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Improves camera pointing and a whole lot more!

Overview Parameters


jigsaw performs a bundle adjustment on a group of overlapping Isis 3, level 1, cubes from framing and/or line-scan cameras. The adjustment simultaneously refines the selected image geometry information (camera pointing, spacecraft position) and control point coordinates (x,y,z or lat,lon,radius) to reduce boundary mismatches in mosaics of the images.

This functionality is demonstrated below in a zoomed-in area of a mosaic of a pair of overlapping Messenger images. In the before jigsaw mosaic on the left (uncontrolled), the features on the edges of the images do not match. In the after jigsaw mosaic on the right (controlled), the crater edges meet correctly and the seam between the two images is no longer visible.

Before jigsaw (uncontrolled) After jigsaw (controlled)

jigsaw assumes spiceinit has been run on the input cubes so that SPICE is included in the Isis 3 cube labels in the Kernels group. In order to run the program, the user must provide a list of input cubes, an input control net, the name of an output control net, and the adjustment parameters. jigsaw outputs a new control net that includes the initial state of the points in the network and their final state after the adjustment. The initial state of the points are tagged as a priori in the control net, and their final state as adjusted. The measured sample/line positions associated with the control points in the net are not changed. SPICE in the cube labels is updated at the end of the adjustment only if the bundle converges and the UPDATE parameter is selected.

Optional output files can be selected to provide more information for analyzing the results. BUNDLEOUT.TXT provides an overall summary of the bundle adjustment. It lists the user input parameters selected and tables of statistics for both the images and the points. The image statistics can also be written to a separate CSV file and likewise for the point statistics with the OUTPUT_CSV option selected. RESIDUALS_CSV provides a table of the measured image coordinates and the final sample, line, and overall residuals in both millimeters and pixels.

The functional model for the bundle adjustment is the collinearity condition. It stipulates that the camera perspective center, a ground point, and its associated image point measurement be collinear. The diagram below demonstrates the collinear condition in a bundle adjustment. The vectors formed by connecting each object space point (target surface x,y,z) and its corresponding image space points (sample,line) form a bundle of light rays.

Before jigsaw (uncontrolled)

Kraus, Karl., 1993. Photogrammetry Vol. I., Fundamentals and Standard Processes, Der. Dümmler Verlag, Bonn, Germany, ISBN 3-427-78684-6, 397 pages.

Known Issues

Running jigsaw with a control net containing JigsawRejected flags may result in bundle failure

When running jigsaw with Outlier Retection turned on, control points and/or control measures may be flagged as JigsawRejected in the output control net file. If this output net file is then used in a subsequent jigsaw run, these points and measures will be erroneously ignored, potentially causing the bundle adjustment to fail.

  1. Run jigsaw with Outlier Rejection off.
  2. Do not use the output control net file in subsequent jigsaw runs.
  3. Convert the output control net file from binary to pvl and back using cnetbin2pvl and cnetpvl2bin. This will clear the JigsawRejected flags.


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Jeff Anderson2007-04-27 Original version
Steven Lambright2007-07-23 Changed category to Control Networks and corrected XML bugs
Debbie A. Cook2007-10-05 Revised iteration report to list the errors and sigmas from the same iteration. Previous version reported errors from previous iteration and sigmas from current iteration.
Christopher Austin2008-07-03 Cleaned the Bundle Adjust memory leak and fixed the app tests.
Tracie Sucharski2009-04-08 Added date to the Jigged comment in the spice tables.
Tracie Sucharski2009-04-22 If updating pointing, delete the CameraStatistics table from labels.
Mackenzie Boyd2009-07-23 Modified program to write history to input cubes.
Debbie A. Cook2010-08-12 Commented out Heldlist until mechanism in place to enter individual image parameter constraints.
Debbie A. Cook2010-08-12 Merged Ken Edmundson version with system and binary control net.
Debbie A. Cook2011-06-14 Modified code to prevent updates to cube files in held list.
Debbie A. Cook2011-09-28 Removed SC_SIGMAS from user parameter list because it is not fully implemented; changed method name SPARSE to OLDSPARSE and CHOLMOD to SPARSE; and improved the documentation for the Isis3.3.0 release.
Debbie A. Cook, Ken Edmundson, and Orrin Thomas2011-10-03 Added images showing before and after to demonstrate the program. Added Krause's collinearity diagram and a brief explanation on the output options. Also added a lien for example(s) to be added later.
Debbie A. Cook2011-10-06 Corrected previous history entry and added references to glossary. Also changed application names to bold type.
Debbie A. Cook and Ken Edmundson2011-10-07 Removed glossary references from briefs. Also changed the definition of angles to state right ascension and declination to be consistent with the output.
Ken Edmundson2011-10-14 Added internal default and minimum inclusive tags to global apriori uncertainties.
Ken Edmundson2011-10-18 Added Known Issues section and JigsawRejected flag issue.
Debbie A. Cook2011-11-04 Added minimums to parameters, corrected SOLVEDEGREE description, and added to the camsolve option descriptions in response to Mantis issue #514.
Ken Edmundson2011-12-20 Added REJECTION_MULTIPLIER to interface, part of Mantis issue #637.
Ken Edmundson2012-01-19 Added SPKDEGREE and SPKSOLVEDEGREE; changed name of SOLVEDEGREE to CKSOLVEDEGREE.
Ken Edmundson2014-02-13 Added separate group for Error Propagation with option to write inverse matrix to binary file. For extremely large networks where memory/time for error propagation is limited.

Parameter Groups


Name Description
FROMLIST cube list
HELDLIST Held list
CNET Input control network
ONET Output control network

Solve Options

Name Description
OBSERVATIONS Keep instances of the same observation in different cube files the same
RADIUS Solve for local radii of points
UPDATE Update cube label
METHOD Matrix solution method
OUTLIER_REJECTION Auto-rejection of outliers
REJECTION_MULTIPLIERRejection multiplier
ERRORPROPAGATION Compute variance-covariance matrix

Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Name Description
MODEL1A maximum likelihood estimation model selection.
MAX_MODEL1_C_QUANTILEQuantile of the |resiudual| distribution used to set the tweaking constant of the maximum likelihood estimation model.
MODEL2A maximum likelihood estimation model selection.
MAX_MODEL2_C_QUANTILEQuantile of the |resiudual| distribution used to set the tweaking constant of the maximum likelihood estimation model.
MODEL3A maximum likelihood estimation model selection.
MAX_MODEL3_C_QUANTILEQuantile of the |resiudual| distribution used to set the tweaking constant of the maximum likelihood estimation model.

Convergence Criteria

Name Description
SIGMA0 standard deviation of unit weight
MAXITS iterations

Camera Pointing Options

Name Description
CKDEGREE Degree of polynomial fit to original camera angles
CKSOLVEDEGREE The degree of the polynomial being fit to in the bundle adjustment
CAMSOLVE Camera pointing parameters to include in the bundle adjustment
TWIST Solve for twist
OVEREXISTING Fit polynomial over the existing pointing

Spacecraft Options

Name Description
SPKDEGREE Degree of polynomial fit to original camera position
SPKSOLVEDEGREE The degree of the camera position polynomial being fit to in the bundle adjustment.
SPSOLVE Spacecraft position parameters to include in the adjustment
OVERHERMITE Fit polynomial over the existing Hermite spline

Parameter Uncertainties

Name Description
POINT_LATITUDE_SIGMA Global latitude uncertainty for all points (meters)
POINT_LONGITUDE_SIGMA Global longitude uncertainty for all points (meters)
POINT_RADIUS_SIGMA Global radius uncertainty for all points (meters)
SPACECRAFT_POSITION_SIGMA Global uncertainty for spacecraft coordinates (meters)
SPACECRAFT_VELOCITY_SIGMA Global uncertainty for spacecraft velocity (meters/second)
SPACECRAFT_ACCELERATION_SIGMA Global uncertainty for spacecraft acceleration (meters/second/second)
CAMERA_ANGLES_SIGMA global uncertainty for camera angles (decimal degrees)
CAMERA_ANGULAR_VELOCITY_SIGMA Global uncertainty for camera angular velocity (decimal degrees/second)
CAMERA_ANGULAR_ACCELERATION_SIGMA global uncertainty for camera angular acceleration (decimal degrees/second/second)

Output Options

Name Description
FILE_PREFIXoutput file prefix
BUNDLEOUT_TXT Standard bundle output file - bundleout.txt
OUTPUT_CSV Outputs point and image data (body-fixed) to csv file - bundleout_points.csv
RESIDUALS_CSV Outputs image coordinate residuals to csv file - residuals.csv



This file contains a list of all cubes in the control network

Type filename
File Mode input
Filter *.txt *.lis
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This file contains a list of all cubes whose orientation and position will be held in the adjustment. These images will still be included in the solution, but their camera orientation and spacecraft position will be constrained to keep the values from changing. This is an optional parameter and the default is to not hold any of the images.

Type filename
File Mode input
Internal Default none
Filter *.txt *.lis
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Files: CNET


This file is a control network generated from programs such as autoseed or qnet. It contains the control points and associated measures.

Type filename
File Mode input
Filter *.net
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Files: ONET


This output file contains the updated control network with the final coordinates of the control points and residuals for each measurement.

Type filename
File Mode output
Filter *.net
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This option will solve for SPICE on all cubes with a matching observation number as though they were a single observation. For most missions, the default observation number is equivalent to the serial number of the cube, and a single cube is an observation. However, for the Lunar Orbiter mission an image has a defined observation number that is a substring of its serial number. This feature allows the three subframes of a Lunar Orbiter High Resolution frame to be treated as a single observation when this option is used. Otherwise each subframe is adjusted independently.

Type boolean
Default No
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Solve Options: RADIUS


Select this option to solve for the local radius of each control point. If this button is not turned on, the radii of the points will not change from the cube's shape model.

Type boolean
Default No
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Solve Options: UPDATE


When this option is selected, the application will update the labels of the individual cubes in the FROMLIST with the final values from the solution if the adjustment converges. The results are written to the SPICE blobs attached to the cube, overwriting the previous values. If this option is not selected, the cube files are not changed. All other output files are still created.

Type boolean
Default No
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Solve Options: METHOD


Enter the desired method to use to solve the matrix. Methods will vary in speed and accuracy. The default, SPARSE, is the preferred method because of speed and memory usage.

Type string
Default SPARSE
Option List:
Option Brief Description
SPARSECholMod Solve with CholMod sparse decomposition.
SPECIALKSpecialK (dense) Solve with Cholesky dense decomposition.
OLDSPARSE Sparse matrix solver Solve the matrix using a sparse matrix solver. Note: Sparse solver will not work on Sun/Solaris, QRD will be used.


  • MODEL1
  • MODEL2
  • MODEL3
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Select this option to perform automatic outlier detection and rejection.

Type boolean
Default No
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Rejection multiplier

Type double
Default 3.0
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Select this option to compute the variance-covariance matrix of the parameters. The parameter uncertainties can be computed from this matrix.

Type boolean
Default No
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Maximum Likelihood Estimation: MODEL1


A maximum likelihood estimation model selection.

Type string
Default NONE
Option List:
Option Brief Description
NONENone: no tier one maximumlikelihood estimation None: no tier one maximumlikelihood estimation


  • MODEL2
  • MODEL3
HUBERHuber: aproximates the L2 norm near 0, and the L1 norm therafter. Has one continuous derivative. A highly recommend model, that works well in many situations.


HUBER_MODIFIEDHuber Modified: approximates the L2 norm near 0 and the L1 norm thereafter. Has two continuous derivatives. An adaptation of the hignly recomended Huber model that has two continuous derviatives.


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Maximum Likelihood Estimation: MAX_MODEL1_C_QUANTILE


The tweaking constant has differenct meaning depending on the model being used: Huber models: The point at which the transformation motion from L2 to L1 norms takes place. Recomended quantile: 0.5 Welsch model: Residuals whose absolute value is twice the tweaking constant are approaching negligible significance. Recomended quantile: 0.7 Chen model: Residuals whose absolute values is greater than the tweaking constant are total ignored. Recomend quantile: > 0.9

Type double
Default 0.5
Minimum 0 (exclusive)
Maximum 1 (exclusive)
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Maximum Likelihood Estimation: MODEL2


A maximum likelihood estimation model selection.

Type string
Default NONE
Option List:
Option Brief Description
NONENone: no tier two maximumlikelihood estimation None: no tier two maximumlikelihood estimation


  • MODEL3
HUBERHuber: aproximates the L2 norm near 0, and the L1 norm therafter. Has one continuous derivative. A highly recommend model, that works well in many situations.
HUBER_MODIFIEDHuber Modified: approximates the L2 norm near 0 and the L1 norm thereafter. Has two continuous derivatives. An adaptation of the hignly recomended Huber model that has two continuous derviatives.
WELSCHWelsch: aprroximates the L2 norm near 0, but then decays exponentially to zero. This model reduces the significance of large residuals more agressively than Huber. Large residuals will have less influence than small residuals, and they approach negligibility as they approach infinity. Measures can be effectively 'removed' by this method, which may cause singularities and/or islands.
CHENChen: a highly aggresive method that intentionally removes the largest few percent of residuals This mehtod dramatically increases the influence of smaller residuals (beyond the L2 norm), while at the same time totally ignoring the largest few percent of the residuals.
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Maximum Likelihood Estimation: MAX_MODEL2_C_QUANTILE


The tweaking constant has differenct meaning depending on the model being used: Huber models: The point at which the transformation motion from L2 to L1 norms takes place. Recomended quantile: 0.5 Welsch model: Residuals whose absolute value is twice the tweaking constant are approaching negligible significance. Recomended quantile: 0.7 Chen model: Residuals whose absolute values is greater than the tweaking constant are total ignored. Recomend quantile: > 0.9

Type double
Default 0.5
Minimum 0 (exclusive)
Maximum 1 (exclusive)
Close Window

Maximum Likelihood Estimation: MODEL3


A maximum likelihood estimation model selection.

Type string
Default NONE
Option List:
Option Brief Description
NONENone: no tier three maximumlikelihood estimation None: no tier three maximumlikelihood estimation


HUBERHuber: aproximates the L2 norm near 0, and the L1 norm therafter. Has one continuous derivative. A highly recommend model, that works well in many situations.
HUBER_MODIFIEDHuber Modified: approximates the L2 norm near 0 and the L1 norm thereafter. Has two continuous derivatives. An adaptation of the hignly recomended Huber model that has two continuous derviatives.
WELSCHWelsch: aprroximates the L2 norm near 0, but then decays exponentially to zero. This model reduces the significance of large residuals more agressively than Huber. Large residuals will have less influence than small residuals, and they approach negligibility as they approach infinity. Measures can be effectively 'removed' by this method, which may cause singularities and/or islands.
CHENChen: a highly aggresive method that intentionally removes the largest few percent of residuals This mehtod dramatically increases the influence of smaller residuals (beyond the L2 norm), while at the same time totally ignoring the largest residuals.
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Maximum Likelihood Estimation: MAX_MODEL3_C_QUANTILE


The tweaking constant has differenct meaning depending on the model being used: Huber models: The point at which the transformation motion from L2 to L1 norms takes place. Recomended quantile: 0.5 Welsch model: Residuals whose absolute value is twice the tweaking constant are approaching negligible significance. Recomended quantile: 0.7 Chen model: Residuals whose absolute values is greater than the tweaking constant are total ignored. Recomend quantile: > 0.9

Type double
Default 0.5
Minimum 0 (exclusive)
Maximum 1 (exclusive)
Close Window

Convergence Criteria: SIGMA0


Converges on stabilization of Sigma0. Convergence occurs when the change in sigma0 between iterations is less than or equal to Sigma0.

Type double
Default 1.0e-10
Minimum 0 (exclusive)
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Convergence Criteria: MAXITS


Maximum number of times to iterate. The application stops iterating at MAXIT, or when convergence is reached.

Type integer
Default 50
Minimum 1 (inclusive)
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Camera Pointing Options: CKDEGREE


The degree of the polynomial fit to the original camera angles and used to generate a priori camera angles for the first iteration.

Type integer
Default 2
Minimum 0 (inclusive)
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Camera Pointing Options: CKSOLVEDEGREE


The degree of the polynomial being fit to in the bundle adjust solution. This polynomial can be different from the one used to generate the a priori camera angles used in the first iteration. In the case of an instrument with a jitter problem, a higher degree polynomial fit to each of the camera angles might provide a better solution (smaller errors). For framing cameras, the application automatically sets degree to 0.

Type integer
Default 2
Minimum 0 (inclusive)
Close Window

Camera Pointing Options: CAMSOLVE


This parameter is used to specify which, if any, camera pointing parameters to include in the adjustment.

Type string
Default ANGLES
Option List:
Option Brief Description
NONE Don't solve for any camera pointing factors If this option is selected, no camera pointing parameters will be adjusted.


ANGLESSolve for camera angles: right ascension, declination and optionally twist Camera angles in each cube will be adjusted in the solution, but not angular velocities or accelerations. Solving for the first two camera angles translates images in sample and line. Adding the third angle to the solution (TWIST option) allows for rotation corrections. Adjustments are not applied unless the solution converges and UPDATE is selected. Solving for angles only is equivalent to using CKSOLVEDEGREE=0.
VELOCITIESSolve for camera angles AND their angular velocities Camera angles and their angular velocities will be adjusted in the solution. Solving for angles and velocities is equivalent to using CKSOLVEDEGREE=1.
ACCELERATIONSSolve for camera angles, their angular velocities and accelerations Camera angles, their angular velocities, and accelerations will be adjusted in the solution. Solving for angles, angular velocities, and accelerations is equivalent to using CKSOLVEDEGREE=2.
ALLSolve for all coefficients in the polynomials fit to the camera angles. If this option is selected, all coefficients of the solve equation will be adjusted in the solution (CKSOLVEDEGREE+1 coefficients)
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Camera Pointing Options: TWIST


If this option is selected, the twist angle will be adjusted in the bundle adjustment solution.

Type boolean
Default Yes
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Camera Pointing Options: OVEREXISTING


This option will fit a polynomial over the existing pointing data. This data is held constant in the adjustment, and the initial value for the each of the coefficients in the polynomials is 0. When this option is used, the current pointing is used as a priori in the adjustment.

Type boolean
Default No
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Spacecraft Options: SPKDEGREE


The degree of the polynomial fit to the original camera position and used to generate a priori camera positions for the first iteration.

Type integer
Default 2
Minimum 0 (inclusive)
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Spacecraft Options: SPKSOLVEDEGREE


The degree of the polynomial being fit to in the bundle adjust solution. This polynomial can be different from the one used to generate the a priori camera positions used in the first iteration. In the case of an instrument with a jitter problem, a higher degree polynomial fit for the camera position might provide a better solution (smaller errors). For framing cameras, the application automatically sets degree to 0.

Type integer
Default 2
Minimum 0 (inclusive)
Close Window

Spacecraft Options: SPSOLVE


This parameter is used to specify which, if any, spacecraft position parameters to include in the adjustment.

Type string
Default NONE
Option List:
Option Brief Description
NONEDon't solve for any spacecraft position parameters No spacecraft position parameters will be adjusted.


POSITIONSolve for the spacecraft positions Spacecraft positions will be adjusted in the solution, but not the velocity or the acceleration.
VELOCITIESSolve for the spacecraft positions and velocities Spacecraft positions will be adjusted in the solution, as well as the velocities of the spacecraft at each instance.
ACCELERATIONSSolve for the spacecraft positions, velocities, and accelerations Spacecraft positions will be adjusted in the solution, as well as the velocities and accelerations of the spacecraft at each instance.
ALLSolve for all coefficients in the polynomials fit to the camera position. If this option is selected, all coefficients of the solve equation will be adjusted in the solution (SPKSOLVEDEGREE+1 coefficients)
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Spacecraft Options: OVERHERMITE


This option will fit a polynomial over the existing Hermite cubic spline used to interpolate the coordinates of the spacecraft position. The spline is held constant in the adjustment, and the initial value for the each of the coefficients in the polynomials is 0. When this option is used, the current positions are used as a priori in the adjustment.

Type boolean
Default No
Close Window

Parameter Uncertainties: POINT_LATITUDE_SIGMA


This optional value will be used as the global latitude uncertainty for all points. Units are meters.

Type double
Internal Default none
Minimum 0 (inclusive)
Close Window

Parameter Uncertainties: POINT_LONGITUDE_SIGMA


This optional value will be used as the global longitude uncertainty for all points. Units are meters.

Type double
Internal Default none
Minimum 0 (inclusive)
Close Window

Parameter Uncertainties: POINT_RADIUS_SIGMA


This value will be used as the global radius uncertainty for all points. Units are meters.

Type double
Internal Default none
Minimum 0 (inclusive)
Close Window

Parameter Uncertainties: SPACECRAFT_POSITION_SIGMA


This value will be used as the global uncertainty for spacecraft coordinates. Units are meters.

Type double
Internal Default none
Minimum 0 (inclusive)
Close Window

Parameter Uncertainties: SPACECRAFT_VELOCITY_SIGMA


This value will be used as the global uncertainty for spacecraft velocity. Units are meters/second. (meters)

Type double
Internal Default none
Minimum 0 (inclusive)
Close Window



This value will be used as the global uncertainty for spacecraft acceleration. Units are meters/second/second.

Type double
Internal Default none
Minimum 0 (inclusive)
Close Window

Parameter Uncertainties: CAMERA_ANGLES_SIGMA


This value will be used as the global uncertainty for camera angles. Units are decimal degrees.

Type double
Internal Default none
Minimum 0 (inclusive)
Close Window



This value will be used as the global uncertainty for camera angular velocity. Units are decimal degrees/second.

Type double
Internal Default none
Minimum 0 (inclusive)
Close Window



This value will be used as the global uncertainty for camera angular acceleration. Units are decimal degrees/second/second.

Type double
Internal Default none
Minimum 0 (inclusive)
Close Window

Output Options: FILE_PREFIX


output file prefix

Type string
Internal Default none
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Output Options: BUNDLEOUT_TXT


Selection of this parameter flags generation of the standard bundle output file

Type boolean
Default yes
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Output Options: OUTPUT_CSV


Selection of this parameter flags output of point and image data (in body-fixed coordinates) to csv file.

Type boolean
Default yes
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Output Options: RESIDUALS_CSV


Selection of this parameter flags output of image coordinate residuals to a csv file

Type boolean
Default yes
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