PKCS #11 Version 2.1, Proposed Draft 2
Proposed Specification
Matthew Wood
Intel Security Technology Lab
2111 NE 25th Ave.
Hillsboro, OR 97124-5961 USA
September 16, 1999
Version 2.1, Draft 2
This draft represents the next revision of PKCS #11 standard. It includes the following enhancements over version 2.1 proposed draft 1:
- attribute certificate adjustements
- PIN state indicators
- modification of secondary authentication attributes
- new mechanism types
The following is a detailed list of each set of edits to the version 2.1 proposed draft 1 document included in the proposed draft.
- Addition of the CKA_ATTR_TYPES attribute to X.509 Attribute certificates
- PIN state indicator flags for the login and SO PINS in the CK_TOKEN_INFO structure
- The PIN state indication attributes for secondary authentication were replaced with the CKA_AUTH_FLAGS attribute that uses the same PIN indication flags as the login and SO PIN
- Addition of PKCS #1 RSA OAEP encryption and PKCS #5 PBKDF2 key generation mechanisms
Intellectual Property Issues
Contributor hereby submits this Contribution to RSA Laboratories for possible consideration in RSA Laboratories' Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) and agrees to the guidelines for PKCS contributions in effect at the time this Contribution is submitted.

Contributor also hereby grants RSA Laboratories license to make derivative works of this Contribution and to include all or portions of this Contribution or of such derivative works in PKCS documents and drafts. Contributor represents that it has authority to grant such license.
Intel Corporation makes no representations regarding intellectual property claims by other parties. Such determination is the reponsibility of the user.
All references are included in the proposed draft document itself.