Welcome to my latest modified xterm. This new version of xterm is inspired by my original mxterm patch that I did a while ago. This version contains modifications that put the scroll bar to the right side, and also full (almost) implementation of the ANSI capability. Also see the end of XTerm.ad for my modifications of the color resources. If you use the Xaw3d widget from: ftp://public.x.org:/contrib/widgets/Xaw3d you can make this version of xterm look exactly like mxterm, that is, the look and feel of Motif. Note that you must use the configurations found in README.Xaw3d_cfg to emulate that cool Motif 3D look. The ANSI capability is based on various patches that I collected from many sources..... forgive me for not remembering where I got all those from :( But altogether, this turns out to be one of the best, most complete xterm ANSI implementation that I can find all over the net. The scroll-bar-on-the-right capability is defined with SCROLLBAR_RIGHT within the Imakefile, so if you just want the ANSI capability with the traditional scrollbar on the left, just uncomment it in Imakefile. This version is based on X11R6 distribution of the xterm, patched with the latest XFree86 3.1.1 patches for those PC version of X-windows (e.g. Linux, 386BSD). The development was done on a Linux machine, and I didn't have a chance to try it on any other platform. If you have any problems compiling it, I'll "try" to answer your questions by e-mail. Bruce Cheng May 1, 1995 e-mail: bc@phoenix.som.clarkson.edu or chengb@craft.camp.clarkson.edu