Bridge MIB (bridge) ------------------- Charter Chair(s): Fred Baker Network Management Area Director(s) Marshall Rose Mailing lists: General To Subscribe: Archive: Description of Working Group: The Bridge MIB Working Group is chartered to define a set of managed objects that instrument devices that conform to the IEEE 802.1 standard for MAC-layer bridges. This set of objects should be largely compliant with (and even draw from) IEEE 802.1(b), although there is no requirement that any specific object be present or absent. The MIB object definitions produced will be for use by SNMP and will be consistent with other SNMP objects, standards, and conventions. Goals and Milestones: Done Publish initial proposal. Done Submit an Internet-Draft. Done Submit draft for RFC publication. Done Publish a draft revision to RFC 1286 that reflects implementation experience and the result of alignments with IEEE work as an Internet-Draft. Done Publish a draft SNMP MIB that instruments functions specific to source routed bridges as an Internet-Draft. Done Submit a draft MIB for source routing bridge functions to the IESG for consideration as a Proposed Standard. Internet Drafts: No Current Internet drafts. Request For Comments: RFC Stat Published Title ------- -- ---------- ----------------------------------------- RFC1286 PS Dec 91 Definitions of Managed Objects for Bridges RFC1493 DS Jul 93 Definitions of Managed Objects for Bridges RFC1525 PS Sep 93 Definitions of Managed Objects for Source Routing Bridges