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Re: [usb] Test Suites for USB Host

There is some "FuturePlus USB Preprocessor".
I have some text about it that says with it you can use existing
HewletPackard logic analyzer as a pasive USB analyzer.
    ...The FuturePlus protocol-sensitive logic and USB Transaction
Inverse Assembler, coupled with the advanced triggering and system
performance software of HP's logic analyzer, give the user a powerful
tool in debugging, testing, and verifying compliance of USB periferials
and USB-based systems....

There are some capabilities mentioned that you might want yours to have
    allow you to trigger any address and end point,
    any data patern
    any data CRC
    any USB error
    bad or invalid PIDs
    you can store all of it
    you can do analog analysis of these signals:
    - clk12
    - mdata
    - lbc_idle_state
    - pid_state
    - sof_or_adr_state
    - spf_or_ep_state
    - crc_state
    - pre_data_state
    - data_state
    - sof_tick
    - view data from multiple buses simultaniously
    - view source code, code execution and corresponding USB packet
transfers simultaniously.

Narayana Raja wrote:

> Hi,
> I am developing a testbench for USB HOST controller.
> Is there any standard test suites available for this ?
> Can I get any help in getting important & corner cases
> that my testbench should have ?
> Any help in this concern is appreciated.
> Thanks,
> N Raja
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