. Burlington, Three S. Classes, for S. A., Brewer, N. Sch., Greenwood, S. C., 22.25. Cambridge, W. H. M. S., box Goods, for McIntosh, Ga. Chelsea, Mrs. P. D. Comstock, for freight to McIntosh, Ga., 2. Essex, S., Lincoln Mem., 6. Essex Junction, First, 6.01. Hartland, C., Lincoln Mem., 1.40. Newbury, First, 26. Newfane, S., Lincoln Mem., 4.30. New Haven, Ladies' Soc., bbl. Goods, for Saluda, N. C. Newport, W. M. S., for freight to McIntosh, Ga., 1.52. Norwich, Sew. Circle of C., box Goods, freight paid, for McIntosh, Ga. Pittsford, S., for Saluda, N. C., 2.25. Quechee, S., Lincoln Mem., 5.65. Randolph, "A Friend," 10. Saint Johnsbury Center, S., Lincoln Mem., 2. South Hero and Grand Isle, 5. Stockbridge, Rev. T. S. Hubbard, 5.39. Strafford, C., 10; C. E., for Mountain White Work, 5. Swanton, Ladies' Soc., bbl. Goods, for Saluda, N. C. Waterbury, Primary Dept. S. for S. A., Santee Training Sch., Neb., 1.50. West Barnet, "A Friend," 2. West Brattleboro First for S. A., Fisk U., 10. West Brattleboro, L. M. Soc., for freight to Greenwood, S. C., 1.25. Westminster West, Mrs. H. P. Ranney, bbl. Goods, for McIntosh, Ga. Wilmington, Ladies of C., bbl. and box Goods, for Saluda, N. C. Woodstock, C., Lincoln Mem., 17.82.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Vermont, by Mrs. Mary Mackinnon, Treas., $28.93.

Barre, Primary S., for Schps., 10. Brattleboro, West, Jr. C. E., for Indian Schp. 2. Brattleboro, C. E., for Indian Schp., 5. Saint Albans, S., for Schps., 4.58. Saint Johnsbury, North C., S., for Indian Schp., 7.35.

MASSACHUSETTS, $2.506.78—of which from ESTATE, $7.84.

Adams, First, 44.08. Agawam, C., 10; S., Lincoln Mem., 5. Amesbury, Union C., C. E., for S. A., Blowing Rock, N. C., 4.08. Amherst, South, 10.82. Andover, C. E., of South C., for Macon, Ga., 20. Arlington S., Lincoln Mem., 6.96. Ashburnham, Marshall Wetherbee, 5. Barre, C., for Porto Rico, 21.45. Barre, S., 1.92. Belmont, Plymouth, 5.66. Beverly, Mrs. R. R. Endicott, 2 bbls. Goods, for Saluda, N. C. Blackstone, C., 10; S., 3; C. E., 3.50; Jr. C. E., 2.

Boston, Union C., C. E., 25. Boston, Mrs. C. E. Clapp, for freight to Big Creek Gap, Tenn., 9.27; Union C., Nellie McQueston, 2; Y. W. C. A., bbl. Goods, for Marshallville, Ga.; Miss K. Adams, bbl. and box Goods, for Marion, Ala. South Boston, Phillips C., 2 bbls. Goods, for Marshallville, Ga. Dorchester, Second, Mrs. E. Torrey, 50; Second, S., 15. Roxbury, Wm. P. N. Livermore, for Pleasant Hill, Tenn., 50; Miss Edith C. Norcross, bbl. Goods, for Saluda, N. C.

Boxboro, 5.50. Boylston Center, Mrs. Geo. Shattuck, bbl. Goods, for Andersonville, Ga., Braintree, C., "A Member," 7. Brockton, C. E., for Williamsburg, Ky., 1. Chicopee, First, 7. Cohasset Second, 13.14. Colraine, 4. Dalton, P. E. Little, for Marion, Ala., 2. Easthampton, First, S., for Porto Rico, 10. Easthampton, H. M. Band, bbl. Goods, for Wilmington, N. C. East Longmeadow, First, 6.55. Enfield, S., for Porto Rico, Lincoln Mem., 10.80. Erving, 10. Fall River, First, for Porto Rico, 17. Florence, Miss Clarke, for Tougaloo U., 10. Framingham, Ladies' Plymouth C., 2 bbls. Goods, for Wilmington, N. C. Gardner, First, C. E., 10. Georgetown, First, S., 5. Gilbertville, S., for S. A., Fisk U., 50. Globe Village, Evan. Free, 10. Grafton, S., (1.60 of which Lincoln Mem.), 10.60. Great Barrington, C. E., for S. A. Dorchester Acad., Ga., 5. Great Barrington, First, S., Lincoln Mem., 3.82. Greenwich, L. H. M. S., bbl. Goods, for Moorhead, Miss. Hanover, Second, 4. Haverhill, W. M. S., Center C., for S. A., Fisk U., 50. Haverhill, West, C., 8. Haverhill, Union, C., S., Lincoln Mem., 2.27. Holbrook, Frank G. Morse, 5. Holyoke, "A Friend," for Fisk U., 5. Ipswich, First, C. E., 2. Lancaster, 8.35. Lancaster, S., 5. Lawrence, Lawrence St. C., L. B. Soc., bbl. Goods, for Fisk U. Leominster, 18.68. Lowell, First Trin. C., 45.04; Pawtucket, C., 17.04; S., 12.18; John St. C., 28.77. Lowell, "A Friend," for Moorhead, Miss., 1.50. Malden, Chas. Heath. Lot of Goods left at Straight U. some years ago, (valued by donor, 1,600.) Marlboro, Union C., 17.29. Melrose, 112. Methuen, First Parish S., for S. A., Fisk U., 25. Middleboro, Central, C. E., for Alaska M., 10. New Boston, C. and S., Lincoln Mem., 1.50. Newbury, First, 13.10. Newburyport, Miss Martha W. Tilton, 5. Newton Center, First, Extra Cent-a-day Band, 15. Newton Center, Mrs. O. S. Kimball, for Hillsboro, N. C., 1. Northampton, "W," 300. Northampton, Ladies' Soc. of Edwards C., for Gregory Inst., Wilmington, N. C., 50. Northampton, Miss J. B. Kingsley, for Marshallville, Ga., 25. Northampton, Edwards C., C. E., for Indian M., 5. Northampton, Mrs. C. M. Morgan, box Christmas Gifts, for Wilmington, N. C. Northboro, S., for Porto Rico, 6.12. Northbridge, Rockdale C., 10.71. North Leominster, C., 11.66; C. E., 2. North Wilbraham, Reuben Sikes, 2. Oakham, Mrs. S. F. Fairbanks, for Pleasant Hill, Tenn., 5. Oxford, C., to const. Mrs. F. G. Daniels, L.M., 40. Pepperell, S., Lincoln[Pg 84] Mem., 7. Pepperell, Mrs. J. E. B. Jewett, bbl. Goods, for Greenwood, S. C. Pittsfield, First, S., Class Five, 8.73. Rockland, Mrs. Betsy A. Hicks, 4. Salem, Tabernacle, S., to const. Wm. A. Kirkpatrick, L.M., 30. Salem, South, S., Lincoln Mem., 5. Salem, Jr. Soc., for S. A., Meridian, Miss., 3.50. Salem, Miss Adelaide S. Warner, for Pleasant Hill, Tenn., 2. Shelburne Falls, C., 26.60; C. E., 3.40. Shrewsbury, S., Lincoln Mem., 5. Shrewsbury, L. H. M. S., bbl. Goods, freight 2.57, for McIntosh, Ga. Somerville, Prospect Hill C., Intermediate S., box Goods, for Saluda, N. C. Southampton, Sunshine Mission Band, for King's Mountain, N. C., 10. South Byfield, 5. South Framingham, Grace, 66.12. South Medford, Union, 20.67. South Natic, John Eliot, C., C. E., for Porto Rico, 2. South Weymouth, Union C., C. E., for Storrs Sch., Atlanta, Ga., 4.70. Spencer, First, 140. Springfield, North S., Lincoln Mem., 13.20. Springfield, Ladies' Soc. First C., bbl. Goods; King's Daughters, Park C., bbl. Goods, for Wilmington, N. C. Taunton, Linda Richards, for Moorhead, Miss., 6. Upton, First, S., Lincoln Mem., 8.20. Wakefield, Ladies of C., 2 bbls. Goods, for Saluda, N. C. Walpole, Second, 17.36. Waltham, Mrs. E. R. Cutler, bbl. Goods, for Saluda, N. C. Ward Hill, S., Lincoln Mem., 2.55. Warren, C., (2 of which Mountain White Work), 61.05. Warren, S., for S. A., Dorchester Acad., Ga., 30. West Boylston, First, 3.50. West Medford, C. E., for Lincoln Sch., Marion, Ala., 8. West Medway, Second, S., Lincoln Mem., 5.02. West Springfield, First, 7.50. Winchester, First, 34.21. Winchester, C., Ladies, bbl. Goods, for Moorhead, Miss. Wood's Holl, S., Lincoln Mem., 1.25. Worcester, Piedmont, 51.45; "A Friend," 10. Worcester, C. E., Park C., bbl. Goods, for Wilmington, N. C.

Woman's Home Missionary Association of Mass. and R. I., Miss Lizzie D. White, Treas., $520.00.

W. H. M. A. of Mass. and R. I., 480, for Salaries, 20 for Chinese M. Brighton, C., Bible Sch., for Oahe Indian Sch., S. D., 15. Roxbury, Walnut Ave. Primary S., Lincoln Mem., 5.

Estate.—Worcester, Estate of Harriet Wheeler Damon. 7.84.

CONNECTICUT, $2,902.43—of which from Estates, $1,581.19.

Ansonia, German C., "Friends of Missions," 1.25. Bridgeport, Olivet, C. and S., Lincoln Mem., 29. Bristol, "A Friend," for Tougaloo U., 70. Brookfield Center, S., Lincoln Mem., 5.20. Buckingham, S., Lincoln Mem., 16. Canaan, Pilgrim C., S., for McIntosh, Ga., 12.60. Canterbury, 10.75. Chaplin, Ladies' Society Cong. C., half-bbl. Goods, for Wilmington, N. C. Chester, 23. Cornwall, S., for Marion, Ala., 11. Darien, S., box Literature, for Saluda, N. C. East Canaan, Pupils of Miss Mary E. Stevens, bbl. Goods, freight paid, for McIntosh, Ga. East Woodstock, Ladies' Soc., two bbls. Goods, for Saluda, N. C. Fairfield, S., for Porto Rico, 20. Hampton, L. M. Soc., for freight to Greenwood, S. C., 1.31. Hartford, Mrs. Mary A. Williams, 20; Fourth, 6.80. Hartford, Talcott St. S., Lincoln Mem., 5. Hartford, Asylum Hill C., "A Friend," for Tougaloo U., 5. Hartford, Miss E. G. Olmsted, for Porto Rico, 2. Hartford, Ladies' Soc. Fourth C., bbl. Goods, for Wilmington, N. C. Greenfield Hill, Jr. C. E., for Indian M., Elbowoods, N. D., 5. Kensington, H. Boordman, C. E. S., for Tougaloo U., 35. Killingworth, S., Lincoln Mem., 3. Lakeville, Mrs. G. B. Burrall's S. Class, for Thomasville, Ga., 1.50. Lebanon, Miss H. E. Leach, for S. A., A. N. Sch., Thomasville, Ga., 1. Madison, Fellow Workers, bbl. Goods, for Thomasville, Ga. Mansfield, First, Lincoln Mem., 2.75. Meriden, First C., for Tougaloo U., 25. Meriden, "N. F.," First, 10. Middlefield, S., Lincoln Mem., 33.09. Morris, S., Lincoln Mem., 3. Mystic, Primary S., by Miss E. J. Wilcox, box Goods, for Saluda, N. C. Naugatuck, C., to const. Mrs. William T. Rodenback, Mrs. Howard B. Tuttle, Mrs. F. W. Hancock, Mrs. E. B. Goodyear and Mrs. E. C. Barnum L.M's., 150. New Britain, First Ch. of Christ, to const. Mrs. J. A. Lewis L.M., 30. New Britain, Primary S., two bbls. and box Goods, for King's Mountain, N. C. New Haven, United C., 260; Howard Ave. C., 15.07; United C., C. E. P. Sanford, 10. New Haven, C., bbl. S. S. Supplies, for Marion, Ala. Newington, S., Lincoln Mem., 9.44. North Woodbury, S., Lincoln Mem., for S. A., A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss., 10. Norwalk, First, S., Lincoln Mem., 10. Pomfret, First, 36.55. Portland, C. E., 4, and bbl. Goods, for Williamsburg, Ky. Putnam, 2 bbls. Goods, for Savannah, Ga. Saugatuck, Mrs. Israel B. Waterman, bbl. and box Goods, for Saluda, N. C. Seymour, C., bbl. Goods, for Saluda, N. C. Saybrook, Mrs. Geo. Dibble, 10. Somersville, Jr. C. E., Quilt, by Miss Flora Pendleton, for Hillsboro, N. C. South Glastonbury, C. and S., 12.85. Thomaston, First, 7.70. Trumbull, 9. Vernon Center, S., Lincoln Mem., 3.44. Wallingford, B. B. Brown, 20. West Avon, S., 3. Westbrook, "A Friend," 5. West Hartford, S., 10.56; North End, S., 3, Lincoln Mem. West Hartford, First C., Ladies, bbl. Goods, for Fisk U. West Haven, First, S., 5 for Florence, Ala., and 5 for Indian M. Westminster, 5.41. West Suffield, S., Lincoln Mem., 5. West Winsted, Misses Isabel and Martha Holmes' S. Classes, for S. A., Tougaloo U., 17. Wilton, 23.31. Wilton, S., Lincoln Mem., 10.02. Winsted, Bible Class of Miss Mary P. Hinsdale, for S. A., Orange Park, Fla., 20. Woodbridge, 15.25. Yantic, L. M. Soc., for freight to Greenwood, S. C., 1.39.

Woman's Congregational Home Missionary Union of Conn., by Mrs. George Follett, Sec., $236.00.

Danbury, Second, 4. Hartford, First, 100 for Two Sch'ps, Thomasville, Ga., and Grand View., Tenn. Hartford, South, Second, for Porto Rico, 25: for Chinese Women, 25. Norfolk, 30. South Canaan, 5. South Manchester, First, 22. Trumbull, 25.

Estates.—Ellington, Estate of Mrs. Harriet H. Talcott, by John G. Talcott, Adm'r, 12. Groton, Estate of Mrs. B. N. Hurlbut, 228. Mansfield Center, Estate of Mrs. Martha G. Swift, 1,021.47. Norwich Town, Estate of Rev. Nathaniel Beach, by O. S. Smith, Adm'r, 319.72. Norwich Town, Estate of Miss Grace McClellan, 4 bbls. Goods, for Cappahosic, Va., by Miss Sarah H. Perkins.

NEW YORK, $1,375.46.

Altmar, S., Lincoln Mem., 1. Aquebogue, 6.50. Black Creek, S., Lincoln Mem., 2.80. Brooklyn. Park C., S., Lincoln Mem., 24.75; Park C., 20.57; "M. L. R.," for Alaska M., 20; E. F. Carrington, 5; Frederic Condit, for S. Work, 5; Mrs. Julia E. Brick, half-doz. Mirrors, and bbl. Domestic, for Jos. K. Brick A. I. and N. Sch., Enfield, N. C. Canandaigua, First, 49.04. Canandaigua, bbl. Goods, for King's Mountain, N. C. Clifton Springs, bbl. Goods, for King's Mountain, N. C. Columbus, 2.35. Cortlandt, First, 50. Cortlandt, bbl. Goods, for King's Mountain, N. C. Eldred, S., Lincoln Mem., 5.25. Elmira, St. Luke's C., Lincoln Mem., 4. Flushing, First, 41.93; "E. W. G.," 10. Franklin, 33.82. Gasport, Ladies' S., bbl. Goods, for Athens, Ala. Hannibal, Jr. C. E., for S. A., Dorchester Acad., Ga., 5. Hamilton,[Pg 85] 12. Lockport, East Av. C., Bible Sch., 7. Maine, Albert B. Dayton (30 of which to const. Metta C. Le Fevre L.M.), 500. Middletown, First, 2.44. New Lebanon, Ellen C. Kendall, 4. New York, "A Friend," 100; "Friends," 50; "A Friend," 25; Mrs. A. B. Woodford, 25, for S. A., Fisk U. New York, Stewart Warring & Co.; for freight to Meridian, Miss., 2.36. New York, W. M. A. of Mount Hope C., bbl. Goods, for King's Mountain, N. C. Poughkeepsie, First, 35.53. Poughkeepsie, Ladies' Soc., large box Goods, for Saluda, N. C. Richford, C., Lincoln Mem., 10. Rochester, bbl. Goods, for King's Mountain, N. C. Saratoga Springs, L. A. Soc. of N. E. C., bbl. Goods, for Enfield, N. C. South Hartford, C., Lincoln Mem., 1.45. Syracuse, Plymouth, 79.33. Syracuse, Good Will C., 14.26; Good Will, S., 5.09, Lincoln Mem. Syracuse, South Ave. C., 1.25. Walton, First, 63.73. Woodville, S., Lincoln Mem., 3.18.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of N. Y., by Mrs. J. J. Pearsall, Treas., $146.83.

Barryville, 3. Brooklyn, Clinton Ave., for Porto Rico, 15.46. Candor, 10. Flushing, S., 6.37. Middleton, First, Ladies' Guild, to const. Mrs. Frank Harding L.M., 30. New York, Pilgrim, 27. Poughkeepsie, 25. Poughkeepsie, Y. L. M. S., Special, for Pleasant Hill Acad., Tenn., 25. Wadham's Mills, 5.

NEW JERSEY, $309.28.

Arlington, Mrs. G. Overacre, for S. A., Moorhead Sch., Miss., 15. Closter, C., 7.54. Colt's Neck, Reformed C., 4. Glen Ridge, 76. Little Ferry, S., Lincoln Mem., 1.13. Newark, Belleville Ave. C., 102.45. Orange Valley, 58.06. Passaic, 25. Upper Montclair, "A Friend," 1. Vineland, Ch. of the Pilgrims, C., 7; S., 12.10.

PENNSYLVANIA, $215.72—of which from Estate, $200.00.

Edwardsville, Welsh C., 6. Forest City, Welsh C., Lincoln Mem., 2.13. Guy's Mills, Mrs. F. M. Guy, 1. Mount Carmel, First, S., Lincoln Mem., 6.59.

Estate.—Lander, Estate of Alfred Cowles, by M. E. Cowles, Executor, 200.

OHIO, $225.58.

Akron, West C., S., Lincoln Mem., 11.13. Bellevue, Jr. C. E., for Knoxville, Tenn., 2. Bellevue, First, W. M. S., bbl. Goods, for Moorhead, Miss. Brecksville, L. M. Soc., 10; Mrs. Ben Coates, 10, for S. A., Brewer N. Sch., Greenwood, S. C. Chardon, S., Lincoln Mem., 4.50. Chatham, S., Lincoln Mem., 5. Cincinnati, Storrs C., S., for S. A., Orange Park, Fla., 2. Cleveland, Pilgrim, 54.49. Cleveland, Mount Zion C., W. M. S., 4.25, for S. A., Talladega C.; S., 3; C., 4.78. Cleveland, Kindergarten of Pilgrim C., box Toys, etc., freight 3.50, for McIntosh, Ga. Cleveland, Jr. C. E. of Pilgrim C., box Toys, freight paid, for McIntosh, Ga. Dayton, Miss F. M. Williams, for S. A., A. N. Sch., Thomasville, Ga., 7. Eagleville, S., 83 cts. East Greenville, S., Lincoln Mem., 3.71. Mansfield, First, for Port Rico, 25. Marietta, W. C. T. U., box Goods, for Macon, Ga. Newark, Plymouth, Lincoln Mem., 3.25. Oberlin, Mrs. L. G. B. Hills, 10. Oberlin, Mrs. H. B. Kennedy, bbl. Goods, for Moorhead, Miss. Saybrook, 4.50. Saybrook, "A Friend," for Moorhead, Miss., 35 cts. South Salem, Daniel S. Pricer, 2.50. Strongsville, First, 10. Thompson, C., 9.37; C. E., 63 cts. Toledo, Central, 14.62. Toledo, W. H. M. U., for S. A., Emerson Inst., Mobile, Ala., 10. Vermillion, Jr. C. E., 1.56. Wauseon, C. E., for Alaska M., 4.50. Weymouth, S., Lincoln Mem., 1.11.

——, Cash, 2.

INDIANA, $26.10.

Anderson, Hope, 5. Indianapolis, S., Lincoln Mem., 85 cts. Terre Haute, Second, S., Lincoln Mem., 2.25.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Indiana, by Mrs. Anna D. Davis, Treas., $18.00.

Terre Haute, First, 18.

ILLINOIS, $502.93.

Albion, 1. Amboy, C., Inf. Class, for Moorhead, Miss., 2.75. Atkinson, C., 4; S., 3.25, Lincoln Mem. Aurora. First, 44. Brimfield, 10. Bunker Hill, C., 27.65; S., 2. Carpentersville, 15.

Chicago, Union Park, C. E., 10; Miss Julia H. Thayer, 1; Mrs. L. A. Dunn, 50 cents, for Moorhead, Miss. Chicago, Mrs. Hooker, for Marshallville, Ga., 5. Chicago, Miss M. Kucera, for S. A., A. N. Sch., Thomasville, Ga., 2.

Des Plains, "A Friend," for Moorhead, Miss., 2. Downer's Grove, First C., C. E., for Wilmington, N. C., 8. Evanston, First, by E. F. Carpenter, 100. Galena, Miss Alice Chamberlain, for Moorhead, Miss., 1. Griggsville, Ill. M. Union, box Literature, for Dorchester Acad., Ga. Ivanhoe, C., Lincoln Mem., 8. La Harpe, S., Lincoln Mem., 6. Le Moille, S., Lincoln Mem., 1.88. Moline, Mrs. Ann E. Keyes, 5 boxes and 1 bbl. Household Goods, for Moorhead, Miss. Naperville, H. C. Smith, 5. Rantoul, First, 5.43. Saint Charles, Mrs. S. W. Daig, box Papers, for Fisk U. Shabbona, Primary S., for Moorhead, Miss., 5.15. Summerdale, 9.05. Sycamore, Mrs. Helen A. Carnes, for S. A., Fisk U., 5.

——, Illinois Home M. Soc., for Indian M., Oklahoma, 17.50.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Illinois, Mrs. Mary S. Booth, Treas., $200.77.

Atkinson, for Mountain White Work, 5; for Fisk U., 5. Blue Island, Jr. C. E., 1. Buda, 3.50. Chicago, Grace, 10; Union Park, 10; California Ave., 5; Douglass Park, 1; New England, 1. Evanston, First, 9. Geneva, C. E., for Fisk U., 5. Mendon, 5. Rantoul, 4. Rockford, First, 29.27. Rockford, Second, 15. Rogers Park, 3. Plainfield, 15. Sterling, 35. Streator, First, 2. Summerdale, 5. Undesignated Funds, 32.

MICHIGAN, $168.83.

Bay City, First, S., Lincoln Mem., 3.52. Benzonia, C., Jr. C. E., for Wilmington, N. C., 9.50. Central Lake, 2. Chelsea, First, Lincoln Mem., 18.68. Chippewa Lake, 1.69. Detroit, Mrs. B. B. Hudson, 5. Detroit, First C., 2 bbls. Goods, Athens, Ala. Detroit, Ladies' M. Soc. of Woodward Ave. C., bbl. Goods, for Greenwood, S. C. Eaton Rapids, C., 2.25; S., 1.08. Garden, 1. Grand Junction. Jr. C. E., 2.53; Sen. C. E., 3.61, for Marion, Ala. Grand Ledge, S., Lincoln Mem., 4.35. Grand Rapids, First (Park), M. Soc., 18. Grand Rapids, Ladies' M. Soc., Park C., bbl. Goods, for Greenwood, S. C. Grass Lake, S., Lincoln Mem., 4.67. Imlay City, First, C., 7.73; S., 6.52. Laingsburg, 6.70. Lansing, Pilgrim, 1.16. Mancelona, C., 19.17; S., 4.36. Manistee, Ladies' Soc., bbl. Goods, for Greenwood, S. C. Milford, Mrs. William A. Arms, Thank-offering, 5. Port Huron, S., Lincoln Mem., 10. Potterville, S., Lincoln Mem., 1.04. Ransom, S., Lincoln Mem., 4.36. South Haven, S., Class of Girls, for Marion, Ala., 1. Stanton, W. M. S., bbl. Goods, freight paid, for McIntosh, Ga. Suttons Bay, S., Lincoln Mem., 91 cts. Three Oaks, S., Lincoln Mem., 5. Victor, 4. West Bangor, S., Lincoln Mem., 3.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Michigan, by Mrs. E. F. Grabill, Treas., $11.00. [Pg 86]
Ann Arbor, C. E., for S. A., Santee Training Sch., Neb., 6. Chelsea, 5.

IOWA, $240.62—of which from Estate, $7.08.

Alden, L. M. S., for Moorhead, Miss., 2.25. Cedar Rapids, Mrs. E. A. Berry, box Goods, for Wilmington, N. C. Charles City, Mrs. Chas. Ellis, pkg. Goods, for Moorhead, Miss. Corning, 6.15. Davenport, Edwards C., 25.40. Des Moines, Frank, Howard, Carroll and Helen Cowles, for Moorhead, Miss., 75 cents. Des Moines, bbl. Goods, for Savannah, Ga. Doon, First, 5. Fayette, 11.25. Galt, 2. Grand View, Miss Ruth Higley, for Moorhead, Miss., 2. Green Mountain, bbl. Goods, for Savannah, Ga. Grinnell, C. E., 1.74. Lansing Ridge, Rev. Andrew Kern, 2. Nashua, S., Primary Dept., for Moorhead, Miss., 1.05. Red Oak, First, 38.65. Tabor, S., 10. Waterloo, Rev. M. K. Cross, 10.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Iowa, Miss Belle L. Bentley, Treas., $115.30.

Algona, 2.50. Anita, Jr. C. E., 1. Atlantic, Presb., C. E., for Porto Rico, 1.33. Cedar Rapids, First, C. E., 2. Cromwell, 1. Davenport, Edwards, Mrs. J. L. Davis, 2. Des Moines, Plymouth, 3.42. Dubuque, First, 5. Farragut, 10. Grinnell, 12.18. Grinnell, H. M. Army, 10. Independence, W. M. S., (of which 3 for Porto Rico), 11; C. E., 1. McGregor, 34.52. Manchester, 10. Old Man's Creek, 3.35. Ottumwa, 5.

Estate.—Fontanelle, Estate of Alex. M. Gow, 7.08.

MINNESOTA, $102.30.

Austin, W. M. S., bbl. Goods, for Fisk U. Austin, Ladies' M. Soc., bbl. Goods, for Marion, Ala. Detroit, First, 4.40. Dodge Center, S., Lincoln Mem., 3.10. Duluth, Pilgrim, 15. Fairmont, W. M. S., box Papers, for Fisk U. Litchfield, Col. O. C. Bissell, for Meridian, Miss., 10. Minneapolis, Plymouth, 32.40; W. H. Norris, quarterly, 10. Moorhead, First, 3.40. Silver Lake, Bohemian Free Reformed C., 10. Winthrop, 2. Worthington, 12.

WISCONSIN, $215.99.

Beloit, Second, 23.03. Berlin, S., Lincoln Mem., 6.19. Bloomer, First, 3.85. Clinton, ——, bbl. Goods, for Athens, Ala. Columbus, ——, 2 bbls. Goods, for Athens, Ala. Elroy, C., 3.75; S., 3.30. Hammond, 1.50. Hayward, ——, bbl. Goods, for Athens, Ala. Madison, 107.06. Madison, Primary S., for Athens, Ala., 10. Milwaukee, Pilgrim, Jr. C. E., box Toys, for Athens, Ala. Oak Center, Mrs. S. B. Howard, 1. Plattville, ——, box Toys, for Athens, Ala. Racine, C., 26.37; Jr. C. E., 5. to const. Rev. H. L. Richardson, L.M. Ripon, ——, box Toys, for Athens, Ala. Rosendale, C., Ladies' Soc., bbl. Goods, for Athens, Ala. Stevens Point, Mission S., for S. A., Fisk U., 2. Sturgeon Bay, Int. C. E., for Porto Rico, 1.10. Union Grove, ——, bbl. Goods, for Athens, Ala.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Wisconsin, by Mrs. L. E. Smith, Treas., $21.84.

Appleton, 10. Beloit, First, G. L. 1.84. Menomonie, 10.

MISSOURI, $238.77.

Amity, "A Friend," for S. A., McIntosh, Ga., 1. Kansas City, Rev. S. Penfield, 10. Maplewood, S., 4. Pleasant Hill, Geo. M. Kellogg, for Porto Rico, 50. Saint Joseph, Tabernacle C., C. E., 8.19. Saint Louis, First, 165.58.

KANSAS, $67.30.

Anthony, 3.75. Athol, S., 2. Centralia, Mr. Oberndorf, for freight to Meridian, Miss., 4.05. Eureka, 25. Leavenworth, Mrs. Ruth Hall, box Goods, for Fisk U. Paola, Jr. C. E. of C., bbl. Goods, for King's Mountain, N. C. Wabaunsee Co., Pupils of School in District Seven, for Moorhead, Miss., 1. Wakefield, "A Friend," 30; Mrs. I. L. Gardiner, 1.50.

NEBRASKA, $34.79.

Farnham, S., Lincoln Mem., 70 cts. Freemont, Jr. C. E., for S. A., A. N. Sch., Thomasville, Ga., 1. Nickerson, Miss A. Slothower, for S. A., A. N. Sch., Thomasville, Ga., 2. Riverton, S., Lincoln Mem., 3. Santee, Pilgrim, Lincoln Mem., 18.49. Waverly, 8.60. Waverly, "A Friend," for Moorhead, Miss., 1.


Antelope, 3. Elbowood, C., Lincoln Mem., 16. Fort Berthold, Rev. and Mrs. C. L. Hall, for Training Sch., Santee, Neb., 10. Fort Berthold, C., Lincoln Mem., 9. Fort Yates, Standing Rock C., Lincoln Mem., 5. Oriska, 3.10.


Pierre, 6.91. Tyndall, German C., 4.

ARKANSAS, $6.31.

Little Rock, C. and S., Lincoln Mem., 6.31.

OKLAHOMA, $1.85.

Guthrie, S., Lincoln Mem., 1.85.


Belmont, Mrs. Elizabeth L. Reed (5 of which for Porto Rico,) 10. Petaluma, S., Lincoln Mem., 5. Santa Barbara, S., Lincoln Mem., 8.65. San Bernardino, First, Members, 3.

OREGON, $20.00.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Oregon, by Mrs. C. F. Clapp, Treas., $20.00.

W. H. M. U. of Oregon, 20.


Seattle, Plymouth, 36.45. Tacoma, First, 47.72. ——, "A Friend," for Moorhead, Miss., 1.


Washington, Lincoln Memorial, S., Lincoln Mem., 5. Washington, Miss Huntington, for Troy, N. C., 2.

MARYLAND, $10.97.

Baltimore, First, 10.97.

VIRGINIA, $10.00.

Hampton, Miss Elizabeth Upton, for Indian M., 10.


Huntington, First, 1.

KENTUCKY, $8.16.

Centralia, S., for Meridian, Miss., 3.50. Lexington, C., Lincoln Mem., 2. Lexington, Mrs. A. E. Clark, box Preserved Fruit, for Teachers' Home. Williamsburg, Jesse Worley, 2.66.

TENNESSEE, $34.40.

Bon Air, Coal Company, 1. Grand View, C., Lincoln Mem., 14. Knoxville, S. and C. E. of Second C., and Jr. C. E. of Slater Sch., Lincoln Mem., 4.40. Pomona, Mrs. Zoe Leland, for S. A., 5; for Bell-tower Fund, 5, Grand View, Tenn. Robbins, 5.

[Pg 87]


Beaufort, First, S., Lincoln Mem., 5. Bethel, S., Lincoln Mem., 50 cts. Dudley, C., 6; S., 1; K. D. and Sons, 1, Lincoln Mem. Enfield, J. K. Brick A. I. and N. Sch., Lincoln Mem., 2.85. Enfield, Chapel Col., 2. Haywood, 2. High Point, S., Lincoln Mem., 2.41. King's Mountain, C., 2. Saluda, S. and C. E., for Porto Rico, 1. Wilmington, Christ's C., C. and S., Lincoln Mem., 6.75.


Charleston, Avery Normal Inst., Lincoln Mem., 6.50.

GEORGIA, $5.00.

Macon, M. E. Messick, for Macon, Ga., 1. Thomasville, Allen Normal Sch., Lincoln Mem., 4.

FLORIDA, $11.64.

Martin, Fessenden Academy, Lincoln Mem., 11.64.

ALABAMA, $12.00.

Birmingham, C. and S., 5. Florence, C., Lincoln Mem., 4. La Pine, C., 1. Marion, S., Lincoln Mem., 2.


Meridian, C., Lincoln Mem., 2.61. Moorhead, "A Friend," for Moorhead, 1. Tougaloo, Alumni Tougaloo U., 1.

LOUISIANA, $26.14.

Hammond, 6.62. New Orleans, University Ch. 10.

Woman's Missionary Union of La., by Miss Mary L. Rogers, Treas., $9.52.

Hammond, for Mountain White Work, 9.52.

TEXAS, $10.00.

——, Miss M. Parker, for Tougaloo U., 10.


Barranquilla, Mrs. Sarah K. Yeatman, for Bell-tower Fund, Grand View, Tenn., 37.50.

CANADA, $5.00.

Sherbrooke, Mrs. H. J. Morey, 5.

INCOME, $270.00.

Atterbury Endowment Fund, 5. Avery Fund, for African M., 57. W. Belden Sch'p Fund, for Talladega C., 30. Rev. B. Foltz Endowment Fund, 15. General Endowment Fund, 20. Howard Theo. Endowment Fund, for Howard U., 60. Howard Carter Endowment Fund, 5. LeMoyne Endowment Fund, for Memphis, Tenn., 40. Straight Sch'p Fund, 10. Tuthill King Endowment Fund, for Atlanta U., 20. Yale Library Fund, for Talladega C., 8.

TUITION, $5,807.47.

Lexington, Ky., 142.75. Williamsburg, Ky., 172.55. Williamsburg, Ky., Public Fund, 73.05. Cappahosic, Va., 48.20. Beaufort, N. C., 36.25. Chapel Hill, N. C., 5.15. Enfield, N. C., 30. Hillsboro, N. C., 23.80. King's Mountain, N. C., 37. Saluda, N. C., 31.75. Troy, N. C., 3.10. Whittier, N. C., 15. Wilmington, N. C., 126.75. Charleston, S. C., 323.55. Greenwood, S. C., 151.48. Big Creek Gap, Tenn., Public Fund, 90.70. Big Creek Gap, Tenn., 54. Grand View, Tenn., Public Fund, 80. Grand View, Tenn., 28.15, Knoxville, Tenn., 63. Memphis, Tenn., 672.75. Nashville, Tenn., 971.81. Pleasant Hill, Tenn., 111.98. Andersonville, Ga., 14.35. Atlanta, Ga., 253.22. Macon, Ga., 208.28. McIntosh, Ga., 128.95. Marietta, Ga., 4. Savannah, Ga., 187.30. Thomasville, Ga., 97.35. Athens, Ala., 35.16. Florence, Ala., 31.20. Marion, Ala., 83.42. Mobile, Ala., 140. Nat, Ala., 42.27. New Orleans, La., 520.05. Meridian, Miss., 122. Moorhead, Miss., 44. Tougaloo, Miss., 186.25. Austin, Texas, 125.10. Orange Park, Fla., 61.25. San Juan, Porto Rico, 140.55.

Total for February$16,665.22

Subscriptions for February$59.00
Previously acknowledged137.59


For Colored People.

Income for March$1,875.78
Previously acknowledged29,240.95


MAINE, $155.66.

Auburn, Samuel J. M. Perkins, 5. Bangor, Central, S., for Pleasant Hill Acad., Tenn., 5.15. Bangor, Stearns C., K. D., for S. A., Dorchester Acad., Ga., 4. Brewer, Jr. C. E., box Christmas Goods, for Dorchester Acad., Ga. Brooksville, Union Chapel, S., Lincoln Mem., 3.50. Brunswick, D. Frank Atherton, 1. Cumberland Center, Ladies of C., bbl. Goods, freight paid, for Dorchester Acad., Ga. Gray, 3. Phillips, 14.64. South Berwick, S., 5.50. Westbrook, [Pg 88]40.12. West Brooksville, 2.75. Yarmouth, S., 16. York Village, 10.

Maine Woman's Aid To A. M. A., by Mrs. F. W. Davis, Treas., $45.00.

Hallowell, W. S., 25. Lewiston, Pine St., 20.

NEW HAMPSHIRE, $3,242.36—of which from Estate, $3,000.00.

Barrington, Mrs. H. Locke, bbl. Goods, for Big Creek Gap, Tenn. Bath, 9. Canterbury, C, E., 5. Concord, First, 113.09. East Alstead, 4.50. East Barrington, S., Lincoln Mem., 5. East Derry, First, 3. Epping, C., "Two Friends," 10. Exeter, First, C. E., for Porto Rico, 5.75. Francestown, S., Lincoln Mem., 4, Greenville, C. E., 5. Hanover, Miss Mary A. Downing, for S. A., Tougaloo U., 5. Lancaster, C. and S. (10.50 of which for Brewer N. School, Greenwood, S. C.), 21. Littleton, First, 15.93. Pembroke, S., 11.09. Rindge, 15. Rye, 10.

Estate.—Exeter, Estate of Mrs. Mary E. Shute, 10,000, by John N. Thompson, Adm'r (Reserve Legacy, 7,000) 3,000.

VERMONT, $411.00.

Barre, L. M. S., bbl. Goods, freight paid, for Dorchester Acad., Ga. Bellows Falls, First, 26.50. Benson, 3.65. Bethel, First, 1. Burlington, S. S. Tinkham, 5. Cabot, 10.60. Cambridge, Madison Safford, 20; S. M. Safford, for Porto Rico, 5. Dorset, Mrs. Marcia B. Fuller, 5. East Saint Johnsbury, bbl. Goods, for Savannah, Ga. Essex Junction, First, 5.80. Fairlee, "A Friend," 33.75. Franklin, L. H. M. S., bbl. Goods, freight 1.45, for Dorchester Acad., Ga. Hardwick, 7.50. Jamaica, C., Lincoln Mem. (in part), 10.80. Montpelier, Bethany, 20. Montpelier, Bethany, C. E., for Pleasant Hill, Tenn., 10. North Bennington, 35.27. Northfield, 21.09. Norwich, Mrs. B. B. Newton, 5; C., 1. Peacham, 24.06. Rochester, S., Lincoln Mem., for Porto Rico, 2. Rupert, 11.05. Saint Johnsbury, Miss M. L. Graham, for S. A., Talladega C., 9.25. Waterbury, "A Friend," 15. West Brattleboro, 21.37. Westminster, West, Mrs. H. P. Ranney, freight, 1.50; Leon and Harold Powers, 3 Mats, for Dorchester Acad., Ga. Whiting, Dan'l Holmes, 50. Windham, 12.50. Worcester, Mrs. Sophia Hobart, for S. A., Dorchester Acad., Ga., 5.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Vermont, by Mrs. Robert Mackinnon, Treasurer, $30.86.

Berlin, 5. Dummerston, S., 2 Classes, for S. A., A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss., 2.55. McIndoe, S., 9.06. Rutland, 10. Saint Johnsbury, North, M. B., for S. A., Indian Training Sch., Santee, Neb., 1.25. West Rutland, Jr. C. E., for S. A., Grand View, Tenn., 3.

MASSACHUSETTS, $8,159.20—of which from Estates, $1.600.00.

Amesbury, C. E., Union C., for S. A., Blowing Rock, N. C., 14.50. Andover, Miss Amy Stork, for S. A., Chandler Sch., Ky., 2.50. Bedford, 9.97. Beechwood, S., Lincoln Mem., 1. Berkley, First, 4.80. Berlin, 8.

Boston, Union, C. E., 25 for Mountain White Work, 2.10 for Porto Rico; "A Friend," 70 cts.; Mrs. E. H. Clapp, bbl. Goods, for Big Creek Gap, Tenn.; Mrs. H. A. Woodridge, bbl. Goods, for Big Creek Gap, Tenn. Charlestown, "A Friend," 10. Dorchester, Mrs. Elbridge Torrey, for Pleasant Hill Acad., Tenn., 20. Roxbury, Mrs. Susan Parker, for Marshallville, Ga., 25. Roxbury, Highland, Intermediate Dept., for Porto Rico, 7.92.

Bradford, Mrs. W. K. Farrar, bbl. Goods, for Big Creek Gap, Tenn. Brockton, "Cash," for Williamsburg, Ky., 1; Mrs. M. J. Kendall, 20 cents. Brookline, Leyden C., 42.50. Buckland, C., to const. Mrs. Elizabeth C. Guild L.M., 34.06. Cambridgeport, Pilgrim, C. E., 10. Cambridgeport, Mrs. Albert B. Long, bbl. Goods; Mrs. Henrietta Hamilton, bbl. Goods, for Big Creek Gap, Tenn. Chelsea, Central, 14.44. Chiltonville, 10.79. Danvers, First, 23.81. Dalton, First, 209.11. Dedham, First, S., 10.32. Dennis, C. E., 7.50. Dorchester, Second, 15. Dudley, Jr. C. E., 2.60. Dudley, S., Lincoln Mem., 2.55. East Bridgewater, Union, 3.80. Easthampton, First, 32.81; First, S., Lincoln Mem., 6.80. Easton Center, 13.01. East Somerville, Franklin St. Ortho., S., 5.47. East Walpole, S., Lincoln Mem., 2. East Weymouth, 25. Fall River, Central C. E. for S. A., Fisk U., 15. Fall River, Central C., Ladies' Soc., large box Goods, for Fisk U. Fitchburg, Cal. C., S., 13.72. Foxboro, Bethany, 13.48. Framingham, Plymouth, 37.50. Framingham, "A Friend," 17.50 for Indian Sch'p, and 5 for Indian M. Gardner, First, 65. Grafton, 32.14. Granby, The Ch. of Christ, 15.03. Greenfield, Mrs. E. M. Russell, 25. Hamilton, Mrs. E. F. Knowlton, 2. Haverhill, Center, 106; Union, 10.55; "H.," 1. Holbrook, Winthrop, C., 40.48; S., 10, Lincoln Mem. Holyoke, First, 25.10. Huntington, Second, 11. Lawrence, Lawrence St. C., S., for S. A., Indian M., Elbowoods, N. D., 10. Lawrence, Trin., S., Lincoln Mem., 3.74 Long Meadow, First, Benev. Ass'n, 69.67. Lowell, Highland C., S., Lincoln Mem., 3. Lowell, "F. R. C.," 1. Ludlow Center, First, 5. Lunenberg, C. E., Lincoln Mem., 2.75. Manchester, C. E., for S. A., Straight U., 15. Marlboro, Prim. Dept. Union C., 15, and Jun. Dept. 15, for Saluda, N. C. Marshfield, First, S., Lincoln Mem., 1.25. Middleboro, Central, S., 6.33. Middleboro, Central, Prim. S., for Santee Training Sch., Santee, Neb., 5. New Bedford, North, 21. New Bedford, First, Lincoln Mem., 8.50. New Braintree, S., Lincoln Mem. (2 of which for Porto Rico), 10. Newburyport, Belleville C., Bankers, for S. A., Saluda, N. C., 40. Newburyport, Oldtown C., S., for S. A., Dorchester Acad., Ga., 4. New Marlboro, First, S., Lincoln Mem., 1. Newton, First, 44.45. Newton, Miss Palfrey and "Friend," for Clothing for Porto Rico, 20. Northampton, First, S., Lincoln Mem., 6.57. North Brookfield, First (of which 5 for Porto Rico, and 1 for Pleasant Hill, Tenn.) 81.02. North Carver, S., Lincoln Mem., 2.62. North Falmouth, Mrs. Mary W. Donkin, for Porto Rico, and to const. herself L.M., 30. Northfield, Rev. and Mrs. John P. Humphrey, deceased, 1,500; Mrs. Elizabeth J. Humphrey, deceased, 1,500. Norton, Trin. C., 104.61. Oakham, Ladies of C., bbl. Goods, for Pleasant Hill, Tenn. Orleans, 8. Peabody, Second, 8.18. Peabody, Miss C. A. Whitaker, for S. A., Dorchester Acad., Ga., 5. Pepperell, S., ad'l, Lincoln Mem., 16 cents. Plymouth, Pilgrimage, 16.76. Randolph, First, 45.68. Randolph, Miss Abby W. Turner, for Tougaloo U., 25. Reading, C. E., for Porto Rico, 10. Shelburne, C., to const. Allen Fellows and Charles Newhall L.M's., 60. Springfield, South, 40; Park, 27.30. Springfield, Mrs. A. S. Goulding, bbl. Goods, for Big Creek Gap, Tenn. Somerville, Broadway, 13.73. Somerville, Mrs. H. H. Piper, bbl. Goods, for Big Creek Gap, Tenn. South Braintree, C., bbl. Goods, freight paid, for Beaufort, N. C. South Framingham, Grace, S., for Mountain Work, 16.02. South Framingham, bbl. Goods, for Evarts, Ky. Southville, S., Lincoln Mem., 1. South Weymouth, Old South, 10. Sturbridge, C., Lincoln Mem., 3.05. Sunderland, S., 25. Taunton, Miss Luida Richards, for A. G. Sch., Moorhead, [Pg 89] Miss., 2. Taunton, Mrs. Mary C. Swinerton, bbl. Goods, for Big Creek Gap, Tenn. Upton, First, 23.86. Wakefield, 25.33. Wellesley Hills, 17.46. Westboro, Mrs. S. A. House, for S. A., Allen N. Sch., Thomasville, Ga., 1. West Boxford, 9.44. West Medway, Second, "Friends," Lincoln Mem., 2. West Newton, Woman's Guild of Cong. C., 3 bbls. Goods and Supplies of the Hospital Room, for Fisk U. West Springfield, C., for Oak Creek, N. D., 12.68. West Springfield, C., for Fort Yates, N. D., 10. West Wareham, C. E. of East Rochester C., bbl. Goods, for Straight U. Weymouth, Mrs. Snyder's S. Class. for Indian M., Elbowoods, N. D., 1. Weymouth and Braintree, S. S. Class, 1. Weymouth and East Braintree, Union, 32.50. Wilmington, 7.78. Worcester, C. E., by E. W. Phillips, for S. A., Fisk U., 6. Worcester, Park, S., 4. Worcester, Piedmont, 1. Worcester, Pilg., Ladies' Soc., bbl. Goods, for Straight U. Wrentham, Jr. C. E., 4.

——, "A Friend," for Fisk U., 1,000.

Woman's Home Missionary Association of Massachusetts and R. I., Miss Lizzie D. White, Treas., $500.00.

W. H. M. A. of Massachusetts and R. I. for Salaries, 480; for Chinese M., 20.

Estates.—North Brookfield, Estate of William Duncan, by Theodore C. Bates, Adm'r, 600. Northfield, Estate of Abigail T. Wells, by Moses H. Wells, Ex'r, on decease of Mrs. Elizabeth J. Humphrey, 1,000.

Worcester, Estate of Albert Curtis, 25,000 (less U. S. Tax, 2,500). 22,500, by E. B. Stoddard, Ex'r (Reserve Legacy).


Drownville, Mrs. G. L. Baker, bbl. Goods, for Big Creek Gap, Tenn. Providence, North, 17.25; North, C. E., 2.43. Providence, Mrs. H. B. Cory, bbl. Goods, for Big Creek Gap, Tenn. Tiverton Four Corners, 6.

CONNECTICUT, $1,913.46—of which from Estates, $1,013.40.

Bridgeport, First, 61.59. Bridgeport, C. E., box Goods, freight prepaid, for Greenwood, S. C. Bristol, First, S., 18.24. Broad Brook, S., Lincoln Mem., 6. Canaan, Pilgrim, 42.81. Durham, C. E., for Porto Rico, 11.58. East Woodstock, 12. East Woodstock, C. H. Killam, 2 bbls. Apples, for Beaufort, N. C. Essex, First, 25.11. Glastonbury, First Ch. of Christ, 16.30; S., for Mountain Work in Tenn., 25. Haddam, Middlesex Conference, 4.03. Hartford, Second, 100; Park, 34.11. Hartford, E. B. Dillingham, for S. A., Orange Park, Fla., 7. Ivoryton, 22.37. Kent, First, 6.60. Lebanon, Miss H. E. Leech, for S. A., Allen N. Sch. Thomasville, Ga., 1. Ledyard, 5. Meriden Center, for Tougaloo U., 50. Middletown, First, 21.12. Naugatuck, C., by Miss Ellen Spencer, Treas., for Porto Rico, 15. New Britain, Lucy J. Pease, 25. New Britain, South, S., Lincoln Mem., 20. New Britain, "A Friend," for Tougaloo U., 10. New London, First Ch. of Christ, 45.49. New Hartford, North, 33.80. New Haven, Fair Haven, Grand Av., 40. New Haven, Thomas P. Carleton, 1; United C., ad'l, 1. Newington, S., ad'l for Lincoln Mem., 1. Norwalk, First, 16.71. Old Saybrook, 10.03. Putnam, bbl. Goods, for Savannah, Ga. Scitico, Mrs. C. E. Howe, for Indian M., Elbowoods, N. D., 2. Sound Beach, Pilgrim, S., for S. A., Talladega C., 3. South Canaan, C. E., 4. Stamford, S., Lincoln Mem., 18.47. Stonington, First, 20.56; M. H. Giddings, 5. Stratford, S., 10. Terryville, Allentown S., Lincoln Mem., 5. Thompson, S., for Blowing Rock, N. C., 5. Torrington Center, (7.63 of which from S., for Singing Books), 51.16. Wethersfield, S., for Tougaloo U., 10. Whitneyville, Dorcas Soc., C., bbl. Goods, freight paid for Dorchester Acad., Ga. Willimantic, Miss Jennie E. Chapin, 1.75. Windham, C., 46.63. Windham, C., South Windham Branch, 10. Woodstock, First, 10.60.

Woman's Cong. Home Missionary Union of Conn., by Mrs. George Follett, Secretary, $8.00.

South Coventry, C. E., for Sch'p, Gregory Inst., Wilmington, N. C., 8.

Estates.—Hartford. Estate of Dea. Walter H. Cowles, by Walter G. Cowles, Administrator, 1,000. Hebron, Estate of Benj. A. Bissell, J. H. Jagger, Executor, 13.40.

NEW YORK, $5,210.77—of which from Estate, $2,000.00.

Brooklyn, Mrs. Julia E. Brick, for Jos. K. Brick, A. I. and N. Sch., Enfield, N. C., 2,000. Brooklyn, Ch. of the Pilgrims (5 of which for Porto Rico, and 5 for Mountain Work), 723.77. Brooklyn, South, 34.19. Brooklyn, 4th Place Chapel, branch South Cong. C., 15. Brooklyn Mrs. T. F. H. Lewis, bbl. Goods, for Big Creek Gap, Tenn. Brooklyn, Clinton Av. C., Y. L. Guild, valuable bbl. Goods, for Grand View, Tenn. Brooklyn, bbl. Goods, for Savannah, Ga. Brookton, Mrs. Ellen S. Lonsbery, bbl. Goods, for Big Creek Gap, Tenn. Buffalo, Plym. Cong. Chapel, W. M. S., box Goods, for Moorhead, Miss. Chili Station, E. B. Johnston, for Cappahosic, Va., 5. Clayton, First, Lincoln Mem., 2.46. Colton, "A Friend of Missions," 50 cts. Glenspey, S., Lincoln Mem., 3. Hannibal, "Some Friends," box Goods, freight paid, for Dorchester Acad., Ga., Ithaca, Mrs. Isabelle Burdich, bbl. Goods, for Big Creek Gap, Tenn. Jamestown, Mrs. Fannie Hazeltine, bbl. Goods, freight paid, for Dorchester Acad., Ga. Lysander, First, S., Lincoln Mem., 4.75. Morristown, 9.12. Margaretville, Miss Mary I. Ward, 10. New Haven, S., Lincoln Mem., 1.40. Northville, C., for Porto Rico, 20.60. Patchogue, C., 2 bbls. Goods, for Straight U. Port Chester, First, 2.25. Port Leyden, 12.05. Rensselaer, Mrs. Fred. Davis, bbl. Goods, for Big Creek Gap, Tenn. Rochester, Mrs. B. L. Rider Andrews, from the late Ebenezer Rider and Mrs. E. M. Rider his wife, of New Haven, Vt., 250. (of which for King's Mountain, N. C., 50; for Marshallville, Ga., 50; for Marion, Ala., 50; for Moorhead, Miss., 30; for McIntosh, Ga., 20; for Blowing Rock, N. C., 50.) Saugerties, Mrs. Austin Wolvern, bbl. Goods, for Big Creek Gap, Tenn. Schenectady, Miss M. E. Johnson, bbl. Goods, for Big Creek Gap, Tenn., Seneca Falls, Mrs. E. A. Curtis, bbl. Goods, for Big Creek Gap, Tenn. Sidney, C. E., for S. A., Fisk U., 25. Taberg, Mrs. E. W. Waterman, 5. Utica, Mrs. Christian and Daughter, for S. A., Fisk U., 5. Victor, "A Friend," for Talladega C., 20. Warsaw, Mrs. Windsor Smith, for Dorchester Acad., Ga., 80 cts. Wellsville, First, 34.16. West Bloomfield, 25.95. Winthrop, S., Lincoln Mem., 77 cents.

Estates.—Danby, Estate of Rev. O. B. Hitchcock, David Murray, Executor, for Normal Training Sch., Orange Park, Fla., 1,000. Syracuse, Estate of Esther B. Cobb, by Willis B. Burns, Executor, and Elizabeth B. Burns, Executrix, 1,000.

NEW JERSEY, $608.97.

East Orange, First, 188.38. East Orange, First, S., (10 of which for Porto Rico), 38.09. East Orange, Mrs. J. A. Hulskamper, for [Pg 90] Porto Rico, 25. Newark, Girls' Union First C., for S. A., Dorchester Acad., Ga., 5. Newark, Belleville Av. C., ad'l, 2. Woodbridge, First, Lincoln Mem., 5.50.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of the N. J. Ass'n, by Mrs. G. A. L. Merrifield, Treas,. $345.00.

Montclair, W. H. M. S., 180. Newark, First, 15. Washington, D. C., First, W. H. M. S. (100 of which for Porto Rico), 150.

PENNSYLVANIA, $386.28—of which from Estate, $300.00.

Harford, 5.15. Philadelphia, Snyder Av. C., Lincoln Mem., 12.13. Philadelphia, Penn. Bible Soc., Grant of Bibles and Testaments, for Beaufort, N. C. Pittsburg, Mrs. S. Jarvis Adams, 25; Mr. and Mrs. Marcellin C. Adams, 25 for New Laundry, Orange Park, Fla. Ridgway, S., Class No. 6, Lincoln Mem., for McIntosh, Ga., 10. Slatington, Welsh, S., 3.

Woman's Missionary Union of Pennsylvania, by Mrs. David Howell, Treas., $6.00.

Corry, 5. Guy's Mills, 1.

Estate.—Lander, Estate of Alfred Cowles by M. E. Cowles, Executor, 300.

OHIO, $547.98—of which from Estate $200.00.

Akron, First, S., Lincoln Mem., 11.60. Ashland, J. O. Jennings, 10. Ashtabula, First, 13.44. Austenburg, C., bbl. Goods, 1.13 for freight, for Pleasant Hill Acad., Tenn. Bellevue, Jr. C. E., 8 bbls. Goods, for Knoxville, Tenn. Berea, First, 10.40. Castalia, C., Lincoln Mem., 2.62. Chardon, L. M. S., for freight to Greenwood, S. C., 1. Cincinnati, Mrs. Thos. French, for Indian M., Elbowood, N. D., building, 10. Cleveland, Euclid Av., 48.48; Grace, 9.25; Mrs. Mary F. Willard, 5; Mr. And Mrs. A. W. Collins, 5. Cleveland, Denison Ave. S., Lincoln Mem., 2.50. Dayton, Miss T. M. Williams, for S. A., Allen N. Sch., Thomasville, Ga. 7. Delaware, William Bevan, 5. Fredericksburg, First, 20. Grafton, First, 5. Mallet Creek, First of York, for S. A., Gregory Inst., Wilmington, N. C., 10. Medina, Miss C. B. Root, for A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss., 4. Mount Vernon, First, S., Lincoln Mem., 3.60. North Fairfield, S., 2. Oberlin, First, S., 13. Oberlin, Mrs. D. H. Manning, for S. A. Normal Sch., Mobile, Ala., 1. Painesville, Union, Lincoln Mem., 1.72. Strongsville, Mrs. Strong and Mrs. Clark, Table Linen, for Beaufort, N. C. Thomastown, 1. Unionville, 10. Wauseon, S., Lincoln Mem., 3.71.

——, Cash, 1.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Ohio, by Mrs. G. B. Brown, Treas., $129.53.

Aurora. C. E., 5. Cincinnati., Walnut Hills, Jr. C. E., 3. Claridon, 3. Cleveland, Park Jr. C. E., 2.50; Pilgrim, for S. A., Pleasant Hill, Tenn., 10. Columbus, Eastwood, 5. Cuyahoga Falls, 2.25. Gomer, 1.44. Huntsburg, 7. Litchfield, C. E., 5; Jr. C. E., for Sch'p, A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss., 1. Lorain, 5. Madison, 9.25. Medina, 5. Oberlin, First, L. A. S., to const. Mrs. L. M. K. Marshall, L.M., 30.00. Olmsted, Second, Jr. C. E., 6.50. Rootstown, 3.28. Springfield, C. E., 5. Tallmadge, Y. L., 20. Toledo, Central, 31 cts.

Estate.—Edinburg, Estate of Betsy E. Bingham, by B. S. Bingham, Executor, 200.

INDIANA, $1.00.

Hamlet, "Two Children," for A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss., 1.

ILLINOIS, $729.76—of which from Estate $50.

Albion, S., Lincoln Mem., 5. Austin, S., Lincoln Mem., 2.36. Buda, C. E., 10. Chebanse, 7.

Chicago, First, 34.78; Covenant, 12.51; Saint Paul, 2. Chicago, Leavitt St., S., for Black Mt. Acad., Evarts, Ky., 14.06; New England, S., for Howard U., 10; Mrs. C. H. Case, for King's Mountain, N. C., 10; "Three Friends," for Fort Berthold, N. D., 3; Mrs. Emma Tuthill, for Indian M., Elbowoods, N. D., 1.

Decatur, S., Lincoln Mem., 5. Dwight, 6. Elgin, Mrs. Grace Hannaford, for S. A. Chandler Sch., Ky., 10. Evanston, First, S., for Lares, Porto Rico, 31.17. Farmington, 23.23. Garden Prairie, C., 3.05; S., 96 cts. Griggsville, 12.10. Marseilles, Dr. R. N. Baughman, deceased, 51. Millburn, 12. Millburn, Alice Dodge and Vera Worden, for A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss., 4.36. Morris, First, 12.50. Naperville, "Friend," for Pleasant Hill, Acad. Tenn., 10. Odell, 25. Payson, C., 14.91.; J. K. Scarborough, 100; H. F. Scarborough, 10; L. K. Seymour, 5. Peru, First, 6. Quincy, C. E., 8. Rock Falls, S., Lincoln Mem., for Fisk U., 5.50. Shabbona, 31.50. Somonauk, 12.50. Springfield, First, S., for Heatherly, Tenn., 5. Sterling, L. M. Soc., bbl., Goods, for Crow Agency, Mont. Sycamore, Mrs. Helen A. Carnes, for S. A., Fisk U., 5. Woodstock, Mrs. Barrows, for S. A. Normal Sch., Marion, Ala., 10. Woodstock, Mrs. L. H. S. Barrows, 10. Wyanet, C., Lincoln Mem., 8.31. Yorkville, C. M. Soc. for freight to Moorhead, Miss., 2.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Illinois, Mrs. Mary S. Booth, Treas., $127.96.

Buda, 6.50. Chicago, New England, 12.50. Chicago, Ravenswood, 5. Chicago, Union Park, Inter. C. E., for Talladega C., 1. Evanston, First, 15. Joy Prairie, 10. Oak Park, First, 27. Oak Park, Third, 14.96. Providence, Jr. C. E., 4. Rockford, Second, 15. Stillman Valley, C. E., 5. W. H. M. U. Undesignated, 12.

Estate.—Bunker Hill, Estate of C. V. A. Quick, A. S. Cuthbertson, Executor, 50.

MICHIGAN, $266.55—of which from Estate, $30.00.

Agricultural College, Prof. R. C. Kedzie, 10. Ann Arbor, First, 93.62. Calumet, 51.61, Covert, S., Lincoln Memorial, 4.80. Dundee, C., bbl. Goods, freight paid, for Beaufort, N. C. Grand Haven, C., 4.65; S., 2.60. Grosse Isle, "Friends," box Christmas Goods, freight paid, for Beaufort, N. C. Harrison, First, Lincoln Mem., 3.50. Litchfield, First, box Goods, for Williamsburg, Ky. Olivet, L. B. Soc., box Goods, for Moorhead, Miss. Onekama, S., Lincoln Mem., 1.60. Rondo, S., Lincoln Mem., 1. Saginaw, Mrs. A. M. Spencer, 10. Saugatuck, L. A. S., bbl. Goods, for Nat, Ala. South Haven, S., Lincoln Mem., 3. Wheatland, 15. Ypsilanti, 11.30. Ypsilanti, Mrs. Wood, S. Papers, for Beaufort, N. C.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Michigan, by Mrs. E. F. Grabill, Treas., $23.87.

Cheboygan, S., Lincoln Mem., for S. A., Santee Indian Training Sch., 3.62. Muskegon, First, C. E., 10. Portland, 5. South Haven, C. E., for S. A., A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss., 5. Webster, 25 cents.

Estate.—Benzonia, Estate of Amasa Waters, by L. P. Judson, Adm'r, 30.

IOWA, $304.06.

Burlington, 31.50 to const. Rev. Robert L. Marsh, L.M. Charles City, C. E., for Macon, [Pg 91] Ga., 10. Chester Center, 4.36. Clay, S., Lincoln mem., 1.50. Clear Lake, 14.08. Decorah, 31.46. Des Moines, Byron C. Ward, for S. A., Straight U., 24. Gilbert Station, 5. Gilbert Station, bbl. Goods, for Savannah, Ga. Grinnell, Mrs. Madison Rew, for Indian M., Elbowoods, N. D., 1. Hiteman, C., Lincoln Mem., 4. Humboldt, L. Soc., Cong. C., for Girls' Hall, Dorchester Acad., Ga., 5. Keokuk, box Books, for Savannah, Ga. Maquoketa, First, 13.40. Marshalltown, 15.13. Muscatine, First, 26.97. Rockford, Mrs. O. J. Greene, 20. Victor, 5. Waterloo, Mrs. Harriet Clark, 5. Waucoma, W. M. S., 10. Waucoma, C., 3.22. Winthrop, 5.70.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Iowa, Miss Belle L. Bentley, Treas., $67.74.

Anita, 7.40. Cedar Rapids, First, S., 2.11. Eldora, C. E., 15. Grinnell, 5.88. Humboldt, 10. Magnolia, Mrs. Mary L. Hillas, 5. Manchester, C. E., 6.20. Tabor, 4.50. Traer, S., 8.65. Waterloo, 3.

WISCONSIN, $570.77—of which from Estate, $400.00.

Bloomer, 2.15. Fond du Lac, Mrs. J. A. Bryan, 2 for Alaska M., and 1 for Mountain Work. Fulton, 7.18. Janesville, "A Friend," for Porto Rico, 58.33. Madison, C., Ladies' Soc., bbl. Goods, for Straight U. Milwaukee, Grand Av. C., bbl. Goods, for Straight U. Rosendale, C. E., for Mountain White Work, 3.35. Shullsburg, 5.75. South Milwaukee, First, 6.30. Sturgeon Bay, Hope, 26.88. Sun Prairie, C., Ladies' Soc., 2 bbls. Goods, for Straight U.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Wisconsin by Mrs. L. E. Smith Treas., $57.83.

Milwaukee, Pilgrim, 16. Fond du Lac, 10. Rochester, 10.23. Wauwatosa, 5. La Crosse, 5. Delavan, 5.10. Eau Claire, 1.50. Windsor, 5.

Estate.—Beloit, Estate of Mrs. E. B. French, by A. P. Waterman, Executor, 400.

MINNESOTA, $239.92.

Belgrade, W. M. S., for Indian M., Elbowoods N. D., freight, 2.25. Claremont, S., Lincoln Mem. 2.85. Detroit, pkg. Papers, etc., for S., Meridian, Miss. Edgerton, S., Lincoln Mem., 2.30. Freeborn, 3. Madison Lake, 2. Minneapolis, Park Ave., 88.55. Minneapolis, Plymouth, 57.33. Minneapolis, Vine, 22.83. Minneapolis, Pilgrim, 2.50. New Ulm, 7.51. Northfield, Carleton College, Huntington S. Class, for S. A., Fisk U., 7. Saint Charles, 4. Saint Paul, Pacific, 11.30. Spring Valley, 26.50.

MISSOURI, $82.42.

Kansas City, Beacon Hill, S., Lincoln Mem., 6.72. Kidder, 23.95. Pleasant Hill, Geo. M. Kellogg, for Porto Rico, 50. Saint Louis, Mrs. Webb, for S. A., 1; Pilgrim Ch., H. M. S., 24 yards Carpet, freight, 75 cts., for Dorchester Acad., Ga.

KANSAS, $112.00.

Clay Centre, 5. Council Grove, 10. Dover, pkg. Papers, for S., Meridian, Miss. Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Conkling, 5. Manhattan, Mrs. Mary Robinson, for S. A., Normal Sch., Mobile, Ala., 2.50. McPherson, 10.60. National Military Home, Cora A. Hull, for S. A., Fisk U., 25. Newton, 7.43. Oneida, 1.61. Parsons, W. H. M. U., for Porto Rico, 3. Partridge, 16.86. Wichita, Mrs. Douglas Putnam, 25.

NEBRASKA, $78.90.

Fremont, S., Lincoln Mem., 15. Graf, Mrs. Mary M. Hillman, 1. Lincoln, Vine St. C., 19.30. Weeping Water, 43.60.

NORTH DAKOTA, $166.23.

Elbowoods, Miss M. E. Field, for S. A., 75. Miss H. B. Ilsley, for Chapel, 5; J. R. Finney, 15, for Indian M., Elbowoods, N. D. Elbowoods, Indian Woman's S., 2.50. Inkster, 5. Kulm, Nazareth C., 10. Niagara, 3.70. Oak Creek, Indians, 47.03. Williston, 3.


Canova, 4. Dover, 1. Huron, 6. Oahe, Dora B. Dodge, for Oahe Indian Sch., 9.83. Pierre, James Stevens, for Oahe Indian Sch., S. D., 10.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of South Dakota, by Mrs. Adda M. Wilcox, Treas., $3.00.

W. H. M. U., 3.

MONTANA, $11.00.

Livingston, Holbrook, 11.

ARKANSAS, $17.65.

——, A. Brewer, for S. A., Tougaloo U., 17.65.

UTAH, $3.40.

Salt Lake City, S. S. Class, First C., for S. A., Dorchester Acad., Ga., 3.40.

ARIZONA, $5.00.

Jerome, 5.

OKLAHOMA, $2.00.

Darlington, Indian S., 2.

COLORADO, $21.35.

Beulah, Geo. Johnson, 2.50. Crested Butte, 3. Highlandlake, M. Soc., 5.45; S., 40 cents. Pueblo, Pilgrim, 5. Ward, C., Lincoln Mem., 5.

CALIFORNIA, $870.76.

Redlands, First, S., Lincoln Mem., 15.60. Redwood City, S., Lincoln Mem., 1.60. San Francisco. Receipts of the California Chinese Mission (see items below), 811.32. Ventura, First, 24.30.

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Southern Cal., by Mrs. Catharine D. Barnes, $17.94.

W. H. M. U., 17.94.

OREGON, $22.80.

Ashland, C. E., by Susie W. Holmes, 1.50. Astoria, First, 10. Salem, First, 11.30.


Ritzville, First German, 10.


Estate.—Baltimore, Estate of Mrs. Mary R. Hawley, 3,032.01 (less expenses 151.60), 2,880.41 (Reserve Legacy).

VIRGINIA, $3.00.

Cappahosic, S., Lincoln Mem., 3.

[Pg 92]

KENTUCKY, $14.30.

Campton, Rev. J. W. Doane, 4. Lexington, Chandler Sch., Proceeds of Medal Contest, 9.30. Woodbine, 1.

TENNESSEE, $53.43.

Bon Air, First, Lincoln Mem., 2. Deer Lodge, Rev. Geo. Lusty, 25. Grand View, Mary Taylor, for S. A., 1; W. H. Clark, for Bell Tower, 8.38, for Grand View, Tenn. Knoxville, Miss I. F. Hubbard, 1.35. Memphis, Second, 5.70. Pleasant Hill, Hattie Wells, for Pleasant Hill Acad., 10.


Enfield, Teachers, Friends and Students, for Funeral Expenses of a Student in Jos. K. Brick A. I. and N. School, 27.92. Enfield, Chapel, Col., 2.06. Little Mills, C., Lincoln Mem., 2. Lowell, S., Lincoln Mem., 5.25. Nalls, S., Lincoln Mem., 1.21. Raleigh, First, 4. Strieby, C., Lincoln Mem., 1.64. Troy, S., Lincoln Mem., 4.40.


Charleston, Avery Inst., ad'l Lincoln Mem., 1.20.

GEORGIA, $19.31.

Atlanta, First, for Storrs Sch., Atlanta, Ga., 6. McIntosh, C., Lincoln Mem., 8.71. Macon, "A Friend," 3.50; Julia E. Blanchard, 50 cts. for S. A., Ballard N. Inst. Savannah, Beach Inst., S., Lincoln Mem., 60 cents.

ALABAMA, $22.60.

Fort Davis, Cotton Valley S., Lincoln Mem., 1.60. Mobile, A. T. Burnell, 4; Miss M. F. Snyder, 4; for S. A., Normal Sch., Mobile, Ala. Montgomery, First, Lincoln Mem., 8.

Woman's Missionary Union of Ala., by Mrs. R. W. Jackson, President, $5.00.

Brewton, 5.


Abbeville, Saint Mary, Lincoln Mem., 1.35. Schriever, Saint Mark, Lincoln Mem., 4.


Meridian, Students, by Mrs. H. I. Miller, Special for Meridian, 5.50. Tougaloo, Miss Haskell, for S. A., Tougaloo U., 1.

TEXAS, $1.35.

Davis, C., Lincoln Mem., 1.35.

INCOME, $1,706.20.

Avery Fund, for African M., 170.40. Erwin Fund, for Talladega C., 1,500. Howard Theo. End. Fund, for Howard U., 13.32. Seymour Straight, End. Fund, for Straight U., 6.48. Tuthill King, End. Fund, for Atlanta U., 12.80; for Berea C., 3.20.

TUITION, $4,835.79.

Cappahosic, Va., 37.10. Lexington, Ky., 144.85. Williamsburg, Ky., 126.06. Williamsburg, Ky., Public Fund, 73.05. Beaufort, N. C., 35.66. Chapel Hill, N. C., 5. Enfield, N. C., 25.23. Hillsboro, N. C., 20.60. Kings Mountain, N. C., 29. Saluda, N. C., 25.25. Whittier, N. C. 12.10. Charleston, S. C., 270.85. Greenwood, S. C., 143.03. Grand View, Tenn., 28.35. Knoxville, Tenn., 50.70. Memphis, Tenn., 609.20. Nashville, Tenn., 690.35. Pleasant Hill, Tenn., 68.80. Albany, Ga., 83.50. Andersonville, Ga., 14. Atlanta, Ga., 227.58. McIntosh, Ga., 85.41. Macon, Ga., 265.98. Marietta, Ga., 4. Marshallville, Ga., Public Sch. Fund, 60. Savannah, Ga., 173.12. Thomasville, Ga., 85.85. Athens, Ala., 38.34. Florence, Ala., 30.10. Marion, Ala., 75. Mobile, Ala., 133.05. Nat, Ala., 37.45. Talladega, Ala., 58.03. New Orleans, La., 496.40. Orange Park, Fla., 49.25. Meridian, Miss., 124.70. Moorhead, Miss., 41. Tougaloo, Miss., 123.75. Austin, Texas, 99.40. Porto Rico, Lares, 42.30. Porto Rico, Santurce, 92.40.

Total for March$30,928.27

Total from Oct. 1 to March. 31, 1900$152,958.95

Subscriptions for March$32.30
Previously acknowledged196.59

From Oct. 1, to March 31, 1900$59,882.15

Receipts of the California Chinese Mission
, from Jan. 16 to Feb. 16, 1900, Wm. Johnstone, Treas., $163.00.

From Local Missions, $118.00:

Fresno, Chinese M. O., 3.30. Los Angeles, Chinese M. O., 4.60. Marysville, Chinese M. O., 7.50. Oakland, First, S., 15. Oroville, Chinese M. O., 1.85. Pasadena, Chinese M. O., 3.25. Petaluma, Chinese M. O., 2.75. Riverside, Chinese M. O., 5.45; S. C. Evans, 5; New Years Offs., 6.45. Sacramento, Chinese M. O., 5; Annual Members, 12. San Bernardino, Chinese M. O., 4.05. San Diego, Chinese M. O., 1.75; Annual Members, 2. San Francisco, Central, Assn. and Miss'y Soc., 10. San Francisco, West, Chinese M. O., 3. Santa Barbara, Chinese M. O., 6.30. Santa Cruz, 7.05. Ventura, 50 cts.

From Churches, $89.41:

Alameda, First Cong. Ch., 89.41.

Personal Gifts, $260.50:

Balfour, Guthrie & Co., 250. Mrs. Mary M. Bevens, 5.50. Rev. Joseph Rowell, 5.

From Eastern Friends, $15.00:

Greenfield, Mass., Mrs. H. A. Washburn, 10. Glencoe, Ill., Arthur H. Day, 5.

For Chinese Women and Children, $107.00:

Worcester, Mass., "Steadfast Friends," 10. Stratford, Conn., Miss Cordelia Sterling, 15. Albany, N. Y., "Friends of Chinese," through[Pg 93] Miss Janet McNaughton, 70. Southern California Woman's Home Missionary Union, 12.

Receipts of the California Chinese Mission
, from Feb. 16 to March 21, 1900, William Johnston, Treas., $648.32.

From Local Missions, $176.41.

Fresno, Chinese M. O., 1.05. Los Angeles, Chinese M. O., 15.55. Marysville, Chinese M. O., 7.50. Oakland, First C., 55. Oroville, Chinese M. O., 1.65. Pasadena, Chinese M. O., 3.10; Anniversary Offs., 7.02. Petaluma, Chinese M. O., 2.50. Riverside, Chinese M. O., 5.59; Anniversary Offs., 9. Sacramento, Chinese M. O., 5.50. San Bernardino, Chinese M. O., 5.05; Anniversary Offs., 5.97; Mrs. Bellows, 1. San Diego, Chinese M. O., 1.05; Anniversary Offs., 23.03. San Francisco, Central, Chinese M. O., 9.65; Annual Members, 2. San Francisco, West, Chinese M. O., 7.70. Santa Barbara, Chinese M. O., 7.70; Cong. Ch., C. E., 5. Santa Cruz, Chinese M. O., 5. Ventura, Chinese M. O., 1.

From Eastern Friends, $25.00:

Bangor, Maine, Central C., 5. Newburyport, Mass. Mrs. Sophia C. Hale, 20.

For Chinese Mothers and Children, $20.00.
Portland, Maine, Mrs. W. H. Ferris' S. S. Class, 10. Farmington, Ill., Mrs. H. B. Haskell, 10.

H. W. HUBBARD, Treasurer,
Congregational Rooms,
Fourth Av. and Twenty-Second St.,
New York, N. Y.

[Pg 94]


[Pg 95]

[A] While the W. H. M. A. appears in this list as a State body for Mass. and R. I., it has certain auxiliaries elsewhere.

[Pg 96]


Mrs. G. W. Patterson, East St. Johnsbury.

Mass. & R. I.
Miss Bertha M. Shepard, 607 Cong'l House, Boston.

New York
Mrs. H. A. Flint, 604 Willis Ave., Syracuse.

Miss M. C. Smith, 853 Doan St., Cleveland.

Mrs. J. T. Blanchard, 218 Walnut St., Aurora.

Miss Katherine Jones, 4337 Washington Ave., St. Louis.

Mrs. Charles McAllister, Spencer.

Mrs. W. J. Gregory, 459 Third St., Manistee.

Minnesota, Young Ladies' Work, Mrs. B. W. Smith, 600 West Thirty-second St., Minneapolis.
Minnesota, Christian Endeavor Work, Miss Bertha Hanneman, 1816 Portland Ave., Minneapolis.
North Dakota
Mrs. E. S. Shaw, Cooperstown.

South Dakota
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Mrs. J. N. Hyder, 1520 U St., Lincoln.

Mrs. C. E. Read, Parsons.

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Mrs. H. C. Arnold, 621 Spruce St., Helena.

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Mrs. W. D. Palmer, 443 West Park St., Portland.

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Southern California
Miss Phebe Mayhew, 355 Alvarado St., Los Angeles.


Mrs. Effie Morgan, 3880 Euclid Ave., East Cleveland.

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Mrs. M. Rew, Grinnell.

Mrs. C. R. Wilson, 65 Frederick Ave., Detroit.

Mrs. H. S. Baker, 2268 Blake Ave., St. Anthony Park.

North Dakota
Mrs. O. J. Wakefield, Wahpeton.

South Dakota
Mrs. I. Crane, Waubay.

Mrs. H. D. Neely, 4371 Hamilton St., Omaha.

Miss Hattie Booth, Newton.

Mrs. H. B. Segur, Billings.

Southern California
Miss Emily M. Peck, 920 W. 8th St., Los Angeles.

End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of The American Missionary -- Volume 54,
No. 2, April, 1900, by Various


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