molaMarsPlanetaryRadius0004.cub: This cube was obtained by correcting the X/Y Offsets of molaMarsPlanetaryRadius0002.cub and wrapping the dem with 1 pixel on each side. A table blob "ShapeModelStatistics" was added to the labels to store the minimum and maximum radii values for the dem. This new table blob is needed for the new ray intersection algorithm that was added to ISIS3 on 9/20/2010. ulcn2005_lpo_0004.cub: This cube came from /farm/geo2/pgeom/mrosiek/FINAL_LUNAR_DEMS/ULCN2005/ulcn2005_lpo.cub, imported into isis3, and wrapped with 1 pixel on each side. A table blob "ShapeModelStatistics" was added to the labels to store the minimum and maximum radii values for the dem. This new table blob is needed for the new ray intersection algorithm that was added to ISIS3 on 9/20/2010. ulcn2005_clean_0003.cub: This cube came from /farm/geo2/pgeom/mrosiek/FINAL_LUNAR_DEMS/ULCN2005_CLEAN/ulcn2005_clean.cub, imported into isis3 and wrapped with 1 pixel on each side. A table blob "ShapeModelStatistics" was added to the labels to store the minimum and maximum radii values for the dem. This new table blob is needed for the new ray intersection algorithm that was added to ISIS3 on 9/20/2010. kaguya_LALT_0003.cub: This cube came from /missions/lro/lroc/TOPO/Kaguya_LALT_Nov09/ISIS3_radius/Kaguya_radius_LALT_GGT_16ppd_pad.cub, imported into isis3 and wrapped with 1 pixel on each side. A table blob "ShapeModelStatistics" was added to the labels to store the minimum and maximum radii values for the dem. This new table blob is needed for the new ray intersection algorithm that was added to ISIS3 on 9/20/2010. LRO_LOLA_LDEM_global_128ppd_20100915.cub: This cube was created from the LDEM_128.IMG file which was created by the LOLA team. It was imported into isis3 and wrapped with 1 pixel on each side. A table blob "ShapeModelStatistics" was added to the labels to store the minimum and maximum radii values for the dem. This new table blob is needed for the new ray intersection algorithm that was added to ISIS3 on 9/20/2010. molaMarsPlanetaryRadius0005.cub: This cube was created by regenerating the padding of molaMarsPlanetaryRadius0004.cub. The padding at the north pole in molaMarsPlanetaryRadius0004.cub was created by determining the average value of all the pixels in line 1 and then filling the top padded line with that pixel value. The padding at the south pole in molaMarsPlanetaryRadius0004.cub was created by determining the average value of all the pixels in the last line and then filling the bottom padded line with that pixel value. In order to get the new ray intersection algorithm to work at the extreme poles, the padding at the poles had to be changed. The top padding in molaMarsPlanetaryRadius0005.cub is calculated by taking the average of all the pixels in line 1 and then each pixel in the top padded line is set to 2*average minus the pixel below it. The bottom padding in molaMarsPlanetaryRadius0005.cub is calculated by taking the average of all the pixels in the last line and then each pixel in the bottom padded line is set to 2*average minus the pixel above it. ulcn2005_lpo_0005.cub: This cube was created by regenerating the padding of ulcn2005_lpo_0004.cub. The padding at the north pole in ulcn2005_lpo_0004.cub was created by determining the average value of all the pixels in line 1 and then filling the top padded line with that pixel value. The padding at the south pole in ulcn2005_lpo_0004.cub was created by determining the average value of all the pixels in the last line and then filling the bottom padded line with that pixel value. In order to get the new ray intersection algorithm to work at the extreme poles, the padding at the poles had to be changed. The top padding in ulcn2005_lpo_0005.cub is calculated by taking the average of all the pixels in line 1 and then each pixel in the top padded line is set to 2*average minus the pixel below it. The bottom padding in ulcn2005_lpo_0005.cub is calculated by taking the average of all the pixels in the last line and then each pixel in the bottom padded line is set to 2*average minus the pixel above it. ulcn2005_clean_0004.cub: This cube was created by regenerating the padding of ulcn2005_clean_0003.cub. The padding at the north pole in ulcn2005_clean_0003.cub was created by determining the average value of all the pixels in line 1 and then filling the top padded line with that pixel value. The padding at the south pole in ulcn2005_clean_0003.cub was created by determining the average value of all the pixels in the last line and then filling the bottom padded line with that pixel value. In order to get the new ray intersection algorithm to work at the extreme poles, the padding at the poles had to be changed. The top padding in ulcn2005_clean_0004.cub is calculated by taking the average of all the pixels in line 1 and then each pixel in the top padded line is set to 2*average minus the pixel below it. The bottom padding in ulcn2005_clean_0004.cub is calculated by taking the average of all the pixels in the last line and then each pixel in the bottom padded line is set to 2*average minus the pixel above it. kaguya_LALT_0004.cub: This cube was created by regenerating the padding of kaguya_LALT_0003.cub. The padding at the north pole in kaguya_LALT_0003.cub was created by determining the average value of all the pixels in line 1 and then filling the top padded line with that pixel value. The padding at the south pole in kaguya_LALT_0003.cub was created by determining the average value of all the pixels in the last line and then filling the bottom padded line with that pixel value. In order to get the new ray intersection algorithm to work at the extreme poles, the padding at the poles had to be changed. The top padding in kaguya_LALT_0004.cub is calculated by taking the average of all the pixels in line 1 and then each pixel in the top padded line is set to 2*average minus the pixel below it. The bottom padding in kaguya_LALT_0004.cub is calculated by taking the average of all the pixels in the last line and then each pixel in the bottom padded line is set to 2*average minus the pixel above it. LRO_LOLA_LDEM_global_128ppd_20100915_0002.cub: This cube was created by regenerating the padding of LRO_LOLA_LDEM_global_128ppd_20100915.cub. The padding at the north pole in LRO_LOLA_LDEM_global_128ppd_20100915.cub was created by determining the average value of all the pixels in line 1 and then filling the top padded line with that pixel value. The padding at the south pole in LRO_LOLA_LDEM_global_128ppd_20100915.cub was created by determining the average value of all the pixels in the last line and then filling the bottom padded line with that pixel value. In order to get the new ray intersection algorithm to work at the extreme poles, the padding at the poles had to be changed. The top padding in LRO_LOLA_LDEM_global_128ppd_20100915_0002.cub is calculated by taking the average of all the pixels in line 1 and then each pixel in the top padded line is set to 2*average minus the pixel below it. The bottom padding in LRO_LOLA_LDEM_global_128ppd_20100915_0002.cub is calculated by taking the average of all the pixels in the last line and then each pixel in the bottom padded line is set to 2*average minus the pixel above it. verticalEarthDatum_contiguousUSA_navd88.cub: This cube contains the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 over the contiguous USA. It was obtained from the GEOID12A model at: This cube is used to convert National Elevation Dataset (NED) DEMs to Isis-compatible DEMs. NED elevations are defined relative to NAVD88, which is defined relative to the NAD83 reference ellipsoid, so all three cubes are added together to create a radius-based DEM for Isis. referenceEarthEllipsoid_NEquad_nad83.cub: This cube contains the North American Datum of 1983 reference ellipsoid (GRS 80) over the north-east quadrant of Earth. It was generated internally using the definition of the GRS 80 reference ellipsoid: a = 6,378,137 m and b = 6,356,752.3141 m, where b is the polar radius and a is the equatorial radius. This cube is used to convert National Elevation Dataset (NED) DEMs to Isis-compatible DEMs. NED elevations are defined relative to NAVD88, which is defined relative to the NAD83 reference ellipsoid, so all three cubes are added together to create a radius-based DEM for Isis.