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Apply Sobel or Roberts gradient to a cube

Overview Parameters Example 1 Example 2


This program will apply a Sobel or Roberts gradient filter to a cube. These gradient filters will highlight edges of the image. The output contains the estimated, absolute magnitude of the spatial gradient of the input cube. NOTE: Any time a calculation must be done where one or more values are special pixels, the output will simply be NULL. If this causes unexpected results, you may need to run stretch to change input special pixels to something that is appropriate for calculation. For example, if the image contains a number of HIS values, you may want to stretch these to 255 prior to running the gradient filter.



Tracie Sucharski2002-12-18 Original version
Kim Sides2003-05-13 Added application test
Stuart Sides2003-05-16 Modified schema location from astogeology... to isis.astrogeology..."
Stuart Sides2003-07-29 Modified filename parameters to be cube parameters where necessary
Drew Davidson2005-08-16 Added examples
Brendan George2005-11-07 Modified to handle Special Pixels

Parameter Groups


Name Description
FROM Input cube
TO Output cube

Gradient Type

Name Description
GRADTYPEType of gradient (Sobel, Roberts)

Files: FROM


Use this parameter to select the filename. All bands within the file will have the gradient applied.

Type cube
File Mode input
Filter *.cub
Close Window

Files: TO


This file will contain the estimated absolute magnitude of the gradient.

Type cube
File Mode output
Pixel Type real
Close Window

Gradient Type: GRADTYPE


This chooses the gradient type. The possibilities are: Sobel which uses a 3 x 3 kernal or Roberts which uses a 2 x 2 kernel.

Type string
Default SOBEL
Option List:
Option Brief Description
SOBELSobel gradient (3x3)
ROBERTSRoberts gradient (2x2)
Close Window

Example 1

Applying a sobel filter


The use of the Sobel gradient here creates an output image which helps to highlight the edges.

Command Line

gradient from= peaks.cub to=sobelPeaks.cub gradtype=sobel
This example shows the use of the sobel filter in order to highlight edges

GUI Screenshot

gradient gui

Example GUI

Screenshot of the GUI with parameters set to filter using a sobel configuration

Input Image

The image before the filter

Input image before the filter.

Parameter Name: FROM

This is the image as it was taken originally.

Output Image

The image after the filter

Output image after the gradient was applied

Parameter Name: TO

As you can see, sharp edges on the image have been emphasized, while areas of more constant DNs have been de-emphasized.

Example 2

Applying a roberts filter


Command Line

gradient from= peaks.cub to=robertsPeaks.cub gradtype=roberts
This example shows the use of the roberts filter in order to highlight edges

GUI Screenshot

gradient gui

Example GUI

Screenshot of the GUI with parameters set to filter using a roberts gradient

Input Image

The image before the filter

Input image before the filter.

Parameter Name: FROM

This is the image as it was taken originally.

Output Image

The image after the filter

Output image after the roberts gradient

Parameter Name: TO

The use of the Roberts gradient here creates an output image which helps to highlight the edges. Since the Roberts filter uses a smaller boxcar, less of the image is taken into consideration at each processing step and thus the image can be created faster. The tradeoff is that images that have had the Roberts gradient applied tend be effected more by noise in the image.