Isis 3.0 Application Source Code Reference



Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef DARKCURRENT_H
00002 #define DARKCURRENT_H
00003 /**
00004  * @file
00005  * $Revision: 1.3 $
00006  * $Date: 2009/05/27 21:26:15 $
00007  *
00008  *   Unless noted otherwise, the portions of Isis written by the USGS are public
00009  *   domain. See individual third-party library and package descriptions for
00010  *   intellectual property information,user agreements, and related information.
00011  *
00012  *   Although Isis has been used by the USGS, no warranty, expressed or implied,
00013  *   is made by the USGS as to the accuracy and functioning of such software
00014  *   and related material nor shall the fact of distribution constitute any such
00015  *   warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the USGS in connection
00016  *   therewith.
00017  *
00018  *   For additional information, launch
00019  *   $ISISROOT/doc//documents/Disclaimers/Disclaimers.html in a browser or see
00020  *   the Privacy & Disclaimers page on the Isis website,
00021  *, and the USGS privacy and disclaimers on
00022  *
00023  */
00025 #include <string>
00026 #include <vector>
00027 #include "Filename.h"
00029 using namespace std;
00031 namespace Isis {
00032   class CissLabels;
00033   /**
00034    * @brief Compute Cassini ISS dark current subtraction
00035    *
00036    * This class was created in order to perform necessary
00037    * calculations for computing the two-dimensional dark current
00038    * array to be subtracted from Cassini ISS images during
00039    * calibration using the <B>Isis cisscal</B> application.
00040    *
00041    * @ingroup Cassini
00042    * @author 2008-11-05 Jeannie Walldren
00043    * @internal
00044    *  @history 2008-11-05 Jeannie Walldren - Original Version
00045    *  @history 2009-01-26 Jeannie Walldren - Changed declarations of 2
00046    *           dimensional vectors
00047    *  @history 2009-05-27 Jeannie Walldren - Added p_flightSoftware variable.
00048    *                         Updated ComputeLineTime() code with algorithm from
00049    *                         the new version of in idl cisscal 3.6.
00050    *                         Fixed instrument data rate value in the
00051    *                         constructor.
00052    *  @history 2010-07-19 Jeannie Walldren - Fixed formatting.
00053    */
00054   class DarkCurrent {
00055     public:
00056       // implied open file
00057       DarkCurrent(CissLabels &cissLab);
00058       ~DarkCurrent() {};  //!< Empty Destructor
00060       vector <vector <double> > ComputeDarkDN();
00061       //! Retrieves the name of the bias distortion table
00062       Filename BiasDistortionTable() {
00063         return p_bdpath;
00064       };      
00065       //! Retrieves the name of the dark parameters file
00066       Filename DarkParameterFile()  {
00067         return p_dparamfile;
00068       };  
00071     private:
00072       double ComputeLineTime(int lline);
00073       void   FindDarkFiles();
00074       void   ComputeTimeArrays();
00075       vector <vector <double> > MakeDarkArray();
00076       vector <vector <double> > MakeManyLineDark(Brick &darkBrick);
00079       int p_lines;            //!< Number of lines in the image.
00080       int p_samples;          //!< Number of samples in the image.
00081       Filename p_bdpath;      //!< Bias distortion table for the image.  Only exists for narrow camera images.
00082       Filename p_dparamfile;  //!< Dark parameters file for the image.
00084       //LABEL VARIABLES
00085       int p_btsm;                   //!< Value dependent upon <b>PvlKeyword</b> DelayedReadoutFlag. Valid values are: "No"=0, "Yes"=1, "Unknown"=-1.  Called "botsim" or "btsm" in IDL code.
00086       double p_compRatio;           //!< Value of <b>PvlKeyword</b> CompressionRatio from the labels of the image.  Called "ratio" in IDL code.
00087       string p_compType;            //!< Value of <b>PvlKeyword</b> CompressionType from the labels of the image.  Called "comp" in IDL code.
00088       string p_dataConvType;        //!< Value of <b>PvlKeyword</b> DataConversionType from the labels of the image.  Called "conv" in IDL code.
00089       double p_expDur;              //!< Value of <b>PvlKeyword</b> ExposureDuration from the labels of the image.  Called "exposure" or "time" in IDL code.
00090       iString p_flightSoftware;     //!< Value of <b>PvlKeyword</b> FlightSoftwareVersion from the labels of the image.  Called "fsw" in IDL code.
00091       int p_gainMode;               //!< Value of <b>PvlKeyword</b> GainModeId from the labels of the image.
00092       double p_instDataRate;        //!< Value of <b>PvlKeyword</b> InstrumentDataRate from the labels of the image.
00093       bool p_narrow;                //!< Indicates whether the image is from a narrow-angle camera
00094       int p_readoutIndex;           //!< Value of <b>PvlKeyword</b> InstrumentDataRate from the labels of the image.  Called "rdind" or "roindex" in IDL code.
00095       int p_readoutOrder;           //!< Value of <b>PvlKeyword</b> ReadoutOrder from the labels of the image. Valid values are: NAC first = 0, WAC first = 1.  Called "roo" in IDL code.
00096       iString p_sum;                //!< Summing mode, as found in the labels of the image.  This integer is created as an iString so that it may be added to a string.  Called "sum" in IDL code.
00097       int p_telemetryRate;          //!< Telemetry rate of the image in packets per second.  This is dependent on the range of the instrument data rate.  Called "cdsr" in IDL code.
00099       vector <vector <double> > p_startTime;    //!< Array of start times for each pixel of the image.
00100       vector <vector <double> > p_endTime;      //!< Array of end times for each pixel of the image.
00101       vector <vector <double> > p_duration;     //!< Array of durations for each pixel of the image.
00102   };
00103 };
00104 #endif