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Determine SPICE kernels for a camera cube



Cubes which have supported camera models in the ISIS system require spacecraft position, pointing, body shape and orientation, sun position, and other information in order to compute ground positions (latitude/longitude) and photometric viewing angles. This information is stored in SPICE kernels. This program attempts to search the ISIS data areas in order to discern the SPICE kernels required for the camera cube.

The program examines the "SpacecraftName", "InstrumentId", "TargetName", "StartTime", and "StopTime" keywords in the cube label to determine the kernels to use. It attempts to find kernels files for the following keywords and writes them to the Kernels group:

If you are unfamilar with SPICE terminology it is recommended you read the NAIF required reading at http://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/naif/doc_C.html

The program modifies the kernels group and writes the name of the SPICE files that need to be loaded by the camera models. It has the option of pre-reading the data from the SPICE kernels and loading it as a binary table attached to the cube. This can faciliate faster load times and allows the instrument pointing to be easily updated.

As kernels are loaded they override the data in previously loaded kernels. The order in which kernels are loaded is:

  1. Target Position
  2. Instrument Position
  3. Instrument Pointing
  4. Frame
  5. Target Attitude Shape
  6. Instrument
  7. Instrument Addendum
  8. Leap Second
  9. Spacecraft Clock
  10. Extra
spiceinit will always try to use the best quality kernels possible. This only applies to kernels that are not specified manually. The kernel qualities are, in order:
  1. Smithed
  2. This is the best quality of kernel and will used first because these kernels are created after the fact based on the image data. There are not usually standard products with this quality.
  3. Reconstructed
  4. These kernels are typically produced by a mission a few weeks after the fact.
  5. Predicted
  6. These kernels are produced by a mission before the fact and are best-estimates of where the spacecraft will be.
  7. Nadir
  8. This is the worst quality and will be used as a last resort. This assumes the spacecraft is always nadir-looking.

Please note: Kernel Files specified that reside in the current working directory will not have their paths expanded. This is to allow variables like $msg/ to work correctly.

Troubleshooting: If spiceinit is failing with the error "No Camera Kernel found for the image ..." then try enabling the "CKPREDICTED" or "CKNADIR" option. A similar error exists for SPK kernels, and you can enable "SPKPREDICED" to get past that error. "PREDICTED" and "NADIR" options typically have less accuracy than reconstructed/smithed kernels which is why they are disabled by default.


Related Applications in Previous Versions of Isis

This application replaces the following applications existing in previous versions of Isis, which have been deprecated from the current version of Isis:

Parameter Groups

Input Files

Name Description
FROM The filename of the input cube to have "kernel" labels added to it

Spice Data

Name Description
WEB Use the ISIS Spice Web Service
ATTACH Attach SPICE data to cube

Instrument Orientation Kernel (CK) quality

Name Description
CKSMITHED Use smithed pointing kernels if available
CKRECON Use reconstructed pointing kernels if available
CKPREDICTED Use predicted pointing kernels if available
CKNADIR Compute nadir pointing if no other kernels exist

Instrument Position Kernel (SPK) quality

Name Description
SPKSMITHED Use smithed position kernels if available
SPKRECON Use reconstructed position kernels if available
SPKPREDICTED Use predicted pointing kernels if available

User Override of System Kernels

Name Description
LS User defined leap second kernel file.
PCK User defined target attitude and shape kernel file.
TSPK User defined target position kernel file.
IK User defined instrument kernel file.
SCLK User defined spacecraft clock kernel file.
CK User defined spacecraft pointing kernel file.
FK User defined frames kernel file.
SPK User defined spacecraft position kernel file.
IAK User defined instrument addendum kernel file.
EXTRA User defined extra kernel file.

Shape Model Parameters

Name Description
SHAPE Select the definition of the shape model
MODEL User defined ISIS cube shape model.

Time Parameters

Name Description
STARTPAD Time padding (in seconds) to load from the kernels before the start time of the image
ENDPAD Time padding (in seconds) to load from the kernels after the end time of the image

Spice Service Parameters

Name Description
URLThe Spice Service URL
PORTThe Spice Service Port

Input Files: FROM


The input file which will have a new "kernel" group added to its labels.

Type cube
File Mode input
Filter *.cub

Spice Data: WEB


This option enables using the ISIS Spice Website to get the most up to date kernels available. ATTACH must be enabled for this, and manually specifying files with this option on is not allowed. This service may be temporarily unavailable when new Isis releases are being distributed. Any mismatch in Isis version between the latest version and the version you are running will cause this option to fail; only the most recent version of Isis is supported. An active internet connection is required to use this service and downloading SPICE data will be slower than if you had run this with local files (downloaded all of $ISIS3DATA). The size of the download will depend heavily on the mission and instrument of your input file.

Type boolean
Default false
  • LS
  • PCK
  • TSPK
  • IK
  • SCLK
  • CK
  • FK
  • SPK
  • IAK
  • URL
  • PORT

Spice Data: ATTACH


This option attaches binary tables to the cube which contain the instrument position (SPK) and orientation (CK), as well as the sun position and body/target orientation. This is the prefered initialization option as it allows the pointing to be updated by further programs.

Type boolean
Default TRUE

Instrument Orientation Kernel (CK) quality: CKSMITHED


Allow the use of pointing kernels marked as c-smithed. If this parameters is turned on, c-smithed kernels may be used to cover the time requirements of the image. At least one of the parameters "CKPREDICTED", "CKNADIR", "CKRECON", "CKSMITHED" must be entered.

Type boolean
Default FALSE

Instrument Orientation Kernel (CK) quality: CKRECON


Allow the use of pointing kernels marked as reconstructed. If this parameters is turned on, reconstructed kernels may be used to cover the time requirements of the image. At least one of the parameters "CKPREDICTED", "CKNADIR", "CKRECON", "CKSMITHED" must be entered.

Type boolean
Default TRUE

Instrument Orientation Kernel (CK) quality: CKPREDICTED


Allow the use of pointing kernels marked as predicted. If this parameters is turned on, predicted kernels may be used to cover the time requirements of the image. At least one of the parameters "CKPREDICTED", "CKNADIR", "CKRECON", "CKSMITHED" must be entered.

Type boolean
Default FALSE

Instrument Orientation Kernel (CK) quality: CKNADIR


This option will create nadir pointing data if the other ck kernel types do not exist or do not cover the time range of the input cube. At least one of the parameters "CKPREDICTED", "CKNADIR", "CKRECON", "CKSMITHED" must be entered.

Type boolean
Default FALSE

Instrument Position Kernel (SPK) quality: SPKSMITHED


Allow the use of position kernels marked as smithed. If this parameters is turned on, smithed kernels may be used to( cover the time requirements of the image. At least one of the parameters "SPKPREDICTED", "SPKRECON", "SPKSMITHED" must be entered.

Type boolean
Default FALSE

Instrument Position Kernel (SPK) quality: SPKRECON


Allow the use of position kernels marked as reconstructed. If this parameters is turned on, reconstructed kernels may be used to cover the time requirements of the image. At least one of the parameters "SPKPREDICTED", "SPKRECON", "SPKSMITHED" must be entered.

Type boolean
Default TRUE

Instrument Position Kernel (SPK) quality: SPKPREDICTED


Allow the use of position kernels marked as predicted. If this parameters is turned on, predicted kernels may be used to cover the time requirements of the image. At least one of the parameters "SPKPREDICTED", "SPKRECON", "SPKSMITHED" must be entered.

Type boolean
Default FALSE

User Override of System Kernels: LS


Naif kernel file to be used for the leap second in place of the automated leap second kernel. The LS kernel will be referenced in the keyword LeapSecond by the resulting Kernel group.

Type filename
File Mode input
Default Path $base/kernels/lsk/
Internal Default none
Filter *.tls

User Override of System Kernels: PCK


Naif kernel file to be used for the target attitude and shape in place of the automated attitude and shape kernel. The PCK kernel will be referenced in the keyword TargetAttitudeShape by the resulting Kernel group.

Type filename
File Mode input
Default Path $BASE/kernels/pck/
Internal Default none
Filter *.tpc

User Override of System Kernels: TSPK


Naif kernel file to be used for the target position in place of the automated position kernel. The TSPK kernel will be referenced in the keyword TargetPosition by the resulting Kernel group.

Type filename
File Mode input
Default Path $BASE/kernels/spk/
Internal Default none
Filter *.bsp

User Override of System Kernels: IK


Naif kernel file to be used for the instrument in place of the automated instrument kernel. The IK kernel will be referenced in the keyword Instrument by the resulting Kernel group.

Type filename
File Mode input
Default Path $ISIS3DATA
Internal Default none
Filter *.ti

User Override of System Kernels: SCLK


Naif kernel file to be used for the spacecraft clock in place of the automated spacecraft clock kernel. The SCLK kernel will be referenced in the keyword Instrument by the resulting Kernel group.

Type filename
File Mode input
Default Path $ISIS3DATA
Internal Default none
Filter *.tsc

User Override of System Kernels: CK


Naif kernel file to be used for the spacecraft pointing in place of the automated spacecraft pointing kernel. The CK kernel will be referenced in the keyword InstrumentPointing by the resulting Kernel group.

Type filename
File Mode input
Default Path $ISIS3DATA
Internal Default none
Filter *.bc

User Override of System Kernels: FK


Naif kernel file to be used for the instrument frame in place of the automated frames kernel. The FK kernel will be referenced in the keyword InstrumentPointing by the resulting Kernel group. Note: If you enter a filename for CK some instruments may require a frame kernel as well.

Type filename
File Mode input
Default Path $ISIS3DATA
Internal Default none
Filter *.tf

User Override of System Kernels: SPK


Naif kernel file to be used for the spacecraft position in place of the automated spacecraft position kernel. The SPK kernel will be referenced in the keyword InstrumentPosition by the resulting Kernel group.

Type filename
File Mode input
Default Path $ISIS3DATA
Internal Default none
Filter *.bsp

User Override of System Kernels: IAK


Naif formatted kernel file to be used for the ISIS specific instrument addendum kernel, in place of the automated. The IAK kernel will be referenced in the keyword InstrumentAddendum by the resulting Kernel group.

Type filename
File Mode input
Default Path $ISIS3DATA
Internal Default none
Filter *.ti

User Override of System Kernels: EXTRA


Optional extra naif formatted kernel file. The EXTRA kernel will be referenced in the keyword Extra by the resulting Kernel group.

Type filename
File Mode input
Default Path $ISIS3DATA
Internal Default none

Shape Model Parameters : SHAPE


ISIS camera models can use a shape model (a projected ISIS cube that defines the radii for a global or regional area). You can choose to select a shape model or to use the definition of the ellipsoid found in the planetary constants (PCK) file.

Type string
Default SYSTEM
Option List:
Option Brief Description
ELLIPSOIDUse triiaxial ellipsoid from PCKThe camera will use the radii defined in the planetary constants file (PCK) when determining intersections of the body surface


SYSTEMSearch system for a default shape model This option will search the default system data area ($ISIS3DATA/base/dems) for a shape model that matches the target of the input cube. If none are found then no shape model will be used and the default ellipsoid parameters found in the planetary constants (PCK) file define the shape.


USERUser specified shape model fileThe camera will use shape model defined by the parameter MODEL

Shape Model Parameters : MODEL


A map projected ISIS cube which contains the radii of the target. The file can cover more than the input cube (FROM) but must minimally cover the data in the input cube.

Type cube
File Mode input
Default Path $base//dems/
Filter *.cub

Time Parameters: STARTPAD


When the kernels for an image are loaded, by default only what the image requires is loaded. By setting this option, the loaded kernels start at the specified amount of time before the image start time. Using this option for framing cameras could significantly decrease the accuracy of the Naif information because this will cause the information to be interpolated between the STARTPAD and ENDPAD.

Type double
Default 0.0
Minimum 0.0 (inclusive)

Time Parameters: ENDPAD


When the kernels for an image are loaded, by default only what the image requires is loaded. By setting this option, the loaded kernels end at the specified amount of time after the image end time. Using this option for framing cameras could significantly decrease the accuracy of the Naif information because this will cause the information to be interpolated between the STARTPAD and ENDPAD.

Type double
Default 0.0
Minimum 0.0 (inclusive)

Spice Service Parameters: URL


This is where a request for spice data is sent. The default is the USGS SPICE server.

Type string
Default http://services.isis.astrogeology.usgs.gov/cgi-bin/spiceinit.cgi

Spice Service Parameters: PORT


This is the port on which a request for spice data is sent. The USGS server works on port 80.

Type integer
Default 80
Minimum 0 (inclusive)


Debbie A. Cook2000-06-08 Original Version
Stuart Sides2003-11-05 Complete rewrite under Isis 3.0 conversion.
Stuart Sides2004-01-14 Modified to use an existing "Kernels" group instead of creating a new one. This was because the mission specific import program (e.g., moc2isis) was modified to create the "kernels" group and put the "NaifFrameCode" into it.
Stuart Sides2004-01-23 Added new parameter "TEST". This parameter controls the testing of the final kernel list. If false the kernels will not be tested for completness by createing a camera model.
Stuart Sides2004-02-23 Added elevation model DEM capabilities.
Stuart Sides2004-02-24 Completed capabilities to search for kernels of different qualities such as PREDICTED, NADIR, RECONSTRUCTED, and C-SMITHED.
Stuart Sides2005-11-08 Added fix for framing cameras, so they would not need a stop time in the instrument group of the labels.
Elizabeth Miller2005-11-14 Added appTest
Jacob Danton2005-12-22 Added support for multiple files within the kernels
Jacob Danton2005-12-27 Added a progress bar
Jacob Danton2006-01-03 Fixed the xml description
Jacob Danton2006-01-25 Changed the mission translation file name
Jacob Danton2006-01-25 Changed the appTest to comply with changes in the String class.
Jeff Anderson2006-03-27 Modified to write InstrumentPointing, InstrumentPosition, SunPosition, and BodyRotation information to SPICE tables in the cube.
Brendan George2006-09-19 Added call to modify the history of the cube
Brendan George2006-10-19 Modifed to remove label entries for spice tables, if ATTACH is unchecked, and the input cube already has them.
Steven Lambright2007-07-10 Combined Frame and InstrumentPointing. Changed to support new version of KernelDb. Cleaned up the code.
Steven Lambright and Steve Koechle2007-07-10 Fixed problem where the allowed kernels were being set improperly.
Steven Lambright2007-08-10 Fixed so that when no spacecraft pointing is found, but frame kernels are, and Nadir is allowed it still adds the Nadir keyword.
Steven Koechle2007-10-05 Added a check to see if the cube had an existing polygon, if so delete it.
Steven Koechle2007-10-25 Fixed Smithed enum, changed from C-Smithed.
Steven Koechle2007-12-14 Added error handling logic. If the user chose to use Nadir CK and another type, and the system found a file where the image falls in a gap (no pointing is available) Nadir would never be calculated. Fixed.
Steven Lambright2008-02-13 Added time padding options
Steven Lambright2008-02-21 Added additional explanation of time padding options
Steven Lambright2008-02-22 Split the CK parameter into FK and CK, they are still combined in the label as InstrumentPointing.
Steven Lambright2008-04-14 All found CK kernels will now be tested before giving an error
Christopher Austin2008-05-02 Fixed the propagation of the EXTRA Kernel.
Steven Lambright2008-05-12 Removed references to CubeInfo
Steven Lambright2008-05-19 Fixed documentation
Christopher Austin2008-06-03 Furthered documentation.
Steven Koechle2008-06-17 Added CK check and throw more appropriate error
Christopher Austin2008-09-12 Added the removal of StartPadding and EndPadding keywords from previous spiceinit runs, and added some double inited tests. NOTE: Whenever adding new keywords, run spiceinit twice on the same cube in your test, dumping out both labels to verify that the keyword is not being duplicated.
Tracie Sucharski2009-03-12 If spice is put into a Table, append the kernel name to the Kernel group keyword to keep track of original spice kernels.
Steven Koechle2009-05-12 Added CameraVersion into the Kernel labels
Steven Lambright2009-07-09 Error messages from the camera are now reported
Steven Lambright2009-07-21 Fixed handling of user-entered CK kernels
Janet Barrett and Steven Lambright2011-05-25 Added support for storing text spice kernel values in the cube labels
Steven Lambright and Jai Rideout2011-08-30 Added support for using a spiceinit web service
Steven Lambright2011-10-05 As a result of our test and review team, I have updated the documentation to match the recommendations of Laz Kestay and Ken Edmundson. Fixes #423.
Jai Rideout2011-11-18 Fixed bug in writing tables to the cube that were retrieved from the web service.