************************************************************************ DDN Announcement 9502 DISA DDN Defense Communications System 9 February 95 Published by: DDN Network Info Center (NIC@NIC.DDN.MIL) (800) 365-3642 SUBJECT: Temporary Relocation of the MILNET, DSNET and SIPR Net Monitoring Center. REQUEST NODE SITE COORDINATORS AND HOST ADMINISTRATORS PROVIDE WIDEST DISSEMINATION OF THIS INFORMATION 1. Please be advised that the MILNET, DSNET and SIPR Net Monitoring Center will be relocated temporarily to its alternate location. The monitoring center will conduct operations at the alternate site from 1900Z 10 Feb 95 through 1100Z 13 Feb 95. If users require assistance during this time, they can contact the monitoring center at 1-800-451-7413 or 1-800-821-2283. 2. The Installation, Testing and Acceptance Office (IT&A) will not relocate with the monitoring center. Their telephone number will remain 1-800-336-4862. 3. This announcement will expire 30 Mar 95. Request widest dissemination of this information to the field. 4. POC is Maj Lent, DISA/WE3353, DSN 364-8063/COMM (703)487-8063; E-Mail lentj@cc.ims.disa.mil.