This is MacHanzi, a freeware application for viewing and printing 
Chinese articles WITHOUT using a Mac Chinese Operating System. 
It is useful for those who subscribe to "Hua Xia Wen Zhai" 
(ccman-l\\ and "Chinese Articles from HKU" 

The features are:

*  Supports both GB format (simplified Chinese character used in 
    mainland China) and BIG5 format (traditional Chinese character
    used in Taiwan and Hong Kong) WITHOUT using a Mac Chinese OS.

*  The Chinese articles can be viewed and printed either horizontally 
    (from left to right, top to bottom - the modern way) or vertically 
    (from top to bottom,  right to left - the traditional way).

*  The minimum hardware requirement is a Mac Plus with 1 Mb RAM 
    (512e should work, but has not been tested).
*  It is multifinder friendly and can be used under System 7.0.

*  The application itself is small (about 10 K). Two font libraries 
    are obtained from anonymous ftp sides. (cclib.16 [GB font] is 
    from inside pub/chinese/ChTex-1.1.tar.Z and 
    chinese.16 [BIG5 font] is from at src/pc/HKU. 
    I think that these two libraries are in the public domain. 
    If not, please delete them and down load them yourself.


Xing Li    <>