[= AutoGen5 Template  -*- Mode: Text -*-

#  AutoGen copyright 1992-2006 Bruce Korb


(define event-string "")  =][=

DEFINE state-table  =]

  /* STATE [= (get "st_ix") =]:  [=
              (. PFX)=]_ST_[= (string-upcase! (get "state")) =] */
  { [=
  (shellf "state=%s" (string-upcase! (get "state"))) =][=

  FOR event "\n    "  =][=
    (set! fmt (shellf "eval echo \\\"\\$FSM_TRANS_${state}_%s%s\\\""
              (string-upcase! (get "event"))
              (if (last-for?) "" ",")  ))
    (set! event-string (if (exist? (get "event"))
                           (get (get "event"))
                           (get "event")  ))
    (sprintf "%-47s /* EVT:  %s */" fmt event-string ) =][=


ENDDEF       =][=

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # =][=

DEFINE  enumerate-transitions   =]
 *  Enumeration of the valid transition types
 *  Some transition types may be common to several transitions.
typedef enum {
[=(string-upcase! (shellf
 "sed '$s/,$//;s/^/    %s_TR_/' .fsm.xlist" PFX))=]
} te_[=(. pfx)=]_trans;
#define [=(. PFX)=]_TRANSITION_CT  [=
   `tct="\`wc -l < .fsm.xlist\`"
   echo $tct`=]

 *  the state transition handling map
 *  This table maps the state enumeration + the event enumeration to
 *  the new state and the transition enumeration code (in that order).
 *  It is indexed by first the current state and then the event code.
typedef struct [=(. pfx)=]_transition [= (. t-trans) =];
struct [=(. pfx)=]_transition {
    te_[=(. pfx)=]_state  next_state;
    te_[=(. pfx)=]_trans  transition;

  IF (exist? "use_ifdef")

#ifndef DEFINE_FSM
extern const [= (. t-trans) =] [=(. pfx)=]_trans_table[ [=(. PFX)
=]_STATE_CT ][ [=(. PFX)=]_EVENT_CT ];

extern int
[=(. pfx)=]_invalid_transition( te_[=(. pfx)=]_state st, te_[=
  (. pfx)=]_event evt );


=]static [=

=]const [= (. t-trans) =]
[=(. pfx)=]_trans_table[ [=(. PFX)
=]_STATE_CT ][ [=(. PFX)=]_EVENT_CT ] = {[=
    state = init
    st_ix = "0"  =][=

  FOR state      =],
[=  state-table  st_ix = (+ 1 (for-index)) =][=
  ENDFOR         =]

  IF (exist? "use_ifdef") =][=
  emit-invalid-msg =]
#endif /* DEFINE_FSM */[=
  ENDIF      =][=

ENDDEF       =][=

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # =][=

DEFINE callback-transitions

 *  This is the prototype for the callback routines.  They are to
 *  return the next state.  Normally, that should be the value of
 *  the "maybe_next" argument.
typedef te_[=(. pfx)=]_state ([=(. pfx)=]_callback_t)([=
    emit-cookie-args =]
    te_[=(. pfx)=]_state initial,
    te_[=(. pfx)=]_state maybe_next,
    te_[=(. pfx)=]_event trans_evt );

static [=(. pfx)=]_callback_t
[=(shellf "sed '$s/,$/;/;s/^/    %s_do_/' .fsm.xlist" pfx)=]

 *  This declares all the state transition handling routines
typedef struct transition [= (. t-trans) =];
struct transition {[=
    (set! fmt (sprintf "\n    %%-%ds %%s;"
                (+ (string-length pfx) 14) ))
    (sprintf (string-append fmt fmt)
             (string-append "te_" pfx "_state") "next_state"
             (string-append pfx "_callback_t*") "trans_proc") =]

 *  This table maps the state enumeration + the event enumeration to
 *  the new state and the transition enumeration code (in that order).
 *  It is indexed by first the current state and then the event code.
static const [= (. t-trans) =]
[=(. pfx)=]_trans_table[ [=(. PFX)
=]_STATE_CT ][ [=(. PFX)=]_EVENT_CT ] = {[=

    state = init st_ix = "0" =][=

  FOR state      =],[=
    state-table  st_ix = (+ 1 (for-index)) =][=
  ENDFOR         =]

ENDDEF       =][=

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # =][=

DEFINE machine-step  =][=

  (if (=* (get "method") "case")
      (begin (define trans-name "trans")
             (define trans-field "transition")
             (define trans-valu (string-append PFX "_TR_INVALID"))  )
      (begin (define trans-name "pT   ")
             (define trans-field "trans_proc")
             (define trans-valu (string-append pfx "_do_invalid"))  ))
    if (trans_evt >= [=(. PFX)=]_EV_INVALID) {
        nxtSt = [=(. PFX)=]_ST_INVALID;
        [=(. trans-name)=] = [=(. trans-valu)=];
    } else {
        const [= (. t-trans) =]* pTT =
            [=(. pfx)=]_trans_table[ [=(. pfx)=]_state ] + trans_evt;
#ifdef DEBUG
        firstNext = /* next line */
        nxtSt = pTT->next_state;
        [=(. trans-name)=] = pTT->[=(. trans-field)=];

#ifdef DEBUG
    printf( "in state %s(%d) step %s(%d) to %s(%d)\n",
            [=(. PFX)=]_STATE_NAME( [=(. pfx)=]_state ), [=(. pfx)=]_state,
            [=(. PFX)=]_EVT_NAME( trans_evt ), trans_evt,
            [=(. PFX)=]_STATE_NAME( nxtSt ), nxtSt );

  IF (=* (get "method") "case")  =][=
    run-switch    =][=
  ELSE            =][=
    run-callback  =][=

#ifdef DEBUG
    if (nxtSt != firstNext)
        printf( "transition code changed destination state to %s(%d)\n",
                [=(. PFX)=]_STATE_NAME( nxtSt ), nxtSt );

  IF (not (=* (get "type") "reent")) =]
    [=(. pfx)=]_state = nxtSt;[=
  ENDIF  =]
ENDDEF  machine-step     =][=

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # =][=

DEFINE fsm-proc-variables

#ifdef DEBUG
    te_[=(. pfx)=]_state firstNext;
    te_[=(. pfx)=]_state nxtSt;[=
    IF (=* (get "method") "call")  =]
    [=(. pfx)=]_callback_t* pT;[=
    ELSE  =]
    te_[=(. pfx)=]_trans trans;[=
    ENDIF =][=

ENDDEF       =][=

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # =][=

DEFINE make-loop-proc  =]
 *  Run the FSM.  Will return [=(. PFX)=]_ST_DONE or [=(. PFX)=]_ST_INVALID
[=mode=]te_[=(. pfx)=]_state
[=(. pfx)=]_run_fsm([=
  IF (exist? "cookie") =][=
    FOR cookie "," =]
  ELSE=] void[=ENDIF=] )[=
ENDDEF make-loop-proc  =][=

DEFINE looping-machine

  =][= make-loop-proc mode = "" =]
    te_[=(. pfx)=]_state [=(. pfx)=]_state = [=(. PFX)=]_ST_INIT;
    te_[=(. pfx)=]_event trans_evt;[=
    fsm-proc-variables  =]

    while ([=(. pfx)=]_state < [=(. PFX)=]_ST_INVALID) {

[=(extract fsm-source "        /* %s == FIND TRANSITION == %s */" ""
           "        trans_evt = GET_NEXT_TRANS();" )=]
[=  (out-push-new ".fsm.cktbl")=][=
    machine-step =][=
    (shell "sed 's/^ /     /;s/                /            /' .fsm.cktbl") =]
    return [=(. pfx)=]_state;

ENDDEF       =][=

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # =][=

DEFINE make-step-proc  =]
 *  Step the FSM.  Returns the resulting state.  If the current state is
 *  [=(. PFX)=]_ST_DONE or [=(. PFX)=]_ST_INVALID, it resets to
 *  [=(. PFX)=]_ST_INIT and returns [=(. PFX)=]_ST_INIT.
[=mode=]te_[=(. pfx)=]_state
[=(. pfx)=]_step([=
  IF (=* (get "type") "reent") =]
    te_[= (. pfx) =]_state [= (. pfx) =]_state,[=
  ENDIF  =]
    te_[= (. pfx) =]_event trans_evt[=
  FOR cookie =],
  ENDFOR=] )[=

ENDDEF make-step-proc  =][=

DEFINE stepping-machine

  =][= make-step-proc mode = "" =]
    fsm-proc-variables  =]

    if ((unsigned)[=(. pfx)=]_state >= [=(. PFX)=]_ST_INVALID) {[=
  IF (=* (get "type") "step") =]
        [=(. pfx)=]_state = [=(. PFX)=]_ST_INIT;[=
  ENDIF  =]
        return [=(. PFX)=]_ST_INIT;
[=  machine-step =]

[=(extract fsm-source "    /* %s == FINISH STEP == %s */")=]

    return nxtSt;

ENDDEF       =]