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RE: [usb] Bit Stuffing

They can be the same or input faster than output to sustain the output rate,
i.e. if output rate is 12Mbps then input cannot be slower or there will be
time when there is nothing to output.

To stuff bits you need to hold you input whenever there stuffing occurs.
This is achievable by buffering.

 -----Original Message-----
From: 	owner-usb@opencores.org [mailto:owner-usb@opencores.org]  On Behalf
Of Prashant
Sent:	09 March 2002 19:15
To:	usb@opencores.org
Subject:	[usb] Bit Stuffing

Hi All,

This is my first mail to this mailing list.
Currently I am working on a USB function controller and have
started designing the bit stuffer module of it.

I am facing a problem here that goes like this.....

For a bit stuffer I want to know wheather the input data rate to
the stuffer and the output data rate from the stuffer are same.

If they are same then how can I stuff a bit without loosing a
bit from the data line.

How can I design it.


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