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Mirrored Projects

Below you will find a list of all mirrored sites. Items in grey are not synchronized at the moment, as there is either a temporary problem with the upstream or the original project is deprecated. Such items will remain as archives.

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Project Categories Directory Source Update every
Root Directory - /pub ancient.times -
3dldf program graphics /pub/gnu2/3dldf/ 12 h26 4-23/12 * * *
Academic Cloud Sync program repo /pub/gwdg/academiccloudsync/ GWDG push-
adobe program /pub/misc/acrobatreader ftp.adobe.com 12 h59 1-23/12 * * *
AlmaLinux os linux /pub/linux/almalinux rsync.repo.almalinux.org 3 h3 0-23/3 * * *
AlmaLinux Vault os linux /pub/linux/almalinux-vault rsync.vault.almalinux.org 12 h40 10-23/12 * * *
Analog - logfile analyzer program /pub/linux/analog rsync.chiark.greenend.org.uk 12 h31 11-23/12 * * *
Apache program /pub/linux/apache rsync.apache.org 12 h19 2-23/12 * * *
Arch Linux os linux /pub/linux/archlinux rsync.archlinux.org 3 h26 1-23/3 * * *
bankix os linux /pub/linux/bankix push-
Bioconductor packages /pub/misc/bioconductor/packages master.bioconductor.org 4 h43 1-23/4 * * *
cdrecord program /pub/misc/cdrecord #ftp.fokus.gmd.de 12 h-
CentOS Project (legacy Versions) linux /pub/linux/centos.discontinued mirror.nsc.liu.se 12 h13 4-23/12 * * *
CentOS Project linux /pub/linux/centos ftp.tu-chemnitz.de 12 h6 2-23/12 * * *
CentOS Stream linux /pub/linux/centos-stream mirror1.hs-esslingen.de 4 h52 1-23/4 * * *
Ceph ceph /pub/misc/ceph eu.ceph.com 4 h41 3-23/4 * * *
cert.dfn program /pub/cert.dfn ftp.cert.dfn.de 12 h22 5-23/12 * * *
conferences lbl.gov docs /pub/misc/conferencing/ftp.ee.lbl.gov ftp.ee.lbl.gov 12 h-
Comprehensive Perl Archive Network repo /pub/languages/perl/CPAN cpan-rsync.perl.org 12 h34 9-23/12 * * *
Comprehensive R Archive Network program repo /pub/misc/cran cran.r-project.org 4 h31 2-23/4 * * *
Comprehensive TeX Archive Network repo /pub/ctan rsync.dante.ctan.org 6 h41 2-23/6 * * *
ct.p program /pub/magazine/ct.p ftp.uni-paderborn.de 12 h-
redhat os linux /pub/misc/sources.redhat.com sourceware.org 12 h41 1-23/12 * * *
Debian CD os linux /pub/linux/debian/debian-cd ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de 12 h44 10-23/12 * * *
Debian Gibraltar repo /pub/linux/debian/gibraltar ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de 12 h-
InstantAFS program fs /pub/linux/debian/instantafs transfer.cbs.mpg.de 12 h21 10-23/12 * * *
Debian os linux /pub/linux/debian/debian ftp1.de.debian.org push-
Debian Security repo /pub/linux/debian/debian-security ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de 1 h53 0-23/1 * * *
Linux Deepin os linux /pub/linux/linuxdeepin/deepin rsync.deepin.com 12 h50 11-23/12 * * *
Linux Deepin Release ISOs os linux /pub/linux/linuxdeepin/releases rsync.deepin.com 12 h8 8-23/12 * * *
Linux Deepin os linux /pub/linux/linuxdeepin/server rsync.linuxdeepin.com 12 h-
Dell Linux repo repo /pub/linux/dell/repo linux.dell.com 12 h42 9-23/12 * * *
Dislin program /pub/misc/grafik/dislin push-
easyVDR os /pub/linux/easyvdr rsync.easy-vdr.de 12 h21 8-23/12 * * *
ELRepo os linux /pub/linux/elrepo/ ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de 6 h59 1-23/6 * * *
EMIS data /pub/EMIS ftp.emis.de 12 h32 7-23/12 * * *
F-Droid apps android /pub/android/fdroid ftp.fau.de 4 h39 1-23/4 * * *
Fedora os linux /pub/linux/fedora/fedora ftp-stud.hs-esslingen.de 6 h50 3-23/6 * * *
Fedora EPEL os linux /pub/linux/fedora/epel rsync.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de 6 h26 0-23/6 * * *
Fedora old rsync Module os linux /pub/linux/fedora/linux ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de 6 h-
Fedora Secondary Arches linux /pub/linux/fedora/fedora-secondary/ ftp-stud.hs-esslingen.de 6 h54 5-23/6 * * *
FreeBSD os bsd /pub/FreeBSD ftp1.de.freebsd.org 12 h39 8-23/12 * * *
Fuduntu os /pub/linux/fuduntu packages.fuduntu.org at 1,9 h-
Funet ax24 docs /pub/linux/misc/ax25 ftp.funet.fi 12 h22 2-23/12 * * *
Funet crypt docs /pub/misc/crypt ftp.funet.fi 12 h29 9-23/12 * * *
Funet ftpd docs /pub/misc/ftpd.funic ftp.funet.fi 12 h52 2-23/12 * * *
Funet docs /pub/linux/funet ftp.funet.fi 12 h8 0-23/12 * * *
Funet lang docs /pub/languages/funet.fi ftp.funet.fi 12 h34 5-23/12 * * *
Funet math docs /pub/math/funet ftp.funet.fi 12 h8 7-23/12 * * *
Funet miranda docs /pub/languages/miranda/funet.fi ftp.funet.fi 12 h31 3-23/12 * * *
Funet netlog docs /pub/linux/misc/netlog ftp.funet.fi 12 h42 11-23/12 * * *
Funet tiger docs /pub/linux/misc/tiger ftp.funet.fi 12 h31 2-23/12 * * *
Gamesknoppix os linux /pub/linux/misc/gamesknoppix ftp.uni-kl.de 12 h48 6-23/12 * * *
ganymede /pub/misc/ganymede ftp.arlut.utexas.edu 12 h-
GNU Compiler Collection compiler /pub/misc/gcc gcc.gnu.org 12 h39 11-23/12 * * *
Gentoo Linux os linux /pub/linux/gentoo ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de 1 h48 0-23/1 * * *
Gentoo Portage repo /pub/linux/gentoo/gentoo-portage ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de 12 h8 6-23/12 * * *
gimp.org programs graphics /pub/grafik/gimp-org master.gimp.org 6 h33 2-23/6 * * *
GNOME programs desktop /pub/linux/gnome ftp.gnome.org 12 h40 6-23/12 * * *
GNOME Slackware Build program /pub/linux/slackware/gsb rsync.slackware.org.uk 12 h-
GNU ftp doc /pub/gnu/ftp/gnu mirrors.ibiblio.org 12 h58 11-23/12 * * *
GnuPG program /pub/misc/gnupg/ftp ftp.gnupg.org 12 h36 7-23/12 * * *
GNU www doc /pub/gnu/www mirrors.ibiblio.org 12 h-
Grml Live Linux os linux /pub/linux/grml grml.gwendoline.at 12 h45 8-23/12 * * *
Project Gutenberg doc /pub/misc/gutenberg ftp.ibiblio.org 12 h-
heimdal /pub/misc/heimdal ftp.pdc.kth.se 12 h3 9-23/12 * * *
heise program /pub/magazine ftp.heise.de 12 h-
idsoftware program /pub/misc/ftp.idsoftware.com ftp.idsoftware.com 12 h-
infortrend program /pub/misc/infortrend/ftp.infortrend.com ftp.infortrend.com 12 h-
IPFire linux /pub/linux/ipfire rsync.ipfire.org 6 h4 4-23/6 * * *
iPup os linux /pub/linux/ipup download.tuxfamily.org 12 h41 2-23/12 * * *
kde-extra /pub/linux/kde/extrafiles/ rsync.kde.org 8 h5 1-23/8 * * *
KDE program desktop /pub/linux/kde rsync.kde.org 8 h50 7-23/8 * * *
Linux Kernel Archives program /pub/linux/kernel.org rsync.kernel.org 12 h29 6-23/12 * * *
Keysoft os linux /pub/linux/keysoft mirror.js-webcoding.de 12 h56 4-23/12 * * *
Knoppix os linux /pub/linux/knoppix ftp.uni-kl.de 12 h44 3-23/12 * * *
Knoppix DVD os linux /pub/linux/knoppix/dvd ftp.uni-kl.de 12 h10 0-23/12 * * *
geophys-kpap /pub/geophys/kp-ap ftp.gfz-potsdam.de 12 h24 3-23/12 * * *
lcc program /pub/languages/lcc ftp.cs.princeton.edu 12 h39 1-23/12 * * *
Linux Documentation Project doc /pub/misc/LDP ftp.ibiblio.org 12 h40 0-23/12 * * *
lede os linux /pub/linux/lede downloads.lede-project.org 24 h48 23-23/24 * * *
LibreOffice - tdf program /pub/tdf rsync.documentfoundation.org 6 h14 4-23/6 * * *
linux-magazin program /pub/linux/linux-magazin ftp.linux-magazin.de 12 h31 8-23/12 * * *
linux.org.uk data /pub/linux/misc/linux.org.uk ftp.linux.org.uk 12 h10 3-23/12 * * *
linvdr program /pub/linux/misc/linvdr ftp.linvdr.org 12 h-
Mageia os linux /pub/linux/mageia distrib-coffee.ipsl.jussieu.fr 4 h8 3-23/4 * * *
Manjaro os linux /pub/linux/manjaro repo.manjaro.org 1 h36 0-23/1 * * *
mbone program /pub/misc/conferencing/mbone ftp.isi.edu 12 h-
Mint os linux /pub/linux/debian/mint pub.linuxmint.com 12 h41 10-23/12 * * *
Mint Packages repo /pub/linux/debian/mint/packages rsync-packages.linuxmint.com 12 h9 6-23/12 * * *
Mondo Rescue program /pub/linux/misc/mondorescue www.mondorescue.org 12 h23 5-23/12 * * *
Mind-Brain-Body-LEMON data science /pub/misc/MPI-Leipzig_Mind-Brain-Body-LEMON push-
Mind-Brain-Body data science /pub/misc/MPI-Leipzig_Mind-Brain-Body push-
mutt program /pub/linux/misc/mutt/international ftp.gnupg.org 12 h17 1-23/12 * * *
MX Linux ISO os linux /pub/linux/mx/iso rsync-mxlinux.org 12 h1 4-23/12 * * *
MX Linux Packages os linux /pub/linux/mx/packages iso.mxrepo.com 12 h2 3-23/12 * * *
mysql program /pub/linux/mysql rsync.mysql.com 12 h48 8-23/12 * * *
ncsa-telnet program /pub/msdos/ncsa-telnet ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu 12 h54 3-23/12 * * *
netfilter (ftp) program /pub/linux/misc/netfilter/ftp rsync.netfilter.org 12 h-
netfilter (www) doc /pub/linux/misc/netfilter/www ftp.netfilter.org 12 h-
openafs program /pub/linux/misc/openafs openafs.org 12 h-
openandromaps data osm /pub/misc/openstreetmap/openandromaps at 5 h59 5 * * *
Openmoko os linux /pub/linux/openmoko downloads.openmoko.org 12 h35 10-23/12 * * *
openSUSE Education os linux /pub/opensuse/education doozer.poeml.de 12 h9 8-23/12 * * *
openSUSE os linux /pub/opensuse stage.opensuse.org 6 h44 0-23/6 * * *
openSUSE Repositories repo /pub/opensuse/repositories stage.opensuse.org push-
OpenVox program /pub/linux/openvox rsync.voxpupuli.org 12 h54 11-23/12 * * *
Oracle Linux os linux /pub/linux/oracle ftp.linux.org.uk 12 h26 10-23/12 * * *
OSM geofabrik.de data osm /pub/misc/openstreetmap/download.geofabrik.de rsync.geofabrik.de at 1,9 h58 1,9 * * *
OSM openmtbmap data osm /pub/misc/openstreetmap/openmtbmap 12 h13 6-23/12 * * *
OSM Planet data osm /pub/misc/openstreetmap/planet.openstreetmap.org planet.openstreetmap.org 12 h3 4-23/12 * * *
OSM OpenSeaMap data osm /pub/misc/openstreetmap/openseamap golf.franken.de 12 h10 8-23/12 * * *
OSM teddynetz.de data osm /pub/misc/openstreetmap/teddynetz.de everest.openstreetmap.de 24 h6 17-23/24 * * *
OSM Wanderkarte data osm /pub/misc/openstreetmap/wanderkarte blackjack.wanderreitkarte.de 12 h29 6-23/12 * * *
OTRS ticket system program /pub/linux/otrs ftp2.otrs.org 12 h-
PackMan program /pub/linux/packman links2linux.de 4 h58 2-23/4 * * *
PGP program /pub/misc/pgp ftp.pgpi.com 12 h-
postgresql program /pub/misc/pgsql rsync.postgresql.org 12 h27 10-23/12 * * *
picturebook program /pub/linux/misc/picturebook mirror.samba.org 12 h-
pisilinux os linux /pub/linux/pisilinux/2.0-stable ciftlik.pisilinux.org 12 h10 11-23/12 * * *
Apt Repo for puppet program /pub/linux/puppetlabs rsync.puppet.com 12 h26 9-23/12 * * *
Yum Repo for puppet program /pub/linux/puppetlabs rsync.puppet.com 12 h55 5-23/12 * * *
radreisekarte program /pub/misc/openstreetmap/radreisekarte/ aighes.de 12 h41 9-23/12 * * *
Raspbian os linux /pub/linux/debian/raspbian archive.raspbian.org 4 h50 3-23/4 * * *
Redhat Updates os linux /pub/linux/redhat/updates ftp-stud.fht-esslingen.de 12 h5 6-23/12 * * *
rfc-i docs /pub/rfc/internet-drafts ftp.isi.edu 12 h-
RFC doc /pub/rfc 12 h-
Rocky Linux os linux /pub/linux/rocky msync.rockylinux.org 4 h47 0-23/4 * * *
Rocky Linux SIG os linux /pub/linux/rocky-sig msync.rockylinux.org 4 h50 2-23/4 * * *
Rocky Linux Vault os linux /pub/linux/rocky-vault msync.rockylinux.org 12 h58 11-23/12 * * *
rpmfusion /pub/linux/rpmfusion/ ftp-stud.hs-esslingen.de 12 h43 4-23/12 * * *
rtfm program /pub/rtfm rtfm.mit.edu 12 h58 5-23/12 * * *
Samba program fs /pub/samba download.samba.org 12 h27 6-23/12 * * *
sapdb program /pub/misc/sapdb ftp.sap.com 12 h-
Schilytools programs desktop /pub/misc/schilytools fuz.su 12 h30 5-23/12 * * *
Scientific Linux os linux /pub/linux/scientificlinux/scientific rsync.scientificlinux.org 12 h6 8-23/12 * * *
sgml3 program /pub/sgml/lysator.liu.se ftp.lysator.liu.se 12 h4 11-23/12 * * *
Siduction os linux /pub/linux/siduction packages.siduction.org 4 h48 1-23/4 * * *
Slackware Linux os linux /pub/linux/slackware slackware.org.uk 4 h58 2-23/4 * * *
Solusos os linux /pub/linux/debian/solusos solusos.com 12 h-
Sphire science program /pub/misc/sphire push-
SUSE discontinued os linux /pub/linux/suse/discontinued ftp.suse.com 12 h7 11-23/12 * * *
SUSE os linux /pub/linux/suse/ftp.suse.com ftp.suse.com 6 h39 4-23/6 * * *
Suse Repo jengelh repo /pub/linux/misc/suser-jengelh jftp.inai.de 12 h48 10-23/12 * * *
Tails os linux /pub/linux/tails rsync.torproject.org 4 h38 1-23/4 * * *
tcl-berlin program /pub/x11/tcl/ftp.fu-berlin.de ftp.fu-berlin.de 12 h-
Deb Repo for theforeman program /pub/linux/theforeman/deb rsync.theforeman.org 12 h9 10-23/12 * * *
Ubuntu CD os linux /pub/linux/debian/ubuntu/iso de.rsync.releases.ubuntu.com 12 h54 9-23/12 * * *
Ubuntu os linux /pub/linux/debian/ubuntu de.rsync.archive.ubuntu.com 4 h28 3-23/4 * * *
yavdr program /pub/linux/yavdr yavdr.de 12 h19 9-23/12 * * *