E-mail contact

If you need to get in touch with the developers of a particular project hosted here, please check the project's page to find out the appropriate list or e-mail address to contact them.

If you are the developer of one of the projects hosted here and you want to get in touch with the maintainers of this server (Savannah) you can then contact the Savannah Hackers by submitting a [support request]'; ?> or sending mail to savannah-help-public@gnu.org. You can check the archives at http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/savannah-hackers/.

When you want to contact us about security or confidential issues, you can use the savannah-help-private@gnu.org list.

If you have found a bug in the Savane software (the software used to run this server), or you would like to request a new feature, you should use the Bugs system in Project Savane.