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Create a color mosaic of a HiRISE cubes from an observation and update labels required by hirdrgen.

Overview Parameters


** The output from this program is required by hirdrgen **
If the final product wil not be an RDR, mapmos or automos can be used to produce a mosaic. This program produces a mosaic and adds keywords to the label group "Mosaic" that are required by hirdrgen.
The input cubes to this program must be from the same observation, stacked by hicubeit, and map projected.
the CCDs of the HiRISE instrument are arranged in a way that color products can only be produced in two positions of the CCD array. The CCDs that overlap for a color product are RED4, IR10, and BG12 or RED5, IR11, and BG13. The program hicubeit is used to stack the individual CCDs into a multi band cube. The output from hicubeit is the required input for hicolormos. The from1 and from2 parameters allow these two CCD stacks to be input. The program hicolormos can also be run with only the from1 parameter.
A new label group, that is required by hirdrgen, called "Mosaic" is added to the image labels of the output cube. The original label blob is also propagated from the from1 input file.

processing sequence for color products that will become RDRs
Slither - match the blue-green and/or the infer-red to the red CCD.
hicubeit - stack the matching CCDs to make a three band cube.
cam2map - project the cube. hicolormos requiers a map projected cube.
hicolormos - mosaic files and add keywords to the mosaic group.
hirdrgen - produce a RDR product.



Robert Sucharski2006-07-19 Original version,
Elizabeth Miller2007-02-20 Changed OriginalLabel name to IsisCube
Robert Sucharski2007-04-12 Added keywords SubSolarAzimuth, NorthAzimuth, and SpecialProcessingFlag to mosaic group in output labels.
Robert Sucharski2007-06-26 Fixed a bug, needed to add traverse when looking for PVL group archive.
Rovert Sucharski2007-10-18 Added code to get the avg line and sample for gathering camera infomation if using the avg latitude and longitude fails. We contine to use the latitude and logitude so that we are backwards compatible. We added this new code because the camera could not find an itersect for some images (polar) if we used projection latitude and longitude to "setGround".
Debbie A. Cook2012-07-06 Updated Spice members to be more compliant with Isis coding standards. References #972.
Tracie Sucharski2012-12-06 Changed to use TProjection instead of Projection. References #775

Parameter Groups


Name Description
FROM1 First input file
FROM2 Second input file. this file is not required.
TO The name of the output cube
PRIORITYThe priority of pixel placement

Files: FROM1


The first file that will be added to a color mosaic. This file is also used to propagate the Original label blob. This file must be the output file from hicubeit and map projected.

Type cube
File Mode input
Filter *.cub
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Files: FROM2


This is the second cube that will be added to a color masaic. This file should be the output from hicubeit and map projected. This input file is not required.

Type cube
File Mode input
Internal Default None
Filter *.cub
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Files: TO


This is the name that will be given to the output cube. this cube is a mosaic of the two from files and has the new group "mosaic' added.

Type cube
File Mode output
Filter *.cub
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This parameter is used to select one of two ways to masaic the pixels in areas of overlap.

Type string
Default ONTOP
Option List:
Option Brief Description
ONTOPInput cube will be placed on top of the mosaic When the input pixel is not Null, the input pixel value will be written to the output cube.
BENEATHInput cube will be placed beneath the mosaic When the mosaic pixel is not Null it will be left unchanged.
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