Isis 3.0 Application Source Code Reference



Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /**                                                                       
00002  * @file                                                                  
00003  * $Revision$
00004  * $Date$
00005  * $Id$
00006  * 
00007  *   Unless noted otherwise, the portions of Isis written by the USGS are 
00008  *   public domain. See individual third-party library and package descriptions 
00009  *   for intellectual property information, user agreements, and related  
00010  *   information.                                                         
00011  *                                                                        
00012  *   Although Isis has been used by the USGS, no warranty, expressed or   
00013  *   implied, is made by the USGS as to the accuracy and functioning of such 
00014  *   software and related material nor shall the fact of distribution     
00015  *   constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the
00016  *   USGS in connection therewith.                                        
00017  *                                                                        
00018  *   For additional information, launch                                   
00019  *   $ISISROOT/doc//documents/Disclaimers/Disclaimers.html                
00020  *   in a browser or see the Privacy & Disclaimers page on the Isis website,
00021  *, and the USGS privacy and disclaimers on
00022  *                                    
00023  */ 
00024 #include <string>
00025 #include <vector>
00026 #include <numeric>
00027 #include <iostream>
00028 #include <sstream>
00029 #include <algorithm>
00030 #include <functional>
00032 #include "SpiceKernel.h"
00033 #include "CkKernelWriter.h"
00034 #include "Filename.h"
00035 #include "Pvl.h"
00036 #include "Cube.h"
00037 #include "iString.h"
00038 #include "TextFile.h"
00039 #include "Application.h"
00040 #include "NaifStatus.h"
00041 #include "iException.h"
00043 #include "naif/SpiceUsr.h"
00045 using namespace std;
00047 namespace Isis {
00049  SpiceKernel::SpiceKernel() {
00050    init();
00051  }
00053 void SpiceKernel::add(const std::string &cfile) {
00054  Cube cube;
00056  add(cube);
00057  return;
00058 }
00060 void SpiceKernel::add(Cube &cube) {
00061   _segments.push_back(SpiceSegment(cube));
00062   return;
00063 }
00064 const SpiceSegment &SpiceKernel::operator[](const int i) const {
00065  return (_segments[i]);
00066 }
00069 bool CheckSegment(const SpiceSegment *s1, const SpiceSegment *s2) {
00070   return (s1->startTime() < s2->startTime());
00071 }
00073 std::string SpiceKernel::getSummary(const std::string &commfile) const {
00074   vector<const SpiceSegment *> seglist;
00075   for ( int i = 0 ; i < size() ; i++) {
00076     seglist.push_back(&_segments[i]);
00077   }
00079   // Sorts the Segment pointers
00080   stable_sort(seglist.begin(), seglist.end(), CheckSegment);
00082   string comment = getCkComment(commfile);
00084   // Collect comments from each segment
00085   for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < seglist.size() ; i++ ) {
00086     comment += seglist[i]->getComment();
00087   }
00088   return (comment);
00089 }
00091  void SpiceKernel::write(const std::string &kname, const std::string &comfile,
00092                          const int cktype) const {
00093    vector<const SpiceSegment *> seglist;
00094    int comChars(0);
00095    for ( int i = 0 ; i < size() ; i++) {
00096      seglist.push_back(&_segments[i]);
00097      comChars += _segments[i].getComment().size();
00098    }
00100    stable_sort(seglist.begin(), seglist.end(), CheckSegment);
00102    string comment = getCkComment(comfile);
00103    comChars += comment.size();
00105    //  Create the output file.
00106    try {
00107      NaifStatus::CheckErrors();
00108      CkKernelWriter ckwriter(kname, comChars+512, cktype);
00109      ckwriter.addComment(comment);
00110      NaifStatus::CheckErrors();
00112    // Write sorted segments
00113      for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < seglist.size() ; i++ ) {
00114        try {
00115          ckwriter.write(*seglist[i]);
00116          comment = seglist[i]->getComment();
00117          ckwriter.addComment(comment);
00118          NaifStatus::CheckErrors();
00119        } catch ( iException &ie ) {
00120          ostringstream mess;
00121          mess << "Failed to write segment, ID = " << seglist[i]->Id();
00122          ie.Message(iException::Programmer, mess.str(), _FILEINFO_);
00123          throw;
00124        }
00125      } 
00126    }
00127    catch ( iException &ie ) {
00128      ostringstream mess;
00129      mess << "Could not create output CK kernel file: " << kname;
00130      ie.Message(iException::User, mess.str(), _FILEINFO_);
00131      throw;
00132    }
00133    return;
00134  }
00136  void SpiceKernel::init() {
00137    _segments.clear();
00138    return;
00139  }
00141  std::string SpiceKernel::getCkComment(const std::string &comFile) const {
00142    ostringstream comment;
00143    if ( !comFile.empty() ) {
00144      TextFile txt(comFile);
00145      string cline;
00146      while ( txt.GetLineNoFilter(cline )) {
00147        comment << cline << "\n";
00148      }
00149    }
00150    else {
00151      comment << "\
00152 ****************************************************************************\n\
00153   USGS ISIS (ckwriter) Generated CK Kernel\n\
00154   Created By:   " << Application::UserName() << "\n\
00155   Date Created: " << Application::DateTime() << "\n\
00156 ****************************************************************************\n\
00157 \n\
00158 Orientation Data in the File\n\
00159 -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\
00160 \n\
00161       This file contains orientation and potentially derived angular\n\
00162       rates (where possible/specified).\n\
00163 \n\
00164 \n\
00165 Status\n\
00166 -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\
00167 \n\
00168       This kernel was generated for the purpose of storing C-Smithed\n\
00169       pointing updates generated through ISIS processing techniques\n\
00170       (control nets, jitter analysis, etc...).  These CK kernels\n\
00171       are intended to mimick CKs provided by individual mission\n\
00172       (NAV teams).\n\
00173 \n\
00174 Pedigree\n\
00175 -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\
00176 \n\
00177       This file was generated by an automated process.  The ISIS\n\
00178       application ckwriter was used to read CK kernel data\n\
00179       contained within an ISIS cube file.  It then writes it as an\n\
00180       individual segment in the CK.  Hence, a list of files can be\n\
00181       written to a single CK kernel.  However, mixing the instruments\n\
00182       contained in a single CK kernel is discouraged.\n\
00183 \n\
00184       Individual segments coming from files will have a single record\n\
00185       written for the center of the exposure (time) for framing \n\
00186       instruments or a record/image line for line scan instruments.\n\
00187 \n\
00188       Creating type 3 CK kernels must contain at least 3 records for\n\
00189       framing instruments to avoid roundoff error for the center of the\n\
00190       exposure time of an image.  Framing instruments should pad time\n\
00191       using the spiceinit application options.\n\
00192 \n\
00193 \n\
00194 Angular Rates\n\
00195 -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\
00196 \n\
00197       This kernel may or may not contain angular velocity vectors. Efforts\n\
00198       are made to preserve and provide angular velocities where they\n\
00199       originally existed.\n\
00200 \n\
00201 \n\
00202 Usage Note\n\
00203 -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\
00204 \n\
00205       To make use of this file in a typical SPICE based application,\n\
00206       you must supply a leapseconds kernel, a mission spacecraft clock\n\
00207       kernel, and the instrument/spacecraft frame kernel.  These files\n\
00208       provide the supporting ancillary data to properly query this\n\
00209       C-kernel for attitude content.  They should be the same kernels that\n\
00210       were originally used to initialize the image.\n\
00211 \n\
00212       Segments in this file are actually individual ISIS files where the\n\
00213       internally cached SPICE data is extracted and transformed into the\n\
00214       appropriate content to satisfy NAIF\'s SPICE kernel storage\n\
00215       requirements.  The contents of this kernel are summarized below.\n\
00216 \n\
00217 Segment (by file) Summary\n\
00218 -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\
00219 \n\
00220       The follow sections describe each segment in this CK kernel.  Each\n\
00221       segment is a file in the input list.  When running ISIS spiceinit,\n\
00222       the kernels listed for each file should be supplied to ensure proper\n\
00223       geometry can be reproduced accurately.\n\
00224 \n";
00225    }
00227    return (string(comment.str()));
00228 }
00230 };  // namespace Isis