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Re: [openrisc] or1200_defines.v bug?

Hi Jeff,
I haven't seen you email before. Maybe just got lost in my mailbox. Anyway this was reported already by Taylor Su and I fixed it a day or two ago. If you do a cvs update on your local copy your or1200_du.v should get updated.
BTW if you will make changes to RAMs to fit into Altera, it would be great if you'd share your modifications. Also let us know if generic RAMs are automatically recognized by Quartus software anbd instantiated with Altera FPGA RAMs.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 4:02 PM
Subject: Re: [openrisc] or1200_defines.v bug?

Sorry to bring this up again, but since no one responded I need someone to tell me if I am right or wrong about this being an issue with the code.  If I am wrong, I need to try something else to get the OR1200 into an Altera design.  If I am correct, and this is a bug, then at least I know it is not something I have done.


On Tue, 2002-09-03 at 14:14, Jeff Hanoch wrote:
Hi all,

I am trying to implement the or1200 into an FPGA development board (proprietary to my company) which uses an Altera FPGA.  I am commenting out the line in the or1200_defines.v which defines the OR1200_DU_TB_IMPLEMENTED because it uses the Xilinx rams.  Because this is not defined, I am getting a compile error on line 389 of the or1200_du.v file.  Here's the transcript:

vlog -work work +libext+.V+.v +incdir+src/toe +incdir+src/mem_ctrl +incdir+src/or1200 +incdir+src/models +incdir+src/dbg_interface /proj/oc/or1k/or1200/rtl/verilog/or1200_du.v
Model Technology ModelSim SE vlog 5.6b Compiler 2002.06 Jun 28 2002
-- Compiling module or1200_du
ERROR: /proj/oc/or1k/or1200/rtl/verilog/or1200_du.v(389): Undefined variable: tb_wadr

It looks like this tb_wadr variable is defined on line 248 within an 'ifdef OR1200_DU_TB_IMPLEMENTED, yet it is used on line 389 without the same 'ifdef.  It is inside an 'ifdef OR1200_DU_READREGS which is defined.

Maybe I am not allowed to have OR1200_DU_READREGS defined without having OR1200_DU_TB_IMPLEMENTED, but I don't see why I couldn't.

Could someone take a look at this for me?  I am probably the only person using Altera instead of Xilinx so this may not have ever been tried before.
