This program compiles and outputs various spacecraft and instrument-related information such as
geometric, polygon, and mapping information.
The user must supply a Level1 cube. If the supplied cube does not have SPICE information
associated with it, then caminfo can be used to generate the SPICE information by running the
spiceinit program on the cube. Caminfo will not run spiceinit by default. If the input cube already
has SPICE information associated with it, then any user updates to the SPICE information will be
lost when the option to run spiceinit is chosen. This results from using system defaults when
running the spiceinit program from within caminfo.
Some information in the output PVL file will consist of a compilation of information for all the
bands in the cube and will be listed in the "Common" object of the PVL. Other information for a given
band will be placed in the "BandSet" object of the PVL. The user can select the check boxes to control
the information that will be output to the PVL file. If the POLYGON or USELABEL option is chosen,
the image polygon is output in Well-Known Text format (WKT).
The output file can be in PVL or CSV (Comma Separated Value) format. The "APPEND" option allows
the new generated information to be appended to the output file. This is especially useful for
CSV file format. If the CSV format is chosen, only Camstats, Statistics and Geometry options
are allowed. Isis Label, Original Label and Polygon options are disabled for CSV format.
The following is an example of caminfo output generated when in PVL format:
Object = Caminfo
Object = Parameters
Program = caminfo
IsisVersion = " alpha | 2012-08-28"
RunDate = 2012-11-23T18:21:42
IsisId = MeSSEnGeR/MDIS-WAC/1/0250507146:955000
From = EW0250507146G.lev1.cub
Lines = 512
Samples = 512
Bands = 1
Object = Camstats
MinimumLatitude = 57.872627357566
MaximumLatitude = 61.299709008025
MinimumLongitude = 18.065988732773
MaximumLongitude = 24.841561067248
MinimumResolution = 229.97591146546
MaximumResolution = 232.50589076348
MinimumPhase = 75.229196963297
MaximumPhase = 85.75524278645
MinimumEmission = 0.010416983765103
MaximumEmission = 9.5170724264221
MinimumIncidence = 78.991903468001
MaximumIncidence = 81.783782038128
LocalTimeMinimum = 7.0686934940095
LocalTimeMaximum = 7.5203983163079
Object = Geometry
BandsUsed = 1
ReferenceBand = 1
OriginalBand = 1
Target = Mercury
StartTime = 2012-07-11T15:14:40.902702
EndTime = 2012-07-11T15:14:40.902702
CenterLine = 256.0
CenterSample = 256.0
CenterLatitude = 59.604440922996
CenterLongitude = 21.354478199267
CenterRadius = 2440000.0
RightAscension = 149.14971069552
Declination = -47.692390719996
UpperLeftLongitude = 19.403075966477
UpperLeftLatitude = 61.299709008025
LowerLeftLongitude = 18.065988732773
LowerLeftLatitude = 58.619183968695
LowerRightLongitude = 23.126850062052
LowerRightLatitude = 57.872627357566
UpperRightLongitude = 24.841561067248
UpperRightLatitude = 60.495929386174
PhaseAngle = 80.450057821076
EmissionAngle = 0.19786246622852
IncidenceAngle = 80.389167381747
NorthAzimuth = 253.73558748868
OffNadir = 0.15660719057979
SolarLongitude = 228.88911417663
LocalTime = 7.2879261251091
TargetCenterDistance = 3082.770704015
SlantDistance = 642.77373761039
SampleResolution = 229.97699384231
LineResolution = 229.97699384231
PixelResolution = 229.97699384231
MeanGroundResolution = 231.24575069814
SubSolarAzimuth = 0.57284290603718
SubSolarGroundAzimuth = 106.83729602467
SubSolarLatitude = -0.026413277465333
SubSolarLongitude = 92.035586322631
SubSpacecraftAzimuth = 252.66562276234
SubSpacecraftGroundAzimuth = 358.93004128485
SubSpacecraftLatitude = 59.645688996553
SubSpacecraftLongitude = 21.352953761563
ParallaxX = -0.0034527631018843
ParallaxY = -6.44854385850795e-05
ShadowX = 1.7105756767263
ShadowY = 5.6523998602669
HasLongitudeBoundary = FALSE
HasNorthPole = FALSE
HasSouthPole = FALSE
Object = Polygon
CentroidLine = 258.34023273956
CentroidSample = 257.21847692747
CentroidLatitude = 59.590465340438
CentroidLongitude = 21.359965088916
CentroidRadius = 2440000.0 <meters>
SurfaceArea = 13898.794042461 <km^2>
GlobalCoverage = 0.018578 <percent>
SampleIncrement = 51
LineIncrement = 51
GisFootprint = "MULTIPOLYGON (((19.4043245299965577
61.3023495859178169, 19.9591033663380273
61.2315368240940714, 20.5109136331950097
61.1586516900412036, 21.0599888059494056
61.0836769590772022, 21.6064014066990424
61.0066139869781026, 22.1502234714845763
60.9274625969637071, 22.6915266780484934
60.8462210727062072, 23.2303824713721276
60.7628861464013283, 23.7668621875485293
60.6774529818562556, 24.3010371765409943
60.5899151525158430, 24.8329789243747072
60.5002646143153129, 24.8468003809156031
60.4950897448882969, 24.6621540377068555
60.2342816512584278, 24.4808344234486128
59.9734256463113198, 24.3026802658222785
59.7124215421160969, 24.1275717810041321
59.4512190020262992, 23.9553945002749487
59.1897673396973545, 23.7860389348923675
58.9280154365526201, 23.6194002639650478
58.6659116571399295, 23.4553780433470500
58.4034037620610960, 23.2938759337506376
58.1404388181350171, 23.1348014464353007
57.8769631054306473, 23.1253981883423947
57.8700250132380773, 22.6291388167111727
57.9542062153035644, 22.1311712748992804
58.0362115673268590, 21.6313369328161791
58.1160668824232829, 21.1295724335347970
58.1937799049820939, 20.6258143687462976
58.2693567261389802, 20.1199991639326754
58.3428018062430951, 19.6120629625565215
58.4141179920416960, 19.1019415087693858
58.4833065286652030, 18.5895700281331031
58.5503670664614404, 18.0748831058364949
58.6152976626940756, 18.0609063686927200
58.6197579732196061, 18.1862320670262285
58.8883242752207750, 18.3131290280031429
59.1564691086538232, 18.4416916210760888
59.4243018649568882, 18.5719929967238073
59.6918797207437137, 18.7041092262310542
59.9592593996394498, 18.8381195168780309
60.2264972751596446, 18.9741064422031833
60.4936494719392712, 19.1121561888774671
60.7607719657418741, 19.2523588218842434
61.0279206826665117, 19.3948085698758135
61.2951515979628851, 19.4043245299965577
Group = Mapping
TargetName = Mercury
EquatorialRadius = 2440000.0 <meters>
PolarRadius = 2440000.0 <meters>
LatitudeType = Planetocentric
LongitudeDirection = PositiveEast
LongitudeDomain = 360
MinimumLatitude = 57.869205530706
MaximumLatitude = 61.303013149342
MinimumLongitude = 18.059709527443
MaximumLongitude = 24.848591196067
PixelResolution = 229.97590845703
ProjectionName = Sinusoidal
CenterLongitude = 21.354478199267
Output values that do not have a minimum/maximum range associated with them
are calculated at the center of the image.
Definitions for most of the values output in the PVL file can be found in
the ISIS 3 documentation glossary including: SubSpacecraftLatitude,
SubSpacecraftLongitude, SubSolarLatitude,
SubSolarLongitude, NorthAzimuth,
SpacecraftAzimuth, and SubSolarAzimuth,
Robert Sucharski | 2007-04-10 |
Original version
Steven Lambright | 2007-08-10 |
Added an application test
Steven Koechle | 2007-11-01 |
Fixed WKT calls
Tracie Sucharski | 2007-11-09 |
Remove ToWKT calls and PolygonTools.h inclusion. The geos package now
has a method to return a WKT string, so the ToWKT method has been
removed from the PolygonTools class.
Kris Becker | 2007-12-07 |
Made the following modifications: fixed typo in PercentNull and
MaximumLongitude keywords; use the base file name for generation of
temporary files to further ensure uniqueness; run camstats once if
there is only one band - doubles execution speed for single band
images when CAMSTATS option is used; substitute the NULL string for
all special pixel values; added corner pixel keywords for PDS
compatibility; added phase, emission, incidence angles
and line and sample pixel resolution at the center pixel; added test
for intersection of longitude domain, north and south poles and
keywords that report them; added option to output ISIS cube labels;
corrected computations for parallax and shadow keywords.
Kris Becker | 2007-12-19 |
Renamed the HasLongitudeDomain keyword to HasLongitudeBoundary.
Makes more sense.
Kris Becker | 2008-02-27 |
Corrected method call to compute polygon with proper parameters as
well as correct band number. Added code to better honor specific
cube attributes (such as band numbers) in computations. Also will
produce NULL valued keywords where NULLs are a produced instead of
the real value for the ISIS NULL pixel value.
Steven Lambright | 2008-05-12 |
Removed references to CubeInfo
Bob Sucharski | 2008-07-31 |
Added Camera Test option to test for a valid camera at center of image
and return an error and end if a valid camera cannot be created.
Kris Becker | 2008-09-22 |
Reworked the output PVL format; added more keywords to the Common object
that indicate versions and dates; added more values to Geometry and
Polygon object.
Kris Becker | 2008-10-22 |
Corrected generation of polygon for multi-band data. It created a
POLYGON union instead of the required MULTIPOLYGON.
Kris Becker | 2008-10-30 |
The target center distance and subspacecraft latitude were not properly
propagated to the output PVL file and consequently were invalid. This
has been corrected.
Kris Becker | 2008-12-29 |
Added RightAscension, Declination, SubSolarGroundAzimuth, and
SubSpacecraftGroundAzimuth computations; added center line/sample image
coordinate used to compute center geometry; added check of valid image
line/sample coordinates when testing for north/south poles (some camera
models return valid states when coordinates are outside of image
Kris Becker | 2009-02-26 |
Modified to actually exclude the unconditional computation of the image
polygon to assist in some geometry values. It is no longer computed if
the user does not select the POLYGON option. The implications of this
are that some of the keywords in the output Geometry group are no
longer ever relevant. These keywords were all moved to the Polygon
group. These keywords are: CentroidLine, CentroidSample,
CentroidLatitude, CentroidLongitude, CentroidRadius and SurfaceArea.
User will no longer see these values if the POLYGON option is not
selected. Also the Radius keyword in the Polygon group has been
removed as it is redundant with CentroidRadius.
Kris Becker | 2009-05-29 |
Added PIXINC parameter to allow user to specify number of pixels to
skip around the perimeter of the image to compute the polygon.
Kris Becker | 2009-05-29 |
Fixed bug where image was a 0 longitude boundary crosser. It would
typically fail when determining centroid information unless converted
to 180 domain. This will also be used at the poles as it seems to work
better in the 180 domain as well. (This process projects the footprint
to a Sinusoidal projection to determine area which requires an equal
area projection, such as Sinusoidal.)
Kris Becker | 2009-07-08 |
Added the MAXEMISSION and MAXINCIDENCE limit parameters to better
control limb and terminator polygon generation.
Kris Becker | 2009-08-24 |
Allow disabling of shape model use when constructing polygons that
contain limbs.
Mackenzie Boyd | 2010-06-14 |
Removed polygon options group and placed the options within output
options. Added inclusion for parameters related to polygons to only be
available when polygons are selected. Made TO option not have a
default of None, updated documentation and modified formatting.
Jai Rideout | 2011-02-17 |
Replaced PIXINC with POLYSINC and POLYLINC. Renamed SINC and LINC to
Sharmila Prasad | 2011-02-24 |
Added option for the output file to be in CSV format and also ability
to append to the existing output file.
Jai Rideout | 2011-03-01 |
Renamed STATSSINC and STATSLINC back to SINC and LINC.
Sharmila Prasad | 2011-03-02 |
Fix App tests and add header for flat file if file does not exist.
Jai Rideout | 2011-03-03 |
Fixed incorrect CSV output format.
Christopher Austin | 2011-03-18 |
Rewrote the entire application to no longer have hard-coded values for
CSV, including the removal of duplicated code, updated includes, and
corrected the CSV to display the same values as the PVL does.
Christopher Austin | 2011-03-18 |
Added new parameters including FLATINC.
Christopher Austin | 2011-03-22 |
Changed the new parameter's names. (INCTYPE, NUMVERTICES)
Christopher Austin | 2011-05-12 |
Added smarts to the VERTICES option.
Travis Addair | 2011-07-27 |
Added INCREASEPRECISION option for creating an Image Polygon, the same
one as used by "footprintinit".
Kris Becker | 2012-11-23 |
The computation of ParallaxX/ParallaxY and ShadowX/ShadowY values was
not properly implemented. Updated documentation with a new example.
Fixes #1296.
Janet Barrett | 2013-01-29 |
Added the USELABEL option. This will allow the user to request that the
footprint be read from the labels of the input image file rather than
regenerating the footprint. Fixes #1452.
Janet Richie | 2013-02-25 |
Reviewed documentation. References #1452.