ISIS 3 Application Documentation
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Convert camera image to a map projection using a forward driven algorithm
The program, cam2map, also projects a cube, and is recommended for most mapping applications. Use pixel2map to project cubes where pixels do not overlap, for instance in data from a point instrument such as Cassini VIMS, or the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter CRISM instrument where scan lines may not overlap.
Note: pixel2map cannot currently process the input pixel which contains either pole (i.e. latitude of 90.0 degrees or -90.0 degrees), which will cause a NULL pixel in your output map projected cube where the pole is located.
How pixel2map and cam2map differ
The examples below are Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter/CRISM cubes where scan lines do not overlap in their original state. The major difference is in the output of the application used to project the cube. Both applications will project the cube, but also result in a different spatial outcome. Left Cube: cam2map was chosen to project the cube. Notice the scan lines have been interpolated thus filled. If you want to preserve gaps, cam2map will not achieve this result. In addition, the cube is no longer spatially correct. Right Cube: pixel2map was chosen to project the cube. Notice how the gaps are retained in the output. The cube is spatially correct.
The input cube requires SPICE data and therefore the program spiceinit should be run on it prior to pixel2map. The map projection is defined using a PVL file specified with the MAP parameter. The default projection is the system Sinusoidal projection ($ISIS3DATA/base/templates/maps/ To learn more about using map projections in ISIS, refer to the ISIS Workshop "Learning About Map Projections".
If you need to generate your own map file you can use the maptemplate program or alternatively, hand create a file using your favorite editor. The file need only specify the ProjectionName as defaults will be computed for the remaining map file parameters. The following table indicates how the defaults are established:
TargetName | Read from Instrument group in the input cube labels |
PolarRadius |
Read from SPICE pck file set during spiceinit. The pck file is defined in the Kernels group via the TargetAttitudeShape keyword |
LatitudeType | Planetocentric |
LongitudeDirection | PositiveEast |
LongitudeDomain | Normally, 360. However, if the 180 domain causes less area to need to be projected then 180. |
MaximumLatitude MinimumLongitude MaximumLongitude |
Computed from the input cube or read from the map file. However, any combination of the four values can then be overridden by the user. The values the user specifies are expected to be in the coodinate system of the projection. |
Scale |
Computed from the input cube or read from the map file. The value can be overridden by the user. |
If you only entered the input cube (FROM) and output cube (TO) and changed no other parameters the following is the default Mapping group:
Group = Mapping TargetName = Obtained from the Instrument group EquatorialRadius = Obtained from TargetAttitudeShape kernel PolarRadius = Obtained from TargetAttitudeShape kernel LatitudeType = Planetocentric LongitudeDirection = PositiveEast LongitudeDomain = 360 (Could be automatically adjusted to 180 by LONSEAM) MinimumLatitude = Computed from the input camera cube MaximumLatitude = Computed from the input camera cube MinimumLongitude = Computed from the input camera cube MaximumLongitude = Computed from the input camera cube ProjectionName = Sinusoidal CenterLongitude = Average of MinimumLongitude and MaximumLongitude PixelResolution = Computed from the input camera cube EndGroupThe map file can be an existing map projected (level2) cube. A level2 cube has PVL labels and contains the Mapping group. Depending on the values of the input parameters, the output cube can use some or all of the keyword values of the map file. For instance, setting MATCHMAP=true causes all of the mapping parameters to come from the map file, resulting in an output cube having the same number of lines and samples as the map file. If MATCHMAP=true and the map file is missing a keyword like PixelResolution, the application will fail with a PVL error. Setting MATCHMAP=false allows for some of the mapping components to be overridden by the user or computed from the FROM cube.
If you are attempting to construct a mosaic, it is important that the PixelResolution, EquatorialRadius, PolarRadius, LatitudeType, LongitudeDirection, LongitudeDomain, ProjectionName, and projection specific parameters (e.g., CenterLongitude, CenterLatitude) are the same for all cubes. That is, you should create one map file and use it as input for all the cubes in your mosaic. By letting the minimum and maximum latitude and longitude values default, the application will determine the coverage of each image. However, if the mosaic Latiude and Longitude range is entered, each output image will be projected to the full size of the mosaic resulting in large file sizes and images with many NULL pixels. The following Mapping group could be used for mosaicking:
Group = Mapping ProjectionName = Sinusoidal CenterLongitude = 0 PixelResolution = 100 <meters> EndGroup
Finally, depending on the projection, problems can occur with cubes that fall on the projection longitude seam. For example, if you are making a mosaic with LongitudeDomain = 360 and your cube crosses 0/360 seam, this program would compute the default longitude range of the cube to MinimumLongitude = 0 and MaximumLongitude = 360. A very large output image could be created depending on the pixel resolution. The LONSEAM parameter allows you to selectively handle this case. If you are making mosaics near the seam you will need to understand and alter the default for this parameter. Section 14 of The ISIS Workshop "Learning About Map Projections" includes an example to help illustrate the problem.
Output of pixel2map
A single input file produces a projected level2 cube. A list of files (filelist) produces an averaged mosaic as output. A count cube that contains the number of input pixels averaged into each output pixel is created along with the output cube or mosaic.
Name | Description |
FROMTYPE | From type selection (From or FromList) |
FROM | A single input cube to project |
FROMLIST | Input list of cubes to be projected |
MAP | File containing mapping parameters |
TO | Newly mapped cube |
Name | Description |
METHOD | Method used to calculate average for output pixels |
Name | Description |
PIXRES | Defines how the pixel resolution in the output map file is obtained |
RESOLUTION | Pixel resolution |
Name | Description |
DEFAULTRANGE | Defines how the default ground range is determined |
MINLAT | Minimum latitude |
MAXLAT | Maximum latitude |
MINLON | Minimum longitude |
MAXLON | Maximum longitude |
TRIM | Null all pixels outside lat/lon boundaries |
Name | Description |
LONSEAM | How should images at the longitude seam be handled |
This parameter indicates whether a single cube will be entered in the 'FROM' parameter or a file containing a list of cubes will be given by the 'FROMLIST' parameter.
Type | string | |||||||||
Default | FROM | |||||||||
Option List: |
The specification of the input cube to be projected. The cube must have been initialized using the spiceinit program. This option allows a single input cube to be processed.
Type | cube |
Exclusions |
Filter | *.cub |
This option allows a list to be used to process multiple input cubes. All cubes contained in this list will be projected to the same output cube given in the 'TO' parameter. This effictively projects and mosaics all input cubes given in the list to the same output map projected file.
Type | filename |
File Mode | input |
Exclusions |
Filter | *.lis |
A file containing the desired output mapping parameters in PVL. This file can be a simple label file, hand produced, or created via the maptemplate program. It can also be an existing cube or cube label which contains a Mapping group. In the latter case the FROM cube will be transformed into the same map projection, resolution, etc.
Type | filename |
File Mode | input |
Default Path | $base/templates/maps |
Default | $base/templates/maps/ |
Filter | *.map *.cub |
This file is the map projected (level2) image. If multiple input cubes were given in 'FROMLIST', they will all be projected into this output image. A "count" cube is also created with the same filename with '-count-' appended. The DN values in this output cube indicate how many input pixels were included in the average calculation to create the output pixel.
Type | cube |
File Mode | output |
Pixel Type | real |
Filter | *.cub |
This parameter is used to determine which input pixels get added to the average to create the output pixel.
Type | string | |||||||||
Default | CENTER | |||||||||
Option List: |
This parameter is used to specify how the pixel resolution is obtained for the output map projected cube.
Type | string | |||||||||||||||
Default | CAMERA | |||||||||||||||
Option List: |
Specifies the resolution in either meters per pixel or pixels per degree
Type | double |
Minimum | 0.0 (exclusive) |
This parameter is used to specify how the default latitude/longitude ground range for the output map projected image is obtained. The ground range can be obtained from the camera or map file. Note the user can overide the default using the MINLAT, MAXLAT, MINLON, MAXLON parameters. The purpose of the ground range is to define the coverage of the map projected image. Essentially, the ground range and pixel resolution are used to compute the size (samples and line) of the output image.
Type | string | ||||||||||||
Default | MINIMIZE | ||||||||||||
Option List: |
The minimum latitude of the ground range. If this is entered by the user it will override the default camera or map value. By default, planetocentric latitudes are assumed unless the MAP file specifies otherwise.
Type | double |
Internal Default | Use default range |
Minimum | -90.0 (inclusive) |
Maximum | 90.0 (inclusive) |
The maximum latitude of the ground range. If this is entered by the user it will override the default camera or map value. By default, planetocentric latitudes are assumed unless the MAP file specifies otherwise.
Type | double |
Internal Default | Use default range |
Minimum | -90.0 (inclusive) |
Maximum | 90.0 (inclusive) |
Greater Than |
The minimum longitude of the ground range. If this is entered by the user it will override the default camera or map value. By default, positive east longitudes in the range of 0 to 360 are assumed unless the MAP file specifies otherwise.
Type | double |
Internal Default | Use default range |
The maximum longitude of the ground range. If this is entered by the user it will override the default camera or map value. By default, positive east longitudes in the range of 0 to 360 are assumed unless the MAP file specifies otherwise.
Type | double |
Internal Default | Use default range |
Greater Than |
If this option is selected, pixels outside the latitude/longtiude range will be trimmed (set to null). This is useful for certain projections whose lines of latitude and longitude are not parallel to image lines and sample columns.
Type | boolean |
Default | FALSE |
With this option you can turn on/off the automatic longitude domain switching that occurs when a file crosses the boundary of the longitude domain (0-360 or -180 to 180). If the switching is turn off then you have the choice of making the program continue or exit when the cube does cross the bounday.
Type | string | ||||||||||||
Default | AUTO | ||||||||||||
Option List: |
Stacy Alley | 2008-02-13 | Original version |
Steven Lambright | 2008-05-13 | Removed references to CubeInfo |
Christopher Austin | 2008-01-27 | Fixed parameter names |
Tracie Sucharski | 2012-09-12 | Restored from revision 3911 and updated for revised IEXception, iString and FileName classes. |
Debbie Cook | 2012-10-11 | Updated to use new Target class. References Mantis ticket #775 and #1114. |
Tracie Sucharski, Stuart Sides | 2013-07-30 | Renamed from vims2map, generalized for all instruments, improved performance and accuracy. Fixes #1604. |
Janet Richie, Ella Lee | 2013-11-21 | Updated documentation. |
Sasha Brownsberger | 2015-01-19 | Updated function calls to reflect changes to ProcessGroundPolygons object. |