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Re: [oc] Multi-layer PCB boards, can it be done in your kitchen?

> in my never-ending quest to get a XC2S200-6FG456C mounted onto a development
> board for

That's a lot of pins.  You could be a little less ambitious to start.

> my I/O hungry projects I was wondering if anybody had experience of either:
> 1. making their own multi-layer PCB boards or

No.  I outgrew bathtub PCBs in high school, when it became clear that
plating a hole was a nontrivial operation.  I've let the pros do it 
ever since.
> 2. how much would it cost for say a run of 50 boards to be manufactured by a
> PCB fabricator would be?

The first thing you're going to have to do is clarify how many layers 
"multi" means.  Then add up the holes to be drilled (ie how many of each
size, and how many sizes), the total area of the board, whether there's 
anything else special needed (like gold edges, blind/buried vias, etc.),
and call your local circuit shop for a quote.

> If you design the boards layer by layer, glue them together, drill the holes
> and fix the
> mounting posts for the inter-layer connections can it be done at home? I'm
> not equipped
> to try this just yet but I foresee this as being the only way to get a
> 456-Spartan II
> onto my own boards at the moment. Are the virgin copper clad boards of

Help me out here.  What does mounting a BGA have to do with who fabs the PCB?


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