ISIS DLM Quick Reference September 4, 2004 This document provides a brief reference of available routines in the ISIS DLM library. These routines are available from the IDL calling environment. --> High level query routine result = ISIS_QUERY([FILE=filename] [,IID=id] [,DIMS=[ns,nl,nb]] [,DTYPE=dtype] [,DBYTE=dbytes] [,BASE=base] [,MULT=mult] [,BLOBS=blobs] [,OID=oid] [,/SHOWALL]) --> ISIS Read routine options result = ISIS_READ(filename, array [,OID=id] [,/RAW]) result = ISIS_READ_IMAGE(array [, FILE=filename] [,IID=id] [,BAND=bandno] [,OID=oid ] [,/RAW]) result = ISIS_READ_BRICK(array [,FILE=filename] [,IID=id] [,SBAND=bandno] [,NBANDS=nb] [,SSAMP=sampno] [,NSAMPS=ns] [,SLINE=lineno] [,NLINES=nl] [,/RAW]) result = ISIS_READ_BLOB(iid, table, field, blob) --> ISIS Write routine options result = ISIS_WRITE(filename, array [,OID=OID]) result = ISIS_WRITE_IMAGE(array [,FILE=filename] [,IID=id] [,BAND=bandno] [,OID=oid]) --> ISIS Special pixels result = ISIS_SPECIAL_PIXELS(specials [,NAMES=names] [,DTYPE=array] [,/DOUBLE] [,/FLOAT], [,/SHORT] [,/BYTE]) --> Generalized ISIS routines result = ISIS_OPEN(filename, iid [,/LABEL] [,/READONLY] [,/READWRITE]) result = ISIS_CREATE(filename, iid [,DIMS=dims[ns,nl,nb]] [,PROPID=id] [,/LABEL] [,/DETACHED] [,/BSQ] [,/FLOAT] [,/SHORT] [,/BYTE]) result = ISIS_CLOSE(iid) --> ISIS PVL/keyword/label routines ; Note that a KEYWORD spec is of the form: ; KSPEC = "ISISCUBE/CORE/DIMENSIONS/SAMPLES" result = ISIS_QUERY_KEY(iid, kspec [,NVALS=n] [, OCCURS=array], [,/EXISTS] [,/KEY] [,/OBJECT] [,/GROUP]) result = ISIS_ADD_AGGREGATE(iid, kspec [,OCCURS=array] [,/KEY] [,/OBJECT] [,/GROUP] ) result = ISIS_DELETE_AGGREGATE(iid, kspec, [,OCCURS=array] [,/KEY] [,/OBJECT] [,/GROUP] result = ISIS_GET_KEY(iid, kspec, values [UNIT=unit] [,OCCURS=array] [,/STRING] [,/DOUBLE] [,/INT]) result = ISIS_ADD_KEY(iid, kspec, values [UNIT=unit] [,OCCURS=array])